One of The Emotional Need of Every Teenage Child

Started by Aadeola, Saturday, 07 October 2023, 09:29 AM

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One of the things parents must always keep in mind is that parenting evolves both with time and the age of their children.

The same parenting style used for the same child at age 5 cannot work when the same child becomes a teenager.

There are certain emotional and psychological needs of every teenager and one of their vital need is Guidance and Mentorship.

Teens seek guidance in navigating life's challenges. They benefit from parents who provide advice, share their own experiences, and act as mentors to help them make informed decisions. Teens have alot of options around them, alot of friends telling them things to do and they are trying to navigate through life, it's important that they are provided with utmost guidance at this phase of their life.

Every teenage child sees their parent, guardian, or caregiver as mentors. They learn directly or indirectly from them and emulate their behavior.
It's important that you lay good examples and give them the best support at this phase of their lives.

One of the things that parents should know is that attention is parenting,as a teenager parents must learn how to pay attention to their church and know everything going on with them
Teenagers sees their parents as one that they can emulate their behavior and learn from them either directly or indirectly
Parents should understand the type of children they gave birth two one method cannot be use for every children

Quote from: Toluwalope on Tuesday, 31 October 2023, 08:23 AMOne of the things that parents should know is that attention is parenting,as a teenager parents must learn how to pay attention to their church and know everything going on with them
Teenagers sees their parents as one that they can emulate their behavior and learn from them either directly or indirectly
Parents should understand the type of children they gave birth two one method cannot be use for every children

A special write-up for parents
Parents of now adays should understand that the way they are brought up cannot be use for their children, parents should be thier children's best friend, children of nowadays want parents that they will be able to express their mind to without being scolded or rebuked, your first reaction will determine whether he/she will do so some other time, parents should also be sensitive around their children til the extent that even when the child what to pretend as if they are fine, understand your children language. DON'T RAISE YOUR CHILD CASUALLY, remember you will give account of whatsoever they become from Toluwalope 

Parents should also avoid being judgemental but they should learn to guide them in love

Happy new week everyone
There's a series we are currently teaching in my church how to heal from a dysfunctional background and something stood out for me that my spiritual father said@femilazarus?" There's disconnection between believers and the world because we don't know their reality" and one thing I have observed is that you cannot preach the gospel at your level you preach the gospel at the level of the people you are preaching to, some of us that we call ourselves believers use to present the gospel as a bad news and which is not suppose to be so,we go ahead and criticize people some will even go ahead and say God is angry in heaven with you because of what you are doing you will go to hell fire if you don't stop which is not suppose to be so, there was a day I was speaking with someone that use to smoke he told me to show him where it's Written in the bible that he should not smoke,I told him to show me where it is written in the bible that he said should not take poison he said it's not in the bible,so l ask why he is not taking poison since it's not in the bible that he should not take poison,so I made him to understand the benefit of him not smoking and the disadvantages as well
Believers should stop criticising people
We should know the reality of the unbelievers as well
One thing I want you to have in mind as you are going into this new week is that 'if I happen to be the one that they are preaching the gospel to the way am presenting it to people will I accept the gospel? because criticising people doesn't change them

One of the emotional need of every teenage child is that teenagers want people that will give them attention,a loving and caring person that will always want to hear them out and listen to them and one thing I have noticed us that this is missing in most of the families now adays,and teenagers will prefer staying with people that will always pay attention to them,and where they find love so parent should understand this because most of this things are chaos in the family because parents don't understand most of their teenagers language