Three Purpose of Marriage and Their Releveance Today

Started by Moses joel Adetokunbo, Thursday, 03 August 2023, 07:26 PM

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Marriage serves three vital purposes: companionship, procreation, and redemption.

These purposes remain relevant today for building healthy relationships, families, and godly society. Let's explore each purpose briefly:

1. Companionship: Marriage provides the foundation for a deep, loving, and supportive relationship between a husband and wife. It offers a refuge from the challenges of the world, fostering love, trust, and communication that reflect our relationship with God.

2. Procreation: Marriage allows couples to bring children into the world and raise them in a nurturing and godly environment. Children are a blessing from God, and a family rooted in His principles provides the love, guidance, and spiritual upbringing needed for their growth and well-being.

3. Redemption: Marriage signifies a commitment to God's plan for salvation. By partnering together, spouses support each other in their spiritual journeys, raising children in a God-fearing home, and offering each other continuous encouragement on the path to salvation.


These purposes of marriage remain significant in our modern times. Companionship ensures emotional support and fulfillment, procreation enriches families and society, and redemption guides couples in a Christ-centered life. Embracing these purposes breeds healthier marriages and lays a strong foundation for future generations.

Remember, prioritizing companionship, procreation, and redemption in marriage nurtures love, family, and a profound connection with God.