
Started by OmoHazzan, Monday, 06 November 2023, 11:28 AM

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Heb.12.2a - Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

We are in this time by which FAITH is a tale and a burden to our souls... But this is a reminder that this FAITH journey wasn't pioneered by us. Jesus is the author (beginner and originator) of this faith...

So, as it looks hard and difficult and wearying and burdensome.. Look unto the originator because this faith starts with HIM and ends with HIM.

This Week.. Don't talk to HIM... Just Look unto Him...

Looking unto HIM is key this week.. It is the matter of sight. Wait to See...

See what He has done, what He is doing and what He will do...

*And by what you see this week, you will find solace, comfort and strength.