Started by Anyenkegbe Destiny, Sunday, 16 July 2023, 10:17 AM

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                           A WORD TO THE WORLD part 1
A wondering thought I have
When I thought
O what a world
Where epidemics Break out everyday
Where the wicked rule
Where the innocent suffer
Where the widows are left in their agony of widowhood 
Where hunger is the call of the day
Where war break out and people run Helter skelter and leave their loved ones
Worried was I 
When I thought
I need to send a word to the world
O world!
When will there cease to be disease outbreak?
When will the wicked stop ruling?
When will the innocent stop suffering?
When will the war stop?
When will their be food to eat?
When will the widows be given their rights?
Those were the questions I was asking the world
But the world was deaf  
The word was without ears  
And the world was unable to give me a reply
And I thought
I must not only ask the deaf world some questions
I must send a word to the world .