Tales Of Ogidan Episode 2

Started by The Light Bearer 💡, Wednesday, 21 June 2023, 12:22 PM

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Tales of Ogidan
Episode 2

You may be wondering why we chose the evening time for our operations, well let me explain to you. By evening when the traders are returning from the market, they are most vulnerable, they have told lies, sold with the wrong measures, robbed others of their money, and are more exposed than they were in the morning. When most of the traders are going to their stalls in the morning, they pray heartfelt prayers, and their ways are set right before Eleedua. A man whose way is right before Eleedua cannot be touched. He has an edge around him that makes him untouchable.  
With my spiritual eyes opened by Awako, I can see the ones who have dropped their shield several times to fight their neighbors and customers. Even the ones with ingratitude in their hearts, the ones who are jealous that their neighbors made more sales than them. For a market that is not yours, it baffles me how many of these Keepers forget that they are just custodians and that someday the owner would come and ask for an account. 
Unlike in the morning, when going to the market or starting out their journey, they are fully armed and prepared for battle, at that time our charms are most unlikely to work on them, so we wait until evening when they are exposed and can be attacked.
Dear reader this is what the devil is after. Stay alert and sober, your enemy the devil is moving around like a roaring lion looking for whom to devour. You can't afford to sleep all the time carelessly. 
Once a keeper goes to sleep in that weak state it is easy to penetrate them and tap off their virtues. Esu is not kind, neither is he predictable. He is diplomatic, he may demand full untapped virtue or a certain percentage. Either way, he always wants something.  
What do we do with these virtues? Well, we sell them. Oja Ale is where marketers and buyers meet. The collectors also meet with the marketers there. It is always so busy. 
Awako had only taken me there a few times, but I can never forget in a hurry the hungry-looking eyes of the marketers as they grabbed the glass jars holding the virtues. 
The fallen man we carried today was freshly tapped. He was just looking into space and snoring at the same time. From the piece of bread I could see him holding in the spirit with my inner eye, he obviously fell into the laps of a strange woman. Any man ensnared by a strange woman would have had his virtues exchanged for a piece of bread. (Proverb 6:26) Such a shame. He is wasted for life. It is only by Eleedua's mercy and maybe selling his soul that can he get half his worth back. Esu doesn't give anything to anyone without a cost. Even if he sells it to you, he would still come back for it, at a price. A price far costlier than what he initially sold it to you for. 
I continued working with Awako faithfully until one day when we messed with the wrong person. 
His name was Kunmi. Kunmi carried something that was beyond that of the average man. As Awako described what Esu told him Kunmi carried, it was enticing and I saw reasons why Esu wanted him by all means. 
Kunmi had been on our list for a very long time, but we never got him. Fire guarded him, we couldn't reach the virtue. We could not even see it, we were just thirsting based on what we heard from Esu. 
"By all means, we have just three days to get Kunmi, otherwise consider yourself, myself, all of us, dead!" Awako had told me that night as he roused from his sleep.
From the look of things, he had just met with Esu in his dream. Esu shows no mercy, I have seen Collectors beheaded in the most gruesome ways at Oja Ale because they failed to meet up their tasks. I looked up and it was not twilight yet, I nodded but couldn't get any more sleep.
I had several thoughts in my head as I turned on my sleeping mat. How would we get Kunmi? We have been on his tail for the last six months and there has been no loop. What we need to penetrate is just a loop. Maybe we just have to create one and present it as harmless, hopefully, it works this time. 
Well, it did work. See, Esu works tirelessly, when Iwe Iye – The Book of Life referred to him as cunning it was correct. He taught us that sometimes if we cannot find a loop caused by sin, we should create it, which is what we did with Kunmi's case and several others. A little dose of careless talking here, and some sprinkle of gossip there. Of course, many of these people don't even know they are doing these things, they call it gisting, or catching up, then they start to discuss other people. In the multitude of words, there is sin. 
We had tapped an extra 20% off Kunmi and had it in the virtue jar secretly. Esu had ordered 75% of his virtue but who doesn't want to be rich?
Awako had connived with me to take an extra 20% off, Esu would never find out. But if he does we are done for. Yes, your thoughts are correct, we eventually became done for.
© Amusan Mosunmola 2023.