From Shame to Strength: Stories of Triumph Over Depression

Started by Amope, Wednesday, 26 April 2023, 03:42 PM

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From Shame to Strength: Stories of Triumph Over Depression.
Have you gone through depression before or are you going through it right now? You know, having been a victim before, I can actually relate when I see a depressed fellow. And often times when this mental illness is not taken care of in time, it can lead to suicidal thoughts.
Depression does not just stand suddenly, it usually comes with several negative thoughts like one is not loved by anyone. You will hear bad words like ''oh, I am a Problem, I am not good enough, nobody loves me, God hates me, and so on. But Hey!!!, do not listen to those thoughts. Fight those thoughts with positive words and not thoughts with thoughts. Then is the time to remember how amazing you are and how much you mean to God and your loved ones.
One of the keys to overcoming depression is seeking help. This may include talking to a therapist or counselor, and reaching out to your friends and loved ones. Open up to them, and if possible, stay away from the environment that increases this mental situation. Move with positive energized people. Let them boost your morale and self-esteem. It's important to remember that depression is a medical condition and there is no shame in seeking help.
Another important factor in overcoming depression is self-care. This may involve getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment. In other words, please pamper yourself. Go for that trip you have been longing for, eat that meal you have been salivating to eat, and trust, you will feel better
It's also important to challenge negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. This can be difficult at first, but with practice, it becomes easier to reframe negative thoughts and focus on the good things in life. Keep on saying something good about yourself. For instance, one of the things I did when I was going through depression was to write good things about myself on the wall in my room. I wake up daily to see it and read it to myself. And you know what? It worked!!!!
Ultimately, overcoming depression is a journey that requires patience, perseverance, and a willingness to ask for help. By taking small steps each day and focusing on the positive, it is possible to turn shame into strength and emerge from depression stronger than ever.

See good things about yourself and say good things about yourself. Look on the bright side always

I will always encourage people to voice out when they are feeling depressed, this will really go a long way.