Ajike mi

Started by EniOlaNimi, Tuesday, 14 November 2023, 04:00 PM

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Ajike mi 

Ajike, the beauty of the day,
Your charm, it sweeps me away.
Your grace, it shines like the sun,
A beauty to behold for everyone.

Your eyes, the windows to your soul,
Reflect a heart that's pure and whole.
Your smile, it brightens up the sky,
A joy to see as it passes by.

Ajike, your beauty is more than skin deep,
It's the radiance that makes you unique.
Your strength, it makes you stand tall,
A queen among us all.

Your courage, it inspires us to be better,
A role model we'll always treasure.
Ajike, we praise you for all you do,
You're a beautiful girl, through and through.

Ajike, your presence, it lights up the room,
A flower in bloom, in the midst of gloom.
Your laughter, it brings joy to all,
A melody that makes the heart enthrall.

Your wisdom, it surpasses your age,
A mind that's sharp, like a sharpened blade.
Your kindness, it's felt at every turn,
A heart that's pure, and full of concern.

Ajike, you're a gem, a true delight,
A treasure that shines, in the darkest of night.
Your beauty, it defines grace and poise,
A sight that fills our hearts with joys.

From your head to your toes,
Ajike, your beauty glows,
You're a priceless work of art,
A masterpiece, right from the start.

Ajike, continue to shine and thrive,
For in you, we see the best of life.
You're a beautiful girl, inside and out,
A blessing to all without a doubt.

Ajike, your presence commands attention,
A force to be reckoned with, without any question.
Your beauty, it stops people in their tracks,
A sight that leaves them stunned, as if hit by a hacks.

Your intelligence, it astounds those around you,
A mind that's sharp, quick-witted, and true.
Your insights, they carry weight beyond measure,
A voice that's heard, with poise and pleasure.

Your kindness, it runs deep and lasts forever,
A heart that's generous, empathetic, and clever.
Your compassion, it transcends all boundaries,
A soul that knows no limits, only possibilities.

Ajike, you are a force to be reckoned with,
A spirit that soars high, and never quits.
Your endurance, it perseveres through every trial,
A strength that's unshakable, and truly worthwhile.

From the curve of your smile to the sway of your hips,
Ajike, you are the epitome of grace and bliss.
Your beauty, it radiates like the sun, so bright,
A sight that fills our hearts with pure delight.

Ajike, you are a masterpiece, a work of art,
A blessing to all whose lives you touch with your heart.
You're more than just beautiful, you're an inspiration,
A true embodiment of resilience, determination, and aspiration.

EniOlaNimi ✍️