Lara's Tale

Started by StoryTeller, Saturday, 15 April 2023, 04:22 PM

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Episode 1

Hmmm! The Lara of three years ago was a lover of God, a lady who bring souls to Christ through her singing talent. She never played with the things of God and would always give out something so precious to her just for a soul to be won to God but something happened which changed the course of her life. Curious? Come, let me take you down the memory lane.

I am Adetunji Lara Onyinyechi, surprised at my name combination? I am a product of a yoruba father and an igbo woman. My parent got divorced when I was eight, mom's family never wanted her to get married to my Dad but they stubbornly did out of the love they claimed to have for each other.

Things got tougher between them and they had to part ways. Mom refused to take me with her with the claim that I looked so much like my Dad and would always remind her of her failed relationship with him. Dad on the other hand also refused to have me live with him with the claim that he wasn't sure if I was his because he caught mom cheating.

The best they could both do was to send me to a boarding school. They paid for my fee from primary till secondary level living me all alone in a boarding school. I scaled through the bulliying and maltreatment of primary scholl then i crossed to secondary school.

Fortunately for me, our secondary school potress was a strong Christian who took a liking to me. She became the mother I never had, led me to Christ and helped me discover my talent of singing.

My potress got married and left to another part of the country, we lost contact and I became alone again. Though I couldn't get through to her again, the Holy Spirit became my teacher and instructor. I began to get songs from Holy Spirit and began a career in music.

I would always represent my school in music competitions and would come back with prizes. I graduated from secondary school and was back to the street as none of my parent want me around them. Mom looked me in the face and told me to go work to fend for myself.

I had never been so sad and bitter like I was the day Mom told me such wicked words. I thought people say mothers are the sweetest creature on earth, why is mine so heartless?

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 2

I had actually asked the school authorities to give me a month to sort myself out thinking one of my parent would take me in. Getting back to the dormitory after speaking with my mom, I wasn't even able to answer people's greeting, I just went to my bunk, laid on the bed and cried my eyes out.

While crying, the Holy Spirit consoled me with a verse in the Bible saying, if thy father and mother forsake you, I will care for you. I wiped my tears and continued living life while counting days.

A week later, one of my classmates came to collect her testimonial and certificate. She was so shocked to see me still in the school, she asked why I was still around and I wasted no time in narrating my dilemma to her.

She said she would introduce me to a friend of hers who lived alone, her main purpose of wanting me to live with her friend is for me to influence her friend's live positively as she was a runs girl.

I moved in with Tola, my classmate's friend and began living with her. She was a nice girl but a big time flirt. A week after I moved in with Tola, I went to church only to receive the greatest shock of my life, Dare was getting married to Cynthia, Elder Jide's second daughter. You wanna know who Dare is and how he is connected to me? Keep following.

I had a very close relationship with God that even at age 19, I know who my husband was, how many children I would have and how my marriage would look like. I had gotten home after one of my numerous ministrations and in the course of worshipping God for using me mightily, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me.

He said I would get married at the age of 22 to Dare, the first son of Pastor Collins who was then studying in the United state of America. He further went on to say that Dare would be responsible for my tertiary education and through him, my ministry would be taken to the next level as he had what my ministry needs to be skyrocketed.

Hearing of Dare's wedding announcement broke me, I began to doubt the Holy Spirit and hence began to lose the connection I had with Him. On several occasions, i would ignore His warnings, advice and corrections. With Dare gone and no parent to help me further my education, I took another step which destroyed my relationship with God.

Since I knew one of my Uncle who was wealthy, I decided to go to him for help. I borrowed some money from Tola and travelled to see him. Getting to him, I narrated how my parent abandon me and my desire to further my education. After my speech, he asked me to go sleep in one of his guest rooms that by morning, he would give me the money I needed for the furtherance of my education. Oh! I was so excited that day, in fact, I prepared a delicious meal for him just to show my appreciation.

At exactly 1am that morning, I began to feel something moving on my laps, at first, I thought it was mosquito and went back to sleep. This movement came again and again which forced me to open my eyes. Behold! My Uncle was lying beside me and was trying to gain access to my body.

Shocked, I asked him to leave and threatened to scream but he laughed at me saying no one would hear even if I scream out my lungs. I then resulted into pleading with him but he turned a deaf ears to me. He undressed himself, forcefully part my legs, got rid if my undies and nightwear and forcefully gain access into me.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 3

Done with satisfying himself, he left for his room leaving me to deal with the heartache and pain I incurred. That night was the saddest time of my life, I wept all through wishing I could turn back the hands of time, I wished I didn't come to him for help. That night changed the course of my life, I was done living for God, I was now filled with hatred, hatred for God, my so-called parent, men, and the Christians.

Before he woke up that morning, I managed to freshen up and leave for home. Getting home, I started weeping, I had no money, no education, no love of a parent, no lover but the only thing I had and treasured was forcefully taken away from me.

I locked myself inside the room crying for days. Tola noticed this and came to know what was wrong with me, she was so surprised to see me looking sad and my face was swollen. I narrated everything I went through in the hands of my Uncle to her, she felt so sorry for me and encouraged me not to give up on life.

She took care of me and promised to help me get a job. Since she works in a big restaurant, she decided to help me speak to the manager to employ me. I got employed and joined Tola to work as a waiter.

I no longer read the Bible, I no longer pray and fast, I no longer hear from God in fact, I practically lost my relationship with God. Tola introduced me to a way of making money. We would look out for rich men who would touch and smack our breasts and butt then give us some money but we would never sleep with them. Although Tola slept with a few who were very wealthy I told her I can't allow any man to touch me.

That went on and we were making money even more than our salary, my appearance and dressing changed, I began to wear what I abhorred before. Little wonder, I was supposed to influence Tola but she influenced me.

I had given a customer his order one day and he touched my butt and gave me some money before I went back to my position. While I was trying to enter the sales into the account book, a young man walked up to me and slipped a paper into my hands which read 'Can you please meet me outside?'

Joyfully, I went to meet him thinking he was one of our numerous customers. On getting outside, he started ranting about how i was shamelessly throwing myself at men.

Me: Hello, you asked me to meet you outside

Man: yes, I didn't want to talk inside so that I won't be disturbing the peace of the customers

Me: okay?

Man: why will such a beautiful girl like you be throwing her body shamelessly to men in exchange for stipends?

Me: hehehe! Just shut up your mouth, what do you know about me that wants is making you judge me?

Man: I am not trying to judge you, I am just asking a question

Me: please keep your question to yourself and mind your business

Man: Lara??

Me: excuse me?? How do you know my name?

Man: the Lara I knew a year back is a lover of God, she sings for God and through her souls were won to God's kingdom. What happened to that Lara? Where did that Lara go to? Where is that beautiful young vessel God was using mightily?

Me: (tears began to fall from my face) stop it! I said stop it. Who are you?

Man: I am Dare, Pastor Collins' first son

Me: oh so it's you?? Let this be the first and last that you will open that gutter you call a mouth to talk to me. Men and their perverse ways.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 4

Dare's point of view

After my encounter with Lara, I drove home feeling very sad. Getting home, I mumbled some words of greeting and went straight to my room. I sat on my bed with my head buried in my palm. How on earth did Lara degenerate to that level? What happened to Lara that use to be on fire for God? Where did the Lara whose songs bring consolation to weary heart go?

Holy Spirit: Do you know you didn't keep your side of the bargain?

Me: Dear Lord, I know I have erred but can you please bring Lara back? She can't just waste away like that

Holy Spirit: I have the power to bring her back but I won't, that task is meant for you and you must make sure you bring her back

Me: (fell on my knees crying) ha Lord! This task is too enormous for me, how will I go about it?

Holy Spirit: The initial plan was for you to come into Lara's life and help her achieve God's purpose for her life after God delivered you from masturbation and pornography but you got carried away.

Me: (still crying) I am very sorry Lord, give me the grace to bring her back

Holy Spirit: My grace is sufficient for you

I vividly remember everything. Mom and Dad sent me abroad to study Medicine. Before I left for school, they warned me against bad gangs but getting to the States, I became friends with some guys who introduced me to drugs, masturbation, and pornography.

I went deep into these vices at the expense of my education and my parent who was ministers were too busy to discern that their godly son had derailed from the truth they placed my feet on. Things went bad to the point that the school asked me to withdraw.

That was when the reality dawned on me, I would be deported to Nigeria immediately after I am withdrawn from the school. I had no choice but to run back to God for mercy and He accepted me back. Even though I was back to Christ, I was falling back into the sin of masturbation and pornography. I cried to God again and He delivered me then gave me a mandate that my coming back to Nigeria was to come to lift a vessel. He made me understand that she would be my wife and I would see to the fact that the kingdom of God is expanded through her. Getting to Nigeria, I met the girl God told me about, I was so surprised that she was just a teenager then. Along the line, my mom introduced me to one of the deacon's daughter and I got carried away.

We began a relationship and tied the knot some months after. Just a month after our wedding, she began to bleed. I rushed her to the hospital only to be told that she aborted a pregnancy that was almost three months old. It was so shocking to me because there was no sexual intimacy between us before we got married.

Two days later, she confessed to me that she was in a relationship with the choirmaster and wanted to marry him but her parent forced her to get married to me. In a bid to console her heartbroken lover, she slept with him which resulted in pregnancy.

Not wanting me to find out, she went for an abortion which was badly done. Sadly, she died few minutes after her confession.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 5

Lara's point of view

So, Dare thinks he can tell me trash, just because he was born with a silver spoon doesn't give him the right to speak anyhow to other people because you won't understand their dilemma till you are in their shoes. Well, I am happy I gave him a warning, I hope that make him stay away from me.

Instead of staying away from me, Dare became a regular visitor at the restaurant. Well, his presence didn't stop me from allowing men to touch my body for money. In fact, I was enjoying the pleasure I was receiving from the touching and smooching. After work one stressful Tuesday, I was walking home when a car stopped behind me.

Surprisingly, Dare came out of the car pleading with me to hear him out, I simply ignored and kept walking home. Dare followed me home and won't let me be as he kept banging the door after I got home wanting me to hear what he had to say. In anger, I went into the kitchen, got a bucket of water and poured it on him.

As the water was landing on him, Tola walked in. She was very angry with me for treating Dare that way, she came into my room ranting.

Tola: what was that nonsense all about? Why would you do that to a man?

Me: I just want him off my back, he should let me be

Tola: a handsome man is running after you yet you are doing shakara, those that do touch your body, are they as fine as this guy?

Me: Tola please let me be, you can't understand

Tola: well, he is waiting for you in the sitting room

Me: what??

Tola: after you poured that water on him, he began to shiver. I had to bring him in, give him one of my clothes and invited him in so, you better go and see him or you get locked outside tomorrow night and please remember to be civil with him

Me: Don't tell me you are trying to put me in a fix

Tola: will you go and meet him or I lock you outside tomorrow? Remember, I am spending the night in Chief's apartment

Me: whatever

With anger written all over me, I went to the sitting room to meet Dare.

Me: what do you want from me? Why can't you just let me be?

Dare: I just want to tell you that God wants you back. He asked me to tell you that your life can still be fixed if you come back to him.

Me: (scoff) you and your God are a big joker. Go back to your God and tell him that I am no longer interested in Him, tell Him i said I am done with Him as in I have moved on so He should please move on too

Dare: don't say this please, He is still interested in you, He wants to make you a great vessel

Me: get out of my house and never come back because if you do, I will get you arrested.

Dare: God still loves you Lara

Me: leave my house now

Dare left my house but not without dropping his contact on the couch. Happy that he finally left, I went into the kitchen to get something to eat before going to bed.

Dare's point of view

Lara's case had rendered me unhappy, I found it hard to sleep and eat knowing fully well that she was wasting away. My mom tried to know what was eating me up but I couldn't tell her anything. After the death and burial of my wife, I had to come stay with my parent in Nigeria to avoid sinking into depression.

I embarked on a fasting and prayer program on Lara's behalf crying to God for mercy.

Holy Spirit: stop praying for her, I am also done with her. I have decided to prepare someone who would replace her

Me: oh no Lord! Have mercy, Your word says You are rich in mercy. Please, have mercy and bring her back

Holy Spirit: forget about her, I am already preparing another lady for you

Me: this is not about marriage Lord, how will I live life knowing fully well that a mistake I made ruined someone's destiny and future. All I ask for her is mercy, have mercy Lord

Holy Spirit: hmmm, what do you want me to do?

Me: bring her back Lord, I just want her to come back to You and fulfill her life purpose

Holy Spirit: I have listened to your cry on her behalf, I will bring her back and restore her ministry but you must be ready to walk that path with her. You must be ready to be her husband, spiritual father and mentor

Me: give me grace to be these Lord

Holy Spirit: my grace is sufficient for you. For this role you played in Lara's life, I will restore all the years that the cankerworms have eaten, you shall rise again and be what God wants you to be. From today, your life will be filled with so much happiness but never let go of your relationship with God.

Me: help me Lord. Thank You, my God

Lara's point of view

After taking a shower, I fell on my bed and slept off. I found myself beside a huge and beautiful tree with an old man sitting beside it. Suddenly, a big unripe fruit fell down from the tree.

Me: baba, why did this fruit has to fall when it isn't ripe, you should have done something to prevent it from falling. But what does this tree and the fruits on it symbolize?

Baba: (shakes his head) the tree is the Heavenly Father, the fruits are those who have come to Him, they have free from sin and are relying on Him for grace to go through the Christian race. Unfortunately, the fruit that fell is you

Me: what?? Never, it can't be, why will I fall?

Baba: remember, you said you were done with God so He is also done with you and He is currently preparing someone to replace you since you are no longer useful in His vineyard

Me: No! No! No! This can't happen

Baba: God is preparing Samara, the sick would be healed through her songs, sinners would be saved and the hopeless would be given hope. She would stand before Kings proclaim the Gospel of Christ

Me: (fell to the ground and was weeping) what will become of me?

Baba: you will end up in hell, weeping and gnashing your teeth

Me: no! Have mercy on me, I am ready to come back. Please forgive me

Baba: hmmm, you allowed your fruit to fall before it gets ripe, you ignored the Holy Spirit and took wrong decisions yet you blame God for it. Well, God is ready to show you mercy because He is merciful and Dare, your destined husband has been crying, fasting and praying for you. Run now to God and make your ways right before it becomes too late

I woke up with a shout only to realize that it was a dream. I burst into tears and started crying for forgiveness, Tola ran to my room but left me alone when she couldn't comprehend what was happening to me. After crying and asking God for mercy for two hours, I picked my phone and dialled Dare's contact.

Me: (weeping) hello! Can you please come over?

Dare: are you fine? What happened to you? Did anyone hurt you?

Me: come over and pray for me please

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 6

Dare's point of view

Getting to where Lara lives, her friend who rendered help to me the previous day ushered me in and took me to her room where I met her weeping and shivering on her bed. Touched, I sat beside her and touched her leg in order to register my presence. Immediately she noticed my presence, she sat up and began to weep loudly.

Lara: please, tell God to forgive me. I am sorry, I didn't plan on going astray, life challenges got a better part of me and I felt God wasn't fair to me

Me: it's okay dear, God is ready to take you back, all He wants to see is that brokenness in you. Can I pray for you?

Lara: yes, please pray for me

I put her hand in mine and I led her in a prayer of confession and reconciliation. In the course of the prayer, she started singing and blasting in tongues. Oh the joy that filled my soul that morning can't be described. The prayer session which was meant to last for few minutes lasted for almost two hours before it came to an end then, it became obvious to me that Lara was truly meant for me.

I was previously worried about the age difference as I was seven years older than her but I realized that God doesn't work with age. After the prayer, she thanked me and said that she needed to sleep as she was having severe headache. I covered her with the duvet and left the room so that she would have an undisturbed sleep.

Later in the evening, I went back to see Lara. I cooked and bought her pain reliever. She was so shocked to see me again, she greeted me with respect and ushered me in. I made her eat and take the pain reliever then we studied the Bible together. As we were rounding up our Bible study session, her friend staggered into the sitting room cursing and muttering incoherent words. Lara ran to her and helped her to the room.

When Lara came back to meet me, she apologized for her friend's display. I told her it was okay but such a friend was dangerous to her new found faith. I suggest she come live with my mom but she refused, she promise to stop that job and win her friend to Christ.

Gradually, Lara and I were very close to the extent that we could not go a day without speaking to each other on the phone. I had fallen helplessly in love with her but I was being very careful as I didn't want her to think I was trying to take advantage of her. On several occasions, I had asked about her parent but she just won't tell me about them. Lara was very sweet and fun to be with but she was just too secretive. She would be going through challenges and would refuse to tell me about it not until I find out myself.

Time flew and the six month leave I took at office in US was coming to an end. Leaving Lara all alone in Nigeria was giving me heartache, I wanted to tell her about my feelings for her but I was afraid of being rejected, I felt she might not want to go into a relationship at that time because she was just approaching twenty one while i was in my late twenties. I kept battling with the thought of asking her out or not when the Holy Spirit mandated me to do so.

That day with fear written all over me, I invited her to a garden where I paid for a space and ordered drinks which I was sipping just to calm my nervous self while waiting for her. After few minutes of waiting, she arrived looking elegant. Locating me wasn't difficult as I waved at her immediately she came into the garden, I pulled a chair for her to sit and ensured she ordered some snacks even when she said it wasn't necessary.

That evening, I was just not coordinated, something she noticed and kept asking me what was wrong. When I couldn't hold it again, I asked her the big question "I love you Lara, will you be my wife?" She simply took a deep breath and said she would get back to me, I wasn't expecting an immediate reply but I just hope her reply would be positive.

Surprisingly, I was about to undressed when a message came into my phone, I checked it and was surprised it was from Lara which says YES, I WILL BE YOUR WIFE. I didn't know when I screamed for joy, I was just so excited.

Lara's point of view

I had been waiting for Dare to make a move by proposing to me but it looks like it wasn't come forth. When I least expected, he invited me to a garden and then asked me to be his wife, I was so happy but I decided to act like I was shocked. After he dropped me at home, I sent him a message telling him that I would be his wife.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 7

Dare's point of view

Lara and I began our relationship and it was so blissful, I got to understand the true meaning of love. Despite being young, she was very matured, the way she handles issues surprise me greatly. Just one month into our relationship, her spiritual level had increased greatly. She would lead prayer sometimes and I would be amazed at how God moves.

On one occasion, Lara told me to warn my mom not to eat at the women's convention she was preparing to go to. Though I kinda doubted her, I gave my mom the warning. Surprisingly, my mom went to the convention and instead of eating there, she brought the food home which we gave to one of our dogs. Five minutes after the dog ate the food, it bled to death. My mom burst into tears asking who was after her life, on the other hand, I became afraid of people who use Christianity to perpetrate evil but at the same time, I was grateful to God for revealing the secret to us.

Lara's 21st birthday came and I decided to give her a surprise birthday party. Since she doesn't want to come over to my parent's house, I invited her over to my best friend's apartment. Daniel and I decorated his sitting room, ordered for cake, and got some wine as well. I sent her Daniel's address and asked her to meet me there.

Lara's point of view

It was my 21st birthday and I was grateful for the gift of life. I appreciated God and asked Him to perfect every area of my life. My 20th birthday was a blast as Tola took me on a treat but ever since I came back to God, we have become enemies and she has been threatening to send me out of the house. While I was still praying and praising God in my room, Tola barged into my room with a knife in her hands saying I stole her money.

I denied the allegation and the next thing she did was to stab me in my right arm. I screamed in pain but she cared less, she simply left my room after laying some curses on me which I canceled. I wiped the tears on my face and ran to a nearby chemist to get my wound treated.

As I was coming out of the chemist shop, Dare called and asked I meet him in a place. I wanted to protest but he hung up before I could say anything. I looked at the address he sent to me and discovered that the house wasn't far from Tola's residence.

Instead of going back to the house, I took a bike to the address, and as I walked into the sitting room, the scream of happy birthday echoed in the room. I was so surprised to know that Dare planned a surprise birthday party for me. Touched by what he had done, I embraced him and couldn't stop shedding tears as no one had celebrated my birthday for me save Tola who was the first.

Dare and his best friend named Daniel sang me a birthday song, prayed for me, and gave me birthday gifts. Daniel gave me a wristwatch and a body spray while my darling Dare gave me a brand new phone, a beautiful dinner dress with a pair of shoes and jewelry. Ohh! The love I received that day was overwhelming, I just kept on crying while appreciating them. We took pictures and ate the beautiful cake. Done with the celebration, Daniel excused Dare and I.

Me: thank you so much for this sweetheart, I don't even know how to repay you

Dare: you don't need to repay me because I am only putting smiles on the beautiful face of my woman

Me: thank you so much, my man,

Dare: Awwn, I am blushing

Dare noticed I was not placing my hand well, he came closer and touched it making me scream in pain. He rolled my sleeve and was surprised to see my arm bandaged.

Dare: what happened to you?? How did this happen to you and when??

Me: (scratching my head) it's nothing dear, I will be fine

Dare: (raised his voice) will you swallow that rubbish and tell me exactly what happened to you

Me: (I became scared because that was the first time he would raise his voice at me) eerm, Tol...a hum stabbed me

Dare: what? How? What's your offense??

Me: she accused me of stealing her money and stabbed me when I denied stealing it

Dare: oh my love! But you shouldn't have hidden this from me na. You won't go back there, I will get you an apartment, I should have done that earlier

Me: sweetheart, please I will be fine,

Dare: ohh! I should wait till she kills you abi? I am getting you an apartment tomorrow and that's final

Me: (went on my knees) thank you so much dear, God will continue to favor and uplift you

Dare: amen and amen

While I was jubilating inwardly and discussing happily with Dare, he dropped a bombshell.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 8

Dare's point of view

I watched a tear drop from Lara's eyes the moment I informed her about my departure which was in a week's time. At a point, she started weeping uncontrollably and became unconsolable, I promised to always keep in touch with her but she would have none of it.

I decided to introduce her to my parent to make her feel at ease, she responded by saying my mother won't accept her. Despite that, I took her to meet my mom who outrightly refused me having anything to do with her with the claim that she is the daughter of a nobody and had nothing to offer me. Well, I didn't bother about arguing with her, I simply took Lara to meet my Dad in the church. Being a man full of God's spirit, he approved Lara for me and that was all I needed.

Few days to my departure, I went with Lara to her school where we obtained her WAEC certificate which I was determined to take along with me. I got her a mini apartment and got her registered into a catering school so that she won't get bored and lonely.

On the day I was to leave, her face was swollen as a result of crying overnight. Despite my assurance and reassurance, she didn't stop crying. I promised to always keep in touch with her. Leaving her was hard for me but I could not just be crying along aside.

Lara's point of view

Hearing about Dare's departure saddened me and watching him leave further broke me. He has been my succour and strength, I had never been loved and well cared for before, he loved me just as I was and was willing to see me become the best version of myself. When both father and mother forsaked me, God brought him my way and he never for once gave me reasons to cry despite my naughtiness and secretive attitude.

Talking about my life, things had been going on smoothly, my walk with God had been awesome, He began to reveal things to me again but I wasn't able to sing again. I prayed and fasted yet songs were not forthcoming. Hmm, then I got to realize that when you stray away from God, you will pay double of the price you paid before. I didn't need to fast and pray before singing at the initial stage but even with days of fasting and praying, it wasn't coming. The only thing I result into is asking God for mercy.

Dare went with my WAEC certificate but he didn't tell me his reason for going with it, I knew he can't have a bad intention towards me. He registered me in a catering school and got me a moderate accommodation with the needed things.


Dare's point of view

Six months away from my love was not funny though we made voice and video calls but it wasn't like us being together physically. There were times I won't be able to pick or return her calls, other times, I would be too tired to talk to her. Well, it wasn't as if I was doing it on purpose the truth was that I was working over time because God had instructed me to bring her over.

Immediately I collected her result, I had wanted to fix her up in a tertiary institution where my best friend was lecturing but God instructed me to bring her over to the States because she has an assignment to carry out for Him there. Though I wasn't financially buoyant enough to get her enrolled in one of the prestigious universities in the States, I has no choice but to work over time because I knew the consequence of going against God.

I remember calling her one morning and directed her to an immigration officer to get her passport done, she screamed so hard and kept appreciating me. In no time, the processes was done and she traveled over for her degree. In order to avoid temptation, I had to stop her from coming to my place.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 10

After the slap landed on his face, I could see sadness written all over his face, he wore his cloth and walked out of the room and never returned till the following. I apologised on my knees the following day and he forgave me instantly but no matter how hard I tried, I could not just grant him access to my body.

Days turned into weeks and weeks into month yet I was still bent on Dare not touching me, I could not just explained what came over me. When he discovered that I was not granting him access into my body, he withdrew.

We constantly began to have heated argument which tore us apart. At a time, what joined us together was just the casual greetings and devotion, we barely speak to each other. I never wanted things to go that bad but I just couldn't bring myself to allow him touch me.

Dare's point of view

Since she refused to grant me access to her body, I resulted to sleeping on the couch in the sitting room because sleeping on the same bed with her could lead me into doing something that I won't be able to bear the consequences. I became unhappy and felt cheated. Since the inception of our relationship, I had done everything to ensure she is happy yet she couldn't make me happy after we got married and to worsen the matter, she refuse to tell me what the matter was when I asked her what was happening.

I was asleep on the couch one night when the Holy Spirit woke me up to observe my quiet time and pray, I checked the time and saw that it wasn't the usual time I do observe my quiet time but the Holy Spirit kept pestering me to pray. As I began to worship God, Holy Spirit started speaking to me.

Holy Spirit: did God instruct you to get married to be in disunity with your wife?

Me: haaa not so Lord, it's her fault.

Holy Spirit: how is it her fault?

Me: imagine! She refused to allow me feel like a man and to think that we have been married for almost four months

Holy Spirit: what do you do about it? Do you tell God about it?

Me: I just gave her space

Holy Spirit: you have disappointed God, do you think she was given to you for formality sake? You are meant to be her husband, father and mentor, why have you decided to fail in your responsibility? Do you want her to go astray again?

Me: (fell on my knees) Haa! Lord, please forgive me. I was at loss as to what to do, I am sorry

Holy Spirit: but you never spoke to God about it

Me: Please, forgive me Lord

Holy Spirit: your wife is under bondage and until she is delivered, you two will never perform your conjugal duty

Me: Jesus! How come??

Holy Spirit: there is always a spirit behind every evil practices so also, there is a spirit behind rape. After the rape, she vowed that no man will ever touch her and the spirit behind the rape stamp it hence, she is being manipulated by that spirit and that manipulation can only come to an end after she is delivered from the spirit

Me: how can she be delivered Lord?

Holy Spirit: go to her now, lay hands on her and cast the spirit out of her. Fear not because you have been given power to tread upon serpent and scorpions

Me: thank You Father

I went straight into the bedroom, laid my hands on my wife and began to cast the spirit out. Suddenly, she began to scream and roll on the bed. The screaming and rolling went on for a while and suddenly, my eyes was opened and I saw a man walked out of her body. I began to praise God then rounded off my prayer. Immediately I opened my eyes, I saw her weeping, I tried to ask what was happening but she refused to talk, I drew her closer to me but she just won't stop crying.

Lara's point of view

I suddenly woke up and saw my husband praying for me and all of a sudden, I began to scream and roll on the bed then I saw a man walk out of my body. It was so shocking that I could only express myself through crying even after he tried to stop me from crying, I continued after he slept off.

Getting to school the following day, I sat at a corner and began to weep again. My HOD walked past where I sat and was surprised to see me crying, she came to me and asked what the matter was. It was as if a force began to push the words out of my mouth, I began to narrate how I had been treating my husband wrongly for the past four month of our marriage because of the molestation I went through. She took me to her office and said what I needed was a therapy which I should have undergo few months to my marriage.

She linked me up with a therapist who began to help me overcome the fear I had gotten after the molestation. During the therapy process, I began to see my husband in a different way, I began to desire him. I told the therapist this and she said I was to make the move.

Since fridays was my lecture free day, I decided to go visit my husband in his office. I made a sumptuous meal which I took along with me, I made sure I looked take away. When I walked into his office, he was speaking with someone, I could remember the look of shock and happiness on his face. I went closer to him, embrace him and planted a kiss on his lips, of course, he was shocked. He took me into his office where I insisted on feeding him the food I made for him, I could not just forget the look of surprise on his face all through my stay in his office.

After dinner that evening, I freshened up and wore the lingerie my therapist advise I buy then I walked into the room. The moment he set his eyes on me, the play station he was holding fell off his hands, i removed the outer part of the lingerie exposing my inner parts then I sat on his laps.

Dare's point of view

Lara actually shocked me that Friday, she came to my office with lunch and she was looking so sweet that it was as if I should devour her right in my office. She further shocked me by feeding me as in I felt loved and that night was the greatest of it all, she came out of the bathroom looking tempting. Before I could say jack, she removed the upper part of the nightie she was wearing revealing her beautiful body, she sat on my laps and began to tell me how she love me. A feeling I had never felt for long resurfaced and my hand suddenly began to travel round her body, I helped remove the remain part of the nightie and the rest was history.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 11

Dare's point of view

About that sweet Friday night, I remember making a lot of promises to my wife when we came back from wonderland, it was an exciting and unforgettable experience. I watched her fall asleep on my chest while I gently stroked her hair, she looked so tender and innocent that i promised to protect her with everything in me, I was determined to help her reach that great height God has destined for her.

I woke Lara up the following morning with breakfast in bed after which we had our devotion. We were still worshipping God when she began to sing an unknown song then I knew that her gift of singing has been restored. Mere listening to the song, I was translated into the spirit realm where I began to see things happen. Since the following day was Sunday, I encouraged Lara to render the song as a special number but she was skeptical.

After much persuasion from me, she finally agreed to do so. Immediately she began to sing, the atmosphere in the church changed and after the song rendition, most of the congregation were in tears. From that day on, she began to receive invitations to sing in churches and God being so faithful, she never lacked any song.

Before we got married, we agreed to let childbirth be after her degree but at the beginning of her final year in school, she became pregnant. I was disturbed when i saw the test result not that I didn't want the child but I was worried as to how she would manage her studies and the pregnancy.

Lara's point of view

If there is anything I keep appreciating God for, it is the coming of Dare into my life, he is the best any woman can ask for. He showed me love like no other, taught me to live for God, and took very good care of me, he prefers to go hungry than for me to lack anything.

I vividly remember the day I showed him the pregnancy result, he was so unhappy. He kept blaming himself for impregnating me, I burst into laughter because I was happy that I would be a mother in few months but on the other hand, he was worried as to how I would cope with my studies and the pregnancy.

Of course, it wasn't an easy experience but his love, care, and understanding eased me of stress. After nine months, I gave birth to a baby boy whom we named Oluwaseun (thank God), George and Victor. Six months after the birth of my son, I graduated from the university as a certified psychologist. I was determined to help rape victims accomplish their goals of becoming great despite the horror of molestation they went through.

Lest I forget, when my baby was one month old, Dare came into the house one evening with my parent. Ohh! I was so angry with him for bringing them into my home, he pacified me and pleaded with me to listen to them. Dad, after training his supposed children for almost twenty years, got the news that he wasn't their biological father after the first child had an accident and he couldn't donate his blood to save the child's life because their blood did not match. Shocked at that realization, he ordered that a DNA test be conducted on the three children, the DNA result revealed that none of them were his.

Mom on the other hand was kicked out of her supposed husband's house with the two children she had for him after the man reconciled with his first wife. Having no strength for grudges, I forgave them and open the door of my house to them. Since my Dad had no child, he willed all his properties to me. The last time I checked, Dad and Mom are trying to work things out.

Today, I am a happy wife, mother, and psychologist who has helped and is still helping molested persons both male and female. Life with God and darling husband has been awesome, I am currently pregnant with my third child and I promised Dare to give him five kids even though he said he is contented with three.

My name is Lara, the wife of Dare and that is my tale.

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Interesting story. Beautiful ending.
God can fix any broken life