I No Do Again (Story)

Started by StoryTeller, Saturday, 06 May 2023, 04:44 PM

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Episode 1

Jeff walked into his friend's office only to meet him fuming.

Jeff: What's up dude! Why are you like this? You don't look good man

Ken: how will I look good? Do you know what that girl did to me? And to think I just wanted to obey God and marry her

Jeff: Calm down, guy

Ken: Calm down, you say?

Jeff: yes because I need to know the person making you this angry and what the person has done.

Ken: is it not Ngozi

Jeff: oh my! The lady that has stolen the heart of my friend

Ken: I am serious here, Jeff.

Jeff: ohh! So, what did she do this time around?

Ken: she poured water on me just because I asked her to reconsider my proposal

Jeff: what? You mean she poured water on you?

Ken: I am so angry with God, I don't know why He will keep telling me to marry her. I am the heir to family chains of companies, I am handsome and very intelligent and all I need is a beautiful and smart woman yet, God is telling me to marry a woman who sells bean balls at the junction. The most annoying thing is that she is saying she can't marry me, who the hell do she think she is?

Jeff: it's okay dude. I think you should go back to God. You have been talking to this girl for the past six months and she is still saying no. I feel something is wrong which you need God to reveal to you.

Ken: I am not interested in knowing anything, I am done with talking to her

Jeff: calm down guy, you should know how women can be. You just need to patient.

Ngozi was in her one room which she shared with her best friend. Chika, her friend was speaking angrily to her.

Chika: what kind of person are you? A rich handsome man came to ask for your hand in marriage and all you can do is to pour him water.

Ngozi: na by force? I say I no do? Make he go marry another girl na

Chika: shut up joor, I am here without a boyfriend or husband at the age of thirty. You see someone begging you to marry him, you are misbehaving. Instead of you to be thanking God for giving you a wealthy man, you are pushing him away.

Ngozi: thank you, you fit go marry him

Chika: you are sick, it's better you go and apologize to him so that you don't remain unmarried

Ngozi: na that singleness I want, I no wan marry anybody

Chika: but why didn't you want to marry? Why are you always pushing men away?

Ngozi: I just no wan marry. My business don do me.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 2

Ken became depressed after speaking to his mother. She called to remind him that he would be turning thirty-five in three months and all his younger siblings were all married with kids. Mrs. Kings has a way of making people feel less of themselves with her words and even her children weren't usually spared. Ken is her first son and she saw no reason for him to remain unmarried at thirty-four. He is a successful young man who has everything to make marriage sweet but he was yet to bring a wife home and to think a lot of girls were throwing themselves at him.

A year ago, Mrs. Kings decided to help her son get a wife when it seems like he had no woman in his life. She had gone ahead to ask her friend's daughter to become Ken's wife which Cecilia had agreed to without hesitation but all Ken could do was usher the girl out of his house and warned her never to come close to him again. That act of his soiled Mrs. Ejikeme's friendship with Cecilia's mother.

Ken knelt beside his bed looking very depressed, he was still yet to know what his crime was which made getting a life partner so difficult for him. He has a lot of girls throwing themselves at him but he was scared of missing it because of the ministry God has given him. Yes, he was the current CEO of his late father's chains of company but he was so certain that God was calling him into full-time ministry, and in the long run, he would be handing it over to his immediate younger brother.

Ken: Lord, what is my offense? What have I done wrong that I can't get a woman to marry me?

Holy Spirit: you have been given you a wife, son

Ken: I don't have a wife yet, I am still a bachelor

Holy Spirit: what about Ngozi?

Ken: she has refused to marry me, when I tried helping her improve her business, she poured me water claiming that I wanted to buy her off with my money

Holy Spirit: I know that, son. She is the right woman for you, she is the perfect one for the ministry you are being called into. Other ladies may seem to love you now because of your financial status but I tell you, none of them will want to help you work for God. Men only see the present but God sees the future that is why He allows some things.

Ken: hmmm but what should I do? As funny as this may sound but the truth is that I am now in love with her

Holy Spirit: pray for her, there are things she is struggling with and only her husband can help her overcome them. Ignore her physical appearance, she is a daughter of Zion, the one your ministry needs. A time will come that both family and friends will turn their back on you but she will stick to you through thick and thin

Ken: This is heavy, Lord. Are you trying to say I will go through turbulent times?

Holy Spirit: you will surely go through some things for the Kingdom's sake but God's grace is sufficient for you.

Ken: help me, Lord. Grant me the necessary strength.

Holy Spirit: It is done. Pray for her, command every stronghold manipulating her to let her go.

Ken: hmm, I will. Thank You, Holy Spirit.

Ken decided to engage in three days of fasting and praying for Ngozi, he prayed like never before and on the fourth day, he decided to visit her. On getting to her kiosk where she fry and sell beanballs, he walked to her and pleaded with her to hear him out. She gave him a seat and he began to tell her how God still insists that she is his wife. Ngozi simply smiled and excused herself from him only to return with a bowl of hot groundnut oil which she poured on him.

Ken's scream was what attracted the passersby, he was so lucky that the groundnut oil didn't pour on his head save his right hand. People rushed to give him first aid treatment before someone offered to drive him to the hospital. In this, Ngozi acted like she did nothing to him.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 3

Ken spent two days in the hospital treating the wounds he sustained from the hot oil. He had no intention of staying in the hospital but his doctor refused to let him go without proper treatment. Sydney, Ken's younger sister got wind of the incident and came over to the hospital to take care of her brother. She made Ken tell her all that transpired and promised never to let their mother get to know.

Ken recovered after spending a week at home and resumed work. All through his stay in the hospital, the Holy Spirit never stopped comforting him, He assured Ken that he would laugh last. At that, Ken decided to hand over everything concerning his marriage to God. He was ready to wait till God was done working on Ngozi.

He was working on some files in the office when a call from a strange number came to his phone. At first, he didn't pick but when the call came in again, he picked up without hesitation.

Caller: Good afternoon sir, please, is this Brother Ken?

Ken: (chuckle) I don't know any brother Ken oooo but this is Ken

Caller: (laugh) ohh, this is Chika, Ngozi's friend, and roommate

Ken: ohh, Good afternoon, Chika, how are you doing?

Chika: I am fine but there is a problem

Ken: what problem?

Chika: Ngozi is currently in the hospital

Ken: hospital? What happened to her?

Chika: we were both in her shed selling when a lady came with two of her friends, she claimed to be your younger sister. She and her friends beat Ngozi up. When we thought they were done beating her, your sister carried the pot of hot groundnut oil on the fire and poured it on Ngozi

Ken: Jesus! Do you mean my very sister?

Chika: yes, she called herself the mighty Sydney

Ken: what?? Please, I am very sorry for this. Send me the address of the hospital Ngozi was admitted. I will take care of Sydney

Chika: Thank you, sir.

After receiving the address, Ken drove to the hospital Ngozi was admitted and was so sorry for the state she was in. Yes, what Ngozi did to him was inhuman but he had no intention to retaliate or cause her serious pain.

Seeing the condition she was in, Ken cleared the hospital bills and had her relocated to his family hospital, and asked that she be kept in the intensive care unit. When Ngozi became conscious, she noticed that she was in a different hospital, and beside her hospital bed was Ken. She felt ashamed of her action immediately. Ken noticed her discomfort in his presence and calmed her.

Ken: it's alright, I hold nothing against you. I am sorry for what my younger sister did to you.

Ngozi: I dey sorry for wetin I do that day, Biko, forgive me

Ken: it's okay, that's bygone but you know you didn't have to go that length

Ngozi: forgive me

Ken: I have forgiven you but tell me why you did that. See me as a friend, what is making you angry with men

Ngozi: I...i...i

Ken: (gave her a cup of water to calm her down) calm down dear

Ngozi: na my Uncle kill my parent and.......

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 4

Ngozi's tale

Mr. and Mrs. Godwin came back from the States with their only daughter to attend the burial of Mr. Godwin's father. Mr. Godwin was the richest in the family which made him the envy of everyone, he had lots of companies both in Nigeria and overseas but he has one problem which was childlessness.

Ten years after he has been married, his wife conceived and delivered a baby girl which they named Ngozi. Their lives were filled with so much joy at the arrival of their first child. Due to the joy in him, he decided his daughter was going to live her life outside the country. Immediately after she clocked four years, she was flown to the US with her mother to begin her education while Mr. Godwin was occasionally going to visit them there.

The day Ngozi clocked ten was the Mr. Godwin father's passed away. Mr. Godwin and every member of his family had to fly to Nigeria to prepare for his father's burial. Everything went well till after the burial. The family of three spent a month in the village after the burial of Pa Godwin after which they left for Lagos. On their way, the car lost control and the couple died on the spot making Ngozi the only survivor of the accident but she spent a month in a coma.

When Ngozi became conscious, she received the shock that her parent had passed away, she wailed uncontrollably for days at the discovery. After her parent was buried, a family meeting was conducted and her Father's immediate elder brother was made to take over the chains she companies her father left behind, she was then made to live with her Father's immediate elder brother and his family.

Living with them was hell for Ngozi as she has labeled a witch with the claim that she killed her parent and grandfather. She was deprived of all the rights of a child and to make matters worst, she became a victim of molestation.

Mrs. Adugo, her Uncle's wife began to travel to Dubai to buy clothes to sell in Nigeria. There were periods spent a week or more in Dubai, it was during one of these periods that Uncle Ben took advantage of Ngozi. She was sleeping in her room one evening after having a hectic with all the house chores. Ngozi was fast asleep but suddenly began to feel a hand on her thighs, at first, she taught it was a a mosquito which she tried to kill. All of a sudden, she felt a painful penetration between her thighs which made her scream out in pain. As she opened her eyes, she saw her Uncle lying on her. It was so unbelievable, she thought everything was happening in her dream but the reality of things dawned on her when her cousin's brothers ran into her room.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 5

Ngozi's tale

A week after her Uncle molested her, his twin boys who witnessed what their father did, decided to make Ngozi their tool of sexual experimentation. They began to sleep with her instead of going to the clubhouse to pay ladies for sex. It was a tough period for Ngozi, she was going through sexual abuse yet there was nobody to deliver her from the hands of her wicked Uncle and his two sons.

Two months later, Ngozi became pregnant but she couldn't pinpoint who was responsible for the pregnancy since three men were constantly molesting her. Her Uncle not wanting his secret to be exposed to both his wife and family members took Ngozi for an abortion which made her bleed for days.

While still trying to heal from the pain of the abortion, both father and sons resume their duty, this time around they sleep with her every day not minding the fact that they were inflicting pain on her. The day she refused to allow them to touch her, she was beaten to a pulp and was still raped after the beating. Ngozi got pregnant again and her Uncle didn't hesitate to take her for another abortion. Barely a week after the abortion, her Uncle came into her room, as usual, to have his way with him but this time around, she was ready to free herself from the cage of sexual molestation.

Upon her arrival from the hospital after the second abortion, Ngozi bought a new knife from the market to stab anyone who comes to her room to sleep with her. That night, she looked her Uncle in the face and boldly told him that her body wasn't for him. Uncle Adugo slapped her and commanded her to lie down on the bed instead, she brought out a knife and stabbed him in the belly and then, ran out of the house to God knows where.


Ken: Holy Christ! You mean you went all through this?

Ngozi: (wipe the tears on her face) yes

Ken: but how will a man rape his blood?

Ngozi: I am not through with my story

Ken: wow! You mean you can speak good English

Ngozi: (chuckle) yes, I just speak pidgin to disguise

Ken: why disguising?

Ngozi: I want to look like a boss lady I guess, one men won't be able to cheat.

Ken: hmmm, continue, please.

Ngozi's tale.

That night, Ngozi followed a bus to Lagos state, and luckily for her, she met Chika immediately after she got to Lagos. Chika was selling drinks at the bus stop and Ngozi suddenly found herself pleading with Chika to accommodate her that she was an orphan.

Chika took her in and invited Ngozi to her church where she had an encounter and indeed Jesus healed her bleeding heart. After seeing that she was a well-behaved young girl, Chika established her in her Akara business and God has been helping her to sell well.

By the time she clocked twenty-one, Ngozi was already a beautiful lady with a perfect figure that every guy and even brothers in the Church were doing everything possible to have but she refused to yield to anyone.

Brother Sola, the prayer coordinator told her the Lord said she was his wife and then asked her to pray about it. Ngozi did and got the conviction that she was the wife of Brother Sola, while courting, she told Brother Sola about her past only for him to break the relationship and went ahead to tell people that he can't spend his forever with a harlot.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 6

Ken: wow! All I can say is wow! I still can't imagine that someone went through this as in, imagining it is somehow but I must confess that you are a very strong lady.

Ngozi: I no be strong lady oooo

Ken: no pidgin please, it doesn't fit you

Ngozi: (burst into laughter) says who?

Ken: me

Ngozi: hmmm! You know, had it been Brother Sola just who broke up with me, it would have been better. He broke up with me on Tuesday and Sunday, while leading the intercessory prayers, he told the congregation to pray for me that God should bring me back from the path of immorality

Ken: what??? That's outrageous

Ngozi: the shame was too much, I had to leave the church when I couldn't stand their wagging tongues and accusing looks.

Ken: hmm, this is terrible and what did the pastor do about it?

Ngozi: He simply believed his prayer coordinator

Ken: where is the love of God we profess to have?

Ngozi: that's bygone, I am just telling you this to make you understand why I don't want to have anything to do with men. I am not interested in marriage, I will go back to school, get a degree and become an advocate for rape victims. I am fine with that

Ken: (tucked a loose strand of her hair) Ngozi, I want you to know I am different from Brother Sola, God specifically told me there is something I need to know about you which I am to help you overcome. If it is what you just told me, it wasn't your fault and I am ready to accept you just the way you are and mould you into a better woman.

Ngozi: I can see you are a good man but I am not interested, we can be good friends

Ken: Ngozi, I love you

Ngozi: (tears dropped from her eyes immediately) no, please. God will give you a better woman and not a used woman like me

Ken: no lady can be better than the one God chose for me and you are not a used woman, you are a virgin

Ngozi: come on, stop trying to sweet talk me

Ken: I mean this. Let's be honest here, you haven't healed from the event of the past, let me help you to overcome this

Ngozi: I...i...i

Ken: sssh! Take your time and think about it and, I think you need to rest now, I will be back in the evening, be fine okay?

Ngozi: thank you

Ken: take care of yourself for daddy, okay?

Ngozi: (chuckle)

Ken drove straight to his mom's place, he wanted to see his sister and talk sense into her. Getting there, he met Sydney plaiting his mother's hair, he greeted his mom and slapped Sydney.

Mrs. Kings: what was that for, Ken? Have you suddenly lost your mind?

Ken: I am sorry mom but why on earth will she go and pour hot groundnut oil on a lady?

Mrs. Kings: what?? Sydney???

Sydney: Mom, I was only defending my big brother. Why will the lady pour hot groundnut oil on my brother just because he asked her to marry him?

Mrs. Kings: what is happening here?

Ken: never mind mom, tell your daughter to stay away from that lady if she doesn't want trouble

Sydney: tell the lady not to hurt my brother or she will see the other side of me

Ken: you are still talking abi? Forget the three hundred thousand I promised you

Sydney: no na, fine, I am sorry. I did that out of the love I have for you

Mrs. Kings: Ken, I need some explanation, who is this lady in question? Who is her parent? Hope she came from a rich family because none of my children will marry from a family that isn't well known.

Ken: I will tell you all you need to know later, mom

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 7

Chika was so surprised to see the kind of hospital her friend was admitted and to think Ken was the one behind it despite all that Ngozi did to him.

Chika: Babe, you get luck oooo, this guy na nice person ooo

Ngozi: na good man im be, Chika, I dey think something oooo

Chika: wetin be that?

Ngozi: I no get mind to love man again and I no wan put Ken for problem. I no wan make him dey love me and I no go fit love him

Chika: Madam, you go love this one. You see good man, you say you no go fit love am. No worry, we go do fasting and prayer, the love go come

Ngozi: no be that joor, I wan make you marry am, im go take care of you

Chika: you no well, na you the guy like na

Ngozi: me no fit love am, I go talk to am make he marry my friend

Chika: you no well. I go do prayer and fasting for you, you go even marry am

Ngozi: you no fit understand jare

Chika: Ngozi, you need to forget the past, you need to be happy, you need to embrace the provision of a good man that God has given to you

Ngozi: but I can't love him, my heart has been programmed not to fall in love

Chika: but God didn't do that, if you are willing to accept Ken, God will work on your heart

Ngozi: I don't want to get married

Chika: you need to get married to fulfill God's mandate

Ngozi: I can do that alone.

Chika: you need to forgive yourself and find healing before you can try to help others heal. And a sign that you have found healing is accepting Ken

Ngozi: leave me alone Chika

Ken: she is right, Ngozi. A sign that you have found healing is getting married.

Ken and Chika did everything possible to speak sense into Ngozi, it was obvious God has given her a ministry but she needed to find healing to do the work of God. Ken advised her to cry to God to heal her heart and help her to be able to love. Ngozi began the prayers after she was discharged and she began to notice some changes in her, she was no longer hostile to the men around her but one thing she was still struggling to do was to give her heart to Ken.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 8

Ngozi was smiling sheepishly while staring at Ken's picture on her phone, it was obvious she had fallen in love with Ken.

After being discharged from the hospital, Ngozi and Ken became friends and even prayer partners, Chika also joined them in prayers sometimes but other times, she stayed back just to give the two lovers space. As time went on, Ken and Ngozi became so close that they exchanged secrets. Ken on his part began to tell God to put his love in Ngozi's heart and in no time, she fell madly in love with him.

Ken helped Ngozi expand her business and advised Chika to join her in the business since it was now a big one. Ngozi got more serious with her business and tried to pay the money used to set up her business but he refused to collect it.

A few days later, he proposed to Ngozi, and surprisingly, she accepted to be his wife. The joy in Ken that day couldn't be explained, he was so happy that he screamed for joy. For the first time in thirty-five years of his life, a woman accepted to marry him. There had been other ladies but they were after his money, some went into relationships with him but went away with huge amounts of money.

Ken introduced Ngozi to his Pastor and after much screening, they were told to get their parent's consent and then began a proper courtship. Without a waste of time, Ken Informed his mother that he had found a wife and would be introducing her to the family.

Mrs. Kings was the happiest person on the earth the moment she heard her son had found whom to marry, she told Ken not to waste time as she couldn't wait to see her first son walk down the aisle.

Ken took Ngozi to see his mother and sister one weekend and on getting there, Sydney was shocked to see Ngozi as the girl his brother wanted to marry. Immediately after Ngozi stepped into the house, Mrs. Kings fell in love with everything about her, to her admiration, Ngozi helped her to make lunch, something her daughter will never do.

Sydney got jealous of the relationship her mother was already having with Ngozi then, she decided that Ngozi was a threat to her position in the home.

Sydney: Mom, this girl is a big pretender. My brother can't marry her, she can't make a good wife

Mrs. Kings: come off it angel, this lady here is the perfect one for your brother, can't you see she is a sweet soul?

Sydney: a sweet soul that had two abortions, a sweet soul that stabbed her Uncle, a sweet soul that poured hot groundnut oil on your son. I wonder what next she would pour on your son

Mrs. Kings: what?? Tell me this isn't true. Ngozi, tell me my daughter is telling lies

Ngozi: I need to leave here. Thanks for the hospitality

Ken: No, you can't leave dear, this is your home. Mom, you don't need to believe the rubbish Sydney is spewing, I don't know who told her all this, she is just trying to paint Ngozi as a devil

Sydney: paint? Why would I tell lies? Mom, I said nothing but the truth. Let her defend herself now

Not wanting to disgrace herself by breaking down, Ngozi picked up her bag and ran out of the house, Ken ran after her but she warned Ken never to come looking for her again.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 9

Chika got home looking exhausted, meeting the door unlocked meant Ngozi was at home. Instead of checking on her friend, she ran into the kitchen to see whether Ngozi made some food but she was greeted by a huge disappointment. She then went into the room ready to lash Ngozi for not preparing dinner but the sight she met made her tongue-tied.

Three months ago, Ken help them secure an apartment because he couldn't bear the thought of his woman living in the slum. Getting into the room she share with Ngozi, she met Ngozi weeping bitterly.
Chika: wetin happen? Pesin beat you?

Ngozi: tell that fool never to step here again because the next time he tries it, one of us would be dead.
Chika: bia, shut up. I have warned you to work on your anger. First, we have no fool around us and no one is going to die. I asked you a question and all I need is an answer
Ngozi: (wiped her tears) I was humiliated in Ken's house. He told his sister about my past and she didn't hesitate to use it against me before her mother who fell in love with me immediately she set her eyes on me.
Chika: this is sad but why will Ken tell his sister that? I am disappointed in him
Ngozi: I wasn't interested in falling in love, you all encouraged me to give it a chance and look at the outcome. Any day I see him here will be the last day you will ever see me again.
Chika: calm down, let's hear from the horse's mouth. What if he didn't tell her?
Ngozi: you are free to marry him.

Chika shook her head disappointedly and went outside to place a call across to Ken to know what happened.
Ken: I am being frank here, I don't know how my sister got to know. I don't share my private life with anyone. Please, help me convince her to believe me, I am lost here too.

Chika: I don't understand, how did your sister now find out?
Ken: I don't know either but I will find out how
Chika: this is serious. Did you discuss her matter with anyone?
Ken: No one. It was only the time we talked about it in the hospital
Chika: hmm, is that your family hospital? Do you have anyone related to you there?
Ken: Oh my God! The current doctor is my sister's fiance but how on earth could he have known all we discussed?
Chika: well, that's for you to find out.

Ken: please, help me talk to your friend. I can't harm her.
Chika: well, she isn't ready to listen to anyone. Just tell God to touch her heart because the way she is going, I doubt if she would give love another chance
Ken: haaa!!!

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 10

Ken went to his mother and pleaded with her to accept Ngozi, he made her realize she wasn't a whore but a victim of circumstances but Mrs. Kings remained unbending, she told him to forget Ngozi and move on, and she suggested that she would hook him up with a beautiful and decent lady.

When Ken saw that he was unable to convince his mother and Ngozi also refused to pick up his call or hear him out, he switched off his phone and decided to shut everyone out of his life. He sent a text to his sister threatening to hurt her if she ever come close to him. When Mrs. Kings saw the text Ken sent to Sydney, she became afraid.

Ken was the most gentle of her children but when pushed to the wall, his reaction isn't always funny. She dialed his line immediately but couldn't reach him, she kept calling him for days but still couldn't reach him then, she decided to visit him at the office. Getting to the office, she was told that he hadn't been in the office for three days. An alarmed Mrs. Kings went to his house but was surprisingly not allowed into the house which the gateman claimed was Ken's order as he doesn't want to set eyes on his mother and younger sister.

A month went by and there was no trace of Ken, Mrs. Kings became so afraid, she was afraid that something bad might have happened to her son. She and Sydney swallowed their pride and went in search of Ngozi perhaps she might know the whereabouts of Ken.

Ngozi was attending to a customer while Chika was frying when a black Lexus jeep stopped in front of their shop. At first, Chika thought it was Ken not until Sydney and an elderly woman came down from the jeep. Ngozi recognized them instantly and couldn't stop wondering what brought them

Mrs. Kings: Good afternoon Ngozi, how are you doing?

Ngozi: good evening ma,

Mrs. Kings: I need to have a word with you, can I come in?

Ngozi: feel free ma

Mrs. Kings: thank you.

Ngozi made them comfortable and gave them light refreshments, an act that surprised Mrs. Kings and Sydney. Mrs. Kings went on to narrate how they had been searching for Ken for over a month and then pleaded with Ngozi to help them speak to him. At first, Ngozi was reluctant but after much plea, she decided to visit him.

On a Friday afternoon, Ngozi went to his office but met his absence then, she went to his apartment. On getting there, she was ushered in by the gateman. She went into the house but met no one, on second thought, she decided to go into his room. ken lay in the room shivering, he looked so pale that Ngozi couldn't help but feel bad for rejecting his calls.

She quickly placed a call to Dr. Dare who was Ken's doctor and friend to come to treat him. Dr. Dare came immediately since he wasn't busy at the hospital and was surprised to see Ngozi in Ken's house.

Dr. Dare: I thought you two are no longer together

Ken: did I ever tell you that?

Dr. Dare: Sydney swore to me that she would make sure you two don't end up together and she told me you guys parted ways

Ken: are you in any way the one who told Sydney things about Ngozi

Dr. Dare: eerm, I am sorry dude, I...

Ngozi: so, you are the one right?

Ken: Is that how doctors behave? Do you go about spreading the secret of your patients? Leave my house and never come back

Dr. Dare: I am sorry, I just couldn't keep that away from my fiance. I felt she wasn't good for......

Ken: you felt she wasn't good for me right? Haven't you forgotten that you made my sister commit an abortion for you?

Dr. Dare: I am sorry now

Ken: leave my house

Ngozi: calm down Ken

Ken: don't tell me to calm down, please. Did you trust me enough? I called and called wanting to explain things to you but all you did was call me names, is falling in love with you now a crime? Have I ever proved to be a bad person all through the period we were together?

Ngozi: I...i... am sorry.

Ken: let me talk please, you need to understand that the devil is in the business of fighting every ordained union because he is aware that the union will destroy his kingdom. We should have that at the back of our minds and never let the devil destroy our union. Even if my mom doesn't want you for me, we can join hands and command God to touch her heart.

Ngozi: I am sorry for putting you through this. I should have trusted you and depended on God to work things out.

Ken: I have forgiven you but don't try that again

Ngozi: awwn, thank you very much. I miss you so much.

Ken: I miss you more, I am very hungry, I haven't eaten well for almost a month.

Ngozi: let me prepare something for you before I go

Ken: haa, thank you very much. I appreciate this

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 11

Ngozi was able to reconcile both mother and son together and in the end, Mrs. Kings accepted Ngozi to be her daughter-in-law. In the space of a few months, Ngozi and her mother-in-law became pretty close that one would think she was Mrs. King's daughter.

Mrs. Kings having accepted Ngozi urged them not to waste time as regards the wedding hence, everything was set to come up six months after Ken proposed to Ngozi.

The wedding day came and everything went as planned, it was indeed a great day. Ngozi couldn't stop shedding tears, she didn't believe her life could still make sense, she didn't believe dignitaries could be present at her wedding. Ken on his part was grateful to God for granting his wish by making him a married man. He was feeling emotional but he doesn't want both of them to be weeping.

The Pastor pronounced them man and wife and the joy in him was unexplainable. He took his wife's lips in his and did justice to it like there was no tomorrow.

Chika was so happy for her friend, she couldn't help but shed tears of joy while reminding God she is the next for a good man.

The couple was driven to their house after an interesting time at the reception. All through the drive home, Ngozi couldn't stop pinching herself to see if everything happening was real.

Ken on the other hand couldn't wait to get home so that he can have his wife all to himself. If there is one thing about Ngozi, it was her exceptional beauty, she is a very beautiful lady with the perfect body shape any man could wish his woman to have.

On getting home that day, the couple ate, refreshed up, and had a great time together as a couple. At first, Ngozi had been worried about the fact that she might never be able to satisfy her husband sexually but she relied on God's promise to help her and for the first time, she had an enjoyable sex, one that erases the pain and hurt of the past.

Ngozi woke up before Ken the following day and couldn't help but kept admiring his handsome face while in her mind, she was just appreciating God for giving her such an adorable man. Her cellphone notification's tone brought her back to consciousness and a glance at her cell phone brought her face to face with a threatening message.

"You have not arrived so, watch your back"

Ngozi was surprised at first but later deleted it and went back to sleep. She woke up two hours later to see her husband praying on his knees. She didn't want to interrupt him but a dream she had made her too.

Ngozi: Darling......

Ken: Good Morning dear, how are you this morning?

Ngozi: very fine as long as I slept beside the most handsome man in the world

Ken: wow! I am blushing...

Ngozi: I had a dream

Ken: Okay, share it with me

Ngozi: I saw you ministering to young people and I was at the back of the auditorium praying for you

Ken: Hallelujah! God has been telling me that I will soon go into the ministry but I didn't know how to go about it. God just gave you the nature of the ministry. You are truly my wife.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 12

Everything was going on well for the couple, the love between them was so great that they became the envy of a lot of people. Ken didn't joke with his wife neither do Ngozi joke with her husband, if you hurt Ken, you will have Ngozi to contend with. That was how great their love and bond were.

Two months after their wedding, Ken was called by the Pastor of his Church that he had been chosen to go head the youth church in another state which was very far from his current state. At first, it was surprising to the couple but Ngozi urged him to pray about it and hear from God. After weeks of praying, the Holy Spirit made him realize pastoring the youth church was the beginning of his ministry. Indeed it was a very hard decision because Ngozi would have to remain back while he goes to pastor the youth church.

When Mrs. Kings heard, she went mad with anger. She threatened to disown Ken if he ever tried to leave his father's company. Ken tried to explain to her but she wasn't ready to listen, the couple had to go back to God to touch Mrs. King's heart and a few weeks later, she allowed him to do God's will.

Since both his elder and younger brother were living outside the country, it was suggested that Mike, Ken's cousin come to take over the running of the company till Chima, Ken's younger brother was done with his Ph.D. Mike came and took over the running of the company and since he had no place of his own yet, it was suggested he stay with Ngozi to keep her company.

Ngozi wished she could go with her husband but she couldn't leave her business, Chika who do assist her got married some weeks ago and her business had grown so big. If she fails to oversee things, a lot of money would be stolen. At first, the couple communicated via phone calls and video calls but at a point, it became so hard for them to be apart but there was nothing they could do. Ken suggested that Ngozi should come over but leaving her business and starting all over in a state she knew nothing about was something hard for her to do.

Ken then pleaded with Mike to be there for his wife promising to come back after two months. Mike listened to Ken and began to help Ngozi out, he would help clean the house and sometimes help out with cooking. That was how Mike and Ngozi became very close and Mike began to lust after the wife of his cousin's brother. Ngozi on her part didn't read meaning to Mike's extra closeness and niceness, she felt nothing could happen between the both of them since he is related to her husband.

Ngozi suddenly began to feel sick and became unable to do anything in the house. Mike had to take over the cooking and house chores. One evening, after cooking, Mike served the food and took Ngozi's food to her room. Mike entered the room without knocking only to meet Ngozi about to walk naked into the bathroom. The plate of food dropped from Mike and all of a sudden, he moved closer to Ngozi and kissed her, Ken walked in at the same moment looking so disappointed.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 13

Ngozi came to her senses the moment she heard her husband call her name, it was then what just happened dawned on her. She picked up her towel, ordered Mike out of her room, and ran after her husband whom she met weeping while walking out of the compound. She ran to him, knelt before him, and begin to seek his forgiveness.

Ngozi: (kneeling before her husband) My husband, please forgive me. What you saw there was a mistake, I didn't know what came over me.

Ken: (wiped the tears on his face) you don't know what came over you? You stand naked before my cousin kissing him and you say you don't know what came over you? Tell me, how many times have you slept with him? How many times has he seen your nakedness?

Ngozi: haaa, I am finished. My husband, he has never slept with me and today is the first time this will happen, I will never cheat on you

Ken: but you did. I don't know if I can ever believe you again

Ngozi: Ken, please don't do this to me. Please, hear us out, I have never cheated on you. Please, forgive me

Ken: you know what, a whore will always be a whore

Ngozi: Ken!!! I have never cheated on you, please, don't use my past against me

Ken: Do you know how many ladies I have walked out of my office just because I wanted to stay true to you and our marriage vows? Yet, you couldn't even do the same

Ngozi: (weeping where she knelt) haaa, what have I done?

Ken: I think I should go back to where I am coming from so that I won't do something I would regret.

Ngozi: Ken please, I am sorry. This will never happen again

Ken: Goodbye, don't expect me anytime soon

With that, Ken walked out on Ngozi and traveled back to where he was based. He was so discouraged that he told the assistant pastor to preach for a week as the naked picture of his wife kissing his cousin refused to leave his memory. Ngozi did everything possible to get the forgiveness but it was futile as Ken refused to pick up her calls or give a reply to her numerous messages. This act made her feel worse and very sick. She asked God for forgiveness but not getting her husband's forgiveness made her feel unhappy.

Ngozi became so sick that her workers had to compel her to go to the hospital for tests and treatment. Getting to the hospital, she was confirmed eight weeks pregnant after a series of tests. Ngozi had to go back home to trace back the time she copulated with her husband and then discovered it was the last night he spent with her before traveling.

She sent an SMS to her husband immediately hoping that the news is the pregnancy would pacify him knowing how much he loves children but what she got was a message from him telling her to go and give the pregnancy to the man she has been sleeping with. Ngozi became very angry, she called Ken wanting to lash him but he refused to pick up her call. She then went to her mother-in-law's residence to explain everything to her only to get a cold attitude from her.

Mrs. Kings: well, if my son asked you to take the pregnancy to the owner, he knows what he is saying so, do as he said.

Ngozi: but mommy, this baby belongs to Ken, I have never slept with another man apart from my husband

Mrs. Kings: please, you need to leave my house now, I have an urgent meeting to attend to.

Ngozi left her mother-in-law's house worse than she was before, she went to see her pastor hoping things would be settled but the pastor refused to give her an audience and even told her to retrace her steps. When she asked for the address of the Church her husband was pastoring, he told her it wasn't necessary.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 14

Ngozi was so devastated at the turn out of things, she felt lonely as Chika whose arms she would have run into were no longer available and her number hasn't been going through since she left the country with her husband. Ngozi felt so disappointed in the Pastor as she felt he could have handled the issue in a mature way. She remembers Ken once told her that the Pastor wanted him to marry his eldest daughter but God warned him not to do so. Now, she understood the reason behind his action toward her.

Ngozi made cry her best friend, she cried and cried till she has no strength in her. Had it been the Pastor had given her the address of the Church her husband was pastoring, she didn't mind going there to plead with her husband and make sure she get his forgiveness and also assure him that nothing ever happened between her and Mike.

After the incident, Mike packed his things and left the house without a goodbye. She was thankful to God that he left because she didn't know how she would have faced him. Ngozi decided to do away with crying and continued her life. She stopped calling Ken but never stopped praying hoping God will touch and bring him home someday.

Day turned into weeks and weeks into months yet there was no sign of Ken. Ngozi tried his lines severally but it never went through, it was a hard decision but Ngozi had to move on. All through this period, the Holy Spirit was her comfort and help. She was grateful to God that her pregnancy journey was not stressful at all.

When her pregnancy clocked six months, Ngozi decided it was time she started buying things for her unborn baby. It was so painful that Ken wasn't there to see through the pregnancy journey but that didn't stop her from desiring to give her child the best.

One afternoon, after handling things over to her director, she went to one of the biggest supermarkets in the town to buy some things for her baby. While shopping, she had some ladies laughing hysterically then, she recognized the voice of one of them. Immediately she turned to look at them, she came face to face with Sydney, Ken's younger sister.

Sydney: oh my! See who we have here, my brother's wife who couldn't keep her legs close

Kemi: what??? You mean she cheated on your brother

Sydney: yes and to think she did it with my cousin's brother. If she had done that with an outsider, it would have been better but with brothers

Lora: This is bad but I told you to work that your brother for me yet, you refused

Sydney: it's not my fault dear, the guy was bent on marrying a so-called will of God, and look at the outcome. The pregnancy she is carrying is for my cousin's brother

Lora: Haba! Aunty, you are heartless oooo

Ngozi who became very angry wiped the tears on her face and gave Sydney a deafening slap. She warned her never to say ill things about her and her unborn child else she would not like the outcome. With that, Ngozi walked out of the Supermarket without buying anything again.

Sydney went home and fed her mother with lies about Ngozi which made Mrs. Kings come to Ngozi's supermarket the following day. Immediately Ngozi saw her mother-in-law, she welcomed her cheerfully. Instead of reciprocating Ngozi's warm reception, Mrs. Kings ordered all the workers to go home with the claim that the restaurant which was built by her son has now been sold to someone else.

Ngozi was stunned at the discovery, Ken only helped her to finish the building when she no longer had the financial ability to build again. Ngozi tried to plead with her mother-in-law not to do this to her but no words came out of her mouth, before anyone knew what was happening, Ngozi collapsed and was rushed to the nearest hospital.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 15

Ngozi woke up on the hospital bed with a throbbing headache, the first thing she thought about was her unborn baby, she laid her hand on her stomach and was happy nothing had happened to her pregnancy. The event that led to her being admitted made her weep, but her manager who had stayed with her at the hospital tried her best to pacify her.

Ngozi: Maybe I should go and plead with my mother-in-law, I...i

Jennifer: Ma, you don't need to, it will cause more psychological problems. I am sorry to tell you this, but Bola just called to inform me that new management has taken over the restaurant meaning it has been sold out

Ngozi: (bursts into tears) I don't know what I did to deserve this. Fine, I made a mistake and I am sorry. I was abandoned and now, my labour of over five years is gone just like that.

Jennifer: it's okay ma. This is my advice, I think you should rent a place and start all over again, I promise to stand with you during this trying period of yours, Bola and Kehinde also pledge their allegiance

Ngozi: haaa, thank you very much. Thank God, we haven't restocked our goods, I have some money in my account which can take of that. Can we go now?

Jenifer: not at all ma, the doctor warned that you should not go through unnecessary stress so that you don't lose your baby

Ngozi: hmmm, thank you.

After being discharged, Ngozi got home and discovered that the house has also been sold and her things were kept outside. She was able to squat with a friend for a week before getting a self contain apartment to life. Depression came knocking at her door but the thought of losing her baby to depression made her cheer herself up.

A few weeks later, with the help of her manager, she was able to rent a place and began her restaurant from the scratch. Starting all over again wasn't easy at all but with the help of her dedicated workers, she was able to overcome the challenges alongside. Gradually, people began to know Ngozi's restaurants for their tasty meals and began to patronize them.

Ngozi became due and delivered a cute baby boy, she had to go for a cesarean session when she couldn't deliver the baby by herself. When Ngozi became conscious, the first thing she asked for was her son which was given to her immediately. Ngozi couldn't stop kissing him, she was so happy to meet him after nine months of waiting. The most surprising thing was that he look so much like his father, the birthmark on the cheek of all the sons in Ken's family was also on his cheek. It was so surprising to Ngozi but she was grateful that it was an evidence that he is for Ken. Ngozi took a picture of her baby and forwarded it to Ken on WhatsApp and also sent him a message that his son had been born but she was unable to reach him.

With no one to help her out with caring for herself and her baby, Jennifer had to call her mother to come to help her boss. Jennifer's mother was able to help care for baby Jason as Ngozi named him and in the long run, he grew into a handsome little boy.


Ngozi has expanded her restaurant and was supervising some things in the kitchen when a call from her headteacher of Jason came in.

Mrs. Balogun: Good afternoon ma

Ngozi: Good afternoon madam, how is my son doing?

Mrs. Balogun: he is fine ma. Can you come over ma? Your presence is highly needed

Ngozi: I hope nothing happened to my son.

Mrs. Balogun: not at all ma, there is a man who claims he is the father of Jason and demands to see his mother

Ngozi: What nonsense!!! Did I ever introduce any man to you as his father? If you release my son for any man, I will fight you with everything in me. I will be there in a few minutes.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 16

Ngozi stopped what she was doing and took a cab to her son's school. While in the cab, she was already cursing and fuming, promising that fire and brimstone will fall in the school if anything ever goes wrong with her son.

On getting to the headteacher's, Ngozi came face to face with who she never believed she would ever meet again- Ken

Ken: Ngo...Ngo.Ngozi is this you?? Seems I am dreaming, are you the mother of Jason?

Ngozi: (ignored him and faced the head teacher) Good day Madam, what did you say is wrong with my son?

Mrs. Balogun: Good afternoon ma, please calm down, we are not fighting and nothing is wrong with Jason, he is in perfect health.

Ngozi: he better be in good health, you were telling me something

Mrs. Balogun: this man sitted here whohas been coming here to preach to our students had contact with your son today and wanted to know who his parent are.

Ngozi: okay? So Mr. Minister, what do you want to do with his parent? Is it that they need prayers or what?

Ken: Ngozi, we need to talk

Ngozi: excuse me, talk about what? Who are you in the first place?

Ken: I know you know me but don't want to have anything to do with me, you need to hear me out before concluding you don't want me in your life again

Ngozi: Madam head teacher, who the hell is this man, and what is he saying? You know what? Your school is no longer safe for my son so, I have no choice but to withdraw him

Mrs. Balogun: please, you can't do that ma. Don't worry, I won't let this man into our school again. Mr. Ken, you need to leave, our parents are no longer fine with your presence

Ken: hmmm! It's okay madam, I will leave. But that boy is my son, the evidence is all over him, he has my family birthmark

Ngozi: you are such a joker, which boy is your boy? Fine, I know you and we were once married, didn't you claim I was pregnant for your cousin? Didn't Mike also have your family birthmark? Look at me very well, I am not that nice Ngozi you used to know, if you cross my boundary, I will crush you and even your wicked family to pieces. I have people in the army and they will ruin you if you try to mess with me or my son

With that, a security man marched Ken out of the school while Ngozi went to the preparatory class to pick up her son. Immediately carried him, she wiped away the tears that dropped from her face. Despite the head teacher's plea, she was determined to change Jason's school as she doesn't want Ken or his family to take her son away from her. She knew how powerful Mrs. Kings is, she can get whatever she wants at the snap of her finger.

While in the cab that drove her and Jason back to her restaurant, Ngozi held Jason to her chest and was weeping silently while remembering all she ever went through from when she was at her Uncle's place to when her former restaurant was sold.


Ken: Mom, I know what I am saying, I saw Ngozi today with my eyes, the pregnancy she had then was for me after all. The boy look so much like me, immediately I saw him, there was this connection between us. He was crying but when I carried him, he stopped and even slept off on my chest, while stroking his back, I began to long for a son of my own.

Mrs. Kings: have you forgotten that Mike said they had sex five times and he was responsible for the pregnancy in her? Do you think Mike can lie against himself?

Ken: Mom, I am so confused. And to think I still love her, I should have listened to her then, I should have trusted her

Mrs. Kings: Hmmm, but the fact remains that she slept with your cousin not once but five times

Ken: but what if Mike told us lies, haven't I destroyed my home by myself?

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 17

Ngozi was so disturbed and unable to sleep at night, she was afraid for herself and her son, she had grown to love and adore her son which made her dread being separated from him. After pacing the room for over two hours, the only prayer Ngozi could mumble was "Lord, have mercy on me"

Jeff walked into Ken's office and met him in deep thought. If there is one thing Jeff was grateful for was that Ken was no longer a full-time minister because Mike almost destroys the company and even implicated him but he was glad Ken was back to put the company back in the right place.

Jeff: thinking about the damages done to the company?

Ken: huh?? Nah!

Jeff: then, what is eating you up?

Ken: I miss my wife

Jeff: wow! I thought you have gotten over her

Ken: do you think it's that easy? I wish I did things differently then, I have been blaming myself for a lot of things. I wasn't mature in handling the situation and now, I have made her very fierce

Jeff: you saw her?

Ken: yes, the pregnancy was for me after all. She doesn't even want me to come any inch closer to my son

Jeff: she is right, I will do worse if I were in her shoe. You abandon her for almost two years, she went through the stress of pregnancy all by herself. Your family sold her restaurant and also threw her out of the house because you all thought she slept with Mike. I don't know why you all choose to believe Mike over your wife, is it because she was once a victim of rape? You shouldn't have married her then

Ken: you are opening up the past, dude

Jeff: I need you to understand the gravity of what you have done to that lady. Now, you expect her to open her arms and accept you right? I hope she doesn't see me as a bad person because I warned you when all this started. You were not even supposed to leave your wife alone, your marriage was tender then

Ken: but I had to do God's work.

Jeff: sometimes, we don't do things with wisdom. When God told you that you will work for Him, do you ask the dimension it will take? You could have been going and coming then. Are you not coming and going now?

Ken: I agree I did things the wrong way. Do you know, I was almost seduced three times?

Jeff: First, you need to reconcile with your wife by all means because a minister should be able to keep his home.

Ken: hmmm

Jeff: forget about being with your son. If Ngozi had aborted the pregnancy when you denied being responsible, will you still have a son?

Ken: I am sorry for everything I did. I hope she forgives me.

Jeff: something in me tells me that Mike was on a mission to destroy things.

Ken: Don't you see how God is punishing him now? He was involved in an accident when coming back from a nightclub, and the two ladies with him died instantly while he broke his spinal cord, he is still unconscious though. Truly, the wicked shall not go unpunished

Jeff: I pray that God will reconcile you and Ngozi in no time. Meanwhile, there is this restaurant I just discovered, their food is haven, so let's go do lunch there.

Ken: oh great, I need to step out to get fresh air.

Jeff drove Ken to the restaurant and they placed their orders. While eating, Ken saw Ngozi walk out of a room with Jason in her arms, went to the cashier, and began to give orders to ladies at the cashier stand.

Ken: Jeff, look at my wife!!!

Jeff: don't tell me this is her restaurant and she looks very beautiful

Ken: (smile) if there is one thing my wife doesn't do, it's not giving up. No matter how hard things are, she will never give up.

Jeff: should we walk up to her

Ken: that will be so embarrassing because she may likely walk me out

Jeff: let's go into her office and once we get there, both of us will prostrate before her, let's hope that helps soften her heart towards you and gradually you have to win her love

Ken: what would I have done without you?

The duo did as Jeff suggested and immediately they got into her office, they both lay flat on the ground. Ngozi who was expecting her manager started talking while rocking her son to sleep before turning to face her manager only to see Jeff and Ken prostrating before her.

Ngozi: I am getting confused, the bank has given us three weeks to pay their loan, where can we get five million in three weeks? I am just very scared, I don't want to lose my restaurant the second time

Ngozi: (turned back to see Jeff and Ken) what??? What are you doing here? How did you find me??

Ken: Sweet, please forgive me. My family and I have done great wickedness against you and we are very sorry

Ngozi: see, I have a lot on my head and I don't want additional stress. If it is about your son, you are free to come and see him.

Ken: babe, it's about you and I

Ngozi: can you please leave my office before I ask the guards to walk you out?

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook. 

Episode 18

Ken: she still didn't want to have anything to do with me

Jeff: Are you not happy with the fact that she has permitted you to see your son?

Ken: of course, I am but I want more than that.

Jeff: be grateful dude, start from there. I noticed she is in a kind of distress

Ken: it's obvious she took a loan from the bank, I am ready to pay the loan back but she doesn't have to know I did it. The issue is just how to get the bank

Jeff: Now, you are talking. This isn't the time to ask her for anything but to rectify the mistakes you have made.

Ken: I need to see Mike, I feel there is more to what he did. I have this feeling that he is working for someone, I just hope it isn't my sister because I will get her locked in the police cell if she is involved

Jeff: that's not a bad idea, you know. We need to get to the root of the matter so that we can get a permanent solution.

Ken: exactly. So, I am coming to see my son this Friday but I need to go shopping. I am going to him and his mother the best wears in town.

Jeff: See who was brooding some hours ago. I think you need to pay me the consultation fee

Ken: sure, I am going to wire some money into your account. Thank you for being a great friend

Jeff: A good turn simply deserves another.

True to his word, Ken went shopping for Ngozi and Jason and on Friday, he came to visit. He handed Ngozi all he got for them but she rejected all that he got for her. She then handed over Jason to him and went to the kitchen to supervise the work going on.

Ngozi had no intention of living her son alone with Ken but she realized that she still melt under his gaze of Ken. She decided to leave the office In order not to do or say something stupid.

While playing with Jason, Ken looked through the files ok Ngozi's's table and saw the envelope containing the transaction between Ngozi and the bank. Right there, he copied their account number, forwarded it to his accountant, and requested that a transfer of five million be made to the bank on behalf of his wife.

After spending about two hours with Jason, Ken announced his departure and appreciated Ngozi for the privilege of seeing his son. Few hours after Ken left, Ngozi began to receive a series of calls from the bank. Afraid that they are calling to request their money, Ngozi refused to pick up the call.

When she didn't pick up, they called her manager and appreciated her for the repayment of the loan and also encouraged them to come for another loan whenever they need money. With a bubbling joy in her, Jennifer ran to her boss to give her the latest information.

Jennifer: Guess what boss!

Ngozi: you know I am not good at guessing

Jennifer: ohhh, okay, I just received a call from the bank that our loan has been paid. Did you pay it ma?

Ngozi: come on, stop that expensive joke

Jennifer: it's real ma, they have been calling you but you didn't pick up.

Ngozi: let me check my mail because if what you are saying is true, a mail will be sent to me. (Scroll through her messages) OMG! It is true, Jesus! This is a miracle, I didn't pay the money

Jennifer: wow! This calls for celebration, congratulations to us.

That evening was a very great one in her life but Ngozi was trying to know who paid her debt, after thinking and thinking, she decided to let the thought go with the claim that the fellow will show up someday.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook. 

Episode 19

Ken was sleeping deeply one night when his phone began to ring endlessly, tired from the stress of the previous day, Ken decided to ignore the calls and return them later but when the caller won't stop calling, he had no choice but to pick them up.

Ngozi: (weeping profusely) Ken, my son is dying

Ken: (sleep disappeared from his eyes) dying? What happened to him? Where are you?

Ngozi: he has been sick for almost a week and I have been treating him but he didn't get better. Please, you need to come and donate blood to him, I can't donate blood to him because I am on my menses

Ken: send me the address of the hospital, I will be there very soon. Please, put yourself together, nothing will happen to our son

Ngozi: amen, thank you.

Ken drove crazily to the hospital praying to God to spare the life of his son. On getting to the hospital, he met Ngozi in the reception weeping profusely, he went to her, drew her to himself, and kissed away her tears before telling her to take him to the doctor which Ngozi did without a waste of time.

Immediately the doctor discovered that he was fit to donate blood to Jason, the blood transfusion took place and baby Jason was breathing fine but was still unconscious. The doctor assured them that he will be fine in a few hours. Ngozi sat at his bedside singing for him while Ken moved closer to Ngozi and tried to embrace her but she pushed him away gently.

Ken: Ngozi, will you still give us a chance?

Ngozi: see, I have suffered greatly in the hands of your family and I think I am better off living alone.

Ken: (going on his knees) Ngozi please, our son needs us to be there for him

Ngozi: don't just go there, don't bring my son into the picture. Do you realize he will need us when you walked away without looking back? Do you know I almost lose this pregnancy because of your family? I was thrown out of the house heavily pregnant.

Ken: I know I offended you greatly, please give me a chance to amend my ways.

Ngozi: I am not interested okay?

Ken: Ngozi???

Ngozi: sssshhhh, my son needs no distraction

Ken: can you do me a favor? I need you to come to the family hospital with me

Ngozi: to do what??

Ken: it's a matter of life and death.

Ngozi: okay, I can do that to show that I appreciate your coming

Two days after Jason was discharged, Ngozi went with Ken to their family hospital and on getting to one of the wards, Ngozi was shocked to see Mike looking horrible and helpless. Mike recognized them instantly and began to apologize to them amidst heavy sobs.

Mike: Ken and Ngozi, please forgive me for all I did to your marriage. I had no intention to cause
you both pain, it was Mr. Danladi and Sydney that cajoled me to do their bidding. I am very sorry

Ken: Who is Mr. Danladi?

Ngozi: My Uncle, the one who raped me countlessly

Ken: How did he get you?

Mike: Sydney brought him to my office and they both offered me a cheque of fifteen million to make you guys go separate ways. Sydney is the real person behind the fall of the company, she has more information than I do. I see my spirit departing but I pray you guys forgive me for the pain I ever cause you.

Ken: Mike, please tell Jesus to forgive your sins

Mike: Jesus, forgive me my...my...my s...i...n

With that, Mike gave up the ghost and Ken alerted the doctor who confirmed him dead then, his dead body was wheeled to the mortuary. Ngozi couldn't stop crying where she stood.

Ken consoled Ngozi and promised to come to visit her before driving to where Sydney lived with her newly wedded husband. On his way, he stopped at the nearest police station close to her house and picked up two police officers. On getting to her house, he ordered the police officers to arrest her not minding the fact that she was pregnant.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook. 

Episode 20

Ngozi was uneasy that particular morning, she was just so unhappy. The previous night was terrible for her as Sydney's husband and mother couldn't stop calling her. Mrs. Kings was weeping profusely while pleading with Ngozi to speak to Ken to release his sister because she was seven months pregnant. Ngozi had to explain to them that she had no hand in whatever Ken did but promised to talk to him.

Ngozi strapped her baby to her back, picked up her purse, took a cab, and went to see Ken in his office. Immediately Ken saw Ngozi walk into his office, there was great joy in his heart. He gave her a warm reception and even introduced her to all the new staff.

Ngozi: Ken, I came here not for visitation but to talk to you

Ken: you know you don't have to spoil the good moment we are having

Ngozi: I am not joking. Please, release your sister. I don't want trouble oooo

Ken: forget it, she will remain there till I feel she has gotten what she deserves

Ngozi: Ken, consider the fact that she is pregnant. If anything happens to the baby in her womb, your family will want to come for my son and I don't want that, remember how powerful your mother is

Ken: nothing will happen to my son

Ngozi: Ken, release your sister and let me have my peace ooooo. I leave her to God's judgment

Ken: (acting mischievous) I will release her on one condition

Ngozi: what condition?

Ken: that you will come and spend the night with me, I have missed your beautiful body, you know?

Ngozi: you are not serious. Give me my son, I am going

Ken: no na, I was just joking na. Fine, I will release her but is that what you want?

Ngozi: yes, that is what I want

Ken placed a call to the D.P.O of the police station Sydney was and asked that she be released. Ngozi was so happy that she won't be disturbed by anyone, though she wanted Sydney to go through hell she was tired of being angry with everyone around her. She just wanted to live her life and be happy.

Ngozi: wow! Thank you very much

Ken: hmm, thank God. Sweet???

Ngozi: call me my name

Ken: you know I still love you right? I still care about you. All those times I was away, I never stop loving and thinking about you

Ngozi: alright Mr. Ken, thanks for the warm reception. Expect me on Friday and please, prepare a delicious meal for my son and I

Ken: Wow! Wow! Wow! Are you for real?

Ngozi: (blew him a kiss and left hurriedly left Ken's office)

Some months later, Ngozi was at her restaurant when a call came to her phone. She wanted to ignore it because of her health condition but the persistence of the caller made her pick it up. It turns out to be Sydney begging her to come to see her in their family hospital. Ngozi had been sick and didn't feel like going anywhere but she had to go because how Sydney was weeping on the phone.

Getting to the hospital, Ngozi got to know that Sydney went through a caesarian section, had complications, and still lost the baby. Immediately she got into Sydney's ward, she met Ken, Mr. Kings, and Sydney's husband. Sydney began to apologize to Ngozi to forgive every evil she ever did to her. Ngozi wanted to assure her that she hold nothing against her when she had the urge to vomit, she ran into the bathroom and a suspicious Ken followed her immediately.

After throwing up, Ngozi washed her mouth and made to leave the bathroom when she saw Ken standing in the way.

Ken: you are pregnant right?

Ngozi: what are you talking about?

Ken: it's as a result of what happened between us the other time right?

Ngozi: Ken please, don't stress me

Ken: Ngozi please, forgive me. Fine, I am sorry for taking advantage of you the other day. I should have controlled myself

Ngozi: (chuckle) you don't have to be sorry, we both wanted it. What I don't understand is you telling me I am pregnant

Ken: you are, the symptoms are all over you. Listen Ngozi, I can't allow you go through the stress of this pregnancy alone. You need help coupled with caring for Jason and supervising the restaurant

Ngozi: I can do it, don't bother

Ken: You are still my wife and I will bring you back into my house. I know I did so many wrongs but I am a changed and better person

Ngozi: (bursts into tears) oh Ken!

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.