The Strange Woman

Started by StoryTeller, Saturday, 15 April 2023, 04:09 PM

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Episode 1

Growing up, I was so scared of marriage that I decided never to have anything to do with it but after my encounter with Christ, He made me realize that I needed to get married to effect the full manifestation of my dreams and ministry.

Being aware of that, I began to fast and pray for the choice of a life partner as I didn't just want to get married to anyone anyhow. Being from a broken home and experienced the lack of love and care of a parent, I didn't want my children to experience my ordeal at childhood.

Even though it looked like the answers to my prayers weren't forth coming, I never stopped praying. There were days I would strip myself naked, sit on the floor and cry to God to give me just His son. I didn't care about financial capability or looks, I just wanted God's son.

At 24, I was rounding up my youth service when a young man walked up to me one of those days and said God told him that I am his wife. While he was yet speaking, the Holy spirit was giving me confirmation but I didn't give him a reply immediately. Few days before I left the state I was serving, I gave him a yes. The happiness in him was unexplainable as he screamed and jumped for joy.

Yemi was more than all I prayed for in a man. He was loving, caring, understanding, patient and humble. Despite being the heir to his father's empire, he was down to earth. After courting for a year, we tied the knot. Marriage life with Yemi was sweet, he changed my perspective about Christian brothers. He was always ready to help out with the house chores.

An event that never left my memory was the day when our borehole was faulty and we had no water to use. Since I was brought up in the slum, I saw it as a normal thing for me to go and fetch water. I took a bucket and wanted to go fetch water when he screamed at me never to try that again. He came to where I stood, collected the bucket from me and said I am his wife and not his slave then, he went to fetch the water. I ran into the room in tears appreciating God for giving me my ideal man.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 2

Things were going well between my husband and I, there was so much love, joy and peace in my home but one thing made me unhappy which was my inability to conceive. I got married as a virgin so I had this belief that I would conceive immediately after my wedding but it didn't happen that way.

Three years after our wedding, I still wasn't able to conceive and it became a thing of great concern to me even though my husband wasn't bothered as he would always say God would give us a child at the right time. Time keep passing away and I became very worried that I began to cry to God for a child. I would fast, pray and attend deliverance programmes but it seems a child was far away for me.

Yemi suggested we eat beans and yam one Saturday afternoon and in response to his suggestion, I sat at the dining picking the beans. Of recent, he had been acting strangely but he said it was as a result if stress. While picking, I heard the door bell rang, I went to see who was at the door and surprisingly, i found Yemi's personal assistant standing at the door post with her luggage in her hand.

With surprise all over me, I let her into the house while I went to call my husband. Immediately he set his eyes on her, he went numb.

Me: can someone tell me what is happening here?

Tina: ohh sorry dear senior wife, I have come to take my place as the real Mrs Adebayo as I am carrying Yemi's first child.

Me: No! No!! No!!! This can't be happening. Yemi, tell me this is a lie

Yemi: eerm! eerm! I am very sorry dear, it was never intentional

Tina: And for your information, Mr Adebayo Senior asked me to move into the Masters bedroom since I would be giving the extended family what you could not give them for three years

Yemi: Dont tell me you got my father involved

Tina: why won't I?

With tears running down my face, I ran to the guest room asking God where I went wrong. I felt God failed me. I was never interested in marriage but he made me get married and allowed a strange woman into my home. For hours, I laid on the floor in the guest room crying.

Yemi kept knocking and pleading with me to open the door and hear him out but I was too bitter and angry to listen. I came out of the room the following morning and met my things thrown out of the Masters bedroom. I picked them up quietly and took them to the guest room, I then freshened up, put some clothes in a small traveller's bag and left the house. Yemi tried stopping me but an angry stare from me made him leave my way.

After walking aimlessly, I entered into a church and fell flat on the altar weeping. The pastor came out and tried talking to me but I ignored him. I just laid there crying, I wanted God to tell me why He allowed such things to befall me. The pastor brought me food and water but I refused to take it, I just remained on that particular spot weeping.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 3

After three days of being without food and water, I collapsed and was rushed to the nearest hospital. I became conscious some days later only to see my mother-in-law sitting beside me in my ward.

Me: (weakly) mom?

Mom-in-law: daughter, thank God. How are you feeling?

Me: (crying) Mom, he cheated on me. I loved him with everything in me but what he could was to repay me with cheating

Mom-in-law: I am so sorry for that daughter, do forgive me. You will surely be fine

Me: don't you get it mom? I can't be fine because there is a strange woman in my home as in, she is pregnant for my husband.

Mom-in-law: I understand you daughter, you will scale through this. I dont just want you to stress yourself in this condition

Me: condition? What condition?

Mom-in-law: you have been confirmed six weeks pregnant. Can you see that God is fighting for you already?

Me: God fighting for me? He came too late to the battle field, He came after I have been defeated. He came just too late

Mom-in-law: hush daughter! You dont have to speak like that, God is never late. He does things at the right and perfect time, I need you to have faith that He will see you through

Me: but mom, this is just too much for me to handle

Mom-in-law: daughter, you can scale through this. I have always known you to be a strong lady and with God on your side, you will surely scale through and you will have your home and husband back

Me: hmmm

I was discharged few days later and was taken to mother-in-law's home. She later informed me that the pastor got access to my cellphone and told her about my admission to the hospital.

One great thing I was blessed with is a mother-in-law who loves and fear God but the painful part is that her husband doesn't know God in fact, he has two wives of which she is the first. She had delay in childbearing and he was pressurized to get another wife who would give him children.

Fortunately, when God opened my mother-in-law's womb, He blessed her with a boy while the other woman bore two girls making Yemi the heir to his empire. My mother-in-law and pampered and nurse to health, she taught me the word of God and strengthened my faith in God.

During my stay at mother-in-law's place, Yemi came around and tried to see me but I didn't let it happen. I would always lock myself in the room till he was gone and my mother-in-law respected my action.

I became stronger and needed to get back to work though I was still experiencing morning sickness. Mom-in-law taught me how to manage it. Yemi who thought I would return back to the house was disappointed as I decided to squat with an old friend for the sanity of my unborn child and I.

When Yemi got to know that I was no longer at his mom's place and didnt return home, he called and called but I refused to pick. When the calls became unbearable, I blocked his line. Some days later, he came to my work place but I ushered him out.

I didn't just want to see his face or listen to him. I remembered how I practically went on my knees during our honeymoon and with tears falling from my face, I pleaded with me not to break my heart but he couldn't keep to the promise of not breaking my heart which he made.

Two months later, I received a call from my mother-in-law that Yemi had an accident and was battling with his life. Not caring about the fact that I was still angry with him, I rushed to the hospital to see my husband. Of a truth, two months without my husband was unbearable, my unborn child was the only consolation I had.

Getting to the hospital, I was so surprised to see Yemi's head bandaged and he was in serious pain. He was shocked to see me, the moment I touched him, tears fell from his eyes. Our eyes was locked in each other and all of a sudden, our lips was also got inter-locked .

My mother-in-law's voice was what brought us back to our senses. She went on to explain that Tina broke his head with a bottle because he refused to sleep with her.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 4

Since I was around, mom-in-law decided to go home to freshen up and prepare food for my husband. After she left, he held my hand and started apologizing for sleeping with Tina.

Me: why did you do it? Do you think I won't be able to give you a child?

Yemi: sweetheart, if I tell you that I know how it happened, it will be a lie. I don't know how it happened

Me: do you think I would accept that from you?? If it was a mistake, why didn't you open up? So, if she didn't get pregnant, I would never know and probably, you would keep on sleeping with her

Yemi: I was afraid of losing you that was why I didn't want to tell you because I promised you that I would never break your heart.

Me: well, you did

Yemi: it was only once and it is a once I wished it never happened

Me: a once that led to pregnancy

Yemi: I am sorry, please forgive me.

Me: (wipe the tears that fell from my eyes) just let me be please

Instead of leaving me alone like I wanted, he managed to stand up then drew me closer to himself on the hospital bed.

Yemi: I am very sorry, I never planned on cheating on you, I just didn't know how it happened. I have cried and cried to God for forgiveness and He has forgiven me, I just want you to forgive me too

Me: Yemi, I trusted you, I gave you all of me even when it wasn't convenient. What did I get in return? Heartbreak

Yemi: I am sorry

Me: just leave me for now

Yemi: how is my baby doing?

Me: I don't know

Yemi: sweetie, I just want you to know that this isn't ordinary. How is it that all this happened when God decided to answer our prayer for a child? My sweet wife, I need you to look beyond the physical. You have been my spiritual backbone even when my mom was sick to the point of death, you were the one lifting our faith. Baby, I need that prophetess in you now

Me: what happened hurt me greatly, it affected my spiritual life, I began to doubt God's ability.

Yemi: forgive me my sweetheart.

Yemi was discharged and taken to his mother's house. After spending some days there, his dad ordered him to go back home and take care of Tina.

My friend who I was living with had to join her husband in the north where he was given a new job hence, I became the resident of the house and took up the payment of the rent.

A month later, I heard a knock on the door and went to see who was at the door. Surprisingly, Yemi was standing at the door with a bag in his hands. I opened the door for him to come in while questioning him on what brought him.

Me: what are you doing here?

Yemi: is that how to welcome a guest?

Me: welcome but why are you here?

Yemi: sweetheart, I can't keep staying in that house with that witch because she might end up killing me some day. Please, can I stay here for a while till I figure what I can do?

Me: this can't be possible because I don't want your Dad's trouble

Yemi: you are my legal wife and I am meant to stay with you so you don't need to keep thinking about my Dad. He can do whatever he wants to do

Me: did you think about that before impregnating another woman?

Yemi: (went on his knees) I am very sorry, please forgive me.

Yemi pleaded and pleaded with me till I had no choice but to take him in. Within a short time, our love grew stronger and we began to live in love and peace like we do before. Yemi adore my unborn child and I so much, he would wake in the midnight to pray for and make decrees into the life of the baby and I.

When we just beginning to enjoy the love we once shared, the devil raised his ugly head again. The police stormed the house one Saturday morning and got us arrested.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 5

We obediently went with the policemen to their station only to discover that Tina was the one behind the arrest and with the approval of Yemi's Dad. Yemi was thrown into the cell while I was asked to go back home, I tried to secure his bail but it wasn't granted. The police made me understand that my father-in-law wa the only one that could give them the go ahead to grant his bail.

I stayed in the police station hoping for a miracle to take place but had to leave when it begins to get dark. On my way out, I met Tina who gave me a wicked look and told me that if she will not have Yemi then none of us will do.

That statement of hers made me have rethink that there was more to Tina just being pregnant for my husband. That night, I lay awake praying and pleading for God's intervention. Immediately the day break, I went to the station to speak to my husband demanding that he tell me what was really happening.

Me: Dear, what is it that you are hiding from me because for your dad to grant Tina the approval to get you arrested is something I still don't understand

Yemi: hmmm, I am really sorry for bringing you into this

Me: what I need is an explanation not an apology

Yemi: hmmm, truly there is more to the issue at ground and I am sorry for not telling you about it before now. I actually thought it was a forgotten issue

Me: what is that?

Yemi: Tina's Dad and mine are business partners and to further strengthened their friendship, they decided that their children should get married hence, Tina was betrothed to me since she was ten years

Me: oh my! This is tougher than I imagine it to be. So, why do you now come to me for marriage?

Yemi: calm down dear. When we became mature, I tried to love her but it wasn't possible. We were always fighting and our parents kept on settling things for us. To worsen the matter, Tina traveled out of the country to study and ended up becoming pregnant for a white guy.

Me: hmmm

Yemi: when I got wind of her pregnancy, I officially broke up with her so that she could be with the guy that impregnated her

Me: so serious

Yemi: She got married to the guy but after four years, they got divorced. I met Christ after her marriage and later met you. She came back few months to our wedding and said she was sorry for leaving me for another man. She asked for a second chance but I told her that I was already engaged.

Me: hmmm

Yemi: recently, my dad informed me that Tina's Dad is threatening to pull out of their partnership and if he does, my Dad's buisness will crumble. The only way to savage the situation is to get married to Tina and take ownership of the empire. I told him marrying a second wife is against my faith plus I love my wife. He didn't say anything on the issue again till Tina came up with the issue of being pregnant for me

Me: but why did you hide such huge information from me?

Yemi: I know how much you love my Dad and he equally loves you. I don't want you to hate him because he was doing all that just to secure the empire he has built for years

Me: hmmm, what can we do now?

Yemi: the only thing I can think of is prayer my dear. Let's keep praying and hoping for a miracle and deliverance from mighty Tina.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 6

Days became weeks and weeks months yet my husband was still kept in the police cell, he wasn't taken to the court to be tried rather he was just held, hostage. I went to my father-in-law several times in tears but he said he couldn't do anything as the only solution was for my husband to make Tina his legal wife.
Then, it dawned on me that Yemi was fighting for me, I got to realize that my position was being contended for. The devil was battling to make my marriage a broken one just like he did to my parents', the devil also wanted to make Yemi a polygamous man just like his father. As a spiritual woman, I realized that this wasn't a physical battle but a spiritual one. It was a battle I needed to fight on my knees.

Not minding my pregnant state, I embarked on a fasting and prayer program binding and destroying the evil intention of the devil over my home. Whenever I go to visit my husband, he would complain that I was becoming leaner but I wasn't concerned, all I wanted was for my husband to be back to me and my home to become lovely as it was before.

Tina's pregnancy became due and she was rushed to the hospital by her mother who at that time was living with her. Yemi asked me to go see how she was doing but I refused, I was angry and jealous that she still cared about her and the baby she was carrying.

Yemi: please bae, you need to be there
Me: I am going nowhere
Yemi: even if the baby was conceived the wrong way, he or she is still mine
Me: are you now trying to remind me that I am not giving you your first child?
Yemi: of course not, I am very sorry for sounding that way. I just have this urge in my spirit that you need to be there
Me: I don't want to go oooo
Yemi: please now, you know I love you. My sweetheart, my one and only, oya please now
Me: I have heard, I will go and see how she is doing. Please be fine, I have given the policemen some money so that they won't let anyone lay hands on you
Yemi: thank you so much, my queen, I promise to stay strong and fight for us
Me: please do that for me babe
Yemi: I will, please take good care of yourself and our baby. Never forget that I love you with everything in me
Me: same goes here love

I took a bus to the hospital and was directed to Tina's ward. I saw her mom looking restless while Tina was screaming. At a point, I forgot the pain she had caused my husband and I and started asking God to help her deliver safely but it was as if Heaven was blocked. Tina remained in labor for two days without giving birth, I didn't know when I began to cry to God for divine intervention because the doctor said if CS was carried out, either the baby or the mother would be lost.

On the evening of the third day, a pastor came to the hospital and was praying for the patients. As he passed by Tina's ward and heard her groaning, he told her to confess the evil she has done for her to deliver. She tried to deny committing any evil not until the pastor said she would die the following day if she refused to confess.

Tina: haaa please, I will confess, I will confess. Please, tell Yemi and his wife to forgive me, it is the work of the devil ooooo
Pastor: confess your atrocities young lady and be free
Tina: Yemi never slept with me, the pregnancy isn't for him. I was impregnated by my dad and to hide the shame, I decided to give it to Yemi since he was my childhood boyfriend. That day, I decided to make Yemi's coffee instead of allowing the secretary do it, I added some drugs to it but Yemi slept off after taking the tea
Tina's mom: Jesus! Abomination! Haaa where did I go wrong
Being shocked was an underestimation of what I felt, I quickly brought out my phone and started recording Tina's confession.
Tina: I am very sorry, please forgive me. Yemi is innocent, I dragged him to the couch and try to have sex with him but it didn't work as he was deep in sleep.  Since I couldn't make him sleep with me, I make it look like we had sex and he believed it.
Me: hmm! What a world, thank you, Jesus

Immediately Tina finished her confession, she delivered a baby girl. I left the hospital and went back to the police station where I played the record for my husband to hear. I watched my husband wept bitterly while listening to the record.

I told him to stop crying but should be grateful to God for giving us victory. I took the record to my father-in-law who upon listening to it ordered that my husband be released. Oh, the joy that filled my heart that day. After four months of being kept in police custody, my husband was released to go home with me.

 To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 7

On getting to the house that is the house I live in after moving out from my husband, I made sure he had a good bath and a nice shave then I made him a sumptuous meal. Done with eating, I ensured he used the drugs I got for him from the pharmacy before he went to bed.

While he was asleep, I sat beside him and still couldn't believe that Yemi was back to me. As my face was fixed on his, the Holy Spirit whispered something to me which was "Even if you are married to the man or woman of your dreams, there is still a battle to fight to keep your home on the right track". Those words touched me then I went on to ask what and what I needed to keep my home on track, He further went on to tell me the place of prayer, positive declaration, true love, care, understanding, patience and other necessary virtues.

Those words touched me and I became determined to take them serious. I have been made the woman of the house by God and no one should be able to take that position away from me. I was still lost in thought when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned only to see handsome husband standing behind.

Me: hubby?? You scared me

Yemi: I am sorry to have scared you, I just wanted to know what you were thinking about. I am here now so we can always rub minds together like we always do before

Me: ohh dear! It's just some stuffs, you don't need to bother yourself but why did you wake up so soon?

Yemi: (winks) I didn't see you beside me, you know I wanted to to, you know na

Me: (burst into laughter) what?? I don't know anything oooo

Yemi: come on, you know exactly what I mean. Will you say you don't miss me? I mean me like me as in me. You should understand better na

Me: I still don't understand you

Yemi: oya come, let's go to bed so that I will explain better

Me: ohhh I understood you, just pulling your legs

Yemi: (held my hands and look into my eyes) sweetheart, thank you for everything. Thank you for standing by me, for getting me out of that web with your prayers. Thank you for loving me effortlessly, I promise to be a sweet husband to you and the best father to our kids

Me: (burst into tears) thank you for standing for me, some other men would have made Tina their wife just to regain their freedom but you received beatings and insults just because you wanted to stay true to me. Thank you for this, I am proud to be the woman in your life.

We were still exchanging words and kisses when I felt my water broke. Before I could go into the room to clean myself, I felt a sharp pain my abdomen followed by a more painful one then it dawned on me that the baby was coming. I informed Yemi who ran to the neighbour to plead him to help convey me to the hospital with his car.

Getting to our family hospital, I was placed on a stretcher and as I was being taken into the labour room, I felt something trying to push it's way out of me. Though I was in serious pain, I gathered strength and pushed. Behold, I delivered a baby boy just like the Hebrew women. My baby was out even before I got to the labour room, there was no complications or hard labour.

Yemi's joy knew no bound. My mother-in-law couldn't contain her joy too, I asked the doctor to discharge me that day and he did. I loved my son so much that I couldn't let go of him. At a point, Yemi and I were arguing on who to carry him. We named him Oluwaseun (Thank You, God), Miracle on the eighth day because all that happened in our home and God's intervention gave us reasons to praise Him.

Tina's Dad committed suicide when he couldn't take the shame again, Tina's baby died after a month of her birth and Tina had to relocate to US to pick up the pieces of her life again, her mom kept apologising to us but we informed her that we had nothing against her. My father-in-law came to our house to apologise to us and handed the document of the company to my husband as the new CEO since Tina wasn't interested in it.

Finally, our home was filled with love, peace and so much joy as it was before. Of a truth, marriage needs a lot to keep it going, getting married to right one isn't the only requirement, a lot has to be done. Imagine Miracle isn't up to a year and my husband is requesting I get pregnant atain. Well, I am thinking of getting pregnant again just as he so wished, he has actually been a great husband and I couldn't have asked for more.


For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.