Top Five Excuses People Give for Their Wrong Partners

Started by Hell Razer, Tuesday, 27 June 2023, 12:59 PM

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Have you ever found yourself in a bad relationship before or do you have someone who is in one? And for some reason, you just couldn't bring yourself to end it? They couldn't end such a toxic affair. Well, you're not alone! Many people stick around in unhealthy relationships, and they usually come up with flimsy excuses just to justify their decision to stay.

I think we need to take a look at these flimsy excuses.

"But he/she has potential!"
Ah, the classic excuse. How can you believe this person is the only person with great potential? There are lots of people out them who are much more than such fellows. Yet, they will still treat you well and make you feel so important in their lives.
Well, here's the truth: potential doesn't guarantee results. It's like waiting for a caterpillar to become a butterfly when it's actually a grasshopper.
don't stick around someone who is not ready to change their bad character even though they are a great future.

"I'm afraid of being alone."
This is particularly common among ladies. You will hear them saying stuff like "Who will marry me?, I don't want to be alone, I can change him". sometimes, being alone is better than being with a toxic person. Your peace of mind and mental health is at stake already. That you are single is actually a privilege and not a disease.
Remember, you are single and complete already in Christ. And it's better to be alone and happy than stuck in a miserable relationship.

"We've invested so much time!"
Sure, you've invested time, energy, and emotions into the relationship, but that shouldn't be the sole reason to stay. Leave before things get worse and you won't be able to handle it. Take, for instance, someone who abuses you emotionally, it won't be long before you have low self-esteem. That is just the bitter truth.  Once a relationship is toxic, holding on won't magically make it better.

"What will people think or say?"
Why will you be living for others in the first place? Why should every decision you take be based on public opinion? Especially the ones you are losing yourself already. Fine, sometimes, We all care about what others think to some extent, but basing your decisions on other people's opinions is a recipe for disaster.

Remember, it's your life, and you deserve to be happy, regardless of what others may say.

"I'm scared of starting over."
Starting over can be intimidating and overwhelming, no doubt about it. But staying in a bad relationship out of fear is like staying in a sinking ship because you're scared of the lifeboat.
Embrace the unknown, and you might discover a world of happiness outside that close relationship.

Now that we've explored these flimsy excuses, ask yourself: Are they valid reasons or just self-imposed barriers?
Remember, life is too short to settle for anything less than extraordinary love and happiness!

Like someone I know will always say
"It is better to prevent what will cost you so much to cure".

Thanks for this piece.