The Distinctioins Between Brand, Branding & Brand Identity

Started by Moses joel Adetokunbo, Tuesday, 19 September 2023, 02:45 PM

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Certainly! Let's clarify the distinctions between brand, branding, and brand identity:

1. Brand: A brand encompasses the perception, reputation, and recognition of a company, product, or service in the marketplace. It represents intangible qualities and associations that people have with a particular entity. Think of it as the "personality" or "character" of a business.

2. Branding: Branding is the strategic process of creating, developing, and managing a brand. It involves shaping all visible elements and touchpoints that contribute to the overall brand experience. This includes crafting a brand strategy, designing a logo, developing messaging, and establishing a consistent visual identity.

3. Brand Identity: Brand identity refers to specific visual and verbal elements used to communicate the brand to its audience. These include tangible manifestations like logos, colors, typography, taglines, designs, and symbols—anything visually or verbally representing the brand consistently. The purpose is to reflect and represent the values, personality, and positioning of the brand.

In summary, a brand is how a business or entity is perceived.

Branding is the strategic process of creating and managing that brand.

Brand identity is the visual and verbal representation of the brand.

Together, they strengthen and establish a recognizable presence in the marketplace