Who Are You?

Started by Amope, Thursday, 17 August 2023, 04:00 PM

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Who Are You?

We are in a world where people's perceptions and beliefs have taken over what you really think about yourself. You hear words like, "You are not smart, oh you are too slow, how can you be so silly, you are incapable of doing this". As subtle and harmless you could think these statements, they are unconsciously building up another personality different from who you really her. But wait, you know deep down, that isn't you. How do you change the narrative? This article will explore the steps toward revealing your true identity.

You need to Understand the Layers of Identity

The Facade vs. Authenticity Many people wear different masks just to fit into their societal norms and to meet unnecessary expectations. However, the quest for the real you makes you shed off those facades and reveal the real you. This, I mean, you step out of what society thinks or believes you should be.

Societal Influence on Self-Perception Our Society has imposed its true meaning of success, beauty, or happiness. For instance, Having your bank account loaded with money, having a fleets of cars or owing Houses in your name, is what the society feel is what it means to be successful. Overcoming these influences allows us to discover our unique essence and importance.

The Journey Inward: Discovering Your True Essence

Peeling Away Expectations and Preconceptions Unveiling your true self requires you detoxifying layers of assumptions and expectations placed upon you by others, this will allow your real you to emerge.

Listening to Your Inner Voice Deep within you, your inner voice (The person of the Holy Spirit) holds the wisdom to guide you toward revealing your true self. Paying attention and heeding this voice will lead to a profound self-discovery.

Breaking Free from External Expectations

Overcoming the Fear of Judgment Fear of judgment can prevent you from embracing the true you. In this case, you need to take the bold step of doing things afraid, without minding what anyone will say. Especially, when you have a knowing in your spirit to go ahead. Do things fearful that even fear will be afraid of you.

Embracing Imperfections and Vulnerabilities you need to Acknowledge that you aren't perfect and vulnerable to mistakes. See your mistakes as your process of growing. You don't have to be too hard on yourself. Embrace it early so you can know how to rectify these imperfections.

The Power of Relationships

Building Relationships Grounded in Authenticity Authentic relationships thrive on genuine connections. Surround yourself with people who appreciate your true self enhances your growth. You don't have to be apologetic towards the wrong people. You can always love them from afar. Surround yourself with a supportive team and not people who pull you down with words. Words are powerful

Self-Expression as a Reflection of True Identity

Let your Creativity be revealed Engaging in creative pursuits allows you to express your authentic self with you nor holding back. Showcase the skill and talents that you have. Let the world know what you are capable of doing, make the world your stage. Dream big, you would be surprised how far you have gone just by being intentional about your life. Your passion and interest will help to tailor it towards you living a purposeful life without living your society's purpose.

Embracing your true self is a trans formative journey, a voyage that leads you to the core of who you truly are. Shed the societal mask, listening to your inner man, as well as paying attention to your interests and passion will help to reveal your true self. Remember, the question "Who are you?" is an invitation to explore and celebrate the beautiful mosaic of your identity