My Name Is Aka Episode 42

Started by Mojoyin, Monday, 18 December 2023, 04:53 PM

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Episode 42

Immediately I saw him, I quickly stood from the chair.

I was very surprised to see him, he never informed me that he was coming over.

Thank God school wasn't in session, he would have just showed up to meet my absence.

Daniel also stood in respect as Mr Law walks down slowly.

He wasn't looking happy immediately he saw Daniel with me.

He carefully approaches.

"Good afternoon sir.." Daniel greeted first

Mr Law didn't reply as he looked from me to Daniel.
I also greeted but he didn't respond

He gave Daniel a cold stare but Daniel remained standing and didn't feel threatened.

He gasped, took a deep breath and flashed us a smile which I knew didn't come from deep within.

"Hi...who are you..? He said turning to Daniel and stretching his hand towards him for a handshake.

Daniel shook him with a satisfying smile on his face
"I'm Daniel, Aka's friend.." he boldly said still with a smile.

Mr Law nodded as he withdrawn his hand.

"Nice to meet you Daniel.." he replied coldly.

"The pleasure is all mine sir.."

Mr Law smile before looking up to me

"You're welcome sir, I wasn't expecting you here.." I said nervously.
I was scâréd of him getting angry of seeing Daniel but he was acting indifference.

No anger dictated

"Yea, thought to come around and surprise you but.."

He paused and looked over at Daniel.

Daniel sensed the tension and said to me.

"I will see you later Aka, maybe I will call you. Please take care of yourself.."

I nodded quietly
"... goodbye sir, it's really a great pleasure meeting you.."

He crossed the gate and drove off in the car his Dad left for him

I was watching him walked out before Turning to Mr Law
Mr Law was staring at me.

"Can we go inside sir or you prefer staying outside here..?

He said let's sit outside

"Daniel? He's your boyfriend?

"Yes, he's my friend.." I said with my head bent

"You two are in a relationship..?

"Not really, we're just friends.."

"Are you lying to me now..?

"Not at all sir. Daniel and I are just close friends.. that's all.."

He heaved in relief

"Is okay Aka. I believe you.."

"...why didn't you want to come home, the school is obviously on holiday and Nneka said you haven't been home for a while now.. ever since I travelled. Why is that..?

"Nothing sir, I just wanted to remain here since you traveled and there's nothing much for me to do back at the house. I stayed back to study some more.."

"Or is it because of Daniel? He asked turning to me

"No, it's solely my choice.."

We became quiet, he stared at nothing and I remained quiet, hoping he won't be måd at me for any reason.

I'm always afraid whenever he's ângry, he's anger is unbeatable
He can say or do things he may not planned for.

"Do you mind getting away from here for sometimes. Let's go home but before that let me take you out, let's grab some dinner out first before heading home.."

I was quiet, I thought of Daniel's invite to his parents wedding anniversary, it will be happening the following weekend.

If I go home, I may not be allowed out and Mr Law may frown if I try telling him of the invitation.

I really want to avoid all prøblém with him.
The last thing I wanted is to get him pissed up and mâd at me

"What's the prøblem? You're hesitating.." he said taking my hands which wasn't expected

"... you can tell me whatever it is.."

" don't want to offend you sir.."

I said stammering and carefully selecting my use of words

"I won't, trust me...I won't be måd at whatever you will say. Well, I just hope you're not carrying Daniel's baby.."

"Whaat! No oo. We're not intimately involved. We're just friends.."

"But he have obviously kissed you before and slept over at your place.. right..?

Where's is this coming from? I wondered quietly.
He sounded like one who is pâíned and jëaløus but I know that's definitely not the Mr Law I know.

Why will he even be jeâlóus? I'm only his domestic staff whom he took pity on and help me in getting a good education just like I dreamt off.

"... your silent means you two have been smøóching and kíssing, he's getting under your skirt and sleeping over at your place and you at his. You obviously have the freedom, no one to tell you what to do and what not to do. That's the obvious reasons you refused to come back to the house during each break..."

He dropped my hand and stood

"... you're unbelievable Aka. I'm trying not to get angry with you but each time you make me so worked up. Is this the reason Why you're in school? Have you totally forgotten your senses and allow some school românce to distract your main purpose? The main purpose for being here was to get quality education, what's up with you? I'm highly disappointed right now.."

I stood, each time I try to talk he shuts me down.

This is exactly what I was avoiding, i just have to say something before it gets awkward

"I'm not doing anything with Daniel.." I said while standing up

He became quiet

"... we're not in an intimate relationship Mr Law, there's no kíssing or getting under my skirt. He néver did any of those things you mentioned and Daniel is a good Christian, he will never sleep over at a female's friend house.."

I heaved, broken emotionally

"...I really don't know what you think of me sir but I'm not sleeping around with anyone. When you said I can go and sleep with the lecturer that almost made Life miserable for me, I can never do that sir..."

"Did I say that..I can néver say that to you Aka, néver..."

"You did sir, you said a whole lot of things to me and it's all fine. I'm used to it already.."

"..Aka.. I'm so sorry.."

"Daniel came through for me and saved me from that man. I was drained emotionally and thought I will loose my sanity. The lecturer almost failed me Because I refused to oblige to his sélfish request. I don't know what I would have done if God didn't send Daniel to my aid..."

"Is okay, you don't need to keep talking. I fâulted.. again. I'm sorry... please.."
he came close, wiped off a tear from my eyes with his hand.

"I don't blame you in anyway sir, I know I shouldn't have allow other things get in the way of my study. Attending vigil when I have morning test was childish and even God said we should be wise in our dealing. I was føôlish and since I couldn't chéat nature, I landed in trøuble with the lecturer. I only felt more helpless after thinking calling you will be of rescue but my prøblém compounded. Every word hûrt but i know I deserve it and.."

He put a finger to my mouth

", you don't deserve that. I'm sorry Aka. can we get out of here?

"... what's your reason for hesitating then since is not any of what I thought.."

"Daniel invited me over to his parents anniversary, I promised to be there but if I go home, you may not allow me out. That was my féâr sir and that's the reason I couldn't reply immediately..."

He was quiet and didn't say something for a while
"Is alright Aka, you're not caged back home. You're free to attend your friends event... reasonable ones offcourse. Since you trust Daniel enough, then is fine by me. You can honor his invite if that will make you happy.."

"Thank you sir. It will indeed make me very happy. It means a lot to me.."

He curved a smile and put his hand in his pocket.
"So, can we go now..?

I nodded and asked him to give me few minute to go and pack my bag.

He told me he will be outside the gate waiting in his car.

In no time I was done packing, I locked my room door and left.

Mr Law drove silently to foreign fast food, we ordered for some Chinese food.
We sat in an exclusive table and ate quietly.
He wasn't really eating, he was just picking at his food.

The Chinese was very delicious, I wondered why he wasn't eating.

"You're not hungry sir? Did I do anything something bothering you..? I asked concerned.

"Uhmm! I'm fine Aka..kinda lost my appetite but I'm cool. Enjoy your meal.."

I ate quietly until I was done.
We stood and left.

He was all moody and I wondered if I was the cause.

While at the car park, before driving off he sat helplessly.
Looking all defeated

"You know Aka, you're amazing and intelligent, beautiful lady..."

I blushed as I said my thanks to him.

"I was angry for a different reasons that period, I shouldn't have transferred my annoyance towards you. My Mom and Dad had misunderstanding that period over who will attend my sister's graduation. They were complaining of the distance, My family matters to me and distance isn't supposed to be a prøblem if one truly cares but they play it around like a game of raffle draw. I was the only one that flew to my sister's graduation, my parents didn't later show up even after I had a serious fight over the phone with them.  Well, I don't want to go into details but I'm deeply sorry Aka for everything I said to you. I will try to get over my ánger next time so that the innocent doesn't sùffer for it.."

I told him it was alright and his apologies is always accepted.

He asked if I care to see pictures he took during the sister's graduation

I replied affirmatively

He began to show me the pictures, he also pointed to his younger brother who seems to be in his teens, still in highschool.
They're just three and they all look good.
His sister is really pretty.

"I'm so relieved that Daniel came through for you. I don't know what I would have done if that fvvcking lecturer had taken advantage of you or any guy infact used your wéak moment to his advantage. I wouldn't have forgiven myself. I'm glad you're okay..."
He touched my face tenderly, he looked straight into my eyes.

"...I don't know why I'm so drawn to you. It's crâzy in a way but I love the way you make me feel.."

He looked down to my mouth

I had butterflies in my belly.

At that moment I actually thought he was going to kiss me

He straightened and turned on the car engine.

"... let's go home before I do something crâzy... something that I may later regrét.." he said before we finally drove off

Daniel called to check up while we were still on the road and I updated him that I was finally going back home.

He said he was going to call me before he sleeps and will say a short night prayer for me.

After the call, Mr Law didn't say a word

He drove in silent until we got home.

(Do NOT take credit or plagiarize AMAH'S HEART STORIES)

Episode 43

I was grinning from ear to ear as we walked outside the gate.

"I would have love to go drop you but my parents and the guest will definitely ask of me. I need to be present.."

"I totally understand Daniel. Your family is such a loving, welcoming and super cool. I love your parent.. they are warm and friendly.  your siblings, your house and i also love the delicious meal. I really enjoyed my day and very glad that I was able to come..."

"Me too. I'm very happy that you showed up. I thought your boss, who's also your guardian won't let you out but after you told me that he had no problems with you attending the anniversary party I was relieved.."

We stood outside waiting for my ride.
Daniel ordered a ride that will take me home straight.

"I wish I can stay longer, I felt like becoming part of your family already but I don't want Mr Law to be mad at me. I told him I will return early and I don't want to abuse the privilege he gave me today.."

"You know I like you a whole lot and want the best for you Aka, I don't know why I felt a certain way about your boss.."

"How, certain I asked looking up to him as we stood side by side

"Well, I have been wanting to ask you but waiting for a good time. Are you in a relationship with him.. you understand what I mean right?

"The only relationship we share is just a very friendly one. Like a boss who goes extra mile to give me a comfortable life. He's a good Man and a God sent to me.."

"He acted strangely towards me on the first day of meeting him. He probably has feeling for you beyond what you think. You supposed to have observed and understand that he maybe interested in you.."

I chuckled aloud.

"I wish, in my wildest dreams. I'm not Mr Law's type. He dates all this big runway models, pretty slender women and he can't possible belittle himself to have something with me.."

"That's what you thought, I just hope you're right Aka. I don't know God's plan for both of us but if it was up to me, I will do anything to have you permanently in my life..."

"...I have had this feeling and also prayed over it. I even spoke to my Mom about it and she said a genuine love cast out fear and if what I feel for you is aligned with God's way then I should tell you. She said we should avoid all form of sin, immorality and remain steadfast in study and doing the will of God and with time the God will manifest himself in our friendship.."

"...she said lots of things Aka and I was waiting for the holiday to be over so that we can have a serious talk over that but I just want you to know that I love you with the love of Christ and I pray God help us in the race and at the end his name will be glorified through our friendship..."

He asked me to also take time to pray over it. He wasn't rushing me or forcing me to agree.
He wish God will communicate to me and direct my answers and ways.

My ride finally arrived and we waved each other goodbye.

I had a lot to think about while I was in the car.

I like Daniel alot and felt so blessed having him in my life
But there's a whole lot of other women who will do anything to have him, although he doesn't give them a chance to get too close, but I sometimes get scared of losing him to those pretty lady.

I value my friendship with Daniel and he's ready to keep the bed undefied until his wedding night.
He never encourages any form of intimacy or selfish desires.

He has a high self control and fear of God
If he gets confused over something, he goes to his mother to clear his confusion or go to God in prayer.

Daniel is just perfect.

He mentioned about Mr Law having feeling for me.

I have allowed my imagination to run ahead of me in many cases with Mr Law

He was the first man that showed me care without demanding anything selfish from me.

He maybe unpredictable but he's a good and disciplined man.

I truly likes him alot and won't lie about that. He used to be the Prince charming in my imagination until I met Daniel and many of my worldly thoughts began to change to more of godliness.

I silently wish what Daniel said was true but I doubt it.

Mr Law can be likened to a weather, friendly and caring this minute and very unfriendly the next.

I guess I'm the luckiest domestic worker that he obviously cares for.

Venus, who try to get close to me after returning from suspection, she asked me how I was able to get Mr Law to my side.

She wanted me to give her my secret ingredient or however I usually get Mr Law to myself

She was ready to pay for it but after I told her I did nothing
She refuses to believe me and said I was stingy and want Mr Law to like only me.

Mr Law liking me was unexpected, I never thought I will be in the position I am today.
All thanks to God who showed me favour through Mr Law

Recently, he acts and looks at the in a funny way
I still can't explain his strange behaviour but I feel special and wanted whenever I see him watching me.

Daniel asked me out today, it was long overdue.
I wasn't surprised at all because he never hides his love for me and that's why he choose to be closer to me than his other female friends

With Daniel I won't be distracted or lose focus rather I will grow more in my spiritual walk.

But Mr Law may not understand and will think Daniel might be a distraction.

That's why I have to seriously pray over it and be wise so that I don't raise a suspicious dust.

I don't know if it's right to still have real feeling for Mr Law but I really do.

I like that man, he has showered me with so much blessings and loved me like an angel.

He has his térrible bâd side but his good covers multitude of his sin.

Nneka said she wants to leave and faced the nanny job.
She told me that she prefers it because she finally gets through to the man's eight years old daughter and the little girl who was difficult to get along initially was finally coming around her

The man, the little girl's father who is in his early forties is gradually picking interest in Nneka

She told me that the man drove them out over the weekend and held her hands as they walked down the park

The girl's mom has remarried and the man is hoping to get a wife and a good Mom for his daughter.

Nneka said she loves this family and wish to be part of them but she wants the man to open up fully and stop cutting corners.

He buys her sensitive gifts like úndies and other numerous gifts, he sometimes join her in making dinner and they've shared a kíss twice but he's yet to fully open up.

I told Nneka not to rush but be patient and pray about it
she said she was doing exactly that.

I looked forward to Nneka finding happiness, either as a single well established lady or as married.

I only wish her happiness and hope God grants her desires.
She truly deserves to be happy.

I arrived home and went straight to shower and dress for the night

I left to go check on Sylvester and Nneka
I joined the workers for dinner as we gist and laugh.

I asked of Mr Law and was told he was in his study.

After eating, I took over washing of the dishes and didn't listen even as Sylvester asked me to leave it and go to bed.

Everyone was pampering me but I won't fail to do the little I can because we're all equal in that house

After washing and tidying up the Kitchen, I decided to go check Mr Law and to inform him that I was home and going to bed.

I greeted him as I walked into the library.
He looked up at me with a delight in his demeanor.

He asked how my day went and how the event turned out, I informed him that it was great.

I sat beside him at his order, he asked if I have had dinner

Mr Law stood and came back with two cups of beverage
One chocolate tea and a coffee for him

I sat close to him as we drink and talk about the most interesting books we've ever read.

It was late but I wasn't feeling sleepy.
I was enjoying the moment.

He asked me to go to bed after realising that it was Indeed late

I stood up, yawned tiredly
I said goodnight to him.

Mr Law stood and did the unthinkable

He drew me close to him and planted a kiss on my lips

His heart was pounding, I can hears it's racing beat.
He looked at me, maybe expecting my reaction but I don't know exactly how to react.

He held me, more to himself and kissed me some more before finally letting go.

His eyes were fiercely staring at me, his heart beat was pounding

He wanted something more than a kiss

He stared at me but I knew I needed to leave before something worst happen

I haven't seen him in this form before.

"Flee Aka.. Aka flee.." it was as if Daniel was whispering to me at that moment.

I abândoned the cups I wanted to take back to the kitchen and took to my heels

I heard him calling me but I ran like a little cønfused girl back to my room and locked the door.

(Do not take credit or Plagiarize AMAH'S HEART stories)