Leave My Son Alone

Started by StoryTeller, Saturday, 06 May 2023, 05:14 PM

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Episode 1

Patricia, a beautiful lady with flawless skin and a built hourglass shape was helping her mom attend to a customer when an angry-looking woman matched into her mother's shade ranting.

Mrs. Obi, Patricia's mother grinds pepper for people in exchange for a token that helps put food on their table. Since the death of Mr. Obi, Patricia's father, life had been so hard on them, feeding and getting other life necessities have been a tug of war. Patricia fought so hard and was able to graduate from a polytechnic where she studied Business Administration but getting a job has been another problem.

The well-paying job she got had always entailed that she gives her body to the manager of the company but that is one thing she would never do. After searching for a job for a year, she decided to make do with a teaching job where she was being paid fifteen thousand naira. The pay hardly meet her needs but it was better than being jobless.

Patricia was almost rounding up grinding the pepper of her mother's customer when the angry woman suddenly poured the already grinded pepper on Patricia and started screaming. Patricia's mother burst into tears seeing what the angry woman had done. She didn't know her neither did she owe her money.

Angry woman: Leave my son aloneeeeeeeee!

Customer: but this is wickedness, how will you pour grinded pepper on someone what if she goes blind?

Angry woman: I don't care, tell her to stay away from my son. Patricia or what is your name, as long as I am still living, you cannot marry Ben, I am his mother and I know what is good for him.

At that instant, Patricia discovered that the angry woman is her fiance's mother. He had taken her to his home to introduce her to his family some weeks ago and even when his mother was acting up, Ben promised that his mother will come around.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 2

The customer and Patricia's mother quickly washed Patricia's face but she couldn't open her eyes. It was like a dream to Patricia who tried to open her eyes but to no avail. Seeing the situation of things, they had to rush her to the nearest hospital where Mrs. Obi had to give the doctor her little savings and pleaded with him to help save her daughter's

The kind-hearted doctor began treatment immediately and Patricia was able to see but not properly, the doctor then suggests that she began to make use of glasses to help her see well. After spending a week in the hospital, Patricia was able to see with the help of eyes glasses but the hospital bill had become much that they couldn't pay. Mrs. Obi ran helter-skelter but there was no one to help. Patricia was even more surprised that Ben was not picking up her call knowing what his mother had done to her.

An idea came to Patricia which she decided to work along with instead of being held hostage in the hospital. Patricia pleaded with the doctor to employ her as a cleaner and half of her monthly pay should be used to settle the hospital debt while half be given to her to meet some of her needs. The considerate doctor accepted her idea and employed her as a cleaner and promised that she would be paid forty thousand naira monthly.

Two weeks after being made a worker in the hospital, Patricia decided to go and visit Ben against her mother's wish to hear what he had to say. On getting to his apartment, he was shocked to see a beautiful lady dressed in his shirt, it was obvious she passed the night in his house.

Ben was shocked to see Patricia in the house, he had no intention to treat her the way he did but his mother threatened to kill herself if he go ahead and marry her. Not wanting to hurt his mother whom he know suffered greatly for him, he had to cut every tie he had with Patricia.

Patricia: is this the love you claim to have for me? By the way, are you not supposed to be a child of God, why is a lady passing a night in your house? Have you lost your salvation on the bed of fornication?

Ben: enough of that Patricia, you don't understand what it means to be in a fix. I am sorry we had to end things this way but I think it's the best.

Patricia: you know what your mother did to me right?

Ben: Please, leave here. God will give you a better man

With that Ben walked Patricia out of his house leaving her in pain and hurt.

To be continued.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 3

Patricia lay on her bed looking moody, it was obvious she was lost in thought again, Mrs. Obi tapped her roughly bringing her back to consciousness.

Patricia: what again mom? Can't I have my peace again?

Mrs. Obi: I will slap sense into your head if you say anything again. Do you want to kill yourself? I think you should be grateful to God for saving you from this kind of family

Patricia: (bursts into tears) you don't understand mom, I got a go-ahead from God, and I have built my world around him, I wasted two whole years of my life with him and he was able to move on just like that like I didn't mean anything to him from the start

Mrs. Obi: in all things, give glory to God. There is a reason why this happened. I want you to freshen up, eat your food and take your drugs. Remember, crying isn't good for your eyes

Patricia: hmmm, just like that?

Mrs. Obi: I am praying for you and I have a strong belief that God is working out something for you

Patricia: hmmm, I pray so.

Life went on and Patricia was able to put the past behind her, it was a very hard thing to do being her first relationship but she asked for God's grace. She devoted her extra time to studying the Bible, reading books, and discovering who she is meant to be.

With the support of her Pastor, she was able to offset the hospital's bill but decided not to resign since it was less stressful and the pay was fair.

After service one day, her Pastor invited her to his office and told her that he would be sending someone to talk to her about something very important. Patricia began to anticipate the coming of the person with the mind that probably she was meant to be of help to him or her.

During a break one day, someone called her and request to see her in the church claiming her pastor gave him the go-ahead to speak to her. On hearing that, Patricia remembered what her Pastor once told her then, she took permission from the head of her department and went to see him in the church.

Getting into the auditorium, she met a very handsome young man with wealth smelling all around him. She greeted him and took a seat beside him. For some minutes, they were both unable to say anything.

Pat: Excuse me? Do you call me here for a looking competition?

Him: not at all ma, I am so sorry ma. I want to say something but...
Pat: but what? I left work behind, please

Him: I am Femi and I have been praying to God for a life partner for over nine months. Three months ago, the Holy Spirit gave me the description of my life partner including her name, her church, her stature, and everything about her

Pat: Okay, so how does that concern me?

Femi: you are the one ma. Here is a list of what the Holy Spirit told me about you. I will give you time to pray ma, I will be expecting your reply ma. Below is my contact and social media handles.

Pat: (speechless)

Femi: thank you for the audience ma, I don't take it for granted.

For a few minutes, Patricia was dumbfounded. Everything written in the list is just about her but she wasn't interested in praying about it.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 4

Mrs. Obi was studying the scriptures one day when her daughter walked into the house. At first, she had no plan to have a heart-to-heart talk with Patricia but there was this prompting in her heart to do so.

Mrs. Obi: welcome my daughter, before you go into your room, there is a word the Holy Spirit dropped in my heart for you

Patricia: wow, bring it on mom

Mrs. Obi: why are you fighting God's will?

Patricia: fighting God's will?

Mrs. Obi: why are you rejecting God's plan?

Patricia: thank you, mom. I need to have my rest now

Mrs. Obi: God's will may not be like what you want but that is always the best you can ever have

Patricia: (bursts into tears) stop it, mom, you don't understand my predicament

Mrs. Obi: predicament?

Patricia: I have surveyed Femi and it is obvious he came from a wealthy home, I don't want any problem from these wealthy people

Mrs. Obi: interesting! You didn't tell me there was someone knocking

Patricia: come on, mom, don't be like this

Mrs. Obi: what is God saying?

Patricia: I keep suppressing the prompting of the Holy Spirit, I want a man who we will both build our future together not one who already has everything, whose family will see me as a piece of trash

Mrs. Obi: not all wealthy people are haughty, some are still God-fearing and kind. Just know what God is saying and ask for His grace

Patricia: awwwn, thank you, mom. I am proud to be your daughter.

Patricia took her time to pray as advised by her mom and it wasn't up to a week before God gave her all she needed to know. She went on to tell God to put Femi's love in her heart if he was truly her life partner and in a twinkle of an eye, she began to think about him, she couldn't go a day without staring at his display picture on Facebook.

When Patricia couldn't hold it again, she placed a call across to Femi to give him a yes.

Femi: this is Femi on the line, may I know who this is, please?

Patricia: hmmm, someone special

Femi: (chuckle) someone special? And who is this someone special?

Patricia: Guess!!!

Femi: someone special....... I can't fathom....wait, is this Sister Pat?

Patricia: hmmm, which of the Pat, please?

Femi: the one so dear to me, the one who has stolen a part of me

Patricia: hmmm, so, I just called to give you a reply to your proposal which is two months today

Femi: and????

Patricia: I am so sorry to tell you that, I know God will comfort you, I...i...I just called to tell you that I can't let you go...

Femi: Jesus! And she almost gave me a heart attack. Gosh! I am so happy. Kai! After waiting and waiting, she still wants to... Haa, thank you, I am so happy to hear this. I promise that you won't regret giving me a chance in your life

Patricia: if you break my heart, I will so much deal with you

Femi: I won't dear. When can we meet, we need to celebrate this and I also want to see your beautiful face

Patricia: hmmm, I will send you an address tomorrow

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 5

Three months into their relationship, Femi decided it was time he introduced Patricia to his mother and only sister, he made it known to her but she was afraid of being rejected. Patricia kept postponing the visit. Femi got angry one day and threatened to do something she won't like if she postpone her coming to see his family again. Before this, Patricia took Femi to her mother and after a one-on-one discussion with him, Mrs. Obi accepted him as her son-in-law.

Reluctantly, Patricia went with Femi to see his family. On their way, she was just so tense praying his family accept her. Another thing that made her afraid was the fact that they are from different tribes. Femi who noticed how tense she was tried everything possible to make sure she was fine but it yield little or no effect on Patricia.

Getting to Femi's house, Patricia was amazed at how beautiful it was. Though she knew Femi came from a wealthy home, his dad had chains of the company before he died, he was poisoned to death and after his death, Femi had to take over running the company as the only son and heir to the throne. Patricia was brought back to consciousness by Femi's voice.

Femi: Pat dear, shall we go in?

Pat: I am afraid, can we do this another time?

Femi: will you be able to deal with me not talking to you for a week?

Pat: you didn't tell me that you are good at keeping malice

Femi: let's go in, momma is a sweet woman. You will forever be grateful that she is your mother-in-law and Teni, she is a darling to the core. And to think she has been dying to have a sister. Calm down baby boo, you will love my family

Pat: hmmm, let me trust you.

With that, Femi held Patricia's hands, and together, they walked into the beautiful house. Immediately they got it, Mrs. Akanni, Femi's mother rushed to embrace Patricia, she was so happy to see her. She couldn't stop complimenting her beautiful looks and dress. Teni who was in the kitchen, ran into the living room to see the lady who has finally made her brother happy.

Teni: oh my! Mom, she looks so beautiful

Pat: (speechless) you are more beautiful ma

Teni: come on, my name is Teni a.k.a the drama queen. First, I am collecting this dress, don't worry, my brother can always buy another one for you. He is a loving and caring guy

Femi: Teni, why can't you behave yourself for once?

Teni: I wasn't talking to you, was I?

Pat: let her be, please, I love her personality already. I believe we are going to be best of friends

Teni: oh my!! I love you already, wifey

Mrs. Akanni: come to dining children, the food is getting cold. Patricia, please, tell your mom that you would be spending the night here

Pat: wow! I am honored ma

Femi: (whispers to her) didn't I tell you?

Pat: I love your family!!!

Teni&Mrs. Akanni: we love you too.

After their meal, they watched some movies and crack jokes. Pat was so happy and relaxed, she felt like one of them. What amazed her was that they are very humble despite how stinkingly rich they were.

At night, Teni insisted that Patricia must pass the night in her room which allowed her to have a heart-to-heart talk with Patricia. Teni went on to plead with Patricia to make her brother happy. Some hours later, Mrs. Akanni came to invite Patricia to her room and also made her promise that she would be a good wife to her son, something Patricia promised to do.

Everything was going on well with the duo, the two families met and chose a date for their traditional church wedding. Patricia was the happiest person on earth, truly when God turns things around for a person, it will always look like a dream.

A month before their wedding, Patricia suddenly couldn't reach Femi, he was not at work neither was he at home. At one point, Patricia felt the devil was trying to play games on her mind. She began to fast and pray to God to bring Femi back to her. One evening, her phone rang and it was Femi.

Pat: how dare you do this to me, Femi?

Femi: I am sorry my love, it wasn't intentional. I just had to go and settle an issue with God on the mountain

Pat: so, informing me will hinder God from moving right?

Femi: I am sorry. Can we meet tomorrow, there is something I need to tell you urgently.

Pat: now, you are scaring me

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 6

Femi told Patricia to come over to his office so that they would be able to talk better in his resting room. Patricia on the other hand was afraid that Femi wanted to break up with her, all through the night, she kept asking God to show her mercy as she was afraid of losing Femi.

Getting to his company, the Secretary who already knew she was the boss's wife to be ushered her to Femi's resting room. Femi was oblivious to Patricia's presence when she walked in, a sign that he was lost in thought. Patricia's touch was what brought him back to consciousness.

Femi: welcome dear, I didn't know you are around.

Patricia: what's happening to us, I am very scared. We are supposed to be preparing for our wedding. Are you breaking up with me?

Femi: if that is what will make you happy, I think it is better

Patricia: (tears falling from her eyes already) shut up there. How dare you tell me such a thing?

Femi: (becomes very sad) Pat dear, you have been a great partner and since you came into my life, it's been from one success to another but I have been keeping something away from you. I have tried my best to tell you but I just didn't have the courage to do so. After you left our house that day, my mom mandate me to tell you

Patricia: (wipe her tears away) huh? Your mom? Did I offend her in any way?

Femi: (wipe a tear that fell from his eyes) not that, I wish I can get to spend my forever with you but how do I get to satisfy you sexually?

Patricia: I don't understand you

Femi: that is because I can't perform as in I am impotent

Patricia: what? How come? How did it happen?

Femi: I lost it the moment I sat on my late father's chair as the new director of this company. I used to be sexually fine but...but... (burst into tears)

Patricia: (embrace him) hush! hush! It's gonna be okay, baby. God will fight for us

Femi: does that mean you are not going to leave me?

Patricia: God told me I would have three children and I know that He honors his word more than His name so, I know that He will perform a miracle on you. I am a daughter of covenant and that covenant will return your potency. One thing I am so sure of is that I am losing my virginity on my wedding night.

Femi: Patricia?? Did you hear what I just said?

Patricia: I heard perfectly, I have business with God not you.

Femi: ohh my! I am so blessed to have you.

Patricia: please, drive me to an eatery, I am so hungry. The fear that you wanted to break up with me took my appetite away

Femi: anything for her royal highness.

Days rolled into weeks and weeks into months, the chosen day for Femi and Patricia's wedding day came. Two days before their wedding, Femi kept asking Patricia if she was ready for getting married to an impotent man but Patricia warned him never to call himself impotent because God had assured her that a miracle will happen.

After Femi dropped her at home that day, Patricia had gone into a prayer of mercy, she kept worshipping God and asking Him for mercy. Later on, she and Femi began to have three days of fasting and prayer, and all they were asking for was God's mercy and intervention.

Femi and Patricia were joined in holy matrimony and their reception was the talk of the town. Despite how glorious the wedding was, deep down, Femi wasn't happy. He just keeps praying and wishing a miracle will happen soon.

After much party and jollification, they couple was driven to the new house Mrs. Akanni gave to them. As the driver drove into the compound and Femi carried his wife into the house, something happened

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 7

As he lifted his wife from the floor, something happened, there was a strong bulge in his trouser. He carried his wife into the room and went into the toilet to check if what was happening was real and indeed, his potency was back. All Femi wanted to do was to scream for joy but he wanted to make it a thing of surprise to his wife. While Patricia was trying to unpack her box, Femi went to take a shower to calm his raging hormones and then sat on the bed watching his beautiful wife still unpacking her box. Patricia who was aware of his gaze on her began to fiddle with her box.

Femi smiled and then went to help her. After helping her unpack, Patricia tried unzipping her clothes but she just couldn't. Femi knew his gaze on her body was the cause of this. He helped unzip her clothes thereby coming face to face with her fresh and beautiful skin. Femi couldn't stop salivating as he watched her undress in his presence, he had always known her to be a beautiful lady, but her inner body was more beautiful than he had ever imagined.

Femi: You want something right?

Pat: Ye..ye..yes, want to freshen up.

Femi: Okay, don't keep long.

Patricia took her time in the bathroom, she was at loss at what to do. Of course, her mom had taught her what to do on her first night with her husband but she was very shy, it was her first time alone with a man in the room so, you couldn't blame her. After a thorough wash, she wore a transparent lingerie which Teni gave to her, according to Teni, it will work wonders. Praying hard that Femi would be asleep, Patricia went into the bedroom only to meet him in his boxers. At that moment, she wished the ground would open its mouth and swallow her.

Femi lost it the moment Patricia came into the room, whoever got her that lingerie did a great job.

Femi: Wow! What a dazzling angel you are, my love. Come closer to daddy, there is something he wants to show you.

Femi was the one who came closer to her and then, a journey to ecstasy began. It was a moment the couple had longed for and they were determined to make it memorable for one another.

Femi was awakened the following morning by the continuous ringing of his phone. He tried to ignore it but the caller wouldn't just stop calling. He took his phone to discover that his mother was the caller.

Mrs. Akanni: Good Morning, son.

Femi: Mom, do you realize you are disturbing my honeymoon?

Mrs. Akanni: I am so sorry son, I just can't keep this information from you.

Femi: What information, mom?

Mrs. Akanni: Uncle Adebayo ran mad last night after confessing to have poisoned your father and also render you impotent.

Femi: Hmmm, the wicked will never go unpunished.

Mrs. Akanni: I need your permission to punish his family.

Femi: Let them be mom, that's enough punishment for them.

Mrs. Akanni: Hmmm, you are right. How is my wife? How is she taking the fact that you are impotent?

Femi: (Chuckle) I am no longer impotent mom, last night was a memorable night, you know what I mean.

Mrs. Akanni: Wow! Thank You, Jesus. Please, tell her I called.

Femi: Sure, mom.

Femi switched his phone immediately because he knew Teni would likely want to call him after hearing the good news. Looking at the sleeping version of his wife, he couldn't stop thanking God for giving him such a wonderful and spiritually sensitive wife as marriage to her restored his potency. He placed a kiss on her lips which woke her up.

Femi: The queen in my kingdom, the woman who stole every part of my heart, my jewel of inestimable value.

Pat: Awwn, I am blushing.

Femi: Thank you for last night, I will never take it for granted.

Pat: thank you, too. I wasn't disappointed.

Femi: (Laughed so hard) I am the real child of my father.


Femi was in his office attending to a man who wanted to get a contract from his company when Patricia walked in. She greeted her husband's visitor and went to sit on her husband's lap not minding the fact that there was a third party in the room.

Femi: What are you doing here, sweet? I told you not to leave the house to get enough rest.

Pat: I was bored plus, I needed to bring you lunch.

Patricia brought out the supposed cooler of food, opened it, and placed it before her husband. Femi who was hungry brought it closer to himself and what he saw was an envelope instead of food. Curiosity made him open the envelope and there, he came face to face with the fact that his wife is two months pregnant.

Femi: I am going to be a father, right?

Patricia: (Rubbing her flat stomach) Yes, we are going to be parents soon. I am just so happy.

Femi: Jesus, You are just so sweet.

Client: Patricia???

Femi: Do you know my wife??

Client: Yes sir but it seems she can't recognize me.

Pat: Who are you please?

Client: Obi Ben. (Went on his knees) Patricia, please forgive me for everything I ever did to you, I wished I never let you go.

Patricia: It's okay, please stand up. I hold nothing against you, how is your mom?

Ben: (Tears suddenly dropped from his eyes) That lady you saw that day stabbed her to death. I lost my salvation, my mother, and my wealth to her because I wanted to please my mother. I wished I had listened to the warning of the Holy Spirit.

Patricia: Oh, so sorry for your loss. You just need to come back to God.

Ben: I am back to Him but things are just somehow. I wish I can turn the hands of time.

Patricia: It's okay, my husband and I will think of how we can help you.

Ben: Haaa, I will be so grateful. Sir, please take good care of her, she is a great asset.

Femi: Sure, I will. Thanks for the advice. Just as she said, we would get back to you.

Ben: Alright, thank you, sir.

Ben left the couple to celebrate their new status.

Femi: I am happy he left you.

Pat: Funny you, I couldn't even recognize him. It's obvious life dealt with him.

Femi: Enough of him, let's talk about us. You know I can't stop loving you.

Pat: I hope you remember that we are in your office.

Femi: And so?? Thank you, babe. I will forever love you, please, never leave me alone.

Patricia: God will keep us together till death do us part. Thank you for being a super wonderful husband, it pays to wait on God. A heartbreak isn't the end of the world, it's just a push to the next level.

Femi: You are very right, my Queen.

Patricia: I will never stop loving you Mr. Femi Akanni.

Femi: Mrs. Patricia Akanni, your love won't die in my heart.


For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.