Just a day in Lagos 😢

Started by EniOlaNimi, Tuesday, 28 November 2023, 03:45 PM

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In the city of promises, where dreams met reality,
She vowed before Lagos, our love's vitality.
Promised nothing would alter, our hearts entwined,
But just one day in Lagos, a love declined.

The phone's silent echo, where once her voice thrived,
She made me a stranger, in promises contrived.
A swift transformation, as if time did rearrange,
In the heartbeat of Lagos, our promises estranged.

Met boys with offerings, she thought could replace,
The love we nurtured, now lost in a trace.
Conditions unveiled, as if love's a game,
Just one day in Lagos, it's never the same.

Yet, not a surprise, for whispers reached my ear,
A Yoruba adage spoke, "you can't cage a bird," clear.
She's not caged but changed, in the city's embrace,
Forgetting the vows, in just one Lagos day's space.

Our future, a dream, now a fading haze,
In the city's whirlwind, where love often sways.
Just one day in Lagos, a heartbreaking page,
Everything altered in the city's silent stage.

EniOlaNimi ✍️