My Name Is Aka Episode 36

Started by Mojoyin, Tuesday, 12 December 2023, 11:39 AM

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Episode 36

I was leaving the bathroom after a warm bath when Venus walked in.

"Where have you been? She asked authoritatively.

I didn't reply her as I quietly walked to my own corner and began to dress.

"...are you déåf? You stuïpid girl, you think you're smarter than me? You thought you will always be in Mr Law's favor, well you heard and saw it all today.."

I continued to ignore her

"..I saw those crocodile tears of yours falling from your eyes, I almost laughed out loud but I had to hold myself because of the boss. So you can actually cry? I thought nothing gets through to you, I thought you're one tough unbeatable kind of girl. So why did you finally breaks down today, your toughness couldn't hold you together anymore.."

She began to laugh sarcastically, I still didn't say anything as I continue with what I was doing.

"... Aka is finally in the mud. I was so happy hearing Mr Law say those things he said to you, how I wanted to jump and dance. He rubbed your shít on your face today and it was very satisfying to watch, when I saw you sobbing like a baby, tears falling from your eyes, I seriously held myself from laughing. Moving forward, you're going to do everything I say or I will come up with another thing that will send you packing from this house. This is my territory and it's just a matter of time you will be gone..."

I was done with everything and started leaving the room.
She pulled me back with force.

".. aren't you the one I have been talking to? Do you want me to get you sâcked because that can be arranged and is only a matter of time and you will be gone.."

I slápped off her hands from my wrist.

"...Prøstîtüté, høokup girl from the slum... that's what Mr Law called you, isn't it what you are? 

She was trying too hard to get to me but I refused to react but immediately she called me those names.

I pushed her hard and she fell to the bed.

She came with force and slâpped me but in the same order I returned it back
I slapped her right back without thinking twice.
"How dâre you.." she asked raising her hands again.

I raised mine too, daring her even more.

"I will béât you to a pup, no one will recognize you. You're not even upto the people I used to déal with. You're not even upto twenty years yet, you're not close to my level so if I want to deal with you, I won't think twice.."

I gave her a loud hiss before readjusting my clothes.

"... you will soon start another crocodile tears, today's trøuble was little compared to what I'm planning. I'm always the winner here you can't beat that no matter how you try. Høokup girl.."

"Okay, you want me to be scâréd like a cat? well, sorry to disappoint you, I'm not afráid of you Venus and whatever you're planning again will backfire on you. As for your winning today, do you want a sash or a crown? Go get a real life Venus, this is not a way to live, you're going to hûrt yourself because whatever we do, have a way of coming back to us... both the good and the bād.."

"Your days in this house are numbered, you will be leaving any time from now. I will definitely make sure of it..."

I walked out and went to get some food in the kitchen because it was already late

She almost made me lose my appetite but it's not going to work.

I only took a lite breakfast before the whole incident
I need to eat before I sleep.

I walked into the kitchen, checked the pot and then the fridge

I checked the microwave and saw food, Sylvester must have left some jellof rice and turkey for me.

I quickly microwaved it, took it to the staff eating table and began to eat 

I was thinking about the whole Venus incident while concentrating on my delicious jellof rice 
I heard a noise, somebody cleared throat loudly 

I startled and looked, it was Mr Law

"Good evening sir.." I greeted while pausing from my food.

He nodded and went straight to get his personal tea cup
He placed two cups on the table.

I stood, I don't want any further trøuble from Mr Law.
I will eat in the quarters sitting room.

I eat in the kitchen most of the time but today isn't going to work.

I carried my food and started leaving
"Please sit and eat your food aka.." he said it more like an order.

I heaved quietly and sat back.

I picked at my food, hoping he will leave soon

"Here, that's for you.." he placed a cup of hot chocolate tea beside my food
Sat opposite me and began to sip his own quietly.

I never requested for cup and he never asked me if I wanted tea.
He just set one before me, unexpectedly
"Thank you sir.." I muttered quietly.

After what happened this afternoon and him serving me with a cup of tea now, I'm becoming more confused over his kind of person.

I said another thank you to him, he nodded, stared at his steaming hot cup of coffee

The coffee sweet smell filled the kitchen.
He's taking coffee while he made tea for me

He looked at me with a straight face and then looked away.

"Everyone was searching for you this afternoon, you were nowhere to be found.."

"I...I was at the back house.."

"Doing what? Crying..?

I didn't reply as I stared at my food.

"..I'm sorry for what I said to you in the morning Aka. I was just angry at everything and everyone and I regretted it deeply. I knew it was all Venus plot.. right? Or you actually invited a man over..?"

" No, I will never do that. He was my lesson teacher and came to check up and to know why I haven't been in class for days. He never crossed that gate, we spoke at the gate and he turned back and left.."

"I believe you. So tell me, why haven't you been in class, which prompt your teacher to come over.? I thought you have a free day to go about your class and personal business.."

"Venus changed it all, after changing our working and off day she pretend to be ill so that I can be doing all the chores. That didn't enable me to go for my class because you may be ångry if you meet the house untidy.."

"... Teacher Uche only wanted to know if everything was fine with me because after he called, I told him I will come but I néver did.."

He heaved loudly. Take another sip from his coffee.

" I see, now I understand clearly that it was all a plot against you and I'm sincerely sorry.."

"....I know I said a whole lot of things that I shouldn't have said. I hürt your feeling and seeing how hûrt you seem broke me into hundred pieces. can you forgive me.."

He came over to sit beside me.

The hair on my body stood as he took one of my hand into his soft palm.

"... will you forgive me? He said calmly while looking into my eyes.

"Ye..yes sir..I forgive you.." I stammered. 

I was really uncomfortable with the way he was close and holding my hand.

I can smell his cologne and the sound of his heart beat.

He suddenly planted a kíss on my cheek before standing up.

I was frozen on my seat, I held the spoon and couldn't lift the food to my mouth.

That was unexpected.

"Yvonne, my woman went back to her ex who just returned back from Germany. She didn't tell me, she was acting up and giving attitude, I overheard heard her conversation on the phone and confronted her and she had to confess. They were back together over a month and I was only finding out few days ago. That really got me real pieced off. I was just trying to get over it all when Venus came telling me that you invited your boyfriend over. I didn't even wait to hear the rest of the story, I came at you.."

"I'm sorry about your woman sir.."

"Yea, it's all good. I felt really betrayed. She was leading me on and making me feel I was the only one, not knowing she has been communicating with her ex even before he flew into the country. Yvonne told me that her ex is a fvvcked up guy and she can never have anything to do with him. Imagine my shock when I found out she was back with him.."

I don't know what to say as I quietly nodded.
I felt bād for him, he sounded so pained.

"I'm sorry sir, God will give you another better woman who won't hurt or betray your trust.." I finally said.

For him confiding in me, means he is comfortable with my person and trust me enough.

I felt very important.

He chuckled after I said that.
"Yea, Aka thanks. even if I don't get another woman, I'm good..."

"... can I take you shopping? I want to make it up to you. Hope that's okay?

I was speechless and didn't know what to say.

"... you can leave all this week work for Venus. I haven't gotten time to handle her case yet, I Will let her be if you wish or what would you like me to do to Venus, what punishment will be befitting for putting you through so much trøuble..?

"I will rather forgive her sir, she's ignorant and acts childish. I already let it go.."

"You got a good heart Aka, your personality is warm and friendly, you got great aura. Get ready tomorrow, we're going for shopping alright..?

I nodded with a sheepish smile before thanking him.

I was smiling like a new bride as he dropped his cup in the sink and said goodnight
He walked away to his room which was upstairs.
 I finished up with my food and washed the used items before going back to my own room.

(Do NOT take credit or plagiarize AMAH'S HEART STORIES)

Episode 37

I was all set and ready to leave when she accosted me with an annøying frøwn on her face

"Where do you think you're going dressed like this? You've forgotten that no more lessons or leaving the gate except is on official assignment.."

Venus must be thinking I was going for lesson, unknown to her that Mr Law was taking me out on a shopping spree.

"... beside, you didn't do your job yesterday, I had to finish it up for you because Mr Law was around and watching, you were busy shedding crocodile tears in your hideøut. Today's work won't pass you by, you will do it and all through this week and next week. After all, I will pretend like I'm not feeling well.."
"...I know you slept over at Nneka's room last night, you walked in this morning with some arrøgānce, went to bathroom straight and started dressing to go see your boyfriend. You've forgotten so soon how yesterday went. You want to go and do your usual høokup business again. Mr Law is looking for means to såck you and you're not far from getting your @ss kícked out of this house.."

I totally ignored her rânt, picked up my small bag after making sure I was properly dressed.
I slept over at Nneka's room till this morning because I was avoiding Venus prøblem but she still won't leave me alone.

Going out with somebody like Mr Law, I don't know the perfect cloth to wear.

I don't have many fancy, outing clothes. 
The cloths I bought from thrift store, does not look like a second hand clothes at all.
They all seem new and pretty nice too.
I washed and ironed them, before arranging them in my bag.

I wear them to my lesson and I see the way others look at me, like I'm a rich kid.

They might be thinking my rich parents paid and registered me for the lesson, unknown to them that I did everything by myself.

I try as much as I can not to belittle myself or appear pitiful
With charisma and good attitude, I carry on daily.
Other kids from well to do homes want to tag along with me because they thought I'm from a rich home.

I'm very selective when it comes to friends, I don't want a friend like Eliza that betrayed me in my hour of needs after Mr Lambert sweet talked her into believing he will give her lots of goodies.

She was the witness to the incident that happened at Lambert's house, I narrated it all and she promised to say the truth but only for her to lie and twist the whole story up.

I'm scâréd of trusting any friend ever since then and avoid getting too close to the girls that comes around me in the class.

I kept a cool and cordial relationship with everyone.
Don't invite me to your house because I won't go and I can't invite you to mine either, I don't even have a house except my work place.

Our life goals and targets is quiet different, they don't have anything bothering them or any responsibility like I do
That's why I have to remain focus and not allow their hype distract me.

Wearing this purple, flower dress, I appear nice enough but I don't know if it's okay with Mr Law who knows fashion and also wealthy.

I totally forgot that Venus was still rânting until she bløcked me from leaving the room.

"...I said you're not going anywhere. If you try to disobey I will go and report you to Mr Law whom I know will handle your case perfectly to my taste.."

"Please leave the road, let me pass.. I'm not in the mood for your tróubles.."

"Look at this rúbbish, løw life village girl, you're not in the mood for my trøuble? You're síck in the head obviously. I will show you that I'm the queen in this house. I'm gradually getting through to Mr Law and very soon, I will become the madam and you all will be subjected to me. Let's bet on that..."

"Get yourself off the road queen of the house, nobody is dragging the title with you Venus. Your subject wishes to pass without further trøuble.. your majesty.." I said sarcastically with a straight face, maybe that will add more feathers to her self acquired wing. 

She looked at me from head to toe, glaring at me dångerøusly.
"You think this is all jokes right? You're not leaving this room until you take off those clothes. You're obviously not going to lesson ever again in this house, not after Mr Law's orders yesterday. Take off all this your rúbbish dressing, you are going to work not to a party..."

"What's your prøblem Venus? you're definitely going to get into trøuble for this.."

She was laughing sarcastically

"Let's see who will be in trøuble, you or I.. definitely you, and I can't wait to see those crocodile tears of yours by the time I report you to Mr Law again which maybe your last stríke in this house.."

I didn't want to get into a fíght that morning if not I would definitely push her off the road
It will end in a fíght, I know she will come for me and the wréstling will start

I'm not out for that. 
She's just looking for every means to get me píssed up or get me into another trøuble but she won't succeed

I called Nneka, she's already aware that I will be going out with Mr Law, I gist her last night and she was happy for me.

  I called and told her what's going with Venus.
I make sure the call was on loud speaker

"Gini? (What) is she súffering from early démentia? I'm coming.." Nneka said.
I ended the call and sat down

"You're calling your bødy guard, your partner in críme right? As Mr Law is dismissing you from this job and kicking you out, I will personally take Nneka's bag to the gate as well. You two need to leave so that new staff that will be obedient to my words will be employed.."

"...I also heard her call me a démentia person, you and Nneka are have kwâshiorkor in your brains. Your father, mother, siblings and all your generation will suffer from dementia..yes I said what I said, come and beat me if it påined you.."

I chuckled, Venus is such a bitter soul. 

She must have thought including my entire family will get me fíghting and exchanging insülts with her.

Wisdom is profitable to direct and I wasn't a bit move by her insúlts.

Nneka came in and she began to run her mouth, insúlting Nneka.

"I just reported to Mr Law, he's asking of you.." Nneka said to Venus before taking me outside.

"Good.. very good, I was just about going to repørt your Aka to Mr Law, you've made it all easy. Both of you will rëgrét it today.."

She rushed out and we followed behind.

Mr Law was not down stairs yet so we waited for him
After few minutes he was all dressed and came down.

He first looked at me and smile.

"Aka, I guess you're ready to go..?

"Good morning sir, yes.. I'm ready.." 

"By the way, you look good in your purple gown. I love purple, although is not my kinda color but my mom's, my Mom is a purple person, that's her favorite color and I admire every time she comes out looking all glam and beautiful, she never goes wrøng with purple..."

I smile shyly "thank you sir.."

"Is purple your best colour..? He asked as he stood close to me, car key and sun shade in his hand.
He looks so smart and fine in his own outfit.

I don't even have best colour. I wear anything and do not really fantasize over colours. 
But since he likes purple, he said is his mother's favorite, then I must as well make it mine too

"Yes sir, I love purple too.." 

He nodded with a smile.

Venus who doesn't understand what was going on, she looked from me to Mr Law, confusion written all over her.

Mr Law turned to Nneka and Venus

"Yes, there a prøblem..?

"Good morning sir, there was a tiny prøblem earlier and i wanted to come report to you but found out you were not yet down. Venus here refused to let Aka out of the room, she never stops bùllyïng her.."

"Heyy! You're such a fat liâr Nneka. I was only trying to make her follow Mr Law's orders. I care about Aka and didn't want her getting into another trøuble. She was told yesterday never to go for lesson or leave the gate except on official purpose. When I saw her all dressed up, I asked her but she refused telling me where she was upto. I didn't want her to get another stríke from Mr Law, I started advising her and reminding her of what the boss said yesterday just Incase she have forgotten. I thought she was actually going for lesson.."

Nneka and I chuckled aloud at the soft tune and smooth líes coming from Venus.
Especially when she said that she cares about me.

Venus is playing the camouflage game but she's unwise.

I didn't even know that Nneka didn't report her to Mr Law like she started earlier but the trick worked perfectly on Venus.

"Yesterday, I asked Aka the kind of punishment she wanted me to serve you, for all the trøuble you've caused, for the lies against her, you lied that she invited a man into my house but that wasn't true. Her lesson teacher néver crossed the gate. You made me say húrtful things to her that I regrétted so much. I wanted to púnish you but I gave Aka the honor to pick the púnishment you perfectly deserve and did you know what she choose..? 
Mr Law directed the question to Venus

Venus bent her head seeing that she was actually at my mercy the whole time and not the opposite as she had wished.

"She wants you to sâcked me immediately or work without payment and no food.." Venus replied.

Mr Law heaved, he turned and started walking away slowly.

"You won't be able to imagine what Aka picked for your púnishment, but I will leave that for you to figure out..."

"...Aka, c'mon let's go.." Mr Law said finally.

I waved Nneka goodbye and left with Mr Law.
Venus stood watching, cónfused and fear written all over her.

I walked to the car, Mr Law opened the door and I entered.

Everything feels so dreamy, but I know is reality and is too good to be true

He came and sat beside me, helped me stripe my seat belt properly, touched my blushing cheek gently

Before driving out of the gate.

This feels like a new begining to something great.

(Do NOT take credit or plagiarize AMAH'S HEART STORIES)