
Started by StoryTeller, Saturday, 15 April 2023, 01:58 PM

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Just one careless night,
Just one careless visit,
Just one careless friendship,
Just one careless touch,
Just one careless kiss,
Led to the destruction of two kingdoms.

My name is MAYA and this my story.....

To be continued..

Episode 1

Just one careless night,

Just one careless visit,

Just one careless friendship,

Just one careless touch,

Just one careless kiss,

Led to the destruction of two kingdoms.

My name is MAYA and this my story.....

I was born into the IDU royal family to the 24th King of IDU kingdom by the name King Meso. I was born in a period where Queen Isabel was tired of producing males as she alread had seven males, she desired a female child too. One who will sit with her, talk with her and learn the domestic chores from her.

King Meso was ready to put an end to child bearing after the birth of his third son since he already had a heir to the throne but his wife's constant plea for a female child made him continue child birth.

Finally, she was blessed with a female child at the eight attempt. My birth brought in happiness to the palace as my father who had never really desired a baby girl fell in love with me immediately I was born. My seven brothers were all at loggerhead as to who would carry me.

Being the only princess of the IDU royal house, I was loved by everyone, I was favoured by both the royal council and the villagers. In fact, some of the chiefs wanted to betroth me to their son but my father, the King would have none of it.

As I advance in age, my beauty was advancing as I was one of the most beautiful maiden in the kingdom. My mother, the Queen was my best friends plus Sara, the daughter of the closest chief to my Dad.

She is my gossip partner, my confidant and my partner-in-crime. The difference between us is that she is more exposed than I am because my seven brothers were always monitoring me to see I didn't bring shame to the royal family.

I vividly remember the first day I experienced my monthly flow. I went with Aza my eldest brother to visit my father's cocoa plantation when I suddenly felt a pang in my stomach. The pang came the second time and was more painful.

Aza was so worried and scared because father had warned him not to take me to the cocoa plantation because of the rigorous activities going on there but I secretly pleaded with Aza and promised to behave myself well.

With fear written all over him, he carried me in his arms and sneak me into my room. Getting into my room, he noticed that both his royal garment and mine were stained with blood. He simply smiled and called mother to come tell me what I needed to know.

Mother told me what I needed to know and taught me how to care for myself. Aza came into my room later that day with fruits and warned me stay away from the male folks if I don't want to get pregnant and bring disgrace to the family and kingdom as a whole. I was just fifteen years old then.

Oh! How I wished Aza had kept quiet instead he told my other six brothers who also started monitoring me. They loved me but their watching eyes annoy me more. I can say Aza loved me more but I look more like Kay, the third son of my father but we were always at loggerhead.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 2

To all parent, no matter how wealthy you are, always ensure that your children are engaged because an idle mind is the devil workshop.

As the only daughter and princess of father's kingdom, I had little or nothing to do. I wasn't allowed to go to school rather a personal tutor was employed for me and when ask I why I wasn't allowed to go to school like the other children, the answer I got was that I am very special.

I had nannies who helped me with chores and teach me what I needed to know. I had plenty of time to do anything I wish to hence, I spend most of my time gossiping with Sara or at the village square practising my dance steps. The only group I was allowed to join is the maiden dance group.

Sara and I were active members of the dance group and we were the best dancers. After rehearsal one evening, Sara told me there was something she needed to inform me so, we went to a secluded place where we won't be disturbed. I told the palace guard that came with me to give me some minutes to talk to my friend.

Maya: so what is it that you have to tell me?
Sara: ohh Princess Maya, I am so excited
Maya: that isn't the answer to my question
Sara: okay, you know that our new yam festival is approaching and I have been dying to see my darling Yale
Maya: so, how does that concerns me?
Sara: after our dance that day, I would sneak to the next village to see him. l miss him so much, I miss his touch, I miss his kisses
Maya: you disgust me Sara
Sara: please stop that, why are you acting like a Saint? Do you want to tell me that you haven't been wishing to be kissed
Maya: Sara???
Sara: I am sorry Princess but you made me feel bad.
Maya: I didn't mean it like that but you just need to be careful, what if you get pregnant?
Sara: ohh that's taken care of already. You see, Princess, you need to start enjoying life now that you are a grown woman. Seriously, you don't know what you are missing
Maya: I can't live life the way you are living. I am a princess and I can't be opening my legs for a man who hasn't paid my bride price. You see, I can't bear to bring shame to my family and the entire kingdom
Sara: Enjoying life isn't tantamount to bring shame to the kingdom. Haven't you heard that virginity has lost its value. In fact, my darling Yale said he can never date or marry a virgin so I had to let him do the needful and the journey has been so sweet
Maya: ehn ehn? But my mother and brothers told me that my virginity is priceless
Sara: that's old fashioned, at the age of fifteen, I had given it to Yale and that's why I am advising you to do the same before it's too late. If you want to give birth to children, it's better you give it out now before it's too late
Maya: I don't want to be tagged a barren woman o
Sara: than do the needful. One more thing, you are going with me to Yale's resident. He has a friend who is handsome and nice too
Maya: this is risky, hope we won't be caught?
Sara: No, don't worry, we won't stay long.
Maya: I hope so.

With mixed feelings, I went home with the palace guard that came with him. Sara's revelation shocked me, I wished I could confide in my mom but she has been going on trips with Dad for the preparation of the new yam festival.
My brothers were not left out as they were busy with one thing or the other preparing for the big day. So, I was the only one doing nothing.

Right there, I started looking forward to going to the neighbouring kingdom with Sara, I just wanted to know how a man's touch will be like.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 3

The appointed day for the New Yam Festival came and it was fun all through as there was a lot to eat and drink. We danced and danced, our dance group and other dance groups participated in a dancing competition. Our dance group won the competition and received a gift from the king.

Few minutes after the dancing competition, Sara came to me and reminded me of the fact that that we needed to leave for Yale's village. She took me to an abandoned building where she changed into a skimpy and revealing cloth and also gave me one to change into.

At first, I refused to put it on because it was just too revealing and being the bursty type my virgin breast would be exposed. After some convincing words from Sara, I had no choice but to put it on.

After changing our clothes, we hurried to the next village which was thirty minutes walk from our own village. All through the walk to the next village, the eyes of everyone was on us. At a point, I was afraid that the villagers would recognize me but thank God they never did.

After what seems like eternity, we got to a beautiful building which Sara termed as Yale's. Sara knocked the door and a handsome young looking man came out, Sara flung herself on him and was kissing him like her life depended on it. I was just staring at the two lovebirds. Well, Yale is truly a handsome young man.

Yale finally noticed me after he disengage from Sara, he greeted me then ushered us into the house. Getting into the house, he introduced us to his best friend. While Sara and her so called lover were talking and laughing, Kale, Yale so called best friend was feasting his eyes on my innocent body.

All of a sudden, Sara and Yale went into one of the rooms leaving me with Kale who was acting like a predator waiting for a prey. Immediately, the duo left the sitting room, Kale sat beside me and started speaking sweetly to me.

He touched me and goosebumps suddenly appeared on my body. He spoke calmly to me trying to make me feel at ease with him. He took my hands in his and started appreciating my beautiful look.

He took me to the garden at the back of the house and showed me different flowers. He likened my beauty to a sunflower saying that the moment he set his eyes on him, he got mesmerized by my beauty.

He pluck one of the sunflowers, went on his feet and ask me to give him a chance to love him. Naive about dating and the stuff, I innocently told him that I don't want to bring shame to my family and the whole kingdom.

He smiled and said being his lover would help me achieve that goal. He handed me the flower and placed a kiss on my lips, the kiss awaken some kind of feeling in me that I craved for more but I was too shy to admit it.

After taking a tour round the garden, Kale sat down at one corner of the garden and placed me on his laps, I actually felt like a baby and wished it never ended but Sara came and said we needed to leave before our absence get noticed. We bade Kale and Yale goodbye and left for our village.

Sara couldn't stop teasing me about me now becoming a big girl and urged me to give Kale anything he ask for so that our love can blossom more. In no time, we got back to our village and changed into our former attire then went back to the festival venue.

The festival came to an end and we all went home. After that day, I became a changed person as my body crave for more of Kale's kiss and touch. I was always lost in thought as I was always thinking about Kale, I see his face everywhere I go. I was now the one urging and pleading with Sara to take me to the next village to see Kale.

That was the beginning of the woe that befell my family and kingdom. My story is a short one, grab a bottle of coke and follow me.

To be continued...
For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 4

Sara eventually decided to take me to see Kale after days of pleading with her, she decided to stay away from school that day just for us to be with our lovers. My parents were out of the palace and brothers were at my father's plantation supervising things.

As usual, Sara brought a change of clothes for us but this time they were much more revealing. Getting to Yale's house, I ask him about Kale and he directed me to his room.

Kale was so surprised to see me, I jumped on him not minding the fact that he was only on boxers. He carried me and placed me on his laps. I was still on his laps while we were talking about how our days away from each other was like when I suddenly felt something strong under me.

I tried to stand up from his lap but he held me back and started plastering me with kiss. I actually thought he would stop at kissing but he proceeded into putting his hand into my skirt. I slapped his hands away, free myself from his grip and left his room to wait for Sara at the frontage of the house.

I actually thought he would come after me but he didn't. After what seems like eternity, Sara came to meet me outside and was furious with me.

Sara: why are you doing this to Kale?? Do you want him to break up with you? Wait! Didn't I tell you to give him anything he ask you? See, he has blood running in his veins

Me: but, I don't want to get pregnant and bring disgrace to my home

Sara: you can't get pregnant, I have been sleeping with Yale for almost a year and I have not gotten pregnant

Me: are you sure

Sara: hundred percent sure, let's go meet him

I followed Sara to Kale's room, Sara told him I was sorry that he should forgive me then she left the room leaving both of us alone not without locking the door. I stayed where I was waiting for Kale to come meet me but he didn't. When I couldn't take the silent treatment, I told him I was sorry.

On hearing that, he came to where I was with a smile plastered on his face. He drew me closer to himself and promised that I won't get pregnant. He engaged me in a kiss and I was lost in the world of ecstasy. I didn't know when my clothes were taken away from me.

I became conscious of myself when Kale tried pushing his manhood into me. I screamed as I felt like a knife was being plunged into me, he covered my mouth with his and continued with the business before him.

He finally roll off me when he got tired, I couldn't just shedding tears where I laid as I felt like I had disappointed my family and the whole kingdom. Kale did everything possible to stop me from crying but it didn't work rather, the tears increased. He even promised to come with his people the following market day to ask for my hands in marriage with the claim that i was different from Sara but that didn't stop my tears.

Still shedding tears, I told him I needed to wash myself. He helped me into his bathroom and helped me shower. He helped me wear my dress and revealed to me that he was the heir to the throne of his village as his father was the present king while Yale was his cousin and best friend. He promised to come and marry me.

I smiled sadly and walked out of the house with Sara. Sara kept asking me question as too how it went but I was too sad to speak plus I was feeling pain in between my legs. We got to the abandoned building and had our clothes changed.

Getting to the Palace, I was surprised to meet Aza, my eldest brother at home. Being the heir to the throne, he possess some special skills as he was very sensitive. I wished he was not at home, all I just wanted was to lie on my bed and sleep off.

Immediately he saw me, he knew something was wrong with me. He asked what was wrong and I told him I wasn't feeling too well thinking he would let me be. He followed me into my room and told me that my royal robe was stained with blood. He went to my shelf and brought out a pack of pad for me to use but I couldn't walk to meet him as the pain in between my legs became severe.

Aza: What is wrong with you Maya?? Because, I feel this is more than your monthly flow

Me: (burst into tears) I am sorry Aza, please forgive me

Aza: tell me it isn't what I am thinking

Me: I am sorry, I was misled my Sara

Aza: OMG! I usually see this darkness around her, I should have stopped you from being friends with her. (With fierce anger in his eyes) Who is the man that defiled you? Who is that uncircumcised bastard that defiled my only sister?

Me: his name is Kale, the prince of the next kingdom

Aza: I am disappointed in you, so you went to entangle yourself with an enemy. I curse the day you were born.

Aza angrily walked out of my room and sent a guard to call my other brothers. Aza narrated what I had done to them then they decided to go see Kale and his people. Before they went, they came into my room and gave me angry stares. An angry Kay threw spittle at me. My brothers who loved me with everything in them suddenly had deep hatred for me.

Aza and two of my brothers went to Kale's kingdom and asked why he defiled their little sister, he apologized to them and his father promised to come to our kingdom to marry me for his son. My brothers left Kale's kingdom pretending to be okay with Kale father's decision.

Late into the night, Aza and Kay mobilised some men of war and went to Kale's kingdom where they killed all the males in the kingdom including Kale, Yale and their King. After the slaughter, they went to Sara's home and slaughter she and her four brothers before the eyes of their father who was the closest chief to my father.

I wished to die when I got wind of all that happened, I wished I could turn back the hands of time but it was too late.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 5

My parent returned from the conference they had gone to only to receive a heartbreaking news. My Dad was angry that my brothers couldn't wait till he comes back before they destroyed a whole kingdom. My mother looked me in the eye and cursed the day she conceived me, she called me a problem.

Sara's father who was embittered with my brothers for slaughtering all his children before his very eyes gathered his men of war and storm the Palace one midnight. My parent and brothers were slaughtered.

My brother's men of war rose against Sara's father men of war and the whole village was thrown into turmoil because of me. There was blood bath in my father's kingdom just because of a pleasure of few minutes.

Before Kay gave up the ghost, he pleaded with one of the guards to help me escape from the village so that I won't be killed and my father's lineage destroyed.

The guard who was obedient to my brother's last request helped me escape into the evil forest and together we have been living in the forest. Few months after the war in my father's village, I discovered that I am carrying Kale's child.

I now live an unhappy life in the evil forest. Just a pleasure of few minutes led to the downfall of my family, I hope that my parent and brothers can find it in their heart to forgive me for bringing destruction upon them. I also hope that one day, I will find happiness and peace of mind.

A young girl who got lost in the bush claim she wandered away from her classmates who were all on excursion saw me and wondered why I live in the forest. I told her my story and ask her to narrate it to young ones in the outer world so that they would be careful of pleasure of five minutes.

My name is Maya, the only princess of IDU kingdom and that is my story. I believe you grabbed something.


 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Careless actions can lead to years of regret.