Papa, Our Everyday Father Christmas

Started by Amope, Tuesday, 07 November 2023, 10:17 AM

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Papa, our everyday Father Christmas

With goodies and foodies benefits, he daily loads us
His warm embrace gives us comfort
His words, makes us feel loved

Not we shy in his presence
"Dad, can you see how broken I am"
Said to him, Adorable
"Come let me turn the broken heart to a Golden one"
So he said to her

He daily loads us with benefits
Makes us stand to our feets
Even as we steps on snakes and scorpion
"The world, your stage"
"Take over it as it belongs to you"
His words to confirm our sonship and ownership

I'm willing to give you all of me,
If only you don't give up on me.
Your wish, my will, my bid, your win,
For long I yearn just to be seen.
All day your thought arouse my mind,
All night I dream it's you I find.

The countenance of your face captures my sight
The resonance of your voice attracts my heart
Like a baby wandering in wonder
So am I puzzled as I ponder.
Caught up in the reflexes of your wink
Unbeknown to me, in fallacy I sink.

Conceited was I to have given you all
Like a fool in the moon my heart you lull
Although you long to see me again
All is left in me a jot of disdain
Your thought in me vanishes away
By the pool of love, once more, I lay.

Swindled in love...

Swept away in the dance of love, I offered you every fragment of my soul, praying you'd hold onto the pieces. A wish in my heart, a bid in my eyes – a yearning to be acknowledged.

In the gallery of my mind, your image paints every canvas, and the echo of your voice orchestrates the melody of my heart. Yet, like a wanderer lost in the enchantment of your gaze, I find myself entangled in the illusion of your embrace. 

Swindled in love, a fool in the moonlit night, my heart lulled by your deceptive artistry. Despite the longing for your presence, a jot of disdain remains, and by the pool of love, once more, I lay.