My Father, Our Everyday Santa Claus

Started by EniOlaNimi, Wednesday, 20 December 2023, 09:05 PM

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My Father, Our Everyday Santa Claus

In the realm of everyday tales, unseen,
A hero emerges, our everyday dream.

Dressed not in red, but in toil and care,
A silent Santa, always there.

Through seasons of sun and winter's frost,
He bears the weight, no matter the cost.

A provider, not just of gifts wrapped bright,
But of necessities that weave our night.

In the workshop of life, he labors away,
Crafting a future, a brighter array.

His gifts aren't nestled 'neath a tree,
But in the warmth of our unity.

A whisper of wisdom, a guiding hand,
He sculpts our dreams like shifting sand.

When shadows linger, and doubts may sway,
He becomes the sun, chasing clouds away.

With every sunrise, a promise anew,
Our everyday Santa, tried and true.

Through hardships faced, his spirit unwavering,
A beacon of love, always persevering.

In the tapestry of moments, woven with grace,
He's the thread that binds, an embrace.

So here's to our father, our Santa divine,
Whose gifts of love eternally shine.

In the quiet of his deeds, a magic clause,
My father, our everlasting Santa Claus.

EniOlaNimi ✍️