That Night (Hope for Rape Victims)

Started by StoryTeller, Monday, 10 April 2023, 07:24 PM

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Episode 1
It was a bright Saturday morning. I woke up feeling uneasy like something wasn't right but I couldn't place what it was. The singing and chirping of the bird had earlier woken me up. Though it was Saturday, I had to go to work since I would be accompanying my boss to South Africa in order to seal a deal for the company.

Reluctantly, I went to bathroom to freshen up and hurriedly left the house when I discovered that I was running late. While waiting for a cab to convey me to the office, this strange feeling of a bad omen cane again and was stronger this time. Still, I didn't get to understand what it symbolizes.

Forgive my manners, I am Adugo Perculiar, the only surviving child of Mr. and Mrs. Adugo. My parent died when I was twelve years and since then, I have been living with my father's younger brother and his family.

Uncle Paul took over my father's property, he sold the houses my father built save the one we live in. The main reason I still live with them is because I don't want my father's remaining house to be sold since that is his remaining property.

Growing up without my parent was not easy for me as my Uncle and his family made life unbearable for me. I was termed a witch with the claim that I killed my parent.

My parent and I traveled to the village for the burial ceremony of my paternal grandfather and on our way back, our car collided with an oncoming truck. Our unconscious body was rushed to the hospital by passers by. I woke up four days later only to receive the news that my parent had passed away. It was really a trying period for me but God saw me through.

The secondary school I went to awarded me a scholarship based on my late father's good deeds and after my secondary school education, my principal ensured that my Uncle saw me through the tertiary institution.

Luck smiled on me and I got a job with a mouth watering salary immediately after I graduated from the University. My Uncle and his wife suddenly became nice to me immediately I started earning money. They made sure I pay the tuition fees of their two children in the university. Well, I didn't object since their father saw me through the university.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 2

Mr. Smith, my boss drove into the company and jolted me out my reverie, I hopped into his car and we were driven to the airport to board a plane. Mr. Smith is a married man with two kids but never stop being promiscous. Despite having a beautiful wife, he never stop disturbing me for a relationship but I kept on turning him down.

Talking about relationship, I have never been into any but I am thinking of giving Dennis a chance. He is an old school mate who has been on my neck for a relationship.

We arrived at South Africa after flying in the air for almost one hour. South Africa is a very beautiful country or should I say the most beautiful in Africa. My boss and I wasted no time in going to seal the deal. The meeting lasted for three hours and after that, the deal was given to our company.

Done with sealing the deal, my boss and I were driven to the reservations the company made for us and had us checked into our different hotel rooms. My meal was brought to me which I ate hurriedly. After the meal, I freshened up and slept off.

I was awoken in the middle of the night by the beeping of my cell phone, I picked it up to see what brought about the beeping only for me to see a message from Mr. Smith which says "Come to my hotel room now"

I checked the time again and saw that it was late in the midnight then, I kept asking myself why my boss would ask me to come to his hotel room at such an ungodly hour. After giving it a thought, I decided not to go. I decided to ignore the message with the mind of questioning him the next day.

I drifted back to sleep and was having a sweet dream when I felt a touch on my bed, I opened my eyes only to behold Mr. Smith in his boxers and on my bed.

Me: Jesus! How did you get in here? What do you want from me?

Mr. Smith: hush! Since, you refuse to come to my room, I decided to come get what I want

Me: (became very scared) and what is that thing that you want from me?

Mr. Smith: Very simple! I just need to get in between your legs

Me: Never! That can and will never happen

Mr. Smith: come on, stop playing hard to get. I sleep with every of my secretaries without stress, you are the only giving me a hard time

Me: Please, leave my room before I scream

Mr. Smith: You see, even if you scream, no one would come to your rescue as I have already paid my way through

Me: Please sir, don't let the devil use you to destroy my life. Just go back to bed or simply get a prostitute

Mr. Smith: You are the one for me tonight, will you stop this nonsense and cooperate with me? Can't you see that I am already hard?

Seeing the bulge in his boxers made me want to scream as that would be the first time I would being seeing a man's huge member. He came nearer to me and I made to shout but he covered my mouth with his huge palm.

I tried to fight him but he was stronger than I am, he tore my nightie and gained access into my body. I weep as he fondled with my virgin breast, I wanted to plead with him to stop but I realized that my mouth was closed with his palm.

Done with fondling with my body, he pushed himself into me causing a surging pain to pass through me, the pain I experienced was something I couldn't explain. I laid helplessly on the bed while he kept on thrusting into me like a man who had been denied sex for months.

He grunted like a pig and rolled off me when he was done. I watched him wore his boxers and made to leave without showing any sign of remorse.

Mr. Smith: Well, I never knew it is your first. I had to use force when you denied me easy access

Me: (with the remaining strength in me) get out of my room you beast

Mr. Smith: I will leave but you need to each yourself and remember that we have a flight tomorrow by 10am.

The story just started.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 3

I wept bitterly after his departure as I felt used. I never believed that this would ever happened to me, I have always wanted my first sex to be magical and with my husband.

After a moment of crying, I felt I needed to inform someone as I was ready to take the matter up if I see a backup. I picked my cell phone and dialled Dennis contact.

Dennis: Hi dear whats up

Me: (in tears) Dennis?

Dennis: Hey dear, what's wrong? Why are you crying?

Me: I was just raped

Dennis: what? How? When? Where?

Me: My boss raped me

Dennis: Your boss?? Wait! Are you in your boss house??

Me: I followed him to South Africa to seal a deal for the company. After sealing the deal, the came to my hotel room to molest me

Dennis: You are a joker right? What do you expect from following a man for a business trip without bothering to inform me but you can call to inform me that you were raped. Wait! Do you even expect me to believe you? Who knows if you actually asked for it

Me: (surprised and disappointed) Dennis is this you?? I thought you trusted me

Dennis: As regards this, I can't trust you and please, don't call me again. Clear your mess yourself as I can't have anything to do with a rape victim

Me: Dennis??

Dennis: good day madam

Dennis hung up increasing my tears and pain, I didn't believe he could behave this way, I thought he loved me. Like, I was already thinking of giving him a yes. I thought of who to call but there was no one.

My Uncle will never believe me and my secondary school principal who has always been there for me relocated to the US few years ago.

At 9am, Mr Smith came to my room to inform me about our departure. He was so surprised to see me still crying on the bed, he informed me that we were meant to leave the hotel to go board the plane didn't bulge. Leaving the hotel was another problem because I couldn't walk well as a result of the pain in between my thighs. When he saw that I wasn't answering him, he went away.

The following day, he came into my room and saw me shivering. Fear gripped him that he had to go get me drugs, he then postponed my flight while he traveled down to Lagos leaving me to cater for myself.

After spending extra five days in South Africa, I traveled back to Lagos, Nigeria. I was physically healed but wounded emotionally. The first thing I did when I got to the company was to call for a board meeting.

The directors were all surprised to hear that I called for the board meeting and not my boss. They heed my call and all came for the meeting including my boss.

After they all took their seat, I appreciated them for coming. I tendered my resignation letter and explained the reason behind my action. My boss screamed at me with the claim that I want to tarnish his image.

Mr. Smith: Perculiar, so this is who you are? Just because I refused your sexual advances at the hotel, you think you can here to tarnish my image? My God will judge you. I have a wife who is far beautiful than you are so why should I come after you? What do you have that my wife doesn't?

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 4

I became short of words where I stood as I never saw this coming. Instead of taking sides with me, the other directors started speaking ill of me.

Mr. Jones: I knew she was up to something the moment she started wearing tight clothes and walking majestically all over the company

Miss Kemi: Wonders shall never end, so na married men you dey do? Pity his wife now

Mr. Kingsley: Young ladies of these days, always wanting to real from where they didn't sow

The only thing I could do was to shed tears. I was forced to walk out of the board room when the embarrassment became unbearable. To worsen the situation, some policemen came to my house the following day to arrest me with the claim that my offense was lying against my boss who has been good to me and trying to soil his reputation.

Getting to the station, I was thrown into the cell and after a week, I was released to go home. I saw life for what it truly is, I became angry with everything and everyone around me. I realized that we live in a world where the oppressed have no voice.

I was angry at my parent for leaving me behind in this wicked world, I was angry that my Uncle and his family never bothered to check on me while I was in the police net, i was angry that there was no single person who could just stand for me and with me during this trying period. The event of that night made me a bitter young lady.

Since there was nothing on me after being released to go home, I had to trek home. On getting home, I was surprised to find my things outside the house. I went into the house to ask my Uncle what went wrong.

Me: Good afternoon Uncle, my things were kept outside, what happened?

Uncle Amadi: ohh that? You don't belong here again. For you to tell lie against your boss and tried to soil his reputation then it means you can do worst to us. So, before that happens, you have to leave

Me: (hearing that from him drained the remaining strength I had left) Hmmm, can I go and pick something upstairs?

Uncle Amadi: yes, go and pick any of your remaining belongings

I decided not to argue with him because I had no strength left in me, if my family members don't believe me, how would outsiders do? I went into my room and picked my ATM from the purse I kept it. The money I kept in the drawer was nowhere to be found, I knew they must have taken it.

After taking my ATM, I went to where my luggage was kept outside, looked at the house once last time, and left.

While walking on the street, I was emotionally broken as I was tired of living. I wished a car could come out of somewhere and knock me down so that I would go and meet my dead parents but it didn't happen.

Tired of walking, I joined a bus at the bus stop without knowing it's the destination. I just wanted to go somewhere far away. The bus came to a halt after being in motion for almost one and a half hours. The bus conductor informed us that we are all meant to alight since the bus has gotten to its last bus stop.

I alighted just as every other person did but the difference was that I had no place to go. I kept roaming and roaming about till it became dark. Shop owners closed for the day and I was able to locate a store where I laid down hoping for a miracle the following day.

I hadn't slept for more than two hours when I felt a rough tap on my head, I opened my eyes only to see myself surrounded by three rough-looking young men with one of them smoking. My heart skipped a beat the moment the one smoking tried caressing my cheek.

Ist guy: wetin fine girl dey do here?

Me: eerm eerm, please... I mean

2nd guy: them tie your mouth?

Me: I was sent out of the house and I have nowhere to go

1st guy: Boss, this guy fine die. Make we sample am

Me: Please, don't touch me.

Boss: that one no possible fine girl, no fine girl enter my domain and commot like that

Me: Please, I have gone through a lot. Okay, I will leave now but please don't hurt me more

2nd guy: Babe, this world no balance, na everyone gets story to tell

Boss: Spark, carry her come backyard

Me: Please, don't do this to me

My tears and plea were ignored and I was carried by the two guys to the back of the shop where the three of them had their way with me. I lost consciousness as the pain was too much for me to bear plus I had no strength in me. I never knew that life can be this cruel.

To be continued....

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 5

I woke up hours later to find myself lying on a bed. Scared that I had been kidnapped, I tried to stand up from the bed to survey the environment where I was but I couldn't due to the throbbing headache I was experiencing. While I was still trying to know where I was, a lady dressed in white walked into the room I was.

Me: Hello, please where am I, and who are you?

Lady: hi dear, thank God you are awake. I am Nurse Linda and you are in a hospital

Me: hospital? How come??

Nurse Linda: a good Samaritan who saw you lying unconscious brought you here

Me: hmmm

Nurse Linda: he would be here any moment soon

Me: he???

Nurse Linda: yes

Nurse Linda examined me, gave me an injection, and changed my drip. She wished me a quick recovery before leaving my ward to go attend to other patients.

Later that day, a man in his late fifties came with his wife into my ward with the claim that he was the good Samaritan who brought me to the hospital. He introduced himself as pastor Ajayi and tried asking me questions about myself but I couldn't reply as the shock from the event of the previous night was stuck in my memory making me see every man as a rapist.

When they couldn't get me to say anything, the wife urged him to let me be that I will surely come around. A few minutes later, the doctor came into my ward and told the pastor and his wife that I was gang-raped. The Pastor's wife shook her head in pity and spoke encouraging words to me.

I was discharged a few days later and the Pastor's wife asked me to come to live with them. Since I had nowhere to go, I gladly went with them. Despite their love and care, I only said little to them.

Getting to the Pastor's house, I got to realize that they have three children, two boys, and a girl. The boys were studying outside the country while the girl who happens to be the last child was in a boarding school.

I was given a room in the house and was treated well. The pastor's wife took her time to always teach me the word of God and also speak soothing words to me, she would always tell me to learn to look at the brighter side of life.

Since I was unwilling to tell the pastor and his wife about myself and what happened to me, they deemed it fit to get me a psychologist who would help me overcome the trauma of the rape.

Mrs. AkinOla was employed to help me feel better. At first, I won't speak to her, all I just do is to stare at her till she was ready to leave but as time went on, I began to open up to her. She took me like a daughter and was always ready to listen to me.

Gradually, i started opening up to her and began to let go of the bitterness in me but I didn't want to have anything to do with the male folks. Whenever Mrs. AkinOla was less busy, she would invite me over to her house to come to spend time with her.

I got to know that Mrs. AkinOla has a son who goes by the name Edwin, he is an engineer in one of the biggest petrochemical company in the country. He loves his mother so much that he never wants anything to do wrong with her. Edwin wanted to be friends with me but the event of the past prevented it.

When my life was beginning to have meaning, another catastrophe struck. It was the last Sunday of the month and every last Sunday in Pastor Ajayi was always glorious as it was called the love feast day.

During the sermon, I started feeling uneasy where I sat in the pew. I decided to go to the restroom and wash my face thinking that would make me feel better. As I stood up, I suddenly became dizzy and fell to the ground. The last thing I saw was people pouring water on me to revive me.

When the church members saw that I wasn't responding, I was taken to the hospital and after a series of tests, I was confirmed two months pregnant. My world came crumbling the third time. When I was just trying to pick up the broken pieces of my life, an unwanted pregnancy surfaced.

I felt ending it all was the best option because I just couldn't face the world with the pregnancy of a bastard, I hated myself, I hated the baby growing in me. While on the hospital bed, I grabbed the scissors in the drawer and stabbed myself in the belly wanting to kill the baby in me.

To be continued...
 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 6

A cleaner who saw me bleeding raised an alarm which attracted the doctor and nurses to my ward. I slipped into unconsciousness again and saw myself going on a lonely path, at the end of the path was a giant beautiful building.

I tried to open the gate of the building so that I can enter but I couldn't then I decided to knock. After knocking for a few minutes, my dead mother appeared to me. I was so excited to see her and wanted to jump into her arms but she restricted me.

Mother: you can't touch me, daughter, you have to go back to the world and fulfill your destiny

Me: But Mom, the world is filled with wickedness. I can't go back, how do you expect me to survive in that wicked world

Mother: Daughter, some things must come your way before you can be what God wants you to be. I want you to know that God doesn't give His children what they can never bear

Me: but mommy, I want to be with you

Mother: you will surely be with me but that is when you have fulfilled your course on earth. A seed has been planted in you, that seed will liberate many. The seed didn't come legitimately because if it does, the wicked ones will cut it short

Me: seed? Why are you speaking in parable mother?

Mother: the enemy has seen that you would be a channel through which a great evangelist whose ministry will shake the world would be born that was why they decided to make you go through series of molestation so that you would become filthy before God. But you see, God works mysteriously, His foolishness is far wiser than the wisdom of men

Me: Hmmmmm

Mother: Be strong daughter, you have been favored before God. Don't worry about what people will say, God will bring a man across your way to go through this journey with you

Me: But mother..........

Mother: go back to the world daughter, go back to the world, go back to the world, and fulfill your destiny

I woke up and find myself still on the hospital bed, I tried to lift myself but I couldn't, I felt pain at the side of my stomach where I stabbed earlier. I was surprised to see Edwin sitting beside my bed.

Me: Edwin??

Edwin: Peculiar, thank God you are awake. You made us all worried, how are you feeling now?

Me: I need water, please

Edwin: let me call the doctor

The doctor came in and was so happy to see me awake. He said I have been in coma for two weeks and they all resulted in prayers. He warned me never to try what I did again and then advised that this was not the end of the world.

I was discharged after spending one more week in the hospital, everyone doted on me as if I was a baby. The pastor wife never relented in praying and encouraging me, Mrs. AkinOla was always coming to speak to me, Edwin wasn't left out as he was always coming to visit me with gifts whenever he comes home.

I found the courage and told Mrs. AkinOla what I saw when I was in a coma and she encouraged me to keep living and allow God's plan to come to manifestation in my life but one problem I had was the great hatred I had for my unborn child.

I wanted to love him or her since all that happened was according to God's plan but I just couldn't, I hated the sight of me, I hate to look at my protruded tommy. I once confided in Edwin that I pray I don't grow up to hate the child after he or she was born.

That was how much I hated the growing feotus. Edwin shunned me and made me see reasons why I had to love the baby but that didn't take the hatred away.

My nine months was completed and I went into labor immediately after my water broke. The pastor and his wife rushed me to the nearest hospital where I was taken into the labor room immediately.

I was given injections and was asked to push, I pushed and pushed but nothing came forth. It wasn't a funny experience, the pain was something I couldn't explain.
For two days, I couldn't deliver myself. I was in serious pain, crying and asking God for mercy.

Edwin came down to the hospital immediately he was informed. He told the doctor to carry out a cesarean section that he would foot the bill. I was wheeled into the theatre and was delivered a bouncing baby born.

By the time I became conscious the following day, I was told that my baby is dead.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 7

The death of my baby destabilized me. Though I didn't love him while he was in the womb, I never wished him dead. Yes, the scan revealed that I was carrying a baby boy.

People came around to sympathize with me but it didn't take away the pain. Some rejoiced with me that the yoke of training a bastard has been lifted off my neck.

After being discharged from the hospital, Mrs. Akinola took me in and nursed me back to health. Edwin wasn't left out in caring for me as he always ensured that I go with him to the gym every weekend to get my shape back.

When I became fit, I reluctantly returned to the pastor's house as I have become attached to the Akinolas'. I was given a warm welcome as they were all happy to have me back.

Surprisingly, the pastor's three children were around as they came home to celebrate their father's fiftieth birthday. Since the birthday party would be a big one, a lot of things were needed to make it a success.

Mummy pastor and I were in charge of the food and drinks. Two days to the birthday party, Mummy's pastor and I went to the market to get the remaining things needed for the preparation of the meal. Getting to the market, mummy discovered that she had forgotten her ATM at home.

Since there was no cash on her to use in purchasing what we needed, she had to send me back home to get the ATM. I took a bike and within thirty minutes, I was at home.

As I got into the compound, I was greeted by a horrible smell that I felt was from the other compound. Getting into the house, the smell became pronounced that I couldn't help but get worried.

I closed my nose and made it to the master's bedroom to get the ATM. On my way to the master's bedroom, I saw Dolapo, Pastor's first son smoking Indian hemp in his room with his door widely opened.

Being shocked was an understatement as I thought ministers' children were supposed to be godly and God-fearing. I waved the sight of Dolapo smoking away and went to get the ATM.

I picked up the ATM and tried making my way out of the house when Dolapo came to block me speaking gibberish about me being hot. I ignored him since I knew he was high.

All of a sudden, he pushed me into his room which was beside his parents, and jam the door. I was staring at another molestation in the face but I couldn't do anything to save myself. I tried to free myself from his grip but I couldn't because he was stronger than I plus he was high.

Funny enough, I didn't struggle much with him. When I saw that he was stronger than I, i let him have his way. I didn't shed a tear because I was tired of crying.

When he was done with whatever he wanted to do with my body, he grunted like a pig and rolled off me. I picked the pieces of my torn undies, went into my room to freshen up then took every one of my belongings, and left the pastor's house for good.


Edwin's P.O.V

I woke up this morning having a weird feeling but I ignored it and prepared myself for work. I had to seal a deal with ANNIE-PECU group of companies for my company.

ANNIE-PECU is one of the biggest petrochemical companies in the country which is run by a young lady. I have been going to the company for almost three months to seal the deal but I keep experiencing disappointment as their MD was never available to attend to me.

Research had it that she hated male folks and was always ready to frustrate them whenever they come to her for deals. Left to me, I would have let the deal go but my boss won't take no for an answer.

To be continued...
For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 8

I got to ANNIE-PECU petrochemical company at 5:20 am since I was told by the Secretary that their MD said if I didn't get there by 5:30 am, I should forget about the contract. Since I was ten minutes earlier, I had this confidence that the contract would be awarded to my company.

Unfortunately for me, their so-called annoying MD didn't show up that day. At half-past six, her Secretary had to tell me to go home and return the following day. I was so pissed that I didn't know when I yelled at her, I missed breakfast and lunch because of the annoying time they gave me.

I picked up my briefcase intending to go to the boss that I have had enough, he should rather send someone else or forget the contract. Getting to the parking lot, I let out my anger on my car by banging it.

After breathing in and out, I slide into the driver's seat and was about to drive out of the company when I set my eyes on her. Her face, stature, walking steps remain the same but she now looks sophisticated. No doubt, she is the MD of ANNIE-PECU.

How come? Like how did she get to that position in the space of five years?

I jammed my car door and went after her, I won't give up till I speak to her. She is Peculiar, the woman who has stolen my heart, she disappeared into thin air with a part of me in her.

The Secretary was surprised to see me back but I didn't care. I made to enter Peculiar's office without the Secretary's permission but she was fast enough to stop me.

Me: Please, I need to see her. She is someone I know

Secretary: Sir, you can't see her

Me: Please tell her that Edwin wants to see her, Akinola Edwin

Secretary: you can't see her. Please, you need to leave

Edwin: (raised my voice) what is your problem lady? I said she knows me, just mention my name to her

While I was still arguing with the Secretary, Peculiar who was disturbed by our noise came to see what was going on.

Peculiar: what is happening here, Tina?

Tina: Ma, this man here wants to forcefully enter your office claiming that he knows you

Me: Peculiar, it's me. Edwin, Mrs. Akinola's son

Peculiar: (shocked to see me but quickly pretended not to know me) Who is Peculiar, I am Annie young man, you seem you lost your way. Tina, if he refuses to leave, get Musa to bundle him out

Tina: Yes ma, oga oya leave before I call the security bundle you out

Me: Fine! I will leave

The embarrassment was too much for me to bear, I walked out of the company in shame and vowed never to return there. I dropped the document regarding the contract with the receptionist and ask her to give her boss.


Me: No, this isn't happening, It's Edwin, why can't the past stay in the past. I am already living life afresh, why won't the past let me be?

I know I wasn't supposed to treat Edwin the way I did but I just don't want to have anything to do with anyone from my past. Edwin and his mom were once my saviors and I am supposed to love and cherish them but I just can't.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 9


For the past two weeks, I have been so restless. After treating Edwin badly, the Holy Spirit corrected me and ordered that I make amends. Seun, the receptionist brought the files concerning their contract to me and I award it to their company.

My Secretary informed Edwin's company that the contract has been awarded to them. I thought Edwin would come but someone else came to sign the agreement form.

Luckily for me, I was able to get Edwin's contact from their representative. I called to apologize for my rude behaviour and ask if he could come to meet me so that we could discuss things. At first, he replied rudely but later promised to come.

Edwin's P.O.V

My boss thought I was joking when I said I would never step my foot in ANNIE-PECU, it was when I threatened to drop my resignation letter that he knew I was serious about me not going back there.

Surprisingly, we received a call from ANNIE-PECU informing us that the contract has been awarded to us. Still, I refused to go there. My boss had no choice but to send a younger colleague to go sign the agreement form.

I was hurt by Peculiar's action, this is was someone my mom and I stood with during her trying time, we spent a lot of money searching for her after her disappearance and all she could do was to give instructions that the guards should throw me out if I refuse to leave. My mom noticed my moody state but I just couldn't disclose anything to her.

To my utmost surprise, I received a call from peculiar some weeks later apologizing for her rude behavior and asking if we could meet up. At first, I refused to hearken to her but after some moment of pleading, I decided to meet up with her.

I was about to go meet with Peculiar two days later when my baby boy came to ask if I was going out again.

Miracle: daddy!!!

Me: yes baby

Miracle: are you going out again?

Me: yes but I won't be gone for long

Miracle: but you promised to spend some time with me today, you also promise to help me with my assignment

Me: I am very sorry baby, something came up that's why. I promise to come back home on time and help you out with your assignment

Miracle: alright daddy, don't forget to get me my favorite drink on your way back

Me: sure I won't. Okay, go meet grandma, I have to leave right now

Miracle: bye daddy, drive carefully

Me: thanks darling

I drove out of the compound with a smile plastered on my face, Miracle is such a cute sweet boy who is just too smart for his age. I am so happy to have him in my life.

After an hour drive, I arrived at Oceans, the eatery where Peculiar chose. Since I got there before her, I took a table and ordered a drink. Few minutes after getting my order, she walked into the eatery majestically.

Heads turned at the sight of her, she was still the same peculiar I knew but she was now sophisticated. I was lost where I sat, her greeting was what brought me out of my reverie.

Peculiar: good afternoon Eddie

Me: (hearing her call me Eddie awaken the butterflies in my belly) Good afternoon

Peculiar: sorry, I am late

Me: it's alright, got here a few minutes ago. So, you said you wanna see me, hope there is no problem?

Peculiar: You see Eddie, I am very sorry for the way I treated you back at my company. I have been restless and unhappy knowing fully well that I treated my helper badly

Me: hmmm, thank God you realized that.

Peculiar: I am also sorry for leaving without notice, I just hope you and your mom can forgive me

Me: Let me be frank with you, my mom and I are highly displeased with you. Despite how we cared for you, you didn't deem it fit to inform us about your relocation. We spent a lot searching for you. The pastor and his wife also spent a lot. That is very bad of you

Peculiar: I am so sorry for how everything turned out, I never planned it that way too but something happened which changed the course of my life

Me: something?? What is that??

Peculiar: I got raped by the pastor's first son and I had to leave because no one would believe me if I had reported to his parent and if I had come to your place, there would be a problem

Me: Jesus!! This is terrible

Peculiar: I felt used again. I asked God if he created me for rape and molestation

Me: I never knew you went through such again but how do you manage to attain this position like becoming the owner of one of the biggest petrochemical company in the country

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 10

Peculiar's P.O.V

That day, I left the pastor's house with a broken heart. With nowhere in mind to go, I knew I still had to leave because that was just the best option. I didn't want to cause chaos in the pastor's house neither did I want your family to be at war with the pastor's family when you get to know because I knew you and your mom will never take the issue with levity.

The only money I had with me that day was a thousand naira which I used to board a bus to the outskirt of Lagos. Getting there, I was just roaming about. While walking aimlessly, I saw a gigantic building with the inscription "Caregiver needed"

I took the number and went to a business center close to make a call. A doctor picked the call and gave me directions to his hospital. Luckily for me, the last money I had took me to the hospital and when I got there, I was also privileged to meet the doctor.

He told me about the nature of the job which was caring for a paralyzed 48 years old Mrs. Omale Annie who happens to be his patient. He explained that caring for Mrs. Annie was a difficult task as a lot of people resigned a few weeks after they started.

I promised him that I would do my job well since it would provide me with shelter. After signing the agreement form, I was driven back to the gigantic by the doctor who took me into the house and introduced me to Mrs. Annie as her new caregiver. Mrs. Annie just nodded at the doctor because she felt I also will leave just as the others did.

Of a truth, caring for Mrs. Annie was a difficult task that I thought of resigning. She would urinate and defecate in her room which I had to clean up, I would be the one to bath her, feed her and dress her up.

There were days I would cry myself to sleep and promise to leave the following day but what kept me back was that I had nowhere to go. To make matters worse, Mrs. Annie never speaks a word to me.

After three months, Mrs. Annie became relaxed in my presence and also started speaking to me. There were evenings she would sit me down and started telling me things that were sometimes too much for me to comprehend. I wept the day she told me the story of my life.

She was the only daughter of a wealthy business tycoon and the heiress to her family company. She got into the university at age eighteen. Being a daughter of a very wealthy man, she had everything she ever needed on a platter of gold.

In her third year, she met Frank whom she fell helplessly in love with. Since Frank was from a humble background, she didn't hesitate to help him when the need arise. When Frank had an accommodation problem, she told him to come live with her since she was living in a big apartment.

They started having sex when Frank began to live with her, she got pregnant for him thrice and had to abort it because Frank wasn't ready to father a child. After the third abortion, she resolves never to have sex with him again but she couldn't keep to that promise of hers as Frank found his way into her pant but this time, they decided to use prevention.

They continued with the prevention until Frank said he isn't comfortable with it and advised she make use of contraceptives. Annie who was madly in love with Frank went for it as she didn't want to make her boyfriend unhappy.

After graduating from the University, Annie introduced Frank to her Dad as her fiancee. Although her Dad wasn't happy that she is in love with a poor boy, he accepted Frank just to please his Princess as he does everything to make her happy so that she won't feel her mother's absence. Her mother died after giving birth to her.

Annie made her Dad get Frank a mouthwatering job. Six months after he got the job, they tied the knot. A month after her wedding, Annie's father had a cardiac arrest and lost his life.

After mourning her father for a few weeks, she took over the position of managing her father's company. Everything was going on fine between the couple until they realized that they couldn't conceive.

Frank claimed that his wife didn't conceive because of the stress she subjected herself to and offered to assist with the running of the company. Annie gladly allowed her husband to become the director while she became a housewife.

Despite being a housewife, Annie still could not conceive. It was then they decided to visit their family doctor. After a series of tests, it was discovered that the abortion Annie did affected her womb and the contraceptives worsen the situation.

The doctor told them they could never have a child except a miracle occur. This caused a serious problem between the couple as they both began to blame each other for being the cause of their problem.

A few months later, a pregnant lady walked into the house with her luggage with the claim that she was carrying Frank's child. Annie thought she was dreaming not until Frank kissed the lady and took her into the bedroom while he took Annie's things to the guest room.

Annie who became bitter and disappointed decided to stop Frank from working in her father's company only for her to see a document claiming that she had willed the company to Frank.

She fainted immediately after she saw the document and was in a coma for almost a week. Frank never bothered to visit her while she was in the hospital. Then, she realized that she was alone in the world.

Her Dad's best friend was angry when he heard what had happened, he decided to help her get her father's company back but after going to court, they couldn't get it back as the document was evidence that she willed it to document. How and when the document was signed by her was something she didn't know.

Mr. Marvin, her Dad's friend pitied her and lend her some money to start life afresh. Not wanting to have her father's name dead, she went in line with her father's business.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 11

Peculiar's p.o.v

Mr. Marvin connected her to her Dad's business associates who helped grow her company into an empire in a space of one year. Frank sent her out of the house which her Dad gave to them as a wedding gift and divorced her the moment his mistress gave birth to a baby boy.

Annie became an unhappy woman and buried herself in her work but that didn't reduce her pain. She followed Frank on social media and watched him produce three lovely kids while she couldn't even have one, she watched him become happy with her father's sweat, she watched another woman reap what she sowed.

In the space of ten years, her company became of the biggest in the country. Men wanted to date her but she wasn't ready to open her heart to love again, she wasn't ready to be tagged a barren woman again.

The pain and unhappiness in her resulted in depression which made her paralyzed, she spent a lot to make her normal again but it didn't seem to work. A lot of pastors came to pray for her still she remained the same, some pastors even stole from her while some sold bottles of anointing oil and holy water at exorbitant prices.

She lost hope of getting better and resulted in fate. She got someone to run her company on her behalf but he ended up squandering her money. She then had to allow her Dad's best friend to run the company in her absence.

Listening to her story brought tears to my face, I thought I was the one with the worst life challenge not until I met Mrs. Annie. I still wonder why a beautiful woman with a heart of gold had to go through such betrayal. The painful aspect is that the wicked man who betrayed her is living happily. What an irony of life, the wicked enjoy life while the good ones suffer.

Mrs. Annie became the mother I never had while I became the child she never had, I also told her about my story and she encouraged me not to give up on life because I was destined to be great.
The sweetest part of the story is that she met Christ while listening to a preacher on the TV.

Mrs. Annie's fiftieth birthday was approaching and I decided to celebrate it for her in a way she never imagined, I ordered a cake online, decorated the house, and bought expensive wines.

Very early that day, I woke her up with a birthday song then took her to the sitting room after cleaning her up. Being surprised was an understatement, she wept while praying for me.

To my surprise, she started getting better after her fiftieth birthday, she began to lift her two hands. Oh, I was so happy. I thought she was getting better, I never knew she was relocating to the great beyond.

Two months after the birthday, she sat me down one evening and started speaking strangely to me, she encouraged me to keep being a well-behaved lady. I appreciated her and promise to keep her advice to heart.

I woke up the following day to go clean her up only to meet her lifeless, I tried to wake her but it didn't work, I prayed that God should revive her but that didn't happen. Again, I was shattered as my only hope and friend has gone to the great beyond.

I informed the doctor who sent an ambulance to convey her body to the hospital's mortuary where her body was prepared for burial. Her burial was attended by the doctor, her workers, her Dad's business associates, and I. I can say that hers was an unfulfilled life.

After her burial, her lawyer read her will and in the will, she said that her company will be handed over to me and renamed ANNIE-PECU while I will be accountable to Mr. Marvin.

She asked that her money in the bank be divided into three, apart for Mr. Marvin, the second for me, and the third be given to the less privileged in the society. We followed her instructions and I became the CEO of ANNIE-PECU petrochemical company, within a few months, I was able to make it an empire that no other petrochemical company can compete with.

Edwin: hmmm! What a tale. Life and its ups and downs, even the rich also cry. Who would have believed a wealthy lady like that went through such tough life challenges

Me: I thought only the poor cry but when I met Mrs. Annie, my perception changed. I miss her you know

Edwin: why won't you miss her?

Me: so, how have you been? How is mom? How is life generally?

Edwin: Life has been good, mom is doing well for herself just that she can't help but worry about you

Me: wow! I love that woman, you are blessed with a wonderful mother

Edwin: you can say that again

Me: So tell me, how is married life treating you?

Edwin: marriage? I am still single. Have you forgotten that I had a soft spot for you back then?

Me: oh come off it Eddie, it's been five years, you should have moved on

Edwin: moved on? You went away with a part of me. Stop pretending you never loved me

Me: yea, I agree I loved you then but we are ways apart then. You were a decent guy while I was a bruised lady

Edwin: come off it, you knew I was ready to accept you the way you were.

Me: I want to meet your mom, can I do that today??

Edwin: thank you for changing the topic. Yes, you can still see her today

Me: that will be great, let's get going so that I would go back home on time.

Edwin's p.o.v

Peculiar did not know the pain she is causing me. I have been unable to fall in love with anyone else because she has stolen my heart, it is obvious she loved and still loves me but she isn't just ready to get committed to me. Only God knows how long I will have to wait before she gives me a chance.

Since she decided to see my mom then I think it's time I also tell her the truth I had kept away from her, I just hope she would take it well.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 12

Edwin's p.o.v

Getting to our house, Peculiar ran inside without waiting for me come out of the car. Immediately she set her eyes on my mom, she jumped into her arms and my mom who was so happy to see her screamed with Joy.

Miracle who was lost as to what was happening was just looking at the two women. After bringing their hugging to an end, Peculiar went on her knees and apologize for leaving without informing anyone, she narrated the incidence that made her leave without a prior notice.

My emotional mother couldn't help but burst into tears while listening to Peculiar's tale. Both women burst into tears and embraced each other again. At a point I was feeling uncomfortable seeing both women I love cry but I just had to act like I wasn't affected.

Their chit chat was brought to an end and Peculiar asked a question which I handled with stupidity.

Peculiar: sorry to ask mom, who is this boy? The child of a relative?

Me: (instead of allowing my mom to answer with maturity, I decided to answer) eerm you see Peculiar, we never thought of hiding this from you for long but your disappearance triggered it

Peculiar: I don't get you

Me: your child was never dead

Peculiar: (stunned) what?? So, where is he? Where is my boy?

Me: Miracle here is your son, he.....

Before I could complete my statement, Peculiar landed me a slap. I thought I was dreaming as the slap made me see stars.

Peculiar: (shouting) how dare you? How dare you deprived me of the joy of being a mother? How dare you cause me pain after knowing all I ever went through?

She picked up her bag and left. My mom was so disappointed in me. I didn't understand why I told her probably it was the joy of seeing the woman I loved deeply after being away for five years.

Mom: yes, that slap serves you right. Why have you decided to be stupid because I never trained you to be? Wait! Who gave you the right to break the news to her? I should be the one to break the news to her. Son, I am highly disappointed in you.

While my mom was still speaking angrily to me, Peculiar walked into the house but this time with two police officers. I was short of words like I didn't expect her to go that far. Why can't she always remember the help we once rendered unto her?

Peculiar: there he is officers, he is the one that deprives me of the joy of motherhood, he stole my boy away from him. Officers, arrest him

The officers came to where I sat and handcuffed me. While I was being taken away, I could hear Miracle crying, he was telling the officers to leave his father alone because he is a good man.

I went with the officers to the police station without a struggle. If anyone had told me that today will end up this way, I would have argued with him or her. My mom dropped Miracle with our neighbor and came to see me in the station, she warned me not to mention anything to the police.

I was beaten and tortured just because I refuse to tell the police anything. In the space of two days, I was looking like a criminal. My Dad who traveled outside the country for a meeting came back immediately he heard I was in police custody.

Luckily for me, the D.P.O was a friend to my Dad so the beating and torturing stop but they couldn't grant me bail because the commissioner of police was already aware of the case and he was interested in it. While in the cell, I kept telling God to show me mercy because all I ever did was to help someone.

Peculiar's p.o.v

How could Edwin do that to me? So, he connives with the doctor to hide my son for me? I will show him that I am no longer the Peculiar he knew five years ago, by the time I am done with him, he will know what to do and what not to do.

Since Mr. Badmus the present commissioner of police of the state had always wanted to have an affair with me, I decided to report Edwin to him so that he would be thoroughly dealt with. I knew Mr. Badmus will do anything for me because he was obsessed with me.

After hearing my side of the story, Mr. Badmus promised to help me get justice which gladdens my heart.

I went to bed that night feeling happy that I would get the right judgment only for me to have a terrifying dream. In the dream, I saw my mother again but this time she was looking very angry.

Me: mother? What is wrong? Why are you so angry?

Mother: I am angry because you have decided to cast away diamonds and go for stones

Me: why speaking in parables mother? What Diamond? What stones?

Mother: why have you wounded the man who has been ordained by God to help you fulfill the destiny?

Me: what man mother?

Mother: what have you done to Edwin? His tears is disturbing Heaven

Me: Can you believe he hid my son away from me?

Mother: didn't I tell you that somethings are bound to happen before you fulfill the destiny? Look here child, if you lose that young man, you will be forever miserable. Being a CEO does not mean you are fulfilling your destiny, you haven't even started at all, and you have to start the moment you decide to get married to Edwin. Go now child and wipe away the tears of that young man. Go! Go!! Go!!!

I woke up with a scream, I was so terrified. The dream made me realize the gravity of what I had done. Though it was late in the night, I picked up my cell phone and called Mr. Badmus informing him that I was no longer interested in the case. He tried to cajole me to continue with it but I stood my ground.

I brought the call to an end then knelt beside my bed and started crying to God for forgiveness. I wept asking God for a second chance, I knew it would not be easy to win back Edwin and his mother's love but I was ready to do everything possible.

I called my Secretary in the morning and informed her that I won't be at work. I then washed myself and went to Edwin's house only to be told by Sule, the gateman that he is in the hospital receiving treatment but he refused to give me the name of the hospital. I felt bad knowing fully well that Edwin was in the hospital because of my callous behavior.

I went back to the house three days later and was told that they are now back at home. I walked into the house only to be greeted by the angry stares of Mrs. Akinola. I quickly knelt and wept at her feet.

She tried to push me away but I tighten my grip on her leg. After weeping for some minutes, she lifted me and embraced me then, she sat me down and spoke sense into me.

After telling me she has forgiven me, I asked for permission to go see Edwin and asked for his forgiveness. Though she was skeptical at first, she later gave me the go-ahead.

Getting to Edwin's room, I met him crying. I felt pained to see him in bandages and also in tears. I walked into his room and knelt beside his bed. He looked at me with bitterness in his eyes and ordered me to get out of his room

 To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 13

Despite his threat to throw me out of his room, I refused to leave. I remain on my knees asking Him to forgive me, seeing him on bandages made me shed tears, I never knew I was this callous.

When he saw that I wasn't ready to leave, he laid on the bed backing me. I stood up from my kneeling position, covered him with the duvet, and muttered "I love you" before leaving the room.

Mrs. Akinola: how did it go?

Me: he refuses to listen or speak to me

Mrs. Akinola: that is because you hurt him so much

Me: (crying) I know ma and I am ready to amend my ways. I wasn't like this before, I guess the rape made me hardened and wicked. Can you help me become a better person ma?

Mrs. Akinola: (drew me into her arms) hush baby, it's okay. All will be well

Me: thank you ma, I will come back tomorrow to see him

Mrs. Akinola: alright dear, take good care of yourself

Me: and you too ma

With that, I left for home. The image of Edwin in the bandage was stuck in my brain making me shed tears. All through the drive home, I kept crying and asking God for mercy.

Very early the following day, I made jollof rice and meat with lots of plantains which was Edwin's favorite then I left for their residence. On my way to the Akinolas' homes, I stopped at a grocery store and bought some provisions which I took there along with the food.

Fortunately for me, Mrs. Akinola was about making breakfast when I got there, I told her not to bother about it because I had it covered. Miracle and Mrs. Akinola were eating the food I served them when Edwin walked into the dining. Immediately he saw me, he went back into the room.

I took permission from Mrs. Akinola then I took his food to his room. Luckily for me, his door wasn't locked.

Me: Good Morning sweetheart, how are you feeling?

Edwin: what do you want from me? And when did I become your sweetheart?

Me: I just want your forgiveness and love, that's all. You see, I have offended you greatly, I cast your love away but I am ready to make amends. I wasn't like this before, I agree that I am now wicked, heartless, and unmerciful but I want to change, I want to become a better person

Edwin: bravo! Nice speech

Me: (with tears dropping from my eyes, i moved closer to him) Edwin please, I am deeply sorry for all I did, please forgive me

Edwin: forgive you??

Me: (wipe my tears) okay, I know it may not come easy but I am ready to earn it. I brought you breakfast and it's your favorite

Edwin: I am not interested plus I am not hungry

Me: of course you are hungry because I know you haven't had breakfast and the food is so delicious, I bet you wouldn't wanna miss it

Immediately he perceived the aroma coming from the cooler, there was a noise from his stomach, I felt like laughing but I dare not as I did not want to compound my case. That is Edwin for you, he doesn't joke with Jollof rice, meat, and lots of plantains

Me: here we go baby, you need to eat this and take your drugs then get some rest. It will help you heal faster

One spoon, two spoons, three spoons, that was how the food got finished. I had to feed him, I never knew I can be this caring you know. And who said men are not babies, just a touch of care needed to bring the babyish side of them out.

Done with the food, I helped him with his drugs and advised he get some sleep. Obediently, he laid on the bed while I softly touch the hair on his head till he slept off.

Edwin's p.o.v

I woke up only to discover that peculiar was no longer in the room. Wait! Was I expecting her to wait till I wake up? I looked around and saw a wrapped gift on my bed, I opened it and was surprised to see a beautiful wristwatch and an apology note.

I smiled and read the note over and over again like I never knew Peculiar can be this loving and caring but I won't tell her that I have forgiven her because I want to enjoy more of that love and care. I kissed the wristwatch and placed it on my study table.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 14

Peculiar's P.O.V

After caring for Edwin for a week, he remained indifferent to me, he refuses to talk or smile at me. When I couldn't take it again, I broke down in front of him one day, instead of being remorseful, he burst into laughter.

Me: why are you treating me like i am the worst sinner on earth?

Edwin:( laughing so hard)

Me: that is not funny

Edwin: Okay, I am sorry for laughing but it is funny, you look cute when you cry. Well, I have forgiven long ago, I just needed more pampering and care from you.

Me: (surprised, I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him) You are a joker like I am have been crying for nothing

Edwin: (took the pillow from me and looked at me with all seriousness) when you got me arrested, you killed my pride, you made me feel true love wasn't meant for me. You know I have not been lucky when it comes to love but when you came around, I felt you won't break my heart like the previous ladies did but you also followed their path. Those days in the police cell were hell for me not because of the beating or torture but because the one I love was the one behind my arrest. Then I made up my mind never to fall in love again not until you showed up last week asking for forgiveness

Edwin's words brought tears from my eyes, I looked at him well and realized he was also shedding tears, I can't believe I was cruel to the one who loves me despite knowing my past.

Yes, he had not been lucky with love as the ladies couldn't stay with a man who would not sleep with them before marriage. One of them labeled him an impotent fool.

Me: I am very sorry for all I put you through, I was stupid to have done that to a good man. Please, find a place in your heart to forgive me

Edwin: it's alright, I have forgiven you and thank you for loving me back. I promise to be a great partner

Me: (feigning ignorance) love?? When did I say that?

Edwin: I believe you are joking and mind you, I want marriage as soon as possible.

That was how we became lovers. Edwin was a great lover as he showed me love and care, i looked more beautiful and happy when I reciprocated his love. I also gave him respect and care, our relationship had its shortcomings but we were always ready to learn and understand each other plus Mrs. Akinola was always ready to help us become the better version of ourselves.

Speaking of Mrs. Akinola, while conversing with her one day, I was forced to ask after Edwin's Dad.

Mrs. Akinola's P.O.V

I was surprised when Peculiar asked about Edwin's father, not wanting to hide it from her, I decided to tell her my story.

As a young girl, I had a great passion for education and even though my parents were poor farmers, I had hope that I would go to school and become a great personality.

My parent was able to see me through primary and secondary education but after my SSCE, they decided to marry me off to the rich village palm wine tapper who showed interest in me.

When the disturbance was too much for me, I ran to my uncle and reported my parents to him. Luckily, he was able to persuade them from marrying me off.

I was working on the farm one day when my Uncle asked if I would be able to work as a maid in Lagos and my pay would be used to train me at the University. My joy knew no bounds as I gave him a very big Yes.

That was how I started working for the Adebayo's'. They were a rich young couple, the man was a manager in a bank while his beautiful wife was a model. Despite being wealthy, they were always arguing.

One day, while doing the chores, I overheard them arguing over the fact the Mrs. Adebayo wasn't ready to have children because she doesn't want to lose her beautiful shape while her husband was in dire need of a child.

After the argument, the couple drifted apart and Mr. Adebayo took solace in alcohol. Madam traveled to Australia for a modeling job leaving her husband and I at home. As his habit is, Mr. Adebayo would always go to the bar and get himself drunk before coming home.

He got drunk one night and I had to help him into the room. In his drunken state, he mistook me for his wife, and forcefully slept with me. That day was the saddest day of my life, at a point, I thought that was my punishment for going against my parents wish.

I came to Lagos to further my education but ended up getting raped, for the first time in my life, I wept like never before. Mr. Akinola woke up the following day and screamed when he became aware of what he had done.

He kept apologizing but what can the apology do? I ignored him, took the torn pieces of my faded clothes and underwear, and left for my room. I heard him burst into tears the moment I walked out of his room.

I freshen up, picked every one of my things, and went to inform him that I was going back to my village. He was shocked to hear that I was leaving, he knelt before him and ask for forgiveness.

He said he wasn't a bad man but the circumstances surrounding him pushed him into sleeping with me. He refused to let me leave, he promised to help me become that great person I wanted to be.

Seeing that I was bent on leaving, he narrated how his wife had been denying him the right to her body and fatherhood. After his long tale, I had no choice but to stay back if not for anything but for my dreams.

Mr. Adebayo became more loving and caring although I was no longer free with him, he got me enrolled in the University of Lagos without me sitting for Jamb, I guess that's the power of connection but I had to wait for the commencement of the next session.

Madam came back from her trip but her husband never looked at her, she tried everything possible to get her husband to love her but it proved abortive.

Few weeks after her return, we went to the market to buy foodstuffs. While she was pricing some items, I suddenly felt dizzy and fell to the ground. People gathered around me, some were pouring water on me while others were fanning me. I regained consciousness and was lifted from the ground, an old woman looked at my palm and said I was pregnant.

My madam became mad when she heard that, she stopped buying and drove straight to a nearby hospital where I was confirmed six weeks pregnant.

On getting home, she gave me the beating of my life and kept asking who impregnated me, how will I tell her that her husband was the only man that slept with me. She beat me till there were bruises all over me, when she became tired of beating me, he placed me on punishment.

Mr. Adebayo walked into the house and was surprised to see me on punishment, he asked what my offense was and his wife wasted no time in telling him I was pregnant. She wanted to slap me again but he warned her not to try it.

He came over to where I was, lifted me, and took me into his room. Getting into his room, he heated water for me to take my bath and tend my bruises. He gave me new clothes to wear and prepared a cup of tea for me then, he told me to lie on his bed. At first, I was scared but he promised to protect me.

Mr. Adebayo kept to his promise and protected me, I was scared he would sleep with me during my stay in his room but he never did, there were times, I do feel his hands on my stomach while asleep. At a point, I was scared of his marriage because I knew he had fallen in love with me.

An enraged Mrs. Adebayo reported her husband to his family and a family meeting was held. Throughout this period, I was so sad because marriage was crumbling just because of me. There were times I wanted to run away but Mr. Adebayo caught me and warned me never to go away with his first child.

Surprisingly, Mr. Akinola took me along to the family meeting and after everyone listened to his side of the story, his wife was blamed for everything that happened. I was so surprised that his parent and siblings apologized to me. His parent asked if I am willing to be his second wife but I refused.

I told them I would like to be with my parent till I deliver and after the birth of my child, I would go back to school. I advised my madam to be a good wife to her husband and assured her that I wasn't ready to take her husband away from her.

Everyone was speechless after listening to my speech, Mrs. Adebayo who was in tears couldn't stop appreciating me.

Mr. Akinola refused to let me go back to the village instead, he rented an apartment for me in another part of Lagos and brought my parent over. My parent werwasry angry when they heard that a stranger put their first daughter in a family way, they were ready to fight him diabolically.

It took the intervention of my uncle and Mr. Adebayo's parent to calm the storm. Mr. Adebayo set up businesses for my parent and enroll me in fashion school at my request. He also paid the tuition of my two younger siblings.

Mr. Adebayo was always visiting me to see how I was doing, there were times he would start apologizing for making me go through planned motherhood. I kept on telling him that there was a reason for everything, he once confessed that he has fallen in love with me but I told him I won't allow that because he is already a married man.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 15

Mrs. Akinola P.O.V

Luckily, Mrs. Adedayo was able to win her husband back and have him two girls after I had Edwin. She was always sending things to Edwin but I never allowed my son to go there as people can't be trusted. After weaning Edwin, I went to school and bagged a degree in psychology. You see, when I heard about your case, I was ready to help you because I believe something great will surely come out of you.

Even though Mr. Adebayo wants Edwin in his company, I stood against it because I don't want issues with my son and his other children. Unfortunately, his wife passed on a few months after you left, she died of skin cancer as a result of the heavy and expensive cosmetics she used.

Peculiar: wow! What a story but why didn't you get married again?

Me: the men that were interested in me were not ready to father Edwin. One of them said he couldn't father a bastard so I had to end things with him and take care of my son.

Peculiar: wow! That was harsh but since Mr... Adebayo is now single, why not give him a chance?

Me: well, he wants me but I am still praying and thinking

Peculiar: Wow! Please do fast ma

Me: alright oo love expert

Peculiar's POV

Just as Edwin said earlier, he requested marriage from me and I said yes. We got married and became a couple, saying yes to Edwin was the best decision I ever made as he has been the best husband, lover, and companion. What else can I ask from God?

Marriage was sweet but it has its ups and downs. I had two girls for Edwin whom we named Jacqueline and Jasmine then I later had a boy named Daniel.

After Daniel's fifth birthday, I got a leading from God to resign as the CEO of ANNIE-PECU and start an NGO which would help rape victims become the best version of themselves despite the horror of rape they went through. I had Edwin take over from me while I obey God's leading.

We started with just two ladies but today we have trained over five hundred ladies. You see, what goes around will surely come around. One of the ladies we trained happen to be Mr. Smith's eldest daughter, my ex-boss. She narrated how she was a victim of multiple gang rape and has lost hope in Life. I pity those men that take pleasure in molesting girls, it will surely boomerang someday.

Well, I didn't reveal my identity to her rather we helped her heal and today she is happily married. I heard Mr. Smith is currently in a wheelchair and had lost his company to fraudsters. The wicked shall never go unpunished.

Dolapo, the pastor's son was said to be mad. Edwin and I went there to pray for him. I hope he gets well soon.

As for my sweet son Miracle, God started using him at the age of thirteen, the first day he rendered a song in the church, the congregation was in tears. Today, he is working at becoming a renowned music evangelist whose songs save souls and transform life.

My two daughters are also doing well all thanks to God and Mrs. Akinola now Mrs. Adebayo. Yes, she finally gave Mr. Adebayo a yes, and they are happily married today.

Today is Edwin's 54th birthday and we all are planning a surprise birthday party. Miracle has written a poem for him, the girls had gotten a present for him, Daniel made a drawing of him, I can't be left out as I have to shower him with words of appreciation.

The event of THAT NIGHT gave me a treasure, the event of THAT NIGHT led me to the fulfillment of my dreams.

Being a rape victim should not make you give up on life, sometimes, somethings need to happen for you to be fulfilled. Just allow God to heal your wounds and make you a better person.

There is still hope for you.


  For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.