Wait till you see her

Started by EniOlaNimi, Monday, 20 November 2023, 11:59 AM

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Wait Till You See Her

In the hush of twilight's tender sigh,
'Neath the canvas of an infinite sky,
I offer a tale, a truth so sincere,
Just wait till you see her, my dear.

Her presence, a melody, whispers in the breeze,
A serenade of beauty that's bound to appease,
The moon blushes softly when she appears,
Just wait till you see her, and dispel all your fears.

Words, mere whispers, can't describe her grace,
She's an enigma, a wonder, in this tranquil space,
Her eyes, deep pools of secrets untold,
In their depths, mysteries and stories unfold.

Her laughter, a sonnet, a delicate refrain,
A symphony of joy that soothes every pain,
Her smile, a sunbeam, in the darkest night,
A beacon of hope, a guiding light.

She stirs the heart with a gentle hand,
A master of love, her every command,
A tapestry woven with threads so fine,
Just wait till you see her, and you'll know she's divine.

Oh, she's a masterpiece of dreams and wishes,
A realm of possibilities, a canvas of kisses,
Her beauty, a marvel, both near and afar,
Just wait till you see her, my shining star.

... just wait till you see her,

...words can't describe her 

© EniOlaNimi ✍️