Holy Lifestyle for a Better Christian Life

Started by Gifted hands, Saturday, 04 November 2023, 11:54 AM

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1. Spend time with God first thing in the morning. Stop taking your phone first. Make it an habit to communicate with your creator and tell him what you want to happen in the day.

2. Read your Bible before stepping out. Before you get to hear and see all the things in the news which can be devastating and frustrating, first put in the word of God inside you. This will be like a buffer against anything that will come to steal your joy.

3. Treat your body as a temple. This means eating the right food, eat healthy food. Exercise because your body needs it. Treating your body as a temple means being pure too. Avoid evil thoughts from growing inside you and be holy in your thoughts and deeds.

4. Go on prayer walks, pray consistently. Cast all your burdens on God he cares for you. Tell him all anxieties and worries, ge is surely listening to you.

5..Fast regularly. This has so many spiritual benefits. Your prayers gets answered faster, even the Bible says some miracles only come by fasting and praying. Deny your flesh food for a spiritual gain.

6. Join a christian community to help build your faith.