My Name Is Aka Episode 44

Started by Mojoyin, Tuesday, 19 December 2023, 02:22 PM

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Episode 44


That's the last thing on my mind.


I will try and pray later but not now 

All that I did was to lie down and replay the scene of the kíss in my head.

I can't still come to reality that I was kíssed by Mr Law

I won't beat around, it felt really good, he took my breath away.

I don't know why I even raced off, I should have stayed back but I couldn't have.

With what I saw, felt and with the way he acted I knew he would have swept me off into his arms and straight to his room.

I would've so much love that

I truly love Mr Law and there's no denying about it
 Now I know he has feeling for me all this while.

I should have known before now but I never thought he will pick interest in somebody like me

I didn't see that coming.

That's why it still felt like a dream for me.

Daniel was right after all, my boss was into me.
How come Daniel knew before me.

I have created so many romantic scene in my head with Mr Law
I have even imagined being kíssed by him severally but it never happen

Anytime we get so close and I allowed my imagination to run ahead of me, I end up getting disappointed

Tonight changed everything for me and I'm loving it.

I tossed and turned from end to end on the bed.

I sighted my Bible sitting comfortably at my bedside table.

I took it, flip through few chapters before putting into my drawer.

I will pray and read when I'm in my right senses

Right now, I can't concentrate on anything aside the kíss.

I know Daniel has also expressed his feelings for me with words and I was supposed to be thinking about it like I promised but I can't seem to think of anything right now than Mr Law and the kíss 

I managed to sleep and woke up with a knock on my door.

I stretched and yawned tiredly, it was almost 8am

"Aka? Are you up yet, are you alright in there? That was Mr Law's voice.

"Yes sir, I will be out in no time.." I replied without thinking.

I slept around 2am after filling my head with too much fantasy

Yes, it wasn't actually a dream or was it in my dream that Mr Law kíssed me in the library

I walked tiredly to the bathroom, washed off, brushed and did the needful before dressing up for the day

Another knock came 

I went to the door and it was Nneka.

I greeted her cheerfully.
 she informed me that breakfast was ready and Mr Law also want to see me after I'm done with breakfast.

I had breakfast of toast and a full cup of tea.

I went to the library but Mr Law wasn't there
I went to the gym and pool side but after searching around and didn't see him, I decided to go to his room.

After double knocking, he asked who was there and I replied
 he asked me to come in

I saw him, he was all dressed and ready to go out.
I greeted him and he responded well

Everything about last night began to play in my head.

"Are you alright? he said after asking me to sit in one of the cushion chair in his room.

I told him that I was alright.

"About last night..." He started and paused

"...I allowed my emotions to overpowered my reasoning. I called you to say I'm sorry. It won't happen again.."

It wasn't a dream after all, he actually kíssed me and he's here apologizing.

Me, I don't care if it happens all over again.
I couldn't think clearly since last night. 

"... I'm really sorry about that Aka. alright?

I nodded quietly.
He shouldn't be sorry because I was looking forward to more kisses from him.

I wish he will stop apologizing. I loved the way he makes me feel and I have fallen all over for him

He maintained a clear distance and try to appear civil and in charge

I couldn't maintain a direct eye contact, he also was struggling to keep a steady stare

After he was done he asked me to leave and I nodded and walked out

He picked up his car key and drove out in no time.

He didn't return back that day, I guess he visited his Dad or a friend and decided to sleep over.

I was worried why he didn't come back.

He came back the following morning with a pretty lady
Emily, the same girl that Nneka told me about.

I was disappointed and felt really bâd.

They stayed in the room all through the evening, I wondered many things that they could be doing.

I wasn't happy but I try to appear cheerful.

Daniel called that day but I didn't pick up, I was sucking like a child over Mr Law and didn't want Daniel to start with his usual sermon

He spoke with me yesterday and I felt a little guïlty, he didn't say anything wrōng
Just few notes on how I was doing, the verse of the Bible I was able to read.

He also said we should pray together that yesterday but I told him I got lot of things doing.

I haven't shun him off before but I go talking about God because I was distracted

Even as he called severally today, I was angry for nothing.

I refused picking up

He sent me text and verses of the Bible and some encouragement words 

Which I didn't bother to read.

Mr Law's guest later left and he goes around like nothing happened

The kíss few days ago means absolute nothing to him but he has opened up my emotions that I haven't been myself.

Or maybe I was dwelling so much on this my cråzy fantasy.
Who was I deceiving, Mr Law will never ever have have anything to do with me.

The kíss was all a mistake and I took it too personal.

I wanted to step out and think clearly before everything süfføcates me.

Daniel never stopped calling

I picked his call and apologies for not responding to his calls and messages.

He asked if he can come pick me up let's go on a date.

I was in for the outing.

That will take my mind away from everything happening

This was about a week later after the kíss scene with Mr Law

I got dressed up in a a nice dress, one of the pretty outfits that Mr Law bought for me long time ago.

I did a light make up, I told Nneka where I was going before finally leaving.

Daniel picked me up and we went to one of the finest diner.

He was all romåntic , he took my hands as we walked to the table.

He didn't bother to question or ask me why I haven't been taking his calls.

We picked up the menu as we ordered for a nice English meal and a fruity drink.

He slowly talked to me how his holiday was going and the things he's been involved in.

He took my hand across the table and told me how much he loves me and how much God loves me more.

I was relieved and thankful that I agree to go on a date with him.

He prayed for me, rebüking whatever thing that's taking my attention away from God.

I don't know how he got to know that I was in a confused and distracted stage.

I responded with an Amen.

I felt at peace and we freely talked

As he went to drop me off, he reminded me that I can always talk to God over anything bothering me
Even if I can't tell him or anyone, God is always willing to listen and will never judge.

The dëvïl can use any little room I create to make me fall into sín that's why I have to rebúke the dëvïl 
If I rebúke the dëvïl, he will flee from me.
Accomodating any form or sín will birth greater sīn.

I shouldn't give room to anything that's not in line with God.

He spoke to me extensively

I felt enriched

My mind was reformed and I was ready to confess to God when I get home and focus on my godliness.

Daniel gave me a tiny gift box, it was a tiny cross necklace.
Original gold that might have cost him a fortune.
He helped me wore it around my neck.

It's so lovely and cute.

I arrived late around 8:40pm due to traffic and the long talk I had with Daniel in his car.

I enjoyed my day and was so fulfilled.

 I was heading to my room, when a voice startled 
"Where are you coming back from by this time?

I turned and it was Mr Law

"I.. went"

"To where? he said as he came to stand right in front of me.

"I went out with Daniel..?

"You went to where with Daniel? Who did you tell before going out or you think you can go and come as please?

"No sir, I told Nneka before leaving.."

"Is Nneka your new boss now? She told me after asked of you but I seriously want to understand why you think Nneka is in the right position to give you permission to go out and not me?

"I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again..?

"You're always sorry Aka, you shouldn't have stepped out of this house without my permission..."

I apologized again. 
I don't like it when he yells at me.

"Where did you went to with your Daniel..?

"We went on a date..?

"On a date? thought you said you two weren't in a relationship?

"He..I..we only went on a date.."

He dragged me by the hands to his room.

"Sit.." he commanded. He walked around, acting troubled 

I remained standing.

"You don't disøbey me Aka, I gave you all the freedom, you're begining to abuse it forgetting there's cønsequences..."

"I wasn't abùsing anything sir and will never disøbey you.."

"...I'm sorry Mr Law, nothing happened between Daniel and I..I can't lie to you. I never step out without informing you next time.."

He bent his head as he sat down on the next chair close to mine.

I wish I can reach him and make him understand that he doesn't have anything to worry about when it comes to me.

He heaved and came to me

"It's fine, you can go shower, have some dinner if you wish then go to bed..."

I nodded and try to leave he held my hand. 

He drew me close and kissed me passionately before letting go.

I didn't stop him, I wish he never stops

I thought of everything that Daniel reminded me today but i couldn't hold onto any when I'm in Mr Law's arm.

He made me sit on his lāp before saying 

"...I just have to open up because I'm going insåne holding it all in..."

"... I love you Aka, I don't want to beat around. I have loved you for a long time and try as much as possible to fīght it. The day I kíssed you, I wanted to confess my feelings that night but I held it back and fought hard to forget but I can no longer. Are you in love with Daniel, tell me if you're in a relationship with him, I promise you now that I will leave you alone..."

"No... not at all. I.. I'm.."at that moment I try to also confess how I felt but I don't know if it's the right thing to do.

He urged me to speak as I sat on his lap.

"... I'm...I love you too.." I finally said.

He made me look up at him

"You do? 

I nodded affirmatively.

He chuckled aloud 
He try kíssing me again my phone interrupted by ringing.

I checked it was Daniel.

I wanted to ignore but Mr Law asked me to go ahead and answer.

I answered

Daniel wanted to know if I was safely inside 
He said he was ready to pray for me before I sleep.

I had to stand, I looked at Mr Law and he nodded and asked me to go ahead.

I went back to my room and after the prayer, I freshened up and went to bed but all I could think of was Mr Law saying how much he loved me.

(Do not take credit or Plagiarize AMAH'S HEART stories)

Episode 45

Is about five months and I'm back to school and facing my studies again.

After this semester I have only a year to go before becoming a graduate.

I spoke to Mr Law concerning my sister and why I wanted her to come and he said it's okay.
He said I should do whatever makes me happy.

I sent money home and Amara travelled down, I picked her up in a cab and she's living with me in school.

I registered her in part time study and also learning handwork in her free time.

Learning a skill will help her greatly and also in pursuit of her education.

Since I wasn't working, I can't push another bürden to Mr Law who has been nothing but an angel all this while.

I have some money saved up that I was using to run my sister's expenses.

I still gets a huge alert from Mr Law every month end and it goes a long way.

I still can't believe or forgive my parents after Amara told me all the ill things they did after I left.
They abüsed and accüsed mama Zaram

They called her unprinted names like a w!tch
They thrëatened her and made life unbearable but the woman refused to allow anything they did to her to affect her love for for me 

She never stopped loving and praying for me despite all this 

My parents are incapable of raising children and even though it's been years and I have grown, I still can't accept them as my legal parents.

I will do all I can for Amara, I just hope she focus and not forget where she's coming from.

Daniel remained my good friend, although Mr Law asked me to avoid getting involved with any man
He doesn't want to be in competition with any small boy.

He made it very clear that he's a jeléalous lover and wouldn't want anything that will trigger that.

I still attend prayer meeting and Daniel's Bible study group which is very educating but it's once in a while

Mr Law is not a spiritual person but he respects people's opinions about God

He believes there's God somewhere but he is too busy to engage in spirituality and the faith thing, according to him.

I try explaining but I wasn't sounding very convincing.

My walk with Daniel could've helped my confidence and i didn't have the right words to convince him 

Daniel kept asking me what he did wrong and why I kept avoiding him but I told him I wanted to really focus on my study without telling him I and my boss were seeing each other.

He asked if I was in a relationship and I said kinda but it's nothing serious.

He said that's not reason enough to avoid him and he was out to help my spiritual growth and he saw that I was falling out.

I wasn't falling out, l just wasn't fired all like I used to be.

Daniel said he will never stop praying for me even if I decide not to be his friend again.

Mr Law's birthday was coming this weekend

He was finally ready to throw a party

I was looking forward to that and really excited that I will be the woman beside him on that day.

Nneka had said that even though Mr Law obviously loves me but I should be wise because he can be unpredictable

She had said if I really want to be God fearing then I should take a stand and mean it, she said I shouldn't be a lukewarm.

Daniel had mentioned the same thing 

He said similar thing when he said I shouldn't be a lukewarm Christian, he said I can easily be swayed off and that's not what God required from me.

Anything that takes my attention and mind away from God is not a good thing.
Daniel will say

I'm serving God quiet alright, I pray and study my Bible.
It might not have been like I before but I'm still in line and since heaven is a personal race then everyone should focus on theirs.

Venus was sacked after she made a disturbing comments about me.

"Mr Law will only sleep with you to his satisfaction before dúmping you like trash. Use your chance well because you're not close to the type of women in his life..."

"... whatever chårm you used to hold him will expire and when his eyes clear you will become dústbin, worst than you ever started..."

I reported to Mr Law and she was sacked immediately.

I have endured her bùlly and håte, I did everything I can to show her I was not a threät and wanted her to understand that I was only a friend and wish we can work together

But it's obvious she wasn't ready.
She did everything to make Mr Law notice her and make him håte me but it never works out 

It's her last håte speech that got me and I refused to let it slide.

I felt no pity for her even as she pleaded and said she was sorry

I just wanted her gone and it was so.

Nneka was planning to resign soon, the man she was seeing finally made clear his intentions which was the exact thing she wanted
She was not going to be a nanny to his daughter but madam.

I was happy for her and she said is better late than ending up with immature boy who will hurt her feelings

She had dated in the past and it's nothing to write about but she's happy to have really found a man who understands her.
She's already in her forties and the man had no issue at all with her age.

I went home a day to his party because that's the day we vacated from school and was among those who took over the preparation.

He said it will be pool party and his friends, just few will be coming around.

He wasn't expecting crowd because ever since he relocated back to Nigeria, he has not made so much friends
He has just few and had invited them.

Mr Law said he's father will be at the party too

Mr Law's father is coming over, that's big

I will finally gets to meet the man.

He speaks greatly of his father and also goes over to see him often 

He mentioned that his daddy came around while I was in school and even Nneka confirmed it then.

He mentioned the father stayed for three days before returning back to his own house.

I haven't seen him before and so much look forward to meeting him.

Mr Law doesn't hang pictures around.

The only pictures he has shown me is that of his sister and his kid brother and that was when he traveled for graduation.

I have imagined what his father will look like, I have heard Mr Law arguing severally on the phone with him.

They might not agree all the time but is very clear he loves his Dad.

It will be a great privilege to finally meet the man in person.

Nneka and Sylvester told me that Mr Law doesn't look anything like his father in appearance.
Probably he takes after his Mom in looks.

They mentioned his father is still young and very active
Nneka said the man is very wealthy and even gave them money after spending three days in the house.

He works out in the gym and he's in perfect body shape.

Nneka said so much about Mr Law's Dad and it makes me very eager to meet this man who they also said is very rich.

I hope he will also approves of my relationship with his son, Mr Law may not really care but getting his father's approval will mean a whole lot to me.

I left Amara, my sister back at my school house, she's busy with her own activities and I didn't want to bring her over with me but I told her that she can take a cab and come on the party day

I really don't want it to appear like I was bringing my family members to work for Mr Law or for Mr Law to also take up another responsibility as he did for me.

I don't want it to seem I was taking advantage and abusing the privilege given to me.

I gave Amara a new phone, I can reach her anytime.

It's more than five years that I left the village
Amara has grown into a pretty teenager, even prettier than me.

She's fair and I'm black.
She's growing taller and slender like a model

I know what I went through in the hands predators like Mr Lambert, I will never allow her to be exposed to danger like I was.
I will try all I could to help her grow right.

I selected out some pretty cloths for and also bought new foot wears.

She makes her hair, I made sure her hair is done nicely
Two months has gone by since she came and she's looking all fresh and more pretty

One will think she got rich parents taking care of her, no one can tell that she only got me and she's my under my care

I will continue to do my best for her.

On the party day I continue communicating with my sister and even picked the dress she will wear to the party.

She arrived just in time, a taxi dropped her and I paid before taking her inside to introduce her to Nneka and Sylvester.

I told her to help out in any way possible and she was stationed in the kitchen with Sylvester.

Mr Law and I spoke that morning, he got me a nice pool gown with open back and a hat.
He also bought a complete set of swimming suits.

I told him that I can't swim that and won't be comfortable wearing only brã and pånt.
He said I can wear the pool gown on top of the swimming trunks 

He said he was going to start teaching me how to swim after the party.

I looked like a different being as I wore the things he bought.

I looked like a classic chic and couldn't believe that I got so much hip as I stared at the mirror.

Mr Law looked at me with admiration.

"That's my girl! It's because of you that I start admiring thick women. Babe... you're thick and beautiful. You're a full package and I'm glad you're mine and mine alone.."

That was all I needed to hear.

I felt so confidence with myself as I walked around making sure everything was in place.

The party guests has arrived and partying by the pool.

They were about six ladies and five guys
The ladies were comfortably wearing a swimming suits
Pånt and a tiny brã that covers only half of their bøóbs
Some used a small scarf to tie around their waist.

Even though they were still half nåked, they seemed unbothered.

I saw Mr Law with one of the ladies, the same Emily who was all over him.
She was sitting on his lap and sipping her drink

Mr Law doesn't seem to care as he engaged in conversation, laughing and talking with his guest.

The DJ began playing music and I watched as Emily and Mr Law danced together.
She danced sédüctively around him and he was holding her as they dance.

I watched as he slâpped her búttock before getting out to take a call.

While outside receiving call, Emily came to hold him from behind.

She was really throwing herself at him chéaply and Mr Law wasn't making any attempt to stop her or push her off.

I wouldn't say his high on ãlcohol because he hardly gets drùnk

I haven't seen him drúnk before.

He has a private bar and there's different drinks, both non alcohol and the ones with high percentage of ålcøhol. 

I watched as the Emily lady placed a kíss on his lips and was shøcked when Mr Law responded and straightened when he saw me.

I was getting all worked up as I watched from where I stood.

He excused himself from Emily and walked up to me

"Hey Aka, why are you standing here...why are you not joining the party.."

"I don't seem to feel among, I can't fit in.." I replied, trying not to sound ângry.

"Why do you feel that way, you're my girl and shouldn't be åshamed of yourself or of anything. You were supposed to be in my party Aka. I told you so, I made provision for that and bought you this whole outfit so that you don't look different from others..."

"I see how Emily is all over you. I'm not sure she will like my presence very much.."

"Don't feel threātened by Emily, she's my friend and guest that's all to it. Quit it with the jéalous thoughts and be free.."

"You're not the only one that gets jéalous, I'm also human and my feelings should be considered before you do certain things..".

"Stop it already Aka. today is my day and I don't need a négative vibes, get hold over yourself and come join us whenever you're ready.."
He was leaving and suddenly remembered something

" Dad is on his way. He's not coming with his driver and will be staying for three or four days depends on how long he wants. Please on his arrival, I want you to usher him to his room. I will have told him about you already, so, wear some nice smile and make him comfortable.."

I lightened up my mood immediately he said he had already informed his Dad about me.

Which means I'm still his number one woman and it will be a great privilege to be the one to attend to his famous rich Dad.

He returned to the party

I was staring at the gate and waiting for when the main Man will drive in.

I was anticipating on Mr Law's father, i wasn't paying attention to anything Mr Law was doing or how Emily was still all over him.

In no time, an SUV jeep drove in.

I knew that must be him.

I was excited as I moved closer to the parking garage.

I quickly checked myself in the window mirror to make sure I was good with a dazzling smile

But my smile changed into shocking frøwn immediately I saw him.
He parked and stepped down in a big man style 

I saw Mr Law coming to welcome him.

"Dad.." he called out to him with a fat grin

"Lawrence, hope I'm not late to your birthday party.."

"No Dad, you're just in time.."

I was already stationed and ready to greet and take his bag but I froze at that spot.

Immediately he stepped down from the car, my heart beat slowed with force, I thought I was going to have a heart attack at that moment

My jaw dropped and my whole eye socket popped out.

I stared in utmost shock

"It's not possible, Mr Lambert! I exclaimed to myself.

He looked at me hungrily and with a mischievous smile, he stared heavily at my chest. 

He obviously couldn't recognise me immediately, he was more carried away by my body endowment.

"This is not happening, it can't be. Lambert is Mr Law's father? Jesus Christ of Nazareth. no.."

(Do Not take credit or Plagiarize AMAH'S HEART stories)