Mission SKD

Started by The Light Bearer 💡, Sunday, 09 July 2023, 10:03 PM

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Mission SKD
"The thief comes only in order to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come in order that you might have life–life in all its fullness" 
John 10:10 GNT
Alert! Alert!! 
Mission SKD is about to be launched!B132 take cover! Over. 
No response.
B132, are you awake? Can you hear me? 
Background snores. Some shuffling. Some more snores.
Commander, B132 has not been responsive for three days now.
I will need you to help check up on him. 
Of everything the devil does actively on earth, he has just one mission, one mission with three steps, to steal, to kill, and to destroy.
Dear Light Bearer, God has given you all that pertains to life, and godliness. The devil sees all that God has placed inside of you and he cannot wait to steal it for himself because he lacks them. He knows that if he leaves you with all that God has deposited inside of you, you will one day rise and bruise his head. 
You know, it baffles me so much that the same man God gave so much to can sometimes be oblivious to all that is locked up inside of Him. 
Recently, I have been thinking of the numerous things I have to do, and each time I get scared at the thought of these things, God reminds me that I am yet to do all I have been called to do. This is the same with you, there are many endless possibilities locked within you, many of which you are yet to discover or start acting upon.
The question is when would you start doing them? 
I asked myself recently, 'How does God get to trust me, a mere man so much?'. Because, I, the one embedded with so much grace, sometimes doubt my capabilities half the time.
Well here is the answer I got "God trusts me so much because He made me to be just like Him!"  And boy, does this piss the devil off so much? 
In this second half of the year, you better be on the lookout, and don't allow this guy to run this deadly mission on you. 
There is so much embedded in you, many of which you are yet to even discover. And if the devil gets them before you, you may never get the chance to put them to use, because he is such a thief! In all of his craftiness, he has nothing to add but is always on the lookout for something to take. 
The devil cannot kill what has no life. And then there is you, oozing with life, life eternal, and the devil is envious of that. Because God didn't just breathe life into you, His breath gives you understanding as well. So, this makes you a living being filled with so much wisdom. In fact, in Psalms 8: 4–7, David had to ask God what the value of a man is that God had to make us very similar to Him. 
Dear Light Bearer, since January the things you said you would start doing, how far? The book you wanted to write, how far? (p.s. this is a self sub) That business you wanted to start, what have you done about it? The online course nkor? 
This second half is another chance for you to get started with the things you have proposed to start. Don't allow the devil to steal your time from you!
Moths only destroy things abandoned in storage. Try this: keep a stainless cup with water droplets under your bed for 6 months and return to it. I can tell you that by the time you bring it out, it must have started to rust! You need to stir up the giftings inside of you just as the bible says in 2 Timothy 1:6.
God's gifts will not be lying dormant waiting for you to someday wake up and feel like putting them to use. 
The devil cannot destroy what is far from his reach. In this second half, I admonish you to keep yourself in the secret place of God where security is assured for you. 
I love you, and I am rooting for you.
Mo, The Light Bearer. 🤍✨