When You Can't Rejoice When Others Succeed

Started by Ayotunde Esther, Saturday, 06 May 2023, 07:30 AM

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My mentor taught me a profound life lesson, "If your friend buys a car or a second one while you have none, do not wonder why he cannot give you one. Buy him fuel as a gift for his new car."

Why? It is a dangerous slope when you cannot rejoice at the success of others!

This trick of the devil is as old as it can get. Cain and Abel both gave an offering to the Lord. The offering of Abel was accepted while that of Cain was not.

Cain's response warns us: So Cain was exceedingly angry and indignant, and he looked sad and depressed. Genesis 4:5 AMPC

It is not always everyone angry that has a justifiable cause. Some are angry because they wish the success were theirs.

Cain, by his attitude, denied us the privilege of knowing the secret of Abel's success. What stopped Cain from learning and asking a question so he could also give a better sacrifice the next time?

"If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin crouches at your door; its desire is for you, but you must master it." Genesis 4:7 AMPC

Let us bring this home: If one random stranger gets blessed, you really don't bother. But when the person that you know their strength and weakness and whom you feel that you are better than gets blessed, Ah! The devil begins the envy and jealousy game on your mind!

When that third-class graduate gets a good job, what is your attitude? When that beautiful young girl drives a good car, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? When that lady you know her past sexual history gets married and pregnant while you are still awaiting proposals, does envy set in?

Do not be like Cain. Convert the temptation to be envious to an opportunity to get better or even, at best, glorify God!

Envy digs a pit, but love builds a bridge across it!

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.


Hmmm....... This happens a lot, it even affects those that think they're strong-willed.