My Mother's Pregnancy

Started by StoryTeller, Saturday, 29 April 2023, 10:32 AM

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Episode 1

"Sweetheart, I am leaving...." Donald called unto his wife who was still lying on their matrimonial bed. Feyi managed to come down from the bed and went into the sitting room to meet her husband who was about to leave for work.

"Good Morning darling, ready to go?"

"Yes na, I have been calling you for over fifteen minutes"

"I am sorry, I slept very late last night" Feyi apologized

"It's alright, please, get time to rest. I know you have deadlines to meet but take good care of yourself, I don't want my baby falling sick"

"Awwn, I am blushing, don't worry, I won't fall sick. Let me give you a goodbye kiss"

"That's my sweet wife"

"Okay dear, have a great day at work and please, don't come home late"

"Sure, I won't dear. Take good care of yourself"

Feyi smiled at her husband as he walk out of the house. She just couldn't stop thanking God for the gift of a sweet and caring man. She remembered how she cried to God that she won't get married if He won't make her marriage blissful. The ordeals of her parent's marriage registered in her mind and that made her abhor marriage but after her encounter with God, her mindset changed and she began to desire marriage but she was afraid that her marriage would end up looking like her parent's.

Feyi was the second child and only daughter of her parent. Her family was first a happy one as everyone was happy, her Dad was the Chairman of the biggest banks in town while her Mom was a Nurse in one of the public hospitals in town. Feyi and her elder brother Jeff were doing well, they were both in boarding schools because their parents were too busy to look after them.

Everything was going on well till Jeff fell very ill. After his Secondary Education, he traveled out of the country for his tertiary education. After spending a year, he became critically ill. He was admitted to several hospitals but he didn't recover, his Dad had to travel to meet him. Getting to the current hospital where jeff was admitted, his Dad was asked to donate blood for his son only for him to be told that his blood doesn't match with Jeffs'. Mr. Ben nearly ran mad, he doubted the hospital result and asked that a DNA test be carried out, it was indeed carried out and the test revealed that Jeff wasn't his biological son. Mr. Ben wanting to prove the hospital wrong went to two other hospitals for a DNA test but got the same result.

He became embittered, he kept asking how on earth was it that the heir to all he had ever acquired was not his son. He left a sick Jeff and traveled home to confront his wife and asked who the father of Jeff was, few minutes after he got to Nigeria, he received the news that Jeff had passed away, an information that increased his grief.

He drove angrily to the house only to find his wife copulating with the gateman on their matrimonial bed. At that moment, he lost his mind. He had taught whether their baby was switched at the hospital where his wife had given birth. He had wanted to come home, break the news to her, and together, they would go to the hospital where Jeff was birthed and they would threaten to sue them to court just to get the truth from them but the scene he met made him realize that his wife had been unfaithful to him.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 2

Mr. Ben was just so heartbroken. Mrs. Ben who saw her husband walk into their room only to see her copulating with their gateman quickly fell on her knees and began to cry for forgiveness while the security man fled from the house and never returned. Mr. Ben simply shook his head and walked out only to return a few weeks later to give his wife a divorce. Mrs. Ben pleaded and pleaded with her husband to give her a second chance but he refused, he could have given her another chance if he hadn't caught her in the act of adultery. Copulating with their security man showed that she had been doing it and will keep doing it.
When Feyi got wind of her parent's intention to get divorced, she came home and pleaded with them not to do it, she pleaded with them to give her the love of both father and mother which she desire but her father's mind was made up. He treated her with disdain with the thought that she probably might not be his. He wished to also conduct a DNA test on her but he had no courage because realizing that she wasn't his would break him down.

After going to court for some months, Mr. Ben was granted his request. He was to give his wife one-quarter of his wealth because she would be in the custody of their only daughter. That day was a sad day for Feyi, after they returned from the court, they had to wheel all their properties out of her father's house to a house which her mother got. She was very angry with her mother but in the long run, her mother walked her way back into her life. Mr. Ben decided to sell off the house and relocate to a faraway place to be able to forget the hurtful events of the past, he deleted both his daughter and ex-wife's contact from his cell phone and blocked them from social media so that they won't be able to get him.

He moved on two years later by settling down with another young woman and had two boys with her. Immediately after the boys were born, he ensured a DNA test was carried out on them which revealed that they were his legitimate sons. Then, he felt life was making sense to him again. He didn't forget Feyi but he just didn't want the past to interfere with the future.

Feyi graduated from the University of California and came to Nigeria to serve. Fortunately for her, she met Christ while serving who beautified her life. Two years later, she met her husband, fell in love with him but ensured God assured her that her marriage would be blissful before she accepted to marry him. They have been married for two years with no child yet but they strongly believe that God would settle them at the appointed time.

"My love, Mom called me today. She said she would be coming to spend her two weeks leave with us" Feyi informed her husband who had just finished taking his dinner
"Okay dear, that's never a problem but you know we need to ask God for permission" Donald suggested
"Permission? What are you trying to say? That my mom is coming to destroy our home or what? Did I ever tell you to ask God for permission before we allow your mom and siblings to spend days or weeks with us?" Feyi flared up
"Come on sweet, I didn't mean it that way. I just...... Fine! She is free to come"
"I hate that reaction of yours, is it because I told you about my parent's broken marriage?"
"Come off it dear, it's not because of that and I don't hate your mom. I just have this impression that we should hear what God will say about her coming to this house"
"And to think you are getting me annoyed. This is the woman who brought me into this world, doesn't she deserve to come to visit her daughter? Do you think I would be married to you if she hadn't given us her consent?"
"You don't need all this, my love, okay, I am so sorry. She is welcome into our house"
"Please, let me be"
With that Feyi walked away from her husband.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 3

"Are you still angry? I said I am sorry na" Donald asked his wife who was frowning all around

"Let me pleases"

"I didn't mean it like that, you know we have learned to always seek God's face when it comes to making decisions that were why I said we should inquire from God. From the depth of my heart, I have no bad intention" Donald explained further

"Whatever your reason, it's still not right"

"Okay, I accept that I am wrong. Please, do forgive me"

"Fine, I have heard you"

"Oya stop frowning na" Donald tried to tickle her

"Stop joor, I am not angry again ooooo"

Mrs. Ben came as planned, she was so happy to see her daughter after so many months as that was her first time of seeing her again after her wedding. Mrs. Ben couldn't stop embracing her daughter and complementing her new look, she couldn't help but appreciate Donald for taking good care of her daughter. Donald on the other hand was overwhelmed to hear his mother-in-law shower him with praises, he thanked her and promised to do better.

During Mrs. Ben's stay, she took over the cooking and other house chores, Feyi was so excited as she was able to focus on her online job. She was an online marketer and her job was a tasking one. Most times, she was left stressed after attending to her job and the care of the house which made her mom's coming like a blessing to her.

Donald was becoming worried when he discovered that his mother-in-law was the one taking care of the house chores, he tried to make his wife reason that it wasn't a good thing but she saw no harm in her mother helping her out. It got so worse that Mrs. Ben would serve Donald food In the room while Feyi would be in front of her system working.

Two months later,

Mrs. Ben suddenly collapsed after preparing dinner, Donald was mad at his wife, he looked her in the face and told her that she wanted to kill her mother with work. Feyi broke down immediately she heard her husband say that to her, she blamed herself for making her mother go through a lot of stress till the point of her breaking down.

Mrs. Ben was rushed to the hospital and was admitted. While she was being taken care of, the couple sat at the reception mad at each other, Donald couldn't stop throwing angry stares at his wife while Feyi on her part was sobbing. The doctor came out of Mrs. Ben's room and the couple rushed to meet him only for them to receive the news that Mrs. Ben was a month and three weeks pregnant, Feyi almost ran mad where she stood, she didn't understand how her mother got pregnant and to think she had been without a husband for over five years.

Feyi kept mute but the moment her mom was discharged and taken home, she begin to question her mother. The trio was sitted when Feyi begin to question her mother angrily.

"Tell us how it happens mom, who is responsible? Because the last time I checked, you were single" Feyi asked angrily

"I don't understand you Feyi"

"What is it that you don't understand mom? The doctor said you are a month and three weeks pregnant and when I made some calculations, I discovered that it happened while you are here, what I don't understand is whether you usually go to meet the man responsible whenever we are not at home. Well, to cut the long story short, who is the man responsible?"

"Well, the man responsible isn't far away, he is very close"

"And to think you are not remorseful mom, what are you doing with a pregnancy at this stage of your life? I think you need to take the pregnancy to him because my husband and I can't keep a pregnant woman in our house"

"Well, the man responsible for my pregnancy is in this house"

"What?? In this house?? Are you referring to Musa our gateman? But, how could you mom? How could stoop so low mom?"

"Shut up Feyi, why are you shouting at me? For your information, your husband here is the one responsible for my pregnancy"

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 4

"Excuse me?? This is a joke right?" Feyi asked amidst a mischievous laughter

"Yes, it is true. She is carrying my baby and there is nothing you can do about it" Donald confirmed

"No no no, this isn't happening to me. This isn't real, someone should wake me from this horrible dream" Feyi screamed

"This isn't a dream dear, start to deal with it" Her mother chipped in

"Yeeee!, haaaa!, who did I offend? Mother, how could you do this to your only child? You opened your legs for my husband as in, this isn't sensible mother, did I commit a crime by inviting you to my house?" Feyi kept on ranting

"Shut up that gutter you call a mouth, how dare you speak to my wife in such a manner? You better respect yourself before I throw you out of my house" Donald warned

"Hold it there, you shameless man. You are not ashamed of yourself, you slept with both mother and daughter. Haaaa! My God will punish you. And to think I kept my body for a fool like you, I had several opportunities to mess myself up in school yet, I refused to because I wanted to be a different woman, I wanted to be different from my wayward mother but see me today, is anything good coming out of my being pure?" Feyi poured out her heart in tears

"Enough, you foolish woman, if you don't behave yourself in the house, I will send you out. Hear this today, you will ensure you take good care of my wife, she must not do anything rather than to eat, drink and sleep."

With that, Donald held Mrs. Ben in her waist, and together, they walked into Feyi's matrimonial room. Feyi sat on the cushion and almost cried her eyes out. Tired of crying, she went into the room to do something only to see her husband and mother copulating, she didn't know when she screamed out loud bringing the duo back to consciousness.

"And why are you here?? Can't you see we are engaged in a serious business?" Donald ask in his baritone voice

"Eerm eerm, I am sorry for intruding, I just wanted to get some rest" Feyi stammered

"Shut up and get lost, you seize to stay in this room again, you now belong to the boy's quarter. When I am done with what I am doing, I would throw your things out of this room"

"My husband please, don't do this to me. If I have ever offended you, please, forgive me. Please, don't cast me away" Feyi pleaded

"Please, get lost, you are disturbing us" Mrs. Ben thundered

Feyi quietly walk out of her bedroom with tears running down her face, she couldn't believe that her world was crumbling. She thought she had it all, she thought everything was rosy, she thought nothing bad could come her way, she thought her husband was, all in all, she thought her home was already Heaven on earth but they were not as she thought.

She went to the boy's quarter only to meet it locked, she wanted to go get the key but remembered that the bunch of keys was kept in her husband's drawer. She sat down on the ground waiting for her husband to get done and come give her the key. As she sat on the ground and began to make reflections on how she met Donald and the promises of a good marriage he made to her, she couldn't help but weep bitterly, she kept asking God what her offense was for allowing her to experience this.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 5

Life became meaningless and unbearable for Feyi as her mother and husband did everything to frustrate her. One evening, an idea came to her and she decided to work on it. She left the boy's quarter which was now her current base and went into the main building to talk to her mother. Getting into the house, she met her mother watching African magic and chewing fried meat. She knelt beside her mother and began to talk to her.

"My dearest Mother, I know you love and care for me, I know it's the devil that just decided to play a fast one on us but we won't let him win the battle. Mommy, I think you should abort the pregnancy you are carrying, you know, it doesn't make sense to hear that you are carrying my husband's baby, what would people say?"

"God forbid, what are you suggesting Feyi? That I should kill my baby, if I had aborted you, would you be alive today? Well, as for what people would say, that doesn't move me"

"But mommy, this is a different case, how would you be carrying my husband's child, it is supposed to be the other way round. I am the one meant to be pregnant for Donald as his legal wife and not you"

"Shut up there! Who told you that I am not his wife? Instead of you being thankful to God that I am assisting you, you have been married for two years now and have been copulating with him yet, there is nothing to show for it. Just once that I did it with your husband, it entered immediately. What if your husband had gone to impregnate someone else, won't his property be shared between you and the other woman? But since it's still within our family, there is no cause for alarm. So, rest your mind daughter, the baby is also yours"

"Now I know that you are a wicked and hardened woman, how could you stoop low to have sex with your daughter's husband, I have never heard of something like this before. Well, since you have decided to keep the pregnancy, get out of my husband's house"

Mrs. Ben refused to leave Feyi's house hence, Feyi had no choice but to begin to push her out, as she was about to push her out of the door, Donald walked in and became angry at the scene before him. He launched at Feyi and gave her a deafening slap, Feyi on the other hand retaliated with a slap that sent Donald to the ground. Donald got hold of himself and for the first time in his life, he beat his wife blue-black. Mrs. Ben kept urging Donald to beat Feyi and that gave Donald the morale to keep beating her even when she was already bleeding from her mouth and nose.

When Donald saw that Feyi had lost consciousness, he carried her out of the building and went into the room with Mrs. Ben in his arms. The maid who was secretly watching all that was happening went to the unconscious Feyi carried her to the boy's quarter and attended to her wounds. Looking at the unconscious body of her boss, Kemi the maid couldn't help but weep silently. Her madam was so nice and an easygoing person, why on earth would such a situation be her portion?.

She began to work for her madam a month after they got married, she and her mother were finding it difficult to take care of themselves, sometimes, she would have to hawk pure water in the traffic for them to be able to have two square meals. Things grew so worse that the landlord sent them out of his house because they were not able to pay the rent, when Feyi heard of their predicament, she employed Kemi, pay her well and make sure she send part of her salary to her mother who decided to go back to the village.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 6

After being unconscious for hours, Feyi woke up only to find herself on the bed, how she got there was something she couldn't explain. As she was about to stand up, she felt an unexplainable pain all over her body, Kemi who went to get something in the main building walked into the boy's quarter only to find her boss trying to get up from the bed. Kemi ran to her boss and helped her sit up. When Feyi asked how she got to the bed, Kemi wasted no time in explaining all that transpired. Then, everything came back to Feyi's memory and she began to cry.

Kemi spoke kindly to her boss and encouraged her that all would be well someday. Kemi then told her boss that there is a place she can go to and she would be given a solution to her problem.

"Ehn ehn, are you sure? Where is the place?" A curious Feyi asked

"We call him Baba gbogbonise meaning a father that makes all things happen. When you get to his place, you don't need to tell him your problem, once you put some amount of money in the calabash, he will see everything and then proffer a solution" Kemi explained

"Are you for real? How do you know him?"

"I am for real madam. I met him when a boy cheated me. He told me he loves me and desires to make me his wife, I fell in love with him after much persuasion from him. On his birthday, he invited me over to his house, gave me a drink, and raped me. I got pregnant and he denied being responsible, he advised me to abort the pregnancy which I did because I didn't want to put my mother to shame. As if that was not enough, he instigated his father to throw us out of the house as they were our landlord. I met a friend after that incident who after listening to my tale took me to Baba gbogbonise. Baba tied him for me and today, he is currently having one leg and has become useless to himself"

"Jesus! But that's too much Kemi" Feyi exclaimed

"It's not too much madam, people are wicked so, we also need to know how to fight for ourselves"

"Hmm, you are right. Imagine my mother coming to destroy my home"

"Can you see that ma?"

"When will you take me to the Baba, I am ready to avenge and defend myself"

"Let's go there tomorrow ma"

"Alright dear, thank you very much. I appreciate your love and care."

Feyi followed Kemi to Baba's place as planned and on getting there, all Feyi did was to put money in his calabash and all her problem was seen. Baba asked her to go home and come back three days later with her husband's picture which she did. Baba tied her husband's picture with a local rope and told her to go home that her husband has become hers. He told her to make sure her husband copulated with her within three days to make the work effective.

Getting home, Feyi met only her husband at home. She was so happy thinking her mother has finally left them, she did everything possible to make her husband sleep with her as Baba advised. Her husband did sleep with her but after the act, it was as if the hatred he had for her increased. He suddenly pushed her out of the room and before they knew what was happening, she started bleeding. Musa the gateman who saw all that happened drove her to a nearby clinic where it was confirmed that she had a miscarriage.

Feyi was inconsolable, she had been married for almost three years without pregnancy and now, she lost the first pregnancy she would ever have. While she was mourning her loss, her mother walked into the boy's quarter where she was and laughed her to scorn warning her never to try to fight her again lest something worse befall her.

A few weeks later, Donald came home with the news that he had been sacked from work without him committing a crime. He wasn't just sent away, everything the company gave to him was collected hence, the only property left for him was the house which he bought which his money. As he walked into the house, he launched at Feyi who was watering the garden, and accused her of being the cause of what had happened. When feyi tried to defend herself, she got another round of beating from her husband.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 7

After one of the numerous beatings from her husband, Feyi sat down on the floor and began to cry to God for mercy and deliverance. She was fed up with everything happening to her, she didn't enjoy the love of a father and mother and currently, she wasn't enjoying the love of a husband. She wept till she could weep no more and all she kept saying was "God, have mercy on me"

After crying and crying, she took her cell phone and began to search for her father's social media username. After searching for a long time, she finally found his Facebook username and sent him a message which read "Help me, Dad, I am dying". Mr. Ben was reading an article from his favorite writer when he saw Feyi's message, he replied immediately by asking for her contact and then called her immediately.

"Why did you forsake me, Dad?. What was my offense that you couldn't forgive me?" Feyi asked immediately her Dad's call came into her phone

"Not so daughter, I am sorry for everything. I think of you every day but there was nothing I could do, your mom was approved to have you so, my hands were tied"

"Not so Dad, you wanted me to suffer for the sins of my mother. You despise me because of what my mother did to you, you never bothered to know how I fared"

"I am so sorry daughter, please, find a place in your heart to forgive your dad. You sound bitter, what is the matter with you?" Mr. Ben asked his daughter
"My life is in a mess Dad, my mother is currently pregnant for my husband"
"Holy Christ! How? When? I mean how come?"
"She only came to spend two weeks with me and the next thing I discovered was that she was already carrying my husband's child and to think my husband now refers to her as his wife, he has thrown me out of the main house to the boy's quarter.

 I don't know how to explain such" Feyi lamented
"This is pathetic, I will send you the address of one of my houses in Lagos. I want you to leave that house right now, it is dangerous for you"
"Alright Dad"
Feyi left the house according to her Dad's instruction and went to the address he sent to her. Mr. Ben didn't want to take her to his family as he wanted to thread with caution, he planned on conducting a DNA test on her before accepting her fully. Mr. Ben met with his daughter, the person he saw wasn't the bubbling and happy Feyi, of course, he had been monitoring her through social media without her knowledge. He had opened a new Facebook account, sent her a friend request, and had been watching her from there. Sometimes, he sent money to her without her suspecting that the money was from him.

Mr. Ben was surprised to see his daughter looked so frail and unkempt, all she kept doing was shedding tears, she was just too pained to talk to him. At a point, he was also crying, he felt bad for allowing his daughter to go through life without the love, care, and advice of a father.

After some moment of weeping, he asked her to go to the bathroom, freshen up and have her meal. He decided to take good care of her and bring out the beauty in her.
A DNA test was carried out on Feyi and it was revealed that she was Mr. Ben's biological child, the joy in him was unexplainable. He took her home to his wife and explained the situation to her, his wife welcomed her and told her all would be well someday.

It was on a Sunday, the whole family went to church and after the service, Mr. Ben introduced Feyi to the pastor and as he set eyes on her, the pastor told her that her days were numbered as her mother had finalized everything that concerns her death. Feyi broke down in tears immediately, she just didn't understand what her offense was. Mr. Ben and his wife were not left out, for the first time after the divorce, he wept not for himself but for his daughter who was walking through the valley of death. The painful part was that the person after her life was her biological mother.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 8

Mr. Ben encouraged Feyi and promised to protect her with everything in his ability, he told her to go home, take every one of her property and come stay with him. His wife was against her going to pick her things but Feyi had to go pick them up as her laptop and documents were included.

The moment Feyi stepped into her husband's house, Donald began to beat her with the claim that she was coming from another man's house. As he was beating her, her mother came out with a kitchen knife and stabbed her in the forehead. Feyi screamed so hard trying to attract the neighbors with her scream.

"Jesus" Feyi screamed out of sleep-waking her husband from sleep.

"What happened, dear?" An alarmed Donald asked his frightened wife

"I had a dream, a terrifying one at that, I think it should be called a nightmare"

"I also had a dream, your mother was pregnant for me and I began to maltreat you" Donald stated

"Jesus! This is becoming something else, I had the same dream. My mother stabbed me to death in the dream" Feyi confirmed

"This is an evil dream which we mustn't allow coming to manifestation"

"You are right my husband but what do we do to stop its manifestation?" A confused Feyi asked

"First, we will destroy it through prayers and stop your mother from coming to visit us. God who is merciful revealed the outcome of her coming to both of us. If He had revealed to just one of us, the other might think it's a lie"

"You are very right my husband. Indeed! God is merciful. Despite my refusal to seek His face as regards my mother's coming, He still chose to show me mercy by revealing the hidden things to me. Haa! Thank You, Jesus.

The couple went on their knees, appreciated God for the mercy and revelation then, they began to cancel the manifestation of the dream. They prayed and prayed till they were both exhausted. Very early the next day, Feyi picked up her cell phone and informed her mother that her coming to their place wouldn't be possible again. Mrs. Ben tried to know why it won't be possible but God gave Feyi the wisdom to answer her mother hence, the visitation was canceled. At the end of the call, Feyi sat on the cushion and began to speak to herself.

"This world is wicked ooooo, so, if God hadn't revealed this to my husband and me, my mother will just come and destroy my marriage, for what na? What is my offense?" Hmm, thank you, Jesus, that's all I can say ooooo.

From that time, the couple became skeptical about allowing people to come live with them. Visitation to their house has a limit. They were more careful in their dealing with people and don't hesitate to seek God's face for approval before they make any decision.

Feyi gave birth to a bouncing baby girl a year later whom they named Mercy because of the truth, God's mercy was what preserved their lives and home.


For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

The heart of man is desperately wicked who can know it