Started by Mercy Oyekemisola, Wednesday, 03 May 2023, 08:59 PM

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Do you know trusting God is one of the hardest things to do? Oh yes, trusting God is not easy

It's okay to cry while trusting God but don't stop trusting Him.

Trusting God might be one of the hardest things to do but trust me, it is also one of the sweetest things to do because it is so certain that "faithful is He who has promised. He will never fail"

Are you trusting God for something? Are you tired of trusting Him? Are you considering trying another methods outside God, to get what you are trusting Him for? Oh no, do not stop trusting Him. The reward for waiting and trusting Him till the end is great. Your blessings are on their way. Smile, because very soon, Hallelujah will be your song

Don't forget this; weeping may endure for the night but surely Joy cometh in the morning

Trust Him, wait on Him, stand on His promises, stand on His words. He loves you, He is so mindful of you and He is so intentional about you. He is always with you even in the midst of storm and don't forget, His thoughts for you are thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a hope and an expected end. Your testimonies are on their ways

It's so sweet to trust in Jesus. The process might be hard but the reward is great


© Mercy Oyekemisola

Beautiful piece and great message. It reminded me of this hymn 

Simply trusting everyday 
Trusting through a stormy way 
Even when my faith is small 
Trusting Jesus that is all

Trusting as the moments fly 
Trusting as the days go by 
Trusting Him whatever befall 
Trusting Jesus that is all