He Called Me a Cheat

Started by StoryTeller, Monday, 10 April 2023, 05:12 AM

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Episode 1
I heard my children welcome my husband home and my heart skips a beat. I would have gone to also welcome him but my health won't let me as I lay sick.
John walks into the bedroom and was surprised to see me still looking sick.
'Sweetheart, are you still sick? He asked me with concern written all over his face
'Yes, I don't even understand what is wrong with me'
'Then you need to visit the hospital, I will take you to see Doctor Craig tomorrow so that you would be tested and given the right treatment'
Going to the hospital was something I never wanted to do. My husband believed I am suffering from Malaria or typhoid but I know that I am with a child, something which he doesn't want.
Most of you would be like there is no big deal in getting pregnant for one's husband but to me getting pregnant again is a big deal. After the birth of our twins, John made it known to me that he is done with childbearing but I got pregnant again when my boys were five years old.
The house became hot when he got wind of the pregnancy. I thought he would get to accept the pregnancy as time goes on but he never did, instead, the matter escalated to the point which I could no longer control the outcome.
It took the intervention of my in-laws to settle the dispute. I later miscarried the pregnancy as a result of emotional stress. Now, I am six weeks pregnant again, how do I break the news to him?.
It's not that my husband is a bad man probably the situation that led to our marriage made him an unbending being.
As I was told, my mother was a big-time prostitute who got pregnant for my father just to tie him to herself because he was one of the wealthiest men in town. When she informed my father about it, he rejected the pregnancy because he felt the pregnancy can't be his since she was a prostitute and slept with a lot of men.
When she threatened to blackmail and drag his name in the mud, he had no choice but to accept the pregnancy. He got her accommodation and was responsible for her upkeep till she was delivered of a baby girl. After my birth, a DNA test was conducted on me.
When my Dad was sure I truly belong to him, he took total care of my mother, and i but sadly, my mother died when I was just five years old. Then, my Dad had no choice but to introduce me to his main family.
At first, my stepmother refused to accept me as she was disappointed. She never believed her husband could ever cheat on her but after much pleading, she finally accepted me.
Living with my stepmother and her three sons was hell as life was made unbearable for me. I was beaten at any slight provocation and was made to do chores which were higher than my age. Most times, I was made to go to bed without food.
Adapting to such kind of cruel lifestyle wasn't easy but I learned how to live life despite the torture that was meted on me.
To be continued.....
For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 2
My education came to an end when my father died and I practically resumed the position of a housemaid. One day, I asked my stepmother what my offense was for the maltreatment that was meted out to me. After slapping me for asking her a dumb question, she made me realize that I was being punished for my mother's sin.
After hearing the reason for my maltreatment, I kept quiet and silently bear all the pains. When I turned eighteen, my stepmother gave my hand out in marriage. When her sons tried to stop her claiming I was too young to be married off, she simply said I would become a whore if I wasn't married off at eighteen. She further said that since my mother was a whore then there was a tendency that I would end up being one.
Mrs. Adejumo my stepmother's friend was really in need of a wife for her first son who was wallowing in drunkenness as a result of heartbreak. When my stepmother heard her plight, she then asked her if she would like me to be her son's wife, something Mrs. Adejumo gladly accepted. Mrs. Adejumo was given a list of things that served as my dowry and it was given to my stepmother including some amount of money.
After the dowry has been made, a vehicle was sent to convey me to the Adejumo's residence. That day, I refused to go with the driver. I pleaded and pleaded with my stepmother not to marry me off as I saw my dream crumbling. I have always wanted to be a lawyer and I have been doing everything possible to make sure that my plan of mine come to manifestation before my father died.
My stepmother turned a deaf ear to my cry and instructed that I should be dragged to the Adejumo's residence if I refused to go with the driver. True to her word, i was dragged into the car and was driven away to the house of my in-laws. Getting to the Adejumo's resident, Mrs. Adejumo instructed me to wipe my tears if I don't want to see the other side of her.
That night, I was treated like a princess, something that greatly surprised me. The following day, Mrs. Adejumo sat me down and gave me a list of rules and regulations that would guide me while living in her son's house.
Exactly 6 pm that day, I was driven to John's house. Getting to his resident, we met his absence but the driver who seems to have access to his house, opened the door for me to go in with my things. After the driver left, I quickly went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for him just as his mother instructed me. Done with dinner, I tidy the house and made it look good. When I was done with the chores, I sat in the living awaiting his arrival.
John drove in exactly 7:30 pm looking worn out. He was so surprised to see a young girl sitting in his living room.
'Hello, please what are you doing in my house?' He asked with a serious tone
'Go..od evening sir, the term actually I am your new wife' i replied with my face bowed to the ground
'New wife? I don't remember having a wife. Wait! Is my mother behind this?'
'Yes sir' I replied innocently wishing he could say he is not interested so that I would be sent back to my stepmother
'I need to speak to my mother, things aren't done this way'
John went into his room to make a call, I heard him raising his voice on whosoever he was speaking with. I was expecting him to come to send me back when he ended the call but he didn't rather he told me to stay in a room till things were sorted out.
John did everything possible to say no to the union but it was already late because my dowry has been paid. He suggested divorce but his mother threatened to disown and disinherit him if he ever tried it. When John saw that there was nothing he could do, he let me stay in his house but he said I was just nothing but a housemate. Things were going on smoothly between us, he was being a nice person till one terrible night.
One thing I hate about John is his drunkenness, his mother mentioned it to me that his ex-girlfriend left him for his best friend. That night, he didn't come home at 7:30 pm which was his usual arriving time. I kept waiting and waiting until he finally arrives at 10 pm. The moment he entered the living room, he vomited messing up the floor. I cleaned the living room and also cleaned him up before assisting him in his room.
Getting to his room, I made him lie on the bed and covered him with a duvet. As I made to leave his side, he suddenly drags me to himself. I tried to free myself from his grip but before I could do that, he dragged me to his bed and forcefully lie on me while muttering some words.
'After all, I did, you deem it fit to abscond with my best friend. Today, I am going to show you what it means to be ruthless ' he said while trying to tear my nightie
'Uncle John please don't do this to me, I am not your ex-girlfriend. I am Precious' I tried pleading with him but my pleas fell on deaf ears.
To be continued...
For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 3
I kept pleading and pleading but he turned a deaf ear to my plea. He furiously tore my undergarments and gained access to my body, I struggled with him for some moment but I was no match for him. The moment he gained access to my body, I felt a surging pain pass through my body. I didn't know when I screamed out loudly. Alas! My pride was forcefully taken away from me.
When he was done with whatever he was doing, he grunted and roll off me then slept off like nothing happened while I keep shedding tears. I tried to stand up and go to my room to clean up myself but I couldn't because of the pain I was experiencing. I cried and cried till I slept off.
The following day, I was awoken by John's loud scream. He was so shocked to see naked and lying next to him, he asked me to get out of his room because he felt I took advantage of his drunken state. I tried to stand but ended up falling back to the bed, my tears started flowing afresh. I tried harder to get up and was finally able to stand up from the bed and dragged myself into my room which was opposite his. I heard him mutter the word 'whore' as I left his room.
I locked my door and went to the bathroom to wash, I kept scrubbing myself as if my life depended on it. I wanted to wash away every feeling of John's touch. After that incident, I locked myself in my room and kept tearing my skin with a knife. The only thing I did was to make John's food then go back to my room to continue my isolation.
For the first two weeks of my isolation, I didn't eat or drink anything and I kept losing blood as a result of the cut I made on myself. In the third week, I became so weak and couldn't do anything not even make John's meal again, all I wanted to die hence, I didn't stop cutting myself.
When John didn't come home to meet food on the dining again, he was alarmed. He came to my door to try to open it but couldn't. At first, he felt I didn't want to open the door but he was later forced to break the door. After breaking the door, he was surprised to see me in the pool of my blood.
He rushed me to the hospital where I was taken to the emergency ward and treatment was commenced immediately. I woke days later and saw John sitting beside me, he rushed to help me sit up. His show of love surprised me greatly. My wounds were stitched and the doctor warned me never to try such an act of suicide again.
I was discharged a week later and John's care never stops. I was more surprised when he relocated me to his room and never let me lay a finger on anything in the house. He was the one in charge of the house chores, he even insisted he fed me. I was more surprised when he apologized to me and even gave him shocking news.
To be continued...
For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 4
'I am deeply sorry for taking advantage of you, it was as a result of my drunken state' John apologized to me surprising me greatly
'Hmmm?' Was all I could mutter
'Yes. I know you might be wondering how I knew, the doctor said you were raped and that made me watch the CCTV camera to see what happened. I was so angry with myself when I found out that I was the one who molested you while I thought you were the one who took advantage of my drunken state. Please, find a place in your heart to forgive me' John went on his knees surprising me the more and all I could do was to cry not just because of the rape but I had to cry out all the pains I have been carrying in me.
'I know we are not in love but with the presence of our unborn child, I want us to be very close and united so that we would be able to give him or her the best kind of life' John revealed shocking me and I finally said something since he started the conversation
'Unborn child? What unborn child?' I asked with surprise written all over my face
'The act of rape resulted in pregnancy, the doctor said you are four weeks pregnant '
'Four weeks? You mean I am carrying a child?' I asked touching my flat stomach
'Yes, you are carrying a child, our child and I am ready to be the best father to him or her'
'Hmmm, God please help me. I am not prepared for this'
True to his word, John became the best partner and also the best father when our twins arrived whom we named Jeremiah and Jedidiah. Despite the challenges, we have been a great couple but we really faced a lot of challenges because of John's uncut behavior. I had to ignore some of his behavior just for peace to reign.
John took me to our family doctor and I could see the disappointment on his face when the doctor revealed that I was six months pregnant again. I couldn't look into his eyes as I knew he would be so angry with me but was it my fault? I am on contraceptives but it ends up disappointing me.
Immediately we got home, John didn't hesitate to start screaming. At that point, I didn't know whether to shout back, tell him I am sorry or keep quiet. I was just so confused.
'You get yourself pregnant deliberately right?' He asked making me angry
'Of course not, I am still on contraceptives and I am so confused as to how I got pregnant' I replied shocking him because he believed I won't be able to speak for myself
'I hope you are not trying to be rude to me, remember the age difference between us despite the fact that we are married' John asked but as I was about to reply him, a message popped into my cell phone
The content of the message surprised me greatly, I kept wondering who the sender was. When John saw my discomfort after reading the message, the collected the phone from me and read through. His countenance changed and he became very furious after reading the message.
'Ohh, I never knew you have been sleeping around. So, the pregnancy doesn't belong to me right?'
'John, you are getting it all wrong. I don't even know who the sender of the message is, I have never and will never be unfaithful to you' I replied with all sincerity
'Tell that to the gods, now I understand why Jedidiah doesn't look like me. He and Jeremiah are twins but they share no resemblance at all. Before they were born, the doctor said they were meant to be identical twins but after birth, they were nowhere close to being identical. Care to tell me what happened?'
'Are you trying to say Jedidiah isn't yours? That I cheated on you?'
'I never said you cheated but the message sent confirmed it. So, will you tell me who the father of Jedidiah and the child you are carrying is?'
'I have never cheated on you, please believe me' I pleaded to try to prove my innocence
'If you don't tell me who their father is then be ready to leave my house with Jedidiah'
John walked out of our room after that statement of his. I felt so worn out, where would I go if I am sent out of my husband's house? Where will I start? My step mother's place is a no-go area for me.
To be continued...
For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 5

I woke up the following morning and was surprised to see that it's the dawn of a new day. I didn't believe I slept for more than twelve hours, the pregnancy should be the one at work.
I made to stand up from the bed when John walked in looking disheveled, his eyes were red and puffy, a sign that he was cried all through the night. Immediately he sat on the other edge of the bed, I quickly went to him and knelt down.
'My husband, I know you are disappointed in me but please, I want you to trust me. I didn't get pregnant on purpose neither do I cheat on you. Please, just trust me this once' I pleaded with him from the bottom of my heart
'Trust you? It's not possible, the evidence is just so glaring. Well, your mom and mine are on the way. After speaking with them, you would be left with no choice but to leave with Jedidiah because he isn't mine'
'My love please don't do this to me, Jedidiah is your son. No other man has ever seen my nakedness, please don't put me to shame' I pleaded with tears flowing down my face
'I had two doctors conduct a DNA test on Jeremiah and Jedidiah. Well, for your information, the test result shows that Jedidiah isn't mine. Here is a copy if you want to be sure'
John threw a copy of the DNA test at me and I couldn't stop crying after looking at it. It shows that Jedidiah and John are 99% unrelated while he and Jeremiah are 99% related.
I felt fed up, I just didn't understand what was happening anymore. I was pushed into a loveless marriage and when things are starting to become rosy, an issue I don't understand came up.
Since there was no reason to keep on pleading with John, I lifted myself and went to the washroom to wash and then decide to wait for my stepmother and mother-in-law. While waiting for the duo, I went into my son's room to spend time with them. I love them both and still don't believe Jedidiah isn't for John.
The horn of a car driving into our compound interrupted the session I was having with my boys. I had to go welcome the two women. Of course, my greeting wasn't well accepted as I was replied with abuse and curse from my stepmother.
'You evil child, so you have succeeded in dragging my name in the mud. Well, I don't blame you, you took after your mother. Like mother like daughter.' My stepmother rained abuses on me not bothering to hear my own side of the story
'Good afternoon ma' John greeted my Stepmother
'Afternoon jare, See, I understand your pain. If you can't bear to live with her again, don't hesitate to send her out. You can't keep living with a deceitful woman'' my stepmother replied John shocking me
'Yes o, my son can't continue to live with a whore' My mother-in-law chipped in
'Madam, go in there, take your things and leave this house with your bastard son' My stepmother ordered me
I couldn't leave the spot I stood, the only thing I was doing was shedding tears. When they saw that I didn't move from where I stood, my stepmother followed John into the bedroom and assisted him with bringing my things out.
After throwing my things out, Jedidiah was brought out and threw at me. I quickly stood and catch him before he falls to the ground. Jeremiah stood beside his father pleading with him to let me be but his plea was ignored.
I had no choice but to take my things and leave the compound with my son. I looked at the compound once more and left for Gcontinuedere.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 6

After walking around for almost three hours, I was already worn out and so was Jeddy. He has been asking me to get him something to eat but I ignored him because I had no money on me. My savings were in the house. I found shade and sat down with my son, I wanted to cry but I kept pushing the tears back because I don't want Jeddy to see me cry.
When Jeddy's rant for food was becoming unbearable, I had to do something before he starts crying. I opened one of the boxes hoping to find money in it. Luckily for me, I saw an Atm card which John gave to me to use for buying things but I hardly make use If it since he also gives me money for upkeep.
The Atm brought joy to my soul. I stopped a bike which took me to the nearest bank where I was able to withdraw one hundred and fifty thousand nairas, I wanted to withdraw more but I couldn't as that was the limit for a day. I was able to pay the bike man and also buy food for Jeddy.
After feeding Jeddy, we both board a bus to the other part of the town. I didn't want to be too far or too close to John. That night, Jeddy and I pass the night in one of the cheapest hotels, and the following day, I was able to get one-room accommodation.
All through this period, Jeddy kept bombarding me with questions but I either ignore or simply tell him to pray for mommy.
I was able to get some little home equipment and we began living life. Most times, Jeddy would start demanding to see his Dad and twin brother and once he makes such demands, it takes a lot of cajoling to calm him down.
Some other day, I tried to withdraw some money but on getting to the bank, I got to know that the Atm card has been blocked. Then, I knew that I had to get a job in order to fend for Jeddy and I. I ignored my morning sickness and went in search of a job, it was a stressful experience as no one wants to give a secondary school drop out a job.
Luck suddenly smiled at me when a nursery school offered me the post of a cleaner with pay of forty thousand naira. The pay was nothing close to the weekly allowance I do receive from John but I had to make do with it as I had no choice.
I enrolled Jeddy into the school and his fees were subtracted from my pay. Since the school closes at 2 pm, I also engaged in pure water business. I hawk pure water and soft drinks and that was what catered for our daily needs.
I terribly miss my first son Jerry but I was rest assured that John would take good care of him, I knew John would never bring another lady home lest his mother forces her on him.
Life goes on and I kept living it one day at a time. Within three months, I became a shadow of myself as there was no time or money to use in caring for myself, myself, i was just twenty-five but looked like a forty years old woman. By this time, my pregnancy was already protruded and I was able to register with a clinic.
When I was just trying to pick up the pieces of my life, I received another news that drained me.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 7
After cleaning the compound of the school that afternoon, I went to Jeddy's class to pick him so that we would go home together. Getting into his class, I was surprised to see my son lying flat on the floor. His teacher was pouring water on him while the other members of the staff were fanning him.
I ran to where he laid, carried him out of the school compound and ran to the clinic which was very close to the school. The nurses seeing the state in which Jeddy was, collected him from me and admitted him.
After series of test, it was revealed that Jeddy has sickle cell anemia. A kind of shock pass through my body when I received the information, I couldn't bring myself to understand how on earth Jeddy's genotype would be SS when John is AS and I am AA.
To worsen the situation, he was diagnosed with asthma. I felt my world crumbling, I was forced to ask the doctor if everything started in one day but he replied that the care he has been receiving before now suppress the manifestation of the both health challenge.
The doctor gave me tips on how to help him live with the health challenges and also gave me a list of drugs which would help him survive the situation. The prices of the drugs was something that was too much for me to bear.
At first, I thought of going to plead with John but I had a rethink that going to meet him will make him believe I truly cheated on me. I became fed up with life but I just had to keep strengthening myself because of my children.
In order to keep up with Jeddy's new health status, I had to double my hustle. Despite buying drugs for Jeddy, we were still going in and out of hospital. I was warned never to run out of multivitamins if I don't want to lose him.
Instead of eating, I prefer to remain hungry just for Jeddy to have food and drugs. Tears became something I couldn't do without. While crying one night, Jeddy moved closer to me and started comforting me.
'Mommy, why are you always crying?' Jeddy asked shocking me
'Jeddy? I am not crying'
'You are crying mommy, you always cry every night. You cry because Daddy sent us out of the house because he hate us, you also cry because I am always sick' he revealed shocking me more
'Oh no son, Daddy doesn't hate us. He is just angry with mommy. Don't worry, we will go back home soon. Just keep praying for mommy' I sat him on my laps comforting him
'Mommy, please don't cry again. I promise not to fall sick again, I will buy you a car when I become a Doctor'
'Wow! I am so happy to hear that, I promise not to cry again. Thank you my son, I love you'
'I love you too mommy'
I felt touched by Jeddy's word and decided to always see the brighter side of life. He promised never to fall sick again but my little boy couldn't help it.
Life went on and we kept living it one day at a time. My pregnancy was approaching it's maturity, I was able to buy little baby things though it wasn't close to what John would have gotten for the baby. I went for a scan and it was revealed that I was carrying a baby girl. I fell in love with her the moment I saw how she lay in my womb.
I was surprised to hear the doctor say she was very healthy despite the fact that I haven't been eating and resting well. I told Jeddy that the baby we were expecting was a girl and he was so excited to meet his baby sister.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 8

Upon the completion of my ante-natal, the nurse who do attend to me gave me my card and instructed me to take it to the office of the midwife and have my card signed showing the completion of my ante-natal and the readiness to go into the labour room any moment from now.
With joy in my heart, I walked to the office of the midwife to have my card signed. Getting to the doorpost, I knocked and was given permission to enter.
'Good afternoon ma, I was directed here to have my card signed as I have completed my ante-natal session' I informed the midwife but instead of replying me, she was lost in staring at me
'Hello ma' I called out to her
'Yes, what do you want?' She asked angrily
'I came to have my card signed ma, I have completed my ante-natal session' I repeated to her hearing
'Get out of my office and never come back' she barked at me
I ran out of the office in fear wondering why she had to scream at me. I explained what happened to the nurse and she collected the card from me claiming she would ensure it get signed. She apologize to me on behalf of the midwife claiming that she might be in a bad mood.
After the encounter with the midwife, I keep asking myself if she knew me from somewhere as her behavior that day was uncalled for.
My day of delivery was drawing near and I kept buying the necessary things for my baby. God helped me, Jeddy didn't fall sick throughout that month so I was able to buy more things for the baby.
While cooking one evening, I started having signs that the baby was coming. I managed to finish up with cooking, I dress Jeddy up and together we both went to the clinic. Immediately I got to the Clinic, my water broke.
The nurses on duty collected Jeddy from me and took me to the labour room. The nurse in charge of me informed the midwife that there was a woman in labour who needed to be delivered of a child.
The midwife ran to the labour room but when she saw that I was the woman who needed to be delivered of a child, she refused to attend to me. I cried and pleaded with her to attend to me but she refused and went away. The nurse took pity on me and decided to help out.
She gave me Instructions and in no time, I was delivered of a beautiful baby girl. She was cleaned up and placed on my bare chest, the moment I set my eyes on her, I loved her with every fibre in me. Seeing her on my chest brought tears to my eyes, she was the reason why I was thrown out of my matrimonial home.
She was the reason why I had to toil day and night, she was the reason why I laboured so much but I love her so much. For a moment, I forgot all the pains I went through. I requested that Jeddy be brought to me and when he came, he was so happy to see that his baby sister had been born.
After spending a day at the hospital, we were discharged. My neighbors were surprised to see me with a new baby as I didn't tell anyone that I was going to the hospital. They congratulated me and assisted me with one thing or the other.
I named my baby Joy as she brought so much Joy to my soul. I suddenly had a longing to see Jerry, I just wanted him to see his little sister but situations on ground won't let that happen.
Life continued and my baby was growing, she keep resembling Jeremiah every day. Jeddy was still falling sick but the rate at which he fall sick reduce. I keep toiling just for my children to have their daily need, I no longer cry as my children were a source of joy to me.
When Joy became five month old, I came home and the landlady informed me that a woman came looking for me and dropped an envelope when she met my absence. I appreciated her and collected the envelope from her.
Getting to the room, I tore the envelope open and was surprised to see a clip, a letter and a receipt of payment. I took the letter and read through.
Dear Mrs Jane,
I am sorry the pain I caused you but I want you to know that it isn't my fault. I didnt want to succumb to such wickedness but your mother threatened to kill the child if I didn't.
Remember, you had twins at Corolla Hospital and I was the midwife in charge of your delivery. Your boys were adorable and identical that virtually all the nurses fell in love with them.
Your mother approached me and asked me to exchange one of the boys with a sickly child. At first, I refused it but she offered me the sum of one million naira to carry out the task, she further threatened to strangle one of the twins to death if i fail to carry out her order so I had no option but to carry out her order.
Over the years, I lived with the guilt of such wickedness. I sent you out of my office that day because I saw the past coming back.
Your other twin is with Mr. And Mrs. Da Silva, a popular family in this town. I know I have caused you much pain but please find a plance in your heart to forgive me. In this envelope is an audio clip where our conversation was recorded.
From Midwife Lara.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 9

The letter dropped from my hand and I was numb for some minutes. So, my stepmother has been the one behind my predicament all along. I fell to the ground and let out a scream, what did I do wrong? I wasn't the one who asked my mother to have an affair with her husband, I was just the product of nightstand.
That night was a sorrowful one for me, I have come to love and adore Jeddy as he had become my friend and husband during my trying moment. I just can't afford to lose him. I was happy that the truth was out but I was sad because Jeddy wasn't mine.
I kept the matter to myself for almost three months but as time goes on, I decided that I had to let it out.
Jeddy and Jerry's eight years birthday was fast approaching and I decided to be with them that day. Two weeks to their birthday, I called John with my new line informing him that I have information for him and I want to see Jerry on his birthday.
After listening to me, he ended the call without giving me a reply and refused to pick up when I called again. I stopped calling him but save some money to get both of them beautiful wristwatches as their birthday present.
A day preceding their birthday, he called and gave me the location where I am to meet up with them. It was a public secondary school. I tried my best to buy new wears for Jeddy as I didn't want him to feel inferior when he meets Jerry.
On the birthday, I celebrated Jeddy in my own little way, I took him to the studio to take pictures and also bought biscuit which I shared among the children in our compound.
At exactly 3 pm, the three of us left home for the school we were to meet up with Jerry and John. After waiting for one hour, John drove into the school compound. He came into the classroom with Jerry in his hands, it was obvious Jerry was not aware that he was coming to meet with me.
'Mommyyyyyyyy, Jeddyyyyyyy' Jerry scream immediately he saw us
'Oh my son, I missed you so much' I drew him into my embrace
'Happy Birthday Jerry' Jeddy wished him
'Happy Birthday Jeddy, I miss you so much' Jerry replied
'I missed you too'
'Here are your birthday gift boys' I said while handling the wristwatches to them
'Ohh thank you, mommy, this is so beautiful' Jeddy exclaimed
'Wow! This is beautiful mommy, I love you so much. Mommy, please come back home' Jerry said and a tear dropped from my eye
I was so happy that Jerry's mind hasn't been polluted against me. I drew him to an embrace again and affirmed that I never stopped loving him. Jerry requested to carry Joy and I placed her on his laps.
While both boys were engrossed in admiring their watches and playing with their little sister, I moved to where John sit and gave him a copy of the letter and receipt of the money my stepmother paid the midwife.
He collected it from me and never stopped staring at me, he was surprised to see how much I have aged. Well, that's the result of the torture he subjected me into.
Right there, he opened the envelope and read through the letter while I went back to meet the boys. He came over to meet us after reading the letter.
'Jeddy, won't you say hello to your Dad?' I asked Jeddy immediately John got to where we were
'I don't have a father' Jeddy replied rudely
'Come on Jeddy, don't be like this'
'I hate him because he hated us. He sent us out of the house and allowed us to suffer' Jeddy lamented
'Will you stop spewing nonsense?' I screamed at Jeddy
'Leave him alone' John finally said something
John returned back to his former position and had his head buried in his palms. When the night was fast approaching, he told Jerry they needed to go back home but the latter refused to go with him. I had to plead with Jerry to go with his father with the promise that I won't be far from him again.
Jerry reluctantly went with John while Jeddy, Joy, and I went home.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 10

Life continues and we kept living it one day at a time. For almost three weeks, I didn't hear anything from John just for me to see a neighbor's son bring him to the shed where I sell my wares one evening.
At first, I didn't see them coming. Jerry's scream was what attracted me to the direction they came through.
'How are you son?' I asked Jerry
'Fine mommy and you?'
'Fine too'
I gave John and Jerry a seat while I hurriedly pack my wares since it was getting dark. John offered to help me but I told him not to worry. Done with packing, we trekked to my house which was just thirty minutes' walk from where I sell.
Getting to the house, I invited them in and quickly heat up the rice which I prepared in the morning and serve the children with it. While the children were busy with the food, John requested to speak with me outside. I took him to the backyard in order to avoid our conversation being eavesdropped.
'How are you?' John began
'As you can see, I am doing great'
'Can I carry her?' He requested but immediately Joy saw that he wants to carry her, she held on to me
'No, you can't. She isn't yours or Is she? I asked surprising him
'She looks so much like Jerry so it's obvious she is mine'
'You are sick upstairs. So you think you can humiliate me in public then come secretly to beg me abi? You lie, I actually thought you are a matured man, I never knew you are a mommy's puppet. Look here Mr. I only allowed you into my house because of my son, don't feel that I still want anything to do with you' I replied with rage written all over me
'If you call my name again, I will plaster your face with a slap. Jeddy is right, you never loved us. I regret ever having anything to do with you weakling, the only thing he knows how to do is to impregnate a woman and reject the pregnancy. Only God knows what he did to his ex-girlfriend that made her abscond with his best friend' I raged on
I saw him break down in tears but I wasn't moved by his tears. After being forcefully married to him, I live all my life to please him. I bore him children and also care for both him and the children but all he could reward me with is throwing me out of the house when there was crisis forgetting that he was the one who forcefully broke my hymen.
For the eight years I lived with him, he never stops comparing me to his ex-girlfriend whenever we have misunderstood and when I try to defend myself, he would always remind me of the twelve years gap between us.
After Jerry and Jeddy celebrated their second birthday, I actually pleaded with him to send me back to school since I was just twenty years old and was still interested in bringing my dream to reality. He told me to give him time to think about it and after thinking about it, he refused to send me to school with the thought that I would grow wings after schooling.
I pleaded and pleaded with him that nothing of such would happen. I even went as far as writing undertaking but he remained obstinate. After all the ill-treatment, he now comes secretly to make me come back to him.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 11
With that I left him at the balcony and went into the room to meet my children. They had finish eating and were playing game. John came into the room some minutes later and made to leave with Jerry but the latter refused to go with him even after I pleaded with him to go.
After much persuasion and Jerry still refused to go with John, we had to let him be. John had to go home alone and since schools were on holiday, Jerry was free to stay with me.
John returned the following day with change of clothes for Jerry and also brought some foodstuffs. At first, I rejected the foodstuffs but when he didn't stop pleading with me to take it, I collected it from him. He also bought some clothes for Jeddy but Jeddy refused to collect it.
A week later, I received a call from John's mother. She actually stopped being my mother-in-law the day she joined my stepmother to throw me out of her son's house.
'Good afternoon' I replied rudely
'Afternoon, John told me what went wrong and since you are innocent, you have to return back to your husband' she informed increasing my anger
'Wait, are you now ordering me to go back to your son? And who told you I am still Interested in your son? I replied her vibrating with anger
'Fine, if you are no longer then return my grandchildren'
'Can you see how foolish you are? So, you are now demanding for the grandchildren you once rejected abi? If you ever disturb me again, I will relocate to a far away land and begin life with my children then we would know who will be at loss'
'Young lady, Did you just call me a foolish woman?' She asked
'Yes, in fact, you are a mad woman. You and your son are both sick upstairs. If you ever call my line again, I will disgrace you'
With that, I ended the call and block her number immediately. I was actually surprised I could speak to her the way I did. Well, when a person Is pushed to the wall, he or she has no option but to defend his or her self.
Three weeks later, I was in the room teaching the twins some arithmetic, when I heard a knock on the door. I stopped what I was doing and went to open the door, I was shocked to see John and a lady at the door. I was lost staring at them as I was actually trying to remember where I knew the lady from.
'Care to invite us in?' The lady asked jolting me out of reverie
'Do come in' I invited them in not without giving John a bad eye
'Daddyyyyy' Jerry scream immediately he saw his father
'How are you son?'
'Very fine, Jeddy, won't you say hello to Daddy?' Jerry asked his brother
'I have told you that I don't have a father ' Jeddy replied rudely
'When will you stop this nonsense Jeddy?' I screamed at Jeddy
'Until when he start loving us again' Jeddy replied surprising me
'I am talking and you are replying me abi? Wait, till I slap you'
'Please, let the boy be. He is right, if his father had been more reasonable, things won't escalate to this point.' She replied surprising me as I thought she also came to cast blames on me.
I gave Jerry and Jeddy biscuits and asked them to go play outside while I discusss with John and the lady he brought.
'Do you know me?' She asked
'No ma' I replied with all sincerity.
'I guess so, well, I am John's elder sister who reside in Ghana. He actually made me travel here to help him apologize to his wife. You see, I never knew about the situation till three weeks ago. I have listened to his part of the story and I let him know that he is at fault but I am here to plead with you, I know you are hurt but please come back home because of the kids'
'Sorry to disappoint you ma, I am not interested in coming back to him neither do I want to have anything to do with him again'
Oh hearing that, John came to where I sat and knelt before me weeping. I was so surprised to see him go on his knee before him, I was just short of words.
'My wife, please forgive me. I know I have been wicked and unfair to you, I am ready to change. I promise to make you happy and treat you as my wife, please, just forgive me' John pleaded amidst tears
'You see, he is truly sorry. I sat him down and talked sense into his dull brain and he promised to be a better husband, please give him another chance' his sister chipped in
While we were still discussing, Jerry ran into the room crying that Jeddy was finding it hard to breathe. On hearing that, I ran outside and carry him into the house. John collected him from him while I search for his inhaler.
Immediately I saw the inhaler, I helped him use it and he became fine after inhaling it. John drew him closer to himself and started apologizing to him for being a failed father. In no time, Jeddy slept off in John's arms.
Sister Lucy, John's sister asked how I was able to cope with an asthmatic child and I made her understand that it wasn't easy but Christ keep strengthening me.

To be continued...
For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 12
Jeddy's health condition that night made John plead with me to go back home with him that evening. He made me understand that sleeping on the mat was what increases the rate of Jeddy's asthmatic attack.
As much as I didn't want to go back with him, I had to because of Jedidiah, I just can't bear to lose my son because of the issues I have with John. I started packing but John told me he would send some boys to come to do the packing, he also suggests I dash the things out with the promise of getting new ones for me.
I went to the landlady and explained to her that I had issues with my husband that was why I came to rent a room in her house. I told her we have settled so I had to go back home.
She was happy that I am going back to my husband but was sad because she was going to miss me. I embrace her before leaving.
I carried Joy, Sister lucy held Jerry while Jeddy was still in John's arm as we made our way to where John's car was parked. Getting to the car, Jeddy was carefully laid on the back seat while we also made our way into the car.
After about one hour drive, we arrived home. I remembered how I was forcefully brought in here to be a wife and how I was thrown out of the house with the accusation of cheating. I shake off the memory and assured myself that I came back because of my children.
We all alighted from the car and filed into the house. John carried Jedidiah into his room with the hope that I would join him. Well, I shocked him by going into the children's room. My coming back doesn't mean I have forgiven him totally.
Surprised that I didn't come to meet him in the room, he came to meet me in the children's room.
'Sweetheart, are you not coming to the room?' He asked
'I am okay here. Mind you, this is my room for the meantime' I announced to him
'But you know that your place is in my room'
'And what if I decide not to stay in your room, will you beat me up? Please, you need to leave as I don't want my children's sleep to be disturbed'
I laid back on the bed while he dejectedly walks out of the room. I woke up the following morning and was surprised that I was the only one on the bed. I wash my face in the bathroom and went downstairs, I was surprised to see John feeding Jeddy and Joy while Jerry was eating by himself.
'Good Morning sweetheart, hope you had a great night rest?' John greeted cheerfully
'Yes, thank you'
'I made breakfast and yours is in the kitchen'
'Alright, thank you'
After the children had their breakfast, John invited the family doctor to come to examine Jeddy and have him treated.
Dr. Craig informed us that Jeddy's health condition can be well managed if he is well cared for. He warned us never to expose him to cold so that asthma won't become worse.
Jeddy was given some injections that made him sleep all day. He was in John's room as John suddenly doted on him. Joy was also warming up to John and was always in his arm if Jeddy wasn't in his arms.
When Jeddy became better, he decided to take us out but I wasn't interested so I told him to go with the kids. The kids came back so excited as they had lots of fun.
John started doing things to win me over but kept on giving him a hard time, he buys me flowers and gifts but I do refuse it. He helped a lot with house chores but that didn't change anything. Every morning, he was always dropping the apology note beside my bedside.
For three months, I didn't give him face. I took a look at the notes he has been dropping beside my bedside for the past three months, I concluded that he was really a change then I decided to give him another chance.
That evening, after he returned from work and had dinner, I sent him an SMS asking him to come to meet me in the room since the children were busy with their favorite cartoon.
'Sweetheart, you sent for me' he said immediately he got into my room
'Yes, do have your seat'
'Thank you' he muttered
'You hurt me a lot. I expected you to stand up for me rather you had me thrown out of the house with seven weeks pregnancy. I suffered just to provide Jeddy and Joy's daily needs. After going through that, you want me to forgive you without stress. Do you think that is possible?'
'I was such a fool to treat you the way I did but I have realized my mistake and I have made up my mind to treat you like a wife not a maid. I just want you to give me a chance to prove myself' John pleaded once again
'I just hope you won't hurt me again
'I cross my heart'
John drew me into his arms assuring me of his love for me. After the children slept that night, I tiptoed into John's room as I needed to be in my husband's arm again.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 13

Joy's one-year birthday party was held in a grand style as John made sure he did everything possible to make it a success. At first, I was almost asking him if he was the celebrant. My mother-in-law came for the birthday but we didn't speak to each other.
She wanted me to apologize to her but I didn't because she was the one that wronged me. John wanted to intervene but the bad eye I gave him made him realize that he better keep mute as regards the issue.
A week after Joy's birthday, John informed me that it's high time my stepmother paid for her sins. I had actually been keeping quiet on the matter because I didn't want her to go to jail but John would have none of it.
Prior to this, John had informed the D.P.O of the police station in our neighborhood and they were interested in the case. Very early one morning, John called the D.P.O and gave him my stepmother's address. John and I got there first then the police came later but they stayed outside my stepmother's compound.
Getting into her house, my stepmother was surprised to see us together.
'Hello John, what are you still doing with this slut?' She asked my husband
'Well, the woman you call a slut is my wife maybe you are actually the slut here' John replied while holding my waist
'What? How dare you call me a slut'
'Ohh Sweetheart, we aren't here to banter words with her. Let's just go straight to the business' I told my husband
'Thanks, my dear. So, dear stepmother, what is the relationship you have with Midwife Lara?' John asked the the the the stepmother
'And which Midwife Lara are you talking about' she asked us feigning ignorance
'Well, maybe you have forgotten, I can help you refresh your memory. The Midwife Lara you paid the sum of one million naira to help you exchange one of my twins with a sickly child, can you now remember?' John helped refreshed her memory while I was watching the unfolding drama
'Ohh that? How did you even get to know? Even if I asked her to exchange one of your babies, what will you do to me?'
'Ohh so you actually had one of my babies exchanged, you wicked stepmother' I asked astonishingly
'Yes, I paid her one million naira to have one of your twins exchanged with a sickly child' she announced confidently
'What did I do to you to deserve all this?' I asked her in tears
'Your offense is the fact that your mother had to share my husband with me. A man I made to be rich and influential, when he was poor, where was your wretched mother? To make matters worse, my husband had the effrontery to give you a larger share of his property, a child of a prostitute coming to take what rightfully belongs to my children. Well, I had no choice but to poison him'
'Jesus! You are very wicked' I exclaimed
'Wicked you say? You haven't seen the definition of wickedness, wait till I destroy everything that concerns you' she bragged annoying me
'Before you destroy everything that concerns my wife, I will make sure the law destroy everything that concerns you' John answered in anger
'And how will you do that? Have you forgotten that I have connections in the forces?'
'And have you forgotten that my Dad was the former commissioner of police before he died?' John replied to her question with another question surprised me as in, I wasn't even aware that his dad was the former commissioner of police. I just knew that his father is late.
While John and my stepmother were exchanging words, the police who were outside had all the conversation recorded, they played it to her hearing and had her arrested. It was a defeated battle for her as her words are what would be used against her in the court of law.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 14

The trial of my stepmother was really a tough one as her sons got one of the best lawyers for her and those she knew in the forces tried all they could to get her out of the net of the police but John's connection was stronger.

After going to court for several days, she was finally sentenced to twenty-five years imprisonment with hard labor. Even after receiving her judgment, she came to where I was and said the battle still continues.

John told me to take her words with levity as there was nothing a jailed woman could do. I calmed myself with John's words and decided to stop dwelling in the past to concentrate on my family.

Few weeks after the court hearing, I was preparing to go to bed when John told me we needed to talk.

'Hope all is well?' I asked instinctively

'It's about Jeddy, don't you think he needs to meet his real family and we need to have our son back?'

'Ohh John, I can't bear to lose Jeddy. I nurse him from infancy and there is a strong bond between us. How do you expect us to cope? I can't lose my son o'

'Jane, you need to understand that his real parent has to be aware of the situation on the ground. We can't continue to keep him with us when we already know the truth of the matter'

'How do you now expect me to live without my Jeddy?'

'Calm down dear, let's just take it one step at a time. When we get to that bridge, we will cross it together. Meanwhile, I have made enquires and the Da Silva family is a powerful family. Fortunately, Mr. Kings, my business partner happen to be their acquaintance' he further explained

'So, what is the next step now?' I asked sadly

'I have spoken to Mr. Kings and he promised to book an appointment for me to see them, all I just need is to give him the date and time when I will be chanced'


'I want us all to go, we would go with the evidence the Midwife gave us'

'Choose a convenient date and inform me'

'Alright, I will'

John chose a date which happens to be a Saturday. It was like I was going for a burial ceremony as I wore a gloomy face all through. Getting to Da Silva's residence, I was awed by the beauty of their mansion.

We were ushered in by a man dressed in a suit was told to sit and wait for madam and her husband. After what seemed like an eternity, the couple came down to meet us with their son who was just the carbon copy of Jeremiah. Every one of us was stunned as the resemblance was just much. On the other hand, Jedidiah looks so much like the man.

'Mommy, why did this boy looks so much like me?' Da Silva's son named Leonard asked his mother

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook

Episode 15
We explained the purpose of our visit and presented them with the evidence with us. After going through the evidence, the man named Felix was stunned. The wife by the name Kayla was angry and she didn't bother to hide it.
'So, are you now trying to tell us that you are here to take our son away from us? Kayla asked angrily
'Not that madam, we just want you to know the situation of things. It won't be proper that we know the truth of the matter and keep quiet. Even my wife doesn't want to part ways with Jedidiah' John explained to her
'You see, my wife and I discovered that we were both AS but we ignore every warning and went ahead and got married to each other as we were so much in love with each other. While my wife was pregnant, we got to know that the baby has an SS genotype and has asthma because I am an asthmatic patient.
When the baby was born, we were surprised to know that he has an AA genotype and has no trace of asthma in him. The doctor said maybe a miracle took place not knowing that our baby was switched. Well, this is a delicate matter and we need to act with wisdom so that the children involved won't be in trauma Felix explained with wisdom
Just like Felix advised, we went home and thought of what to do. Two months later, the Da Silva requested their son after which a DNA test confirmed that Jedidiah was theirs and Leonard ours.
Parting ways with Jedidiah was not easy as he was my favorite child though I didn't show it. We were all in tears the day Jedidiah was taken away and Leonard was brought to us. To make matter worse, Leonard refused to cooperate with us as he was pampered.
Two weeks later, I received a call from Kayla that Jedidiah was battling with for his life. I didn't think twice before going to the hospital where he was admitted. Getting to the private ward he was, it hurt me a lot to see him living on oxygen.
I went closer to him and wrap my hand around him. Immediately my hand touches his body, he became calm. Kayla was weeping as she was explaining to me that for the two weeks he spent with them, he refused to eat or drink. He even refused to speak to them and the only thing he did was to request for his mommy, daddy, Jeremiah, and Joy.
I was touched, it was obvious that Kayla was a rich kid who hasn't gone through the hurdles of life. I calmed her down and explained to her that he would come around and when he does, she would love him as he is a sweet boy.
Jedidiah came out of the coma the following day, he was so excited to see me. He pleaded with me to take him with me but I explained to him that he can't be with me because I wasn't his biological mother. I made him promise me to be good to his new parent and even take care of them which he affirmed to
Jedidiah warms up to his new family but he was always calling to speak with me. Though he wasn't mine, I was always praying for him. Later on, Da Silva relocated to the US with Jedidiah. I wept bitterly when I got the news.
Loving Leonard was not easy at first because he was over pampered and saucy, there is nothing he ever appreciates rather, he was always comparing us with his former family. There was a day I had to slap his face. Well, I left him for John to handle and with time, his character was better.
To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook

Episode 16

Things were going well in my family and everyone was happy. Before the Da Silvas traveled out of the country, Felix collected the name of the court where my stepmother's case was judged.

He took the case to a higher court and she was sentenced to life imprisonment. When money and connection speaks, who can stand in the way? Now, let's see how she would come and continue fighting us.

Things were going rosy and I started thinking of going back to school since Joy has started school with her brothers. I was preparing to begin the admission processing when I discovered that I missed my period again. I was scared, getting pregnant again when I am aware that John doesn't want another child will cause a problem.

Telling him about the pregnancy was out of it so, I decided to abort the baby. I didn't let him know I was down, I went to a pharmacist and bought some abortion pills. Even after buying, I didn't have the nerve to take it as I kept postponing the day I would use it.

One evening, while John was watching a cartoon with the children, I decided it was high time I used the drug. I sat in our bedroom and was about to gulp the drug when John entered the room asking me what the drug was all about.

'Taking drugs? You never told me you were sick, what is the drug for? Malaria or typhoid?' He asked

'Term...i mean...as in' I stammered instead of giving him answer

When he saw my uneasiness, he picked the sachets containing the drug and screamed when he read through and discovered it was an abortion pill.

'What is this supposed to mean? Tell me, are you pregnant? He asked angrily

'Eerm eerm, John, please forgive me. I don't know how it happened, I am on contraceptives. I didn't become pregnant deliberately' I pleaded on my knees

'And you feel aborting my baby is the best option? You didn't even inform me, that's callous. You want to kill my child without my knowledge'

'I am sorry, please forgive me. I thought you would be angry again, I didn't want anything to destroy the love and happiness we have now'

I was so surprised to see John pull me up from the floor and place me on his laps.

'It's okay babe. You see, I wasn't loving and caring before because I didn't let go of the past. Even though I was married, I didn't let go of the pain my ex caused me. Today, I have forgiven her completely and I am able to love you the way I should. This child isn't a mistake, he or she has come to stay. In fact, I want another baby girl' John announced

'Wow! Thank you, my husband, I love this new John' I replied kissing his lips. As in I am no longer afraid of him. Before, I dare not initiate kissing or sex.

John's words were just somehow to me as I didn't believe those words came out of his mouth but he kept to his word by being supportive all through the period of the pregnancy. He didn't hesitate to assist in house chores whenever I feel so weak, he was always there to massage my feet when it gets swollen, I actually felt like a baby all through the pregnancy period.

Contrary to what John wanted, I delivered another baby who was a replica of me. At last, I had a child who looks like me. My mother-in-law came to help nurse the child and when she came, she tried to avoid me but I wrap my hands around her showing that I hold nothing against her. She reciprocated and we became friends again.

John named our new baby Jude and added Jones to Leonard's name making us the J-family. When Jude clock three months, John surprised me with a big supermarket. I was short of words, the only thing I did was to hug him and was crying. I never expected it, he also told me to get ready to go back to school once I wean Jude. He went with me to the hospital to get a perfect contraceptive for me as we don't plan to go through childbearing again.

Today, I am a happy woman with a happy family. Jeddy may not be with me but I keep praying for him.

I have come to understand that when God wants to settle you, somethings have to happen. Are you going through a challenge, please don't give up. The situation that will lead you to greatness will soon happen.


For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook