Money Is Not Everything

Started by Princemayor, Wednesday, 09 August 2023, 02:57 PM

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It's well proven to be true with lot of practical experiences that, money answers virtually all things.

Without money, it's quite hard for a being to settle man's doable things and even more unfortunate for him to overcome life's threats.

Some believe that money is over hyped but the truth is, money commands respect and produces lot of unimaginable results.

With money, virtually all things are considered possible but in the real sense, money has a limit. Money might be proud, but it has to bow for some mysteries and principles of life.

Death is one of the mighty agents that has power over money. Thus, money must show some levels of honour to it.(Remember, there's a man who has authority over death, who kept the sting of death and the victory of grave... Jesus)

If death will compromise its standard, then money might take advantage of it and pull it down just as others fell at the roaring of it voice but death will not.

Do you know? it's of necessity that man should pray for money but even more expedient to pray God that "let me not be poor that all I have is money".

If all what a man has is money then he's rich and not wealthy and to be rich is a grandson to been wealthy.

I have heard people saying that money is a visitor, which means it comes and goes but is it really a visitor?

On the contrary, some believe that money is not a visitor but a strong test of God. If you handle it well,it will stay long but if you treat it anyhow, it will run.

But either you treat the money well or not, with your money, do you think you can survive without Christ?

Remember that money is not everything, why giving your full strength to money alone and neglecting building relationship with Christ? Seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness, then all shall be given unto you, including the money, Christ urged.

Christ will surely be there for you always but money will mock you from afar, that why did you have only me and not Christ to compliment your money?

As long as you have Christ, you become heir and co-heir with Christ to the throne of God (Romans 8:16-17). So, you're not just a person but a king, a royal priesthood and a god (Psalm 82:6) which have dominion over everything including money.

Think about this!

While making money, make quality relationship with Christ.
While spending money, spend quality time with Christ.
While paying attention to the tune of money, also dance to the melody of eternity.

Money will come and go ,but Christ will have you forever and stand strong with you to fight the giants of future.

Just give your attention to Christ and you will be crowned and endowed with all heavenly blessings of God through Christ (Eph 1:3).

Quote"let me not be poor that all I have is money".

Solid stuff!!!!🤔🤔🤔

Current Dilemma in the Livestock Sector: A threat to Human Existence, Livestock Economy Sustainability and Animal Protein Availability. Agriculture is unarguably an important sector of any society as no humans can live well without food. It is such an important sector that all other sectors cannot function well without it. The Livestock industry is a sub-sector of the broad-spectrum known as Agriculture. It is a sector that needs a lot of attention if anything meaningful things will be gotten from it. Unfortunately, in the recent times the Livestock Sector has really been convulsing due to persistent increase in prices of feed ingredients. Every feed ingredient being used in the formulation of feeds for different species of farm animals has its price regularly increasing almost on a daily basis. As of today, for instance a kilogram of maize is sold at #405 in the South Western part of Nigeria where poultry birds are reared in commercial quantity as the weather is favorable to good poultry keeping. A kilogram of Soybean meal is more than #300, a bag of Wheat offals is more than #7,000 depending on the brand. The price of ingredients is so high and almost getting the farmers choked up and discouraged. As if that is not enough, there is another plague bedeviling the sector which is marketing problem. Farmers now find it extremely difficult to get their farm products sold so they could get money to buy the ingredients for feed. For a poultry farmer that has laying birds to get his commercial eggs sold he has to cover a long distance almost begging people to buy his eggs so he can keep himself in business. As if this is not enough the recent removal of fuel subsidy by the Nigerian Government has made matters worse as the farmer finds it so difficult to get to and fro farm since he has to incur more cost on purchasing petrol for his car or incurring an increased expense on boarding commercial vehicle. The increasing cost of items is forcing farmers to sell their animals and unfortunately ,most times the market is not available. This in no small way, will definitely affect the Availability of animal protein to Nigerians if no proactive measures are taken as fast as possible as there are no incentives to cushion the effects of the horrible situation. It's therefore pertinent that actions be taken to prevent the total collapse of livestock industry as failure to take the needed action will in no small way affect the Survival of the teeming populace. Nutritional deficiency must be guarded against as there is a daily requirement of each nutrient for an individual most of which are provided by animals and its products