He is Mine

Started by StoryTeller, Saturday, 06 May 2023, 04:25 PM

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Kambili lay on her bed with smiles plastered on her face, she has been daydreaming about her wedding day. She couldn't stop imagining how beautiful she would look and how she would walk majestically into the Church. She couldn't stop imagining how happy and fulfilled she would be that day.

Kambili was brought back to consciousness by a text message, she glanced through and its content made her shiver.

"If you know what is good for you, leave my man alone or you lose your life. A word is enough for the wise"

Who could the sender be?

Who is her man?

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 1

Jude walked into his boss's office only to see his boss and best friend looking so sad. From the look of things, he could tell that his boss was lost in thought again, that was how he has been for three weeks. A tap on the table brought Caleb back to consciousness.

Caleb: Jude?? How long have you been here?

Jude: too long to tell that something is eating you up and today, you must spill it out or I call your mom to tell her that her only son is not fine.

Caleb: come on, you won't do that. You know how my mom can be, do you want her to come here and start crying? Plus, I am now a man not a fifteen years old boy who needs to be pampered by his mother

Jude: nice speech, I can see that Kambili is now good at pampering you that you have to let go of your moms'

Caleb: what do you want Jude? Don't you have work to do?

Jude: I have one right now and that is finding out what is eating my boss up

Caleb: are you still on this?

Jude: sure and I am not leaving here if I don't get my answer

Caleb: fine!!! Kambili has given me three days to tell her about the lady threatening her life or she breaks up with me and you know what that means, my wedding is next month. What will I tell people? I love Kambili too much to lose her, I...i...i

Jude: calm down lover boy, you won't lose your woman. But, who is this lady and what does she have to do with Kambili?

Caleb: I don't know too, she keeps claiming to be my woman and asked Kambili to break up with me or lose her life.

Jude: ohhh! Are you sure the lady isn't one of your secret admirers? Wait!, hope it isn't Nene.

Caleb: come on, it can't be. Nene can't be that cruel. Moreover, I have kept her in her place and I heard she got engaged last month

Jude: wow! So, who could this be?

Caleb: I feel my past is coming to catch up with me but, I have given my life to Christ, and old things have passed away, what else do you think I should do?

Jude: Go to God, tell Him about it and ask Him to touch your woman's heart then, you both should pray about it and move on with your lives. You shouldn't let anyone come in between you, what God has joined, let no man put asunder, not even a text message.

Caleb did as he was advised, he went into serious prayers and after praying for two days, he went to meet Kambili at her workplace took her to dinner, and then made her see reasons why they mustn't let the devil use anyone to destroy their beautiful union. He promised Kambili to be a good husband and father to their children, Kambili trusted him and forgot the threatening messages she do receive.

Just as they wished, the threatening messages stopped, and the duo was able to focus on the preparation for their wedding and finally got married. It was a great event, being the only son of his parent and heir to his family chains of companies, a huge amount of money was spent. His mother ensured she made the event the talk of the town. Kambili's parents on the other side were not super rich but they spent a lot to make the event a success.

As Kambili and Caleb were pronounced man and wife, the joy radiating all over them was great. Caleb was so happy and felt fulfilled, he thank God for finally granting his heart's desire even after the rough life he lived in the past. He looked at the face of his beautiful bride and praised God more.

The couple was driven to their new house to begin a new life. Caleb had ensured the house was tastefully furnished, everything needed to make life comfortable was put in place, and all he wanted was to give his wife and unborn children a comfortable life. He didn't want them to lack any good things so that they won't go the path he went before mercy found him that was why he waited on God for the choice of a virtuous woman and God gave him his beautiful Kambili.

Caleb: Good Morning my beautiful wife, how was your night?

Kambili: (yawned tiredly) good morning my husband, my night was fine, and yours?

Caleb: fantastic yesterday was the best night I have ever had. Of a truth, there is nothing like abstinence till marriage. Stolen waters may be sweet but not the sweetest, I wish I waited till yesterday. I am glad to be your first, thanks for the gift

Kambili: now, my husband is speaking in parable.

Caleb: as if she doesn't understand what I am saying. So, you are having breakfast in bed, go to the bathroom to freshen up, and come back here to have your breakfast

Kambili: wow! That would be lovely but I just need you to carry me to the bathroom pleaseeeeeee

Caleb: naughty girl

A text message suddenly popped up on Kambili's cell phone and by the time she read through, she had goosebumps all over her.


To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 2

Caleb: sweetheart, what is wrong? You suddenly become numb, did I say anything wrong?

Kambili: (with tears dropping from her eyes) she is back, she is back with her messages

Caleb: (confused) who??

Kambili: are you asking me dumb questions? I said your so-called woman is back with her threatening messages

Caleb: this is becoming something else, I don't have any woman in my life apart from you. Try to understand me

Kambili: ohh! Now, I no longer understand, now, I no longer know what I am doing or maybe I am now running mad

Caleb: (tries to hold her hands) no babe, I don't mean it that way.

Kambili: if you touch me, I will give you a slap

Caleb: haaa, babe, it hasn't gotten to this. I am sorry for putting you through this

Kambili: fine! The only thing I need you to do for me is to tell me everything I need to know about this mysterious lady

Caleb: haa, sweet, I don't know her

Kambili: why are you hurting me this way? What are you hiding from me? Is it a crime to love you? Is it a crime to marry you? I didn't plan for all of these, I just married for one day and I am already experiencing all these.

Caleb: babe, you are hurting me

Kambili: I am done with this conversation, if you are not ready to tell me the truth then, I am going back to my parent's place.

Caleb: Kambili, you can't do this to me. Can't you trust me for once? Have I ever cheated on you? Have I ever given you reasons to doubt me?

Kambili: but you claim to have a past, do yourself good and tell me all about it.

Caleb: yes I do have a horrible past but the blood of Jesus has washed away my past.

Kambili: keep singing that. I am off to my father's house and don't bother to come to see me if you are not ready to tell me all I need to know.

Caleb: (try to run after her) Kam...Kambili...Kam dear

Kambili ignored him, put on a dress, and walked out of the house. On getting outside, she boarded a taxi to her parent's house. Caleb ran to the car and drove straight to his inlaws and by the time he got there, he met them chastising Kambili.

Mrs. Adugo: so, you are telling us that you left your matrimonial home because of one text message, why can't you ignore it? Wait, what will you now do if the lady surfaces? Kambili, you are not like me

Mr. Adugo: Kambili, my child, you are now a married woman and you must learn to handle issues in your marriage. I have collected your bride price hence, you can't stay under my roof. Please, go back to your husband's house.

Caleb: (walked in and greeted his inlaws respectfully) Dad, Mom, I am very sorry for this, please, pardon me.

Mrs. Adugo: it's okay my son, we have corrected your wife. Please take her and go back home

Caleb: thank you very much ma, I am so grateful.

With that, the couple left for home. Immediately after they entered their room, Kambili gave her husband a stern warning.

Kambili: Listen to me Caleb, you can buy the heart of my parent but not mine. I know you have a skeleton in your cupboard and until the day you decide to let it out, you will not see my nakedness and if you try to rape me, I will stab you. Mark my words.

Caleb: what?? Kambili, stop all these, you can try to starve me sexually. I paid the price for it.

Kambili: watch me! From tonight, we would be staying in different rooms.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 3

Caleb: that is what I have been going through for the past two months. I am practically a married bachelor, the only thing I enjoy is good food. I am beginning to regret getting married.

Jude: come on dude, you don't have to regret receiving God's blessing. He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtained favor from the Lord

Caleb: I know this Jude, but I am not experiencing the favor.

Jude: Calm down Caleb, what if this imaginary lady is real? What if the fault is really from you?

Caleb: real? How? I never promised any lady marriage. Fine, I went out with lots of ladies but I made them understand that we were just friends with benefits

Jude: there is nothing wrong with your marriage, you and Kambili are not just handling this situation the way you should. Did you bother to call the number?

Caleb: of course, but it never went through

Jude: and you didn't bother to inform the Author of your marriage. All you are doing is complaining and whining, do you bother to join hands with your wife to tell God to reveal the evildoer to you? I think I need to speak some sense into Kambili, she has been in Christ for over fifteen years, why can't she handle things the right way?

Kambili was in the kitchen preparing dinner when Caleb walked into the house with Jude, she was oblivious to the fact that Jude was coming to their house. Caleb tried to greet her cheerfully but it earned him a slap, Jude was so shocked, and Kambili was more shocked to see Jude in their house.

Jude: Kambili? I used to know you to be a virtuous woman, what went wrong? You know, I have been praying to God to give me a virtuous woman like you, where is the Kambili I used to know?

Kambili: (burst into tears) I love him with everything in me, why did he decide to reward me with deceit? Why can't he just open up to me? I am ready to bear whatever it may be, even if he has a child outside wedlock, I will accept him or her. I love my husband but I hate this deception

Caleb: Babe, I am not deceiving you, I have told you that I lived a rough life in the past, I went out with so many ladies but I don't know this lady that calls herself Clara. I never dated anyone by the name, Clara

Kambili: then, how did she know what your private part look like? How did she know that you have a birthmark on your waist? How did she know so much about your body?

Jude: hmmm, this is serious. What if her name isn't Clara

Caleb: (knelt before Kambili) babe, forgive my dirty past. Please, let's make this work, help me to become a better Christian

Jude: Kambili, as a virtuous woman, you need to build your home. Don't let any lady destroy it. The love between you and your husband should make the enemies of your marriage angry

Kambili: I...i...i

Caleb: (drew her to himself) it's okay dear, we will surely make this work, we won't let anyone tear us apart, we will hand over the enemy of our marriage to God.

Jude was so happy at the turn of events, he led the couple in prayer before leaving for his house. Caleb has been a very good friend to him, he paid his final year tuition fee and gave him employment, hence, he decided to find out who the so-called Clara as he won't watch his benefactor's marriage crumble.

Caleb became happy again, his marriage became a happy and lively one. He and his wife ignored the threatening messages and now decided to hand the sender over to God. They showed each other true love and care, Caleb didn't hesitate to pamper his wife, he was indeed the definition of a great husband.

Five months into their marriage, Kambili became pregnant which made the couple overjoyed. They couldn't wait to become parents, unfortunately, their joy was caught short as Kambili lost the pregnancy a few days after returning from the hospital. It was a painful incident but they consoled themselves with the fact that God will give them another pregnancy.

Two months later, Kambili became pregnant, they were so happy and even decided that Kambili should be on bed rest in order not to lose the pregnancy again, Caleb took over the house chores just to ensure that nothing happens to the pregnancy. Again, she lost the pregnancy a month later.

While mourning the loss of her second pregnancy, Kambili received a text message.


To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 4

Caleb walked into the room to meet his wife weeping, his heart broke at the sight of that. He was also very sad at the turn of event, he was managing to smile just to be strong for his wife. The painful part of it was that the unknown person claimed to be the cause of Kambili's miscarriages. He witnessed the second miscarriage and the pain his wife went through was not funny. He couldn't help but burst into tears too, he wished he could stop all that was happening.

Caleb: Babe???

Kambili: (weeping) I am fed up, two of my babies were not allowed to live. What have I done to deserve this? I was sexually pure before I got married, I don't know why all this is happening to me

Caleb: (drew her into an embrace) I am sorry for all you are experiencing, I wish I can bring this pain to an end, I wish the person can come out to me and tell me what wrong I did to her, I just wish...

Kambili: hmm, I am thinking of something

Caleb: what is that?

Kambili: I think we should take a break, I need to be a way to heal

Caleb: come on sweet, you can't do this to me. I promise that this will come to an end very soon

Kambili: how soon? I am sorry, I just need to clear my head and heal properly. I will be back very soon, I will miss you.

Caleb: (tears dropped from his face) Babe.......

Kambili: I love you my husband and I thank God for giving me a man like you nevertheless, I have to take a break.

Caleb: can I know where you are going, please?

Kambili: I am going to pray, this needs to come to an end.

Caleb: I want to come with you

Kambili: you will but not now

Caleb sat down helpless as he watched his wife pick up some of her things in haste and left the house. After she left, Caleb sat on the floor and began to cry, he began to call on God for divine intervention. He also decided to go on three days of fasting and praying.

Mrs. George was reading the newspaper when she suddenly had the urge to call her son. Since he got married, she hasn't had time to speak to him, she just decided to give him and his wife the space they needed. Right there, she picked up her call and placed a call across to him.

Mrs. George: son??

Caleb: mom?? Please, help me beg God to give me a happy home, I am tired of everything happening in my home.

Mrs. George: I don't understand you, can you come over so that we talked about this?

Caleb: no mom, I am very sick

Mrs. George: oh my!! And your wife??

Caleb: she went somewhere to pray and I haven't been able to reach her for almost two weeks.

Mrs. George: I am coming to your house now

Mrs. George was so surprised to see how badly her son looked. He had been very sick but refused to get himself treated, to worsen the situation, he hadn't eaten anything for three days. All he does was cry and cry to God, it was obvious that Kambili's absence was taking a toll on him.

Mrs. George went into the kitchen to prepare a meal for her son and also invited their family doctor to treat him. When it obvious he was stronger, she asked him what happened and he didn't hesitate to tell his mother what he and his wife had been experiencing.

Mrs. George: Jesus!! This is too much, why did you hide this from me? I mean, we could have gotten a solution by now

Caleb: mom, you were hardly around. You and Dad are always going for ministration forgetting that you have a son, that was how you two abandoned me. Did you know I have a horrible past because you were never there?

Mrs. George: Caleb!!!

Caleb: don't call me mom! You were too busy to notice that the chef you employed led me into immorality, she defiled me at the age of twelve. We had sex every day and by the time I got into the university, I couldn't do without having sex every day

Mrs. George: Jesus!!! We were doing the Father's business

Caleb: (crying) at the expense of your only child right? Did you know that I was led into cultism by one of the ladies I slept with? Now, I am in this mess because of my past life. I even brought Kambili into this, she didn't deserve any of this, her crime was loving me

Mrs. George: oh my God!!! What have I done?

Caleb: she came to my bed undefiled, I am the first man to see her nakedness and she still couldn't enjoy the marriage. All this is happening because my parent was too busy to look after the only child God gave them.

Both mother and son were in tears, at that instant, Kambili walked into the house looking so sick. She was so surprised to see her mother-in-law in her home, the last time they saw her was a month after their wedding.

Kambili: mom?? I didn't know you would be coming

Mrs. George: (drew Kambili into an embrace) I am sorry for being a bad mother, please forgive me

Kambili: mom?? Stop that joor, we all make mistakes and we will overcome them once we are intentional about becoming better

Caleb: Sweet, I missed you

Kambili: (embrace him affectionately) I missed you too. What happened? You look sick and pale

Caleb: I have been sick, thanks to mom who came over to ensure I am fine.

Kambili: I am so sorry for not being here

Caleb: it's okay my love, you look very lean

Kambili: it is well. Guess what dear? The person behind all these is someone you once dated. She is still in love with you but God promised to fight for us, He said very soon she will surface and the truth would be exposed.

Caleb: wow! Thank You, Jesus

Kambili: one more thing! The Holy Spirit said we should change our hospital once I become pregnant again

Caleb: oh my! What a revelation

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 5

Caleb was in the office when he received a call from an unknown number, he picked it up only to discover that the caller was Kambili's new doctor, he told Caleb that he had been trying to reach his wife but couldn't then, he decided to call Caleb since she dropped his number as her next of kin. After the necessary introduction, he went on to tell Caleb to inform Kambili to stop the pregnancy control pills he prescribed for her as there may be complications if she continued with it.

Caleb was so surprised and disappointed, he was shocked to hear that his wife went for family planning without his knowledge and consent. He had been expecting her to show signs of pregnancy and when she didn't, he was tempted to ask her what was wrong but he decided not to.

Kambili was rounding up cooking dinner when her husband came back home. She prepared his favorite meal just to appreciate the love and care he had shown her since they got married as he had been nothing but a great husband and lover. As she sighted him, she welcomed him lovingly and asked how his day went only to receive a cold attitude.

She led him to the room and help him undress thinking he had a hectic day. She became disturbed when she served him dinner and he pushed it aside, that act pained her to the bone marrow. She unhappily spoke to him only for him to lash her.

Caleb: why should I eat your food?

Kambili: what did I do wrong this time around? Do you know the effort I put into preparing your favorite meal?

Caleb: did I ask you to?

Kambili: but we are not fighting na and even when we fought, you never rejected my food. What is wrong my love?

Caleb: why did you start taking drugs to prevent pregnancy without telling me?

Kambili: what? eerm eerm, my husband is not what you think, the thing is...

Caleb: your doctor called me when he couldn't reach you, he said I should tell you to stop taking the pill as there might be serious complications later.

Kambili: Caleb, I am sorry. I didn't mean to hide it from you, I just wanted to heal perfectly before getting pregnant again

Caleb: and you feel it's better I don't know about it right?

Kambili: I am sorry

Caleb: I wonder what else you are hiding from me

Kambili: oh no!!! I have not kept any secret from you since we started dating

Caleb: but, you just did. See, I need to clear my head. Just pray I don't stop trusting you

Kambili: oh no! I have never done this before, I felt..... Oh my God! What have I done? My husband has never been this angry with me before.

With that, Caleb walked out of the house and began walking on the street. He was pained but he knew he just had to forgive her. After walking for thirty minutes, he decided to go back home when he heard someone call his name. He looked back only to come face to face with his secondary school best friend.

Caleb: Who do we have here? Sonia??

Sonia: look at this handsome dude, baddest Caleb. Chai! you look fresh oooo

Caleb: you are not looking bad either, how is life treating you? When did you return from the States?

Sonia: life is there oooo, I came back two weeks ago with my beautiful daughter, your daughter

Caleb: my daughter?? What do you mean by that??

Sonia: Well, that's a long story but it's fine. Do have a great day

Caleb: you can't just go like that. Please, give me your contact, we need to talk about this. You never told me you had a daughter for me

Sonia: you have a beautiful marriage, why will I intend to destroy it with my past?

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 6

Kambili was working on some documents in her office when her phone began to ring, she picked the phone to see who the caller was only to discover it was her mother-in-law. She answered the call and after exchanging pleasantries, her mother-in-law asked if Kambili could come over to her house. Kambili gave her a positive reply without hesitation.

On getting to her mother-in-law's residence, Kambili was surprised to see her husband sitted already, a strange lady was also there with a young girl of about fifteen years. Mrs. George welcome Kambili respectfully before going into the topic of discussion.

Mrs. George: welcome my daughter, I really appreciate you for being a good wife to my son, my son is so lucky to have you as his wife. But, there is something you need to do for me.

Kambilil: okay ma, what is it?

Mrs. George: this young girl here is the child of your husband whom this woman bore for him. All these happened in the past and we have decided to take responsibility for the girl

Kambili: (shocked) you mean she is Caleb's daughter right?

Mrs. George: yes and she will move in with you guys today.

Mrs. Kambili: (sounded indifferent) ohh, just that? Shebi is Caleb's daughter and Caleb is the owner of the house, she is free to move into her Father's house and I can as well vacate the house for her so that she can be very comfortable

Caleb: no! You can't do that my love, I just need you to accommodate her

Kambili: you better shut up your mouth, who is your love? You hid this big secret from me and you are calling me your love. Listen and listen carefully, I regret the day I met you, I regret the day I agreed to date you, and I regret the day I got married to you. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

With that, Kambili took her bag and walked out angrily, she burst into tears the moment she got into her car. She was so pained, she was disappointed at the fact that Caleb chose to inform his mother and not her. The Holy Spirit comforted her and right there, she asked for grace to bear all that was happening.

Just like her mother-in-law said, Caleb brought his daughter home that day. He showed Roseline her room and told her to do her best to relate with his wife then, he went into the room to meet Kambili. The moment he walked into the room, Kambili inserted her headphone and pretended to be asleep so that she won't have any reason to talk to him.
Caleb who knew she was avoiding having a conversation with him, sat on the bed and began to talk to her.

Caleb: Kam? I am so sorry for not informing you, I was only afraid to that was why I asked my mom to help me break the news to you. Sonia was my secondary school best friend and she was the first female I had sex with aside from our chef. Then, she do come to my place for us to read together, and then one day, our chef who led me into a sexual act forced me to sleep with her and that was how our sexual escapades began. I just woke up one day and heard she has traveled to the States, I never knew she left with my baby in her womb. My love, please try to be nice to Roseline, she is innocent.

After talking and talking and not getting any answer from Kambili, Caleb went to freshen up and slept off. Before sleeping, He asked God to comfort His wife and see them through this phase.

That was how Roseline began to live with them. It wasn't an easy decision but Kambili had to adapt. Kambili tried her best to relate with Roseline but she wasn't interested in having a relationship with her, she would always snub Kambili and will never do house chores. The only thing she does is sleep, eat, watch movies, and dance to ungodly music. In order not to have any issue with her, Kambili ignored Roseline but as days flew, it seems Roseline was more relevant in Caleb's life than Kambili.

Kambili returned from work one day and met Roseline's absence. Alarmed, she ran to their security to ask if he saw Roseline leave the house only to see Roseline in a heated romance with the gateman.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 7

With anger written all over her, Kambili slapped Roseline and ordered her to go into the house while she pounced on the gateman. When Kambili returned to the house, she was ready to lash Roseline but stopped when she saw blood dripping from Roseline's face and hand, it was obvious Roseline tore herself to put Kambili in trouble.

As Kambili was still thinking of what to do or say, Sonia and Caleb ran into the house. Sonia became angry when she saw blood dripping from her daughter's body, she launched at Kambili and gave her a deafening slap before Caleb could intervene. Caleb calmed Sonia and began to ask Roseline what went wrong.

Kambili: she.. she..she

Sonia: shut up you evil woman, let my daughter speak.

Roseline: I was speaking with Ali at the security post and didn't know when she came in. All of a sudden, she gave me a slap for relating with the security man. I only related to him because I was bored and I saw him as a friend. She sent me into the house and began to beat me, she then took a table knife and began to cut me. She said she would kill me so that I will allow her to enjoy her marriage

Kambili: Holy Christ! Roseline, why this heavy lie against me?

Sonia: heavy lie? Are you trying to insinuate that my daughter cut herself? I can't blame you, you don't have a child so, you don't know how it feels to be a mother

Kambili: (sobbingsilently) I..I..I.

Sonia: shut up, you pretender

Caleb: Kambili, when did you become this heartless? Do you have to treat her like this? Is it because she isn't your child?

Kambili: Caleb, you dare open your mouth to say this to me in the presence of this little whore and her mother

Sonia: how dare you call my daughter a whore?

Caleb: if you call my daughter a whore, I won't hesitate to throw you out of my house

Kambili: I will call her a whore over and over again because that's who she is.

Caleb moved closer to Kambili, slapped her, and ordered her out of the house. Kambili wiped the tears on her face and wanted to go pick her things inside but he didn't let her. He carried her out when she was insisting on picking her things and ordered Ali never to open the gate for her again.

Caleb came back to Roseline and apologized greatly to her before driving her to the clinic where she was treated. Done with the treatment, Caleb took Sonia and Roseline to a boutique and bought them clothes. Upon their return, they were surprised to see Kambili at the gate, he almost crushed her to death with his car which made Kambili run for her life.

As she was walking away from the house, she was bitter, bitter at the fact that God gave her a man like Caleb. She told God it was obvious He didn't love her because if He did, He won't give her a man like Caleb. She walked and walked for almost two hours before sitting in a kiosk. She had no money and cell phone with her hence, she couldn't reach anyone for help. She couldn't go to her parent's house because they won't accommodate her, they would tell her to go back to her husband's house.

Immediately they got back, Sonia went into the kitchen to cook for them. After cooking, she served everyone and ensured Roseline took her medication. Before they retire to the night, Roseline made a request.

Roseline: Daddy??

Caleb: Yes, daughter

Roseline: can't we all live together as one? You, mummy, and I

Caleb: hmmm! I will think about it.

With that, they all went to bed. A few minutes after Caleb lay on the bed, Sonia came into his room in seductive lingerie. Caleb, who was lost in thought was oblivious to the fact that someone was in the room with him. He was brought back to consciousness by a touch on his thigh, he looked to see who the person was only to see Sonia seating beside him on the bed stark naked.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 8

After walking aimlessly for some hours, Kambili decided to go to her mother-in-law's residence. It was late when she got there but the gateman let her in. She walked into the house and slept on the cushion. Mrs. George woke up the following morning and was so shocked to see Kambili in her house. She woke her up and asked what went wrong Kambili explained without hesitation. After that, Kambili went into the guest room to freshen up and then left for the bank to get a new ATM card to have access to her bank account.

Mrs. George thought Kambili would come back to the house, unfortunately, she didn't and there was no how to reach her.

After collecting a new ATM card, Kambili withdrew some money and then took a bus to another part of the state. That night, she lodged in a hotel with the mind of getting accommodation the next morning only for her to meet her University best friend whom she with ad lost contact with at the hotel. They exchange pleasantries, and catch up on old times then, Kambili asked if Joan can accommodate her, something Joan didn't hesitate to do.

Caleb was lost the moment he came face to face with Sonia's bare body, it was as if a force pushed him to her. In a twinkle of an eye, they found themselves amid a heated romance, Caleb was about to go further when he suddenly began to hear the weeping of his wife. He didn't know what was happening but he was hearing her weeping bitterly. Suddenly, he became conscious of himself and was surprised to see Sonia on his matrimonial bed. He quickly put on his clothes and ordered her out of his room. Sonia tried to arouse him but he dragged her out of the room not minding the fact that she was naked. Immediately Sonia was out of the room, and Caleb broke down in tears asking God for forgiveness.

He took his phone and began to call his wife only for the phone to start ringing in her bag which she placed on the dressing table. At that instant, Caleb was confused as he didn't know how to reach her, he went back to asking for forgiveness till he slept off. Caleb was awoken the following morning by his ring tune, his mom was the one calling.

Caleb: Good Morning mom

Mrs. George: what you did do to your wife? How would you lay hands on your wife? Did you ever see your father lay his hands on me?

Caleb: mom!!! I didn't know what came over me, is she with you?

Mrs. George: she said she needed to get to the bank

Caleb: I will come over mom, please, help me apologize to her. I don't know how to face her

Mrs. George: Caleb, it's high time you became a good husband because it's obvious your wife is tired of you

Caleb: I am sorry ma

Mrs. George: get here on time.

Caleb: okay ma.

When Caleb went out of the room that morning, Ali the gateman told him Sonia and Roseline had left with all their luggage. He went on his knee to narrate what transpired between him and Roseline, he claimed he was sleeping when Roseline came into his room to seduce him and he wasn't able to resist her. Caleb was shocked to hear that, it was then he realized that he didn't listen to Kambili's side of the story.

Caleb picked up his phone to call Sonia when he saw ten debit alerts on his phone. Someone had been withdrawing money from his account, a huge one at that. He searched for his ATM card only to discover it was missing, he quickly block his account and placed a call to his account officer who began working on who was using Caleb's ATM.


Joan: Kam, it's high time you left for home. You need to forgive your husband and be with him, it's obvious you need him now

Kambili: are we still on this? I don't want to expose myself to the wickedness of his child and ex

Joan: but you need to let him know that you are pregnant. You need him by your side, especially during the period of this morning sickness. You know, I am not always around because of my job

Kambili: God will see me through.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 9

It's been two months since he saw his wife last, Caleb had combed everywhere looking for his wife, he got the police involved but they were not helpful. To make matters worst, Kambili's parents and brothers had been on his neck. Her brothers threatened to send him to the prison if he fails to find their sister, the only reason they hadn't gone ahead with their plan is because of their father. Jude, having learned of what happened tendered his resignation letter but Caleb didn't let him go. Jude was angry at the fact that Caleb could throw his wife out of the house because of one child that claimed to be his.

Caleb prayed and fasted, sought for God's forgiveness but it was like Heaven was shut against him. He was unable to perform his duty in the office as he was constantly thinking of his wife. While in deep thought one day, Jude walked into the office. Since he learned of Kambili's disappearance, his relationship with Caleb went sour.

He had once fallen in love with Kambili and had the desire to settle down with her but when Caleb informed him that God was leading him to her, he paused and sought the face of God as regards the love he had for Kambili. It was then God told him that Kambili wasn't meant for him but Caleb. It was a very painful decision but he had to pray the love he had for her out of him, seeing how she had been suffering in Caleb's hands made him wish God gave Kambili to him.

Jude: Good afternoon boss, I came to ask if my resignation has been accepted as I would be resuming work in another office very soon

Caleb: hmmm, Jude, don't you think you are complicating matters for me? Do you think I am happy all this is happening to me?

Jude: you caused all this, how on earth will you believe a stranger over your wife? Did you bother to conduct a DNA test to know if Roseline was truly yours? Did you know the situation Kambili might be in now? If we always learn to put ourselves in people's shoes, we won't be able to hurt them.

Caleb: (began to weep sorrowfully) I know I messed up but I am sorry, is my crime too big to receive God's forgiveness? Am I that worst that everyone turned against me?

Jude: (touched by his outburst) I am sorry I went too far, I just need you to treasure the woman God gave to you. Do you know I once had strong feelings for Kambili?

Caleb: seriously??

Jude: yes, but I had to pray out those feelings the day you told me God was leading you to her. Kambili is a virtuous woman, you need to take care of her, respect her, please

Caleb: I have learned my lesson. Please, join me in prayers, I want my wife back.

Joan returned late from work due to the busy schedule they had at work and all she wanted was to freshen up and sleep. As she got to Kambili's room to check up on her, she realized Kambili had passed out. She ran to her neighbor who was a male and had a car to help her transport Kambili to the nearest hospital. Immediately after they got to the hospital, Kambili was admitted and after a series of tests, it was revealed that her blood level was low and she had malaria which was dangerous to Kambili and her baby.

Joan told the doctor to begin treatment immediately as money wasn't a problem then, she placed a call to Caleb. She was sorry she was doing that against Kambili's wish but she felt it was the best decision as she needed Kambili to be happy and healthy again, and that can only happen when she is with her husband.

Caleb was reading a newspaper when a call came into his phone, he ignored at first but when the callee won't stop calling, he picked it up hoping it wasn't Sonia.

Joan: Hello Caleb, this is Joan. Kambili's University best friend, Kambili has been with me for the past two months, and currently, she is very sick and pregnant

Caleb: Jesus! Jesus! Please, send me the address, I am coming right away

Joan: she didn't know I called you and I know she would be mad at me once she finds out

Caleb: thank you, my sister, God bless you.

Caleb picked up some things up in the house and also went to the nearest supermarket to get some fruits and beverages then, he drove to the address Joan sent to him. Getting to the hospital, he was able to locate Joan and appreciate her very well. He was allowed into Kambili's ward after Joan informed the doctor that he is her husband.

Caleb burst in tears immediately he entered her ward, she was truly pregnant but very lean, the glow on her face was no longer there because of him. He kept kissing her forehead and slightly protruded stomach while weeping. He suddenly became ready to protect his wife and unborn child. God did so much on him during the past two months and he has indeed learned to appreciate the woman God has given him.

Kambili opened her eyes and was shocked to see Caleb beside her.

Kambili: what are you doing here? Joan did this right?

Caleb: (went on his knees immediately) babe, I am so sorry for everything I did and I have paid dearly for it. I have learned my lesson and I am ready to do anything to win you back

Kambili: good! Can you please let me be?

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 10

Caleb: if there is one thing I can't do, it is to leave you alone. My love, please forgive me.

Kambili: Can you let me be, please? I don't have the strength for this nonsense.

Caleb: okay ma.

Kambili was treated and discharged but she refused to go back with Caleb despite Joan and Caleb's plea that she should go back with her husband. Caleb placed a call to Jude explaining to him that he has found Kambili but he needed to be with her as she needs to be careful for he then, pleaded with Jude to run the company on his behalf.

Caleb agreed that Kambili should remain with her friend while he stay around to take care of her. Joan who saw that the couple needed privacy to end their rift told them she would be away for two weeks.

Caleb and Kambili were the only ones in Joan's apartment. Caleb took great care of Kambili, the humility he displayed awed Kambili so much that she was beginning to ask if this was the Caleb she got married to. Yes, he was a nice guy but not to this level. The Caleb she knew would never go out to fetch water whenever their borehole had a fault but here was he fetching water whenever Nepa refused to bring light. Kambili truly saw he was a different person.

For the first week, they didn't say many words to each other as Kambili ensured she kept her distance but as the days went on, they began to talk. Kambili would appreciate him whenever he cook for her or help her with other house chores. After eating the food Caleb prepared for her one day, Kambili decided to ask him some questions.

Kambili: how are your daughter and her mother doing?

Caleb: hmmm, they are fine I guess

Kambili: is she not still living with you?

Caleb: It's a long story. Roseline isn't my daughter, Sonia only used her to try to come back into my life.

Kambili: what?? How come? Didn't you conduct a DNA test before claiming she is your daughter?

Caleb: I wish I did, I wish I wasn't so foolish to believe Sonia at the expense of my family.

Kambili: so, how did you know?

Caleb: After I sent you away, Sonia tried to seduce me to sleep with her but God helped me not to fall for her. I was able to push her out of our room but before I woke up the following morning, she and Roseline were gone. I didn't know how Sonia was able to lay her hands on my ATM card, she withdrew two million naira from my account.

Kambili: what a tale! Sorry for your loss. But how did you get to know Roseline wasn't your daughter

Caleb: Jude made me do a DNA test. It was hard since she was no longer with me but I was able to find one of her combs that contained her hair. After the DNA test was conducted, it was discovered that we are not related

Kambili: it is well. Once again, sorry for your loss

Caleb: Kam, I am sorry, I have learned a hard way, please, forgive me

Kambili: Biko, leave me alone. All I just want now is to sleep

Caleb: can I come and stay with you? I mean stay in the same room with you

Kambili: if you try it, I will strangle you before daybreak.

Caleb: hmmm! When will you forgive me?

Kambili: ask the Holy Spirit

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 11

Kambili suddenly began to crave pepper soup, Caleb was at loss at what to do since he doesn't know how to prepare pepper soup. He decided to order it for her but she insisted it should be homemade. Caleb then placed a call to his mother asking if she could help. Mrs. George decided to help without hesitation hoping that this would make Kambili forgive her for the role she played by bringing Roseline into their home.

Kambili was already tired of waiting for the supposed pepper soup Caleb said was on the way, she had already decided to go buy the ingredients and prepare it herself when she heard a knock on the door. She opened it only to come face to face with Mr. The and Mrs. George. She greeted them respectfully and ushered them into the living room before going to fetch Caleb who was doing the laundry on the balcony.

Caleb: Dad! What a pleasant surprise! I didn't know you were in town

Mr. George: (embrace his son) I missed you, son, I came back a few weeks ago

Caleb: welcome sir, how is the church in Canada doing?

Mr. George: very fine, how are you doing dearest daughter-in-law? Meanwhile, pregnancy looks good on you

Kambili: I am fine, thank you, sir

Mr. George: so, when are you coming back home?

Kambili: home? I don't have any intention of coming back to that house

Mr. George: but why?

Kambili: because it's filled with horrible memories which I don't want to expose my child to

Mr. George: hmmm, but you can come live with us

Kambili: I am fine here sir

Mr. George: is there something you are not telling us?

Kambili: yes sir. With due respect sir, I am disappointed in you and your wife. I have been going through a lot since I got married to your son and you can't even call me to know how I am doing. I lost two pregnancies yet not a phone call and now that your son isn't in his home, you came looking for him.

Caleb: Kambili.....

Kambili: hey, don't shut me up. Is that how to train a child? Is leaving a child to himself the best parental training. Now, I am the one suffering for your negligence

Mrs. George: Kambili, my daughter...

Kambili: let me be please, is this how to treat a daughter? You brought in a prostitute into my home under the guise that she is my husband's child, will you allow that for your biological daughter? My family could have taken up this matter but I pleaded with them to let sleeping dogs lie. Is it a crime to marry into your family?

Mr. George: I feel your pain my dear and we are very sorry for that, we hope you can forgive us and allow us to mend the situation. Please, come back home, and let's salvage the situation

Kambili: I am not coming back to that house. What if Sonia shows up one day and kills me?

Caleb: Babe, I can get another accommodation for us

Mrs. George: we are very sorry my daughter, from henceforth, we would be good parents.

Kambili: I have heard you ma, I will think about it

Mr. George: thank you, my daughter, if you need anything, please, don't hesitate to let me know

Kambili: alright sir.

After some moment of chit-chat, Caleb's parents left for their house not without dropping what they brought for the couple including a cooler of pepper soup and jollof rice. Caleb was happy his parent came, he was super proud of Kambili for speaking sense to his parent.

Kambili suddenly woke up in the night with a heavy burden, as she sat on the bed, she began to hear some groaning which belonged to Caleb, she went out and saw him praying and weeping. She went back into the room and suddenly began to weep and talk to herself.

Kambili: I love my husband with everything in me but I am afraid of more mishaps, I have gone through a lot in the past two years I have spent with him and I just don't want to encounter another problem, will I be able to scale through another problem?

Holy Spirit: will you let another woman take possession of the man I gave to you?

Kambili: not at all Lord but...

Holy Spirit: do you even know why I gave you to him? I have seen your spiritual stamina, I knew you are the only one who could help him grow spiritually. Do you know Jude prayed for two years asking me to give you to him as a wife?

Kambili: Jude??

Holy Spirit: yes, but I didn't grant him that request because you are the one who could help Caleb gain spiritual stature. But do you know you are not performing your role?

Kambili: but how Lord, I am the victim here

Holy Spirit: do you bother to use your authority as a woman to protect your home? Do you bother to use your authority as a woman to command your husband to love you? I have given you the authority of a woman, you only need to make use of it on your knees, you don't need to fight him.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 12

Kambili: but I am trying my best, I pray for him every day

Holy Spirit: Go on your knees and command his spirit to be a good husband to you. Use the covenant of chest to chest to speak good things into your marriage and command unrest to leave your marriage. Watch out, things will change for good

Kambili: thank You, Lord, for this revelation.

Kambili went to the living room, knelt beside her husband, and joined him in praying. Caleb was surprised to see her praying with him but he continued. They joined their hands together and begin to pray against every enemy of their marriage. After the prayer, Kambili told Caleb she has decided to let the past remain in the past and go back home with her husband but he needs to get them another apartment first.

Caleb screamed in joy at the mention of that, he hugged his wife happily then picked up his cellphone, then informed his friend who happen to be an agent that he needed an apartment immediately. In no time, Caleb's friend sent him the pictures of the houses in his care and prayerfully the couple chose one.

Two weeks later, the couple moved into their new house. Both families came together to celebrate with them and encourage them to let no one break the bond they share. Kambili was especially advised to be the gatekeeper that she had been made to be, she was to be the one to decide who has access to her home through her prayers.

Things were going on smoothly, the couple fall in love with themselves again and this time, they were more prayerful and careful than before. Kambili had to return to work when it looks like boredom would kill her but her boss was the understanding type, he didn't overload her with work and was always ready to give her a day off whenever she needed it.

It was a Saturday and the couple had decided to do some exercise that day to help Kambili who was very close to her delivery date. After a light breakfast that morning, Kambili was waiting for her husband in the living room when she heard a knock on the door. Thinking it was the laundry man who they gave their clothes to, Kambili went to open the door only to come face to face with an angry and fiery-looking Sonia with a gun in her hand, it was obvious she was ready to kill anyone.

Kambili: Sonia??

Sonia: surprise! Surprise! Ohh, you think I won't find you right? By the way, where is my darling husband or should I say our husband? I can just shoot you in the belly and elope with my Caleb, you know

Kambili: please, don't shoot me. I am innocent, I didn't do anything wrong to your daughter

Sonia: (slapped Kambili on the cheek) how dare you tell me that trash? You wronged me the moment you decide to get married to Caleb, you ignored all my warnings and still got married to him. I swear, I won't spare you, you are going down this time around

Caleb heard Kambili scream and ran to meet her, he suddenly stopped when he saw Sonia holding a gun. He ran back into the room and placed a call to Jude and the nearest police station before going into the living room. He decided to engage Sonia in a conversation to buy time as he didn't know when the police would get to his house.

Caleb: Sonia??

Sonia: ohh my darling Caleb, I am here to clear this obstacle away so that you and I can live happily ever

Caleb: what is this madness all about Sonia? Haven't you don't enough havoc on me? Do you think I won't know that Roseline isn't my child? You also went away with my hard-earned two million naira

Sonia: ohh, you finally found out. Well, I only used her to get back to you. Who is talking about havoc here? You ruined me, Caleb. You raped me at the age of thirteen and continued sleeping with me, I got pregnant at sixteen and my parent aborted it so that I won't put them to shame. That abortion cost me my womb, I was married for six years without a child but here you are having a happy family. I came back to Nigeria when my husband impregnated a woman and brought her home. I suffered greatly just because of what you did

Kambili: (broke down in tears when she heard Sonia's tale)

Caleb: Sonia, I am so sorry for everything, I never had the mind to rape you. I was under the influence of drugs which our chef injected into a wine she gave me. She was the one that introduced me to sexual acts by molesting me. Sonia, I didn't all this in ignorance and I wish I can turn back the hands of time.

Sonia: well, the deed has been done but you have no choice but to get married to me. Like I said earlier, I am here to kill Kambili since she is the hindrance here. Once she is gone, both of us will go back to the States to live as a couple.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 13

Where Kambili sat down, she was praying for God's divine mercy in her mind, she was so afraid for her life and that of her unborn baby. This was supposed to be her first living child but if Sonia goes ahead with her plan, the baby won't be allowed to live.

Sonia suddenly cut her discussion with Caleb short, raised the gun, and pointed it at Kambili telling her to say her last prayer. Caleb began to cry and plead with Sonia where he stood, he couldn't afford to lose his wife because of his past. Suddenly, a gun was shot. Caleb screamed thinking that he has lost his wife but the voice of the police made him realize that his wife was fine.

Kambili opened her eyes on hearing the voice of the police, then, she realized that Sonia was the one that was shot not her. Kambili knelt on the floor not minding her protruded stomach and began to worship God for the divine intervention He gave her. Caleb went to his wife and hugged her passionately, he was happy that he was not made a widow.

The police carried an unconscious Sonia into their van while Caleb and his wife were asked to come to the station to put down their statement. As Kambili made to stand up, her water broke. At first, she thought it was nothing until she experienced a sharp pain. Caleb ignored the police's request and ran like a madman to get the baby things.

Jude who came with the police decided to drive as Caleb wasn't in the right frame to do it. On getting to the hospital, being a very important patient in the hospital, Kambili was attended to immediately and after about forty minutes, a beautiful baby boy was brought forth. The encounter with Sonia had put Kambili under serious pressure hence, her delivery didn't take long.

Caleb screamed for joy when the doctor informed him that his wife has put to bed, he didn't even wait to hear what the doctor was saying before running into Kambili's ward. On getting there, he plastered his wife's face with kisses thanking her for birthing their beautiful son then, he carried his baby in his arms and began to sing songs of joy. He was grateful to God for the bundle of joy God gave to him.

Kambili was discharged the following day, and both her mom and mother-in-law came around to celebrate the arrival of the new baby. On the eighth day, the new baby was called Emmanuel because only the presence of God saw the couple through their trials and brought the baby forth. The baby was showered with prayers and lots of gifts. The couple looked at themselves and said truly they are so loved by God.

Two weeks later, after putting her baby to sleep, Kambili went into the room to lay him in his cot when she met her husband lost in thought. She laid Emmanuel and sat beside her husband trying to know what was wrong.

Kambili: sweet, what's the matter with you?

Caleb: hmmm, I was just thinking of our ordeal, I learned a great lesson. I wish some things didn't happen. Look at Sonia, she has been sentenced to ten years imprisonment, I pray she finds a place in her heart to forgive me.

Kambili: but all that happened were not entirely your fault. To me, she deserves the sentence, she caused my miscarriages and tried to kill me. My prayer is that she finds Christ while in the prison. I learned a lot too.

Caleb: I hope every parent can learn from this and always be there for their children, Pastors shouldn't abandon their families because of their ministries, they should remember that their family is their first ministry.

Kambili: hmmm, you are right. I learned that as a woman, I am to be in charge of my family, I am to always shield my husband and children from the evil of the wicked ones through my prayers. I have also learned to be more understanding.

Caleb: wow! You know, I have decided to make Jude my personal assistant so that I will be always there for my wife and children. None of my children will be a victim of sexual molestation. I trust God to help me achieve this.

Kambili: wow! I love this, He will surely help you. I also promise to protect my family through prayers.

Caleb: Kam?

Kambili: yes dear

Caleb: you are truly the one for me. Thank you for standing by me, I will forever love and cherish you

Kambili: awwn, I will always love you too, the only man my heart beats for.


For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.