The Hunters

Started by StoryTeller, Sunday, 30 April 2023, 08:32 PM

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Episode 1

Somewhere in a prestigious university in a northern part of Africa was the gathering of some young fellows, they are almost ten in number and they are making some deliberations.

Boss: All hail the red dragon

Gang members: Hail

Boss: together we stand.....

Gang members: divided we fall

Boss: final year students, are we preparing for the next initiation?

Olu: Bossman, as for me, I would bring five students, three guys, and two ladies

Boss: good! Anyone else?

Mustapha: all hail everyone, I am bringing three guys into the cult

Boss: nice try

Bimpe: I am bringing three girls but the third one is proving to be tough. She is a church girl that's why.

Boss: that's nice. This is a challenge to everyone in this group especially the final year students, you shouldn't graduate without introducing at least two people into the cult. Understood?

Final year students: yes, boss.

Boss: good.

The red dragon!!!

Gang Members: we are the hunters of humans.

Josh: (weeping) no father, I don't want to go to that school, I have no interest in going there. Why on earth will God do this to me? Is it that I didn't pray or serve Him enough?

Mr. Kennedy: don't talk like that my boy, I believe God has a reason for allowing this. Yes, you passed the entrance examination of your dream school and even exceeded their cut-off mark but you were not admitted, and to think this isn't the first time. Imagine, you were admitted to a school where you didn't have up to their cut-off mark, I think God is at work here.

Josh: I don't think so, Dad. How can a brilliant chap like me go to one school that isn't recognized? Dad, that school isn't for me

Mr. Kennedy: and what do you think about talking to God about it?

Josh: I don't want to pray about it?

Mr. Kennedy: because you know what God is saying already right?

Josh: Dad.......

Mr. Kennedy: if you don't go along with God's will, you won't fulfill your life purpose

Josh: (burst into another round of tears) but this isn't fair Dad

Mr. Kennedy: God isn't unfair, He has a purpose for wanting you in that school. The best thing is for you to discover it and start working towards it.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 2

Pastor Josh had a gloomy look on his face, he stood up from his chair and walked to the window to have a glimpse of what was happening outside, he hopes this would help clear his head but it didn't.

Before him was one of his spiritual daughters who goes by the name Clara, who had been some so dear to him. She had been so spiritual and dedicated to the things of God not until something strange happened. He had met her on one of his numerous ministrations. When he met her, he had gone to minister in a church and after the ministration, the host pastor was consoling her when the Holy Spirit prompted him to ask the host pastor things about her.

The host pastor explained to him that her parents had died in a ghastly motor accident and her father's family had taken over her father's parents with the claim that she had no inheritance in their family simply because she is a female. When Pastor Josh heard that she had nowhere to live and no one was ready to take her in, the Holy Spirit mandated him to take her along with him.

He took her with him, he made her live with a single sister but he was solely responsible for her needs. A few months after Clara came into his church, she had an encounter with Christ and became on fire for God. She joined the children's session and set the place ablaze, it was so surprising to him that the children she was teaching began to get saved and even were baptized in the Holy Ghost.

Clara: (went on her knees) Daddy, I am sorry, please forgive me

Pastor Josh: Sorry? I still don't know what you are sorry for, is it for getting pregnant, allowing a guy to sleep with you, or breaking your relationship vow?

Clara: (sobbing) I didn't know what came over me, I didn't know how it happened

Pastor Josh: (became very sad) what happened to the fire you carried to school? What happened to your fervency?

Clara: (sobbing) I don't know daddy

Pastor Josh: is it now a crime to send one's child to a tertiary institution? What will I even tell Dave? That his fiancee is pregnant for a cultist? But how do you manage to fall in love with a cultist?

Clara: (wailing heavily) I don't even know what happened to me?

Pastor Josh: if you want me to help you, you need to tell me all I needed to know.

Clara's point of view

I was overjoyed the day I got admission, I had thought I would never go to the university after my parent's demise not until Pastor Josh came into my life. He introduced me to Christ and that was the beginning of the beautification of my life.

I fell in love with God and was ready to serve Him with anything I am and have. God gave me admission and I went to school. Getting to school, I joined one of the Pentecostal churches on campus and that was the beginning of my woes.

In my second year, being a very pretty young girl who is also fervent, I began to receive marriage proposals from different brothers in the church. Those outside the church were not left out, some pleaded with me to date them but I was always turning them down because I was already in a relationship. Along the line, I suddenly began to see a particular church brother in my dreams. On numerous occasions, I saw myself getting married to him and even carrying his children.

Before I knew what was happening, he came to propose to me and I accepted. The moment I accepted his proposal, I became spiritually disconnected and drained, I can tell that his proposal had come with a diabolical power and the reason I couldn't discern who he was has been a question I hadn't found answers to. I began to do things I preached against, I practically packed my things and started living with him.

Dave my fiancee felt something wasn't wrong and kept calling to know if I was fine which I affirmed. People were surprised at my drastic spiritual change, they tried to find out what went wrong but I couldn't provide any reasonable answer.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 3

Pastor Josh: hmmm, there is more to this story of yours. Let me tell you a story about me, it's a story of my university days. Listen carefully because there are lessons for you to learn

Pastor Josh's point of view

I was brilliant right from my primary school days, I was one of the brightest in the class as in, I had no record of failure all through my primary and secondary school days. After my secondary school education, I wrote Jamb and bought a particular school form only for me to deny admission even when my mark was far beyond the school's cut-off Mark.

I applied the second time and was denied admission again but got admission into another school where I didn't even have up to their cut-off mark.

I was angry with God for allowing that come my way. Of course, I already had a relationship with God as of then and I was serving Him fervently so, I felt God should have rewarded me with admission into my dream school but that didn't happen. With encouragement from my Dad, I went to the school I was given admission into.

Getting to the school, I saw another kind of life. University is a place where destinies are moulded and destroyed, it now depends on which you want to be your portion. I joined a campus church and began to serve God but in the long run, I began to grow cold. I still went to church, serve God in the ushering team but my relationship with God dwindled, I found it hard to pray and read the Bible, at a point, I didn't hear God again not until something happened.

I began to do well in class and it didn't take long for people to recognize me, some boys begin to pester me to join their group with the claim that a brilliant boy like me should move with the big boys. I remembered my father and late mother's warning then I turned them down. Turning them down was the beginning of another phase in my life as they frustrated me with everything and everyone on campus.

They did everything possible to get back at me which include poisoning my food and water, kidnapping and beating me to a pulp, stealing my scripts from the lecturer's office. The last straw that broke the camel's back was the kidnapping of my female friend.

Getting to campus, I met one of my secondary school classmates and we became friends, she wasn't academically bright and was always with me so that I would put her through. We were just friends and nothing more, the big boys thought she was my girlfriend hence, they kidnapped and raped her thinking that would break me. Yes, it did break me and that made me involve my Dad, it was a long case but that incident made me realize that all those things happened to me because I had strayed away from God. I had let the fire on my altar get quenched.

Seeing my female friend on the hospital bed in tears drove me back to God, my rest days on the campus wasn't funny but I also dealt with them spiritually, so many times, I dared them to lay a finger on me or anyone close to me and one of them who dared it died in a vehicle accident.

Dear daughter, all this happened to you because you grew cold. When you were looking for admission, you were on fire for God but the moment you got it, you went spiritually cold. How will God not reveal the plan of the enemy to His children, my dear, something has gone wrong.

It was another meeting of the red dragon and they were discussing their achievements so far.

Boss: Red dragon!!!!!

All members: together we stand

Boss: Bimpe, how far with that church girl?

Bimpe: Boss, the plan is going as planned. I got Olu to pretend to be a church brother and profess love to her. Like play, she gave him yes. Currently, she is pregnant with him

Boss: wow! But are you bringing her into the cult?

Bimpe: of course boss, I will go to her and pretend to be a friend and then, lure her in, and like you know, once she enters, no going back

Boss: wow! Nice move

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 4

Clara: but how can I change the situation of things?

Pastor Josh: good question daughter, we will make sure you become on fire before going back to the school, I am sending you back there to be a terror to the enemy

Clara: do you think God will accept me with the pregnancy in me?

Pastor Josh: if God can save the vilest of sinners, He will surely accept you

Clara: (fell on her knees) Daddy, please, pray for me.

Pastor Josh led his spiritual daughter in a prayer of repentance and placed her on spiritual activities. Dave was informed about the situation of things, he was so so disappointed.

Dave: I am so much disappointed in you, how could you do this to me? I trusted you with everything in me, I can't believe you could throw my love to the dogs

Clara: oh no Dave, I didn't throw your love to the dogs, I didn't know what came over me, I never planned to become pregnant out of wedlock, it's the manipulation of the devil

Dave: oh what an excuse! Manipulation of the devil indeed. What dress was the devil putting on when he was telling you to open your legs for another man

Clara: (sobbing) ohh Dave, I am sorry, please forgive. I promise not to let this happen again

Dave: Surely, it won't happen because I won't let it.

Clara: what do you mean?

Dave: I can't continue with this relationship, I can't bear the fact that my woman slept with another man

Clara: Dave please, don't do this to me. I am sorry

Dave: I wish you well in your next relationship.

With that, Dave walked away leaving Clara to cry out her eyes. She cried till she had no more strength in her. Pastor Josh who had been watching the duo engage in a heated argument walked to where she knelt weeping and encourage her. Clara thought of aborting the pregnancy because she already had a deep hatred for the growing foetus but Pastor Josh talked her out of it. Mrs. Josh kept a tab on her and didn't stop encouraging her.

School resumed for a new semester and Clara had to go back to school, she didn't want to resume as she had lost interest in going back to school but Pastor Josh made her realize that only a coward will chicken out of a fight. He encouraged her to go back and fight to the end. With that, Clara was encouraged and went back to school.

The first person Clara met on her way to the hostel was Bimpe, Bimpe embraced her passionately and began to speak sweetly to her.

Bimpe: Clara dear, I heard what happened to you? You see, men are devils, they only act responsibly when they need something from you.

Clara: hmmm, thanks for your care and concern

Bimpe: you are always welcome dear. See, I want to join you to fight this battle, come join my group and we would defend you

Clara: how will you defend me when the deed has been done

Bimpe: we will empower you and you will be feared by both students and lecturers.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 5

Bimpe went away after Clara promised to get back to her as regards joining their group. On getting to the hostel, Clara sat on her bunk thinking about what Bimpe told her. As she was ruminating, Holy Spirit began to speak to her.

Holy Spirit: run was away from her, they are the hunters

Clara: hunters? I don't understand, what are they hunting? Animals?

Holy Spirit: they hunt human soul and you have been chosen to be a replacement of a female outgoing student

Clara: God forbid, I will never be an instrument in the hands of the devil

Holy Spirit: everything you went through including the pregnancy was masterminded by them

Clara: Holy Christ!!!

Holy Spirit: watch and pray for the battle will be fiercer

Clara: (fell on her knees and started weeping) help me Lord for I have no power of my own

Dave was fuming as he was packing his load, he felt cheated and abused. He had loved Clara with everything in him and all he got back was heartbreak, he had confronted Pastor Josh and it ended in disagreement as he had been so angry that he spoke rudely to him and even threatened to deal with him. With annoyance in him, he decided to leave the church and that environment. His friend whom he was living with tried persuading him to let sleeping dogs lie.

Fred: guy, no dey do like this na? Girls plenty for this world wey you fit marry, why you go kill yourself on top girl matter?

Dave: Guy, you no understand this matter. I love this girl die, when I dey asks her to say wetin dey sup, she nor gree talk. Now, she dey say na devil make her open leg for another man.

Fred: Dude, I understand you but you gat to let go, I no say e hard but cry am out and move on, better woman go come your way. Na coward dey run away because pesin break im heart, face am and overcome

Dave: hmmm, na true you talk but I no fit go that church again

Fred: fine but no leave the environment. Become better pesin so that when dey see you for future, dem go dey thank God for your life.

Dave: hmmm, thanks buddy

Fred: What are friends for?

Clara met Bimpe the following day and told her that she wasn't interested in joining their group only for Bimpe to use harsh words on her.

Bimpe: see this mumu, I want to help you yet you are proving stubborn no wonder you were used and dumped

Clara: what?? Thanks for your words, please leave my presence

Bimpe: how dare you talk back at me?

Clara: wetin na? I said leave my presence

Bimpe: wow! See her guts, we shall see, I will so much deal with you on this campus. You will be disgraced

Clara: who are you to disgrace me? What do you want to tell people that they are not aware of? Is it for the fact that I am pregnant or what? Go ahead and shout to the world that I am pregnant then, watch God disgrace you and your evil gang

Bimpe: wow! Thank God you now know, watch out, the battle just began

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 6

Clara tried her best to always avoid Bimpe and especially Olu whose baby she was carrying. She had feared him showing up and requesting she sleeps with him but luckily that hadn't happened she hadn't even set her eyes on him since the resumption of the new semester. The only issue she was having was Bimpe, she didn't understand why Bimpe won't let her be but one thing she won't allow is being intimidated by her threat.

Clara was working on her assignment one evening when her roommate came to inform her about a flyer posted around the school about her. Clara left what she was doing and went to the spot with her roommate only to see a poster that says "A CHRISTIAN PROSTITUTE" with her picture attached to it. Tears drop from her eyes as she watches people gather and talk about it, some even took a picture of it, it was a devastating period for Clara, her roommate who understood her plight supported her back to the hostel.

Getting to the room, Clara broke down in tears asking God some questions, when she couldn't take it again, she telephoned her spiritual father telling him about the situation of things.

Pastor Josh: Clara dear, I need you to be spiritually mature and sensitive, can't you see the enemy at work? They are trying to make you feel broken and sad so that you will succumb to them.

Clara: that will never happen

Pastor Josh: then, you need to stand up for yourself. Yes, you are pained but I need you to act like you are not moved. Smile more and put them to shame

Clara: but will that change anything?

Pastor Josh: one thing that pains the enemy most is seeing you in smiles even when they are hurting you

Clara: hmmm

Pastor Josh: just be strong and trust in the Lord, you will overcome this and you will become stronger

Clara: thank you, daddy, I feel relieved

Pastor Josh: all glory to God dear

The following morning, Clara went to Bimpe's hostel to confront her, she made her realize that the stunt she had pulled can't bring her down or make her join their group.

Bimpe: (elated thinking Clara has come to join the cult) and what bring you to my domain this morning madam?

Clara: I came to applaud you for your foolishness, ohh! you thought that would bring me down or make me succumb to your request? Nah, it doesn't work like that, it only shows how much of a loser you are

Bimpe: wait! Did you come here to insult me?

Clara: if what I have been saying is an insult, then so be it. A line has been drawn between us and if you are not careful, your life will go for it, Mark my words

Bimpe: shuu! This rat dey threaten me sha, oh! Expect something worse

Clara: you can do nothing because I bear the mark of God

Bimpe: okay na, let's watch and see.

With that Clara went back to her hostel feeling accomplished, she was happy with all she said to Bimpe, she was determined not to let anyone make her feel inferior because of what she was going through. It was just a phase and it would pass away.

Two nights later, the cult guys stormed Clara's hostel, all the girls were afraid. They knew once the dreaded cult groups were on a rampage, lives would be wasted, some of the girls begin to send messages to their parents to pray for them while others began to ask God for the forgiveness of sin so that they would get to Heaven in case they were killed.

Surprisingly, the cult group didn't hurt anyone, they only went to Clara's room, dragged her out of the room, and went away with her.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 7

After the departure of the cultist, Mary, Clara's roommate alerted everyone that Clara has been kidnapped. Some were sorry for her while others were like what was she expecting when she dated a cultist. Since Clara's phone was left behind and it has no lock pattern, Mary was able to access the phone and began to call her people.

She called Pastor Josh and informed him about the situation of things. She tried calling Dave but he refused to pick up, she sent him numerous messages but he didn't give reply to any then, she let him be. Pastor Josh went to the police station to lodge a complain about his kidnapped daughter but the police didn't take him serious. His wife told him to involve a soldier who is a member of their church as she felt the army would handle the matter better without extorting money from them.

The soldiers drove into the school and a thorough search began, the VC of the school was asked some questions about the cult groups in the school for a clue. He told them all he knew and wished them well in their search. The cult group that kidnapped Clara felt they had what it takes to face the soldiers hence, they decided to fight them.

On getting to their domain, Clara was told that it was either she agree to join them or get killed. Clara held unto her faith despite their threat and torture, she was beaten and maltreated yet she refuse to succumb to their request, she was ready to die than become an instrument of destruction. Bimpe became angry at Clara's subsequent boldness and songs, she felt defeated seeing that despite all they did to Clara, she refused to yield.

Bimpe suddenly became angry three days after Clara was kidnapped, she went into the room where she was tied and was further infuriated by the songs Clara was singing. She signaled to two boys and told them to force a poisonous drink down Clara's throat. Clara tried to resist them but they overpowered her and ensured she drank the poisonous substance.

A few minutes later, Clara begin to wince in pain and before anyone could say jack, she began to bleed. Olu who had gone with the boys to fight the soldiers but escaped walked into the room where Clara was kept only to see her bleeding and a triumphant look on Bimpe's face.

Olu: what the hell did you do to her?

Bimpe: isn't it obvious? Trying to waste the fool

Olu: are you dumb? Don't you know she is carrying my child?

Bimpe: and what do you need the bastard for?

Olu: Bimpe, you killed my first child, you will pay with your life.

Olu suddenly pulled out a gun from his pocket and shot Bimpe on her forehead. As he was about to walk out of the room, the soldiers surrounded him.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 8

Fred: how far guy? You have been looking dull and gloomy these days, what is wrong? You haven't been eating and it's unlike you

Dave: hmmm

Fred: talk joor abi you don give girl belle ni

Dave: I have been seeing Clara in my dreams crying with blood oozing out of her mouth, I can't sleep in peace. Once, I close my eyes, I will see her

Fred: this is tough oooo, what will you do now?

Dave: I think I will go and see her just to know if she is fine.

Dave picked up his cell phone and placed a call through to Clara, the phone kept ringing but there was no response. He called her for two days, still, she didn't pick then, he decided to go see her in the school. Going to see Pastor Josh would have saved him lots of stress but he was ashamed to face him after the way he threatened Pastor Josh. Two days later, Dave traveled to Clara's school.

Getting there, he was able to locate her hostel but Mary refused to give him an audience. After much pleading, Mary narrated to him that Clara had been kidnapped. Dave became weary the moment he heard that, he now understood what his dreams meant. Mary further told him that the soldiers were currently searching for her and they hope for positive news very soon.

Olu and the remaining members of the cult were arrested, the Boss was killed during the exchange of bullets between the cult members and the soldiers. Clara was quickly carried into their van and rushed to the nearest hospital.

Immediately Clara was rushed into the hospital, she was taken into the intensive care unit, a series of tests were carried out on her and it was discovered that the foetus in her had died. The doctor had to quickly evacuate it to save the mother's life. Clara was treated but she didn't come out of coma till, after two weeks, prayers were being made at every corner for her. Dave couldn't stop asking for God's mercy on her behalf. Pastor Josh embarked on a seven days of prayer and fasting for Clara, Mary wasn't left out as she was always reminding God that the enemy must not prevail.

Olu and the remaining members of the cult were sentenced to life imprisonment while the dead ones were buried in a government cemetery. The other cult groups in the school mellowed down after seeing what had become of THE HUNTERS while the intending members ran for their dear lives.

Dave went into Clara's ward with a flower in his hand, he sat beside her and began to speak to her lovingly, as his hands touch her hair, she opened her eyes slowly. Tears couldn't stop dropping from Dave's eyes as Clara came back to consciousness. He informed the doctor who examined her and said everything was fine but she needed to be observed for a few days before she gets discharged.

A few days after being discharged, Clara stood by the window of her room and couldn't stop appreciating God for the second chance, she had seen death face to face but mercy came through. She had learned never to let go of God or become spiritually relaxed after receiving a settlement from God. She suddenly looked back and saw Dave on his knees with a shining diamond ring in his hands.

Clara: (surprised) Dave???

Dave: yes babe, I can't give any guy a chance to have you again and that is why I have decided to do the needful

Clara: Are you sure about this? What about my past?

Dave: To me, you are a brand new daughter of God. So, will you marry me?

Clara: of course, I will. Thank you so much, dear, I love you

Dave: I love you more babe.

As Dave slip the ring into her finger, Clara smiled happily, now, with Dave by her side, she was ready to fight and overcome the enemy. Her experience had made her a firebrand for Christ.


For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

When you fall, don't stay down rise and keep moving forward.