Devil in the Church

Started by Moses joel Adetokunbo, Saturday, 29 July 2023, 01:16 PM

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In hallowed halls, where prayers ascend,
A tale unfolds, my friend.
Amidst the pews, blessings lie,
But veiled in piety, a devil sly.

With solemn face and righteous guise,
He hides his darkness from prying eyes.
A wolf amidst humble sheep he creeps,
Guarding secrets buried deep.

Whispers flow beneath stained glass,
Caressing souls as they pass.
Honeyed words claim his place,
Yet mischief lurks behind his grace.

The devil dances in sacred space,
Feigning devotion with every embrace.
Preaching virtue while sins remain,
A paradox - a serpent's game.

Within hymns and sacred lore,
His impure heart grins evermore.
Seeking discord and strife to sow,
Undermining this house we know.

Fear not, dear ones, stand firm and strong,
For truth shall triumph over wrong.
From darkness shadows light will emerge
To pierce the veil of this wicked scourge.

Let love and wisdom be your guide
When deception tries to hide.
Though the devil walks among the pews
Pure hearts' faith will never lose.

Stand united with courage untold
Embrace teachings that you hold.
With vigilance and grace combined
An untainted church you'll find.

In cosmic battle of dark and light
The devil may try but truth takes flight.
For in this church a beacon gleams -
Hope dispels shadows; redemption redeems.

© Moses Joel Adetokunbo