Educational Restructuring

Started by Edward Oluwaseyi, Thursday, 14 September 2023, 09:24 AM

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The Tragedy of Education Policy and Implementation

Nigeria is a nation blessed with great intellectual manpower, a giant of Africa. We had produced children reigning in various countries of the world. Our level of planning is impressive, ironically we have the blue print to become the fastest growing economy. Unfortunately, everyone still operate in a primitive society.

In the educational sector, there are several erudite scholars and people who are competent professionals. With structure and policy which are designed to build a better society but the extent of decay is alarming.

Educational policy maker has system put in place to promote hardwork, excellence and integrity. There are program put in place to make sure that the best students emerge but the present reality is a shadow of it objectives.

The sector has been deeply affected by examination malpractice and other corrupt practices which had really reduced the standard of our education.

What amazed me is the priority society placed on certificate rather than knowledge of the subject matter and skills acquired.
The educational administrator shifted there attention from the students to the teachers without considering the child's  ability and willingness to learn, the passion, interest and his resilience.

Also, it is disheartening for a teacher to prepare a student for an examination and later be the one to write the exam for the students. Just for the sake of his own commendation because it is regarded that the students performance determines the teacher's quality.
There is need for both the educational policy maker, administrator, teachers, parents and students to seat together and redefine our educational objective. We must allow everyone to understand their role to attain academic and moral excellence.

We are to follow the due process as outlined by the policy of education.
A time must come when everyone will stand against examination malpractice and take responsibility.

© Edward Oluwaseyi

The situation of our educational standardis very disheartening. We can only hope for the best if all stakeholders will rise to their responsibility

This essay emphasizes how urgently Nigeria's educational system needs to move from a concern with certificates to real learning and skill development. In order to restore integrity, corrupt activities such as exam malpractice must be addressed. To promote academic and moral excellence, legislators, educators, and students must work together in concert.