Help!!! Low Self Esteem Dines With Me

Started by Amope, Monday, 08 May 2023, 09:10 AM

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I have found a lot of people asking if low-self esteem is actually real. Well, the answer is Yes. Nevertheless, let us give an explanation of what it means.
Low self-esteem is a pervasive issue that can impact an individual's quality of life and well-being. According to a study conducted by the World Health Organization, approximately one in four people worldwide struggle with low self-esteem (WHO, 2019). However, The good news is that low self-esteem can be overcome with the right strategies and techniques. Can we take a look at these measures?

One effective way to overcome low self-esteem is to challenge negative self-talk. Negative self-talk refers to the critical and unhelpful thoughts that people have about themselves. This can include beliefs like "I'm not good enough" or "I'm a failure." These thoughts can contribute to low self-esteem and lead to feelings of sadness, anxiety, and stress. By challenging negative self-talk, you can start to reframe your thoughts and develop a more positive self-image.

One way to challenge negative self-talk is to practice self-compassion. Self-compassion involves treating yourself with kindness, understanding, and acceptance. A study conducted by Neff and Germer (2013) found that practicing self-compassion can help individuals reduce negative self-talk and increase positive self-image. This involves acknowledging your flaws and imperfections while recognizing that everyone makes mistakes and experiences setbacks.

Another way to overcome low self-esteem is to develop a growth mindset. A growth mindset is a belief that one's abilities and talents can be developed through dedication and hard work. In contrast, a fixed mindset is the belief that one's abilities and talents are set in stone and cannot be changed. A study conducted by Dweck (2007) found that individuals with a growth mindset are more likely to view challenges as opportunities for growth and development, which can lead to greater self-confidence and self-esteem.
Developing a growth mindset involves embracing challenges, learning from failures, and seeking out feedback. This can be challenging at first, especially for individuals who have been conditioned to believe that their abilities are fixed. However, with practice, individuals can learn to adopt a growth mindset and overcome their self-limiting beliefs.

Another effective way to overcome low self-esteem is to cultivate positive relationships. Positive relationships can provide support, encouragement, and validation, which can help you develop a more positive self-image. A study conducted by Baumeister and Leary (1995) found that social support is essential for maintaining healthy self-esteem. This involves seeking out relationships with individuals who are positive, supportive, and uplifting.
It is important to note that overcoming low self-esteem is not a quick or easy process. It requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to challenge your beliefs and behaviors. However, with the right strategies and techniques, individuals can develop a more positive self-image and improve their overall well-being.

In conclusion, low self-esteem is a common issue that can impact an individual's well-being and quality of life. However, it is possible to overcome low self-esteem with the right strategies and techniques. By challenging negative self-talk, practicing self-compassion, developing a growth mindset, and cultivating positive relationships, you can develop a more positive self-image and improve your overall well-being.

Very well said. I have to say that low esteem can influence self-worth and growth to a very large extent. Self-compassion Is a useful tool for overcoming low self-esteem but it mustn't be extreme if not, it will cause self-pity which will help enhance low self-esteem. One of the cures to low self-esteem is by believing in yourself. No one will ever believe in you or your ability if you don't believe in yourself or your abilities. As much as a positive relationship and all other external factors are needed to improve self-esteem. The most helpful factor is the one that comes from within. You need to take time and look at yourself and dwell on the things you are very good at, the things people appreciate you for, with other things that help your immediate and social environment. I can't count how many things I am bad at but I have chosen to focus on the things I am very good at and find ways to improve on the things I am poor at. Another helpful tool is to be focused on personal qualities that give you an edge over some people or people that surrounds you. Choose to focus on your strength, it will help.

Another thing that will also help is to stop receiving other people's definitions of yourself. Nobody should know you better than you. When people call you things you know you are not don't absorb it; shake It off and hold on to the positives about yourself. I know it's tough. I know it is. The reality you should be conscious of is that NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE IN YOU IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. 

Quote from: Seun on Thursday, 11 May 2023, 09:35 PMVery well said. I have to say that low esteem can influence self-worth and growth to a very large extent. Self-compassion Is a useful tool for overcoming low self-esteem but it mustn't be extreme if not, it will cause self-pity which will help enhance low self-esteem. One of the cures to low self-esteem is by believing in yourself. No one will ever believe in you or your ability if you don't believe in yourself or your abilities. As much as a positive relationship and all other external factors are needed to improve self-esteem. The most helpful factor is the one that comes from within. You need to take time and look at yourself and dwell on the things you are very good at, the things people appreciate you for, with other things that help your immediate and social environment. I can't count how many things I am bad at but I have chosen to focus on the things I am very good at and find ways to improve on the things I am poor at. Another helpful tool is to be focused on personal qualities that give you an edge over some people or people that surrounds you. Choose to focus on your strength, it will help.

wow, some words of wisdom here. thanks for this

Quote from: Seun on Thursday, 11 May 2023, 10:03 PMAnother thing that will also help is to stop receiving other people's definitions of yourself. Nobody should know you better than you. When people call you things you know you are not don't absorb it; shake It off and hold on to the positives about yourself. I know it's tough. I know it is. The reality you should be conscious of is that NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE IN YOU IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.

Yes, I agree to this. Just as they say, "The best motivation you can ever get is the motivation from within", no matter how people try to motivate you, it's not always enough except you are motivated from within.

Quote from: Seun on Thursday, 11 May 2023, 09:35 PMVery well said. I have to say that low esteem can influence self-worth and growth to a very large extent. Self-compassion Is a useful tool for overcoming low self-esteem but it mustn't be extreme if not, it will cause self-pity which will help enhance low self-esteem. One of the cures to low self-esteem is by believing in yourself. No one will ever believe in you or your ability if you don't believe in yourself or your abilities. As much as a positive relationship and all other external factors are needed to improve self-esteem. The most helpful factor is the one that comes from within. You need to take time and look at yourself and dwell on the things you are very good at, the things people appreciate you for, with other things that help your immediate and social environment. I can't count how many things I am bad at but I have chosen to focus on the things I am very good at and find ways to improve on the things I am poor at. Another helpful tool is to be focused on personal qualities that give you an edge over some people or people that surrounds you. Choose to focus on your strength, it will help.
This is very enlightening.
Thanks so much for this


Unfortunately, Low self esteem can cause someone to claim to be what they are not. Saw a story online about low self esteem and I'll share it below.

QuoteJason was the second child in a large Catholic family. His parents were good people. His dad was a petty officer in the Navy, which meant he had to deploy on a regular basis and was absent from the family for months at a time. Jason's mom loved nurturing small children, which is probably why she had so many of them. By necessity, she had to give most of her attention to the smaller ones. Still, it was the kind of family environment in which a child could grow up to live a productive life. And most of them did.

But not Jason. I knew him in high school. He and I were on the golf team together, and walking around the course we had ample time to get to know each other. I was intrigued by him because he was a better golfer than I was, but he cheated constantly. He surreptitiously replaced lost balls, improved the lie of his ball on the fairway, and entered inaccurate scores on his card.

He lied about a lot of other things, too, but I was able to piece together much of his life history. His older brother, Mark, who went to the same high school, was a straight-A student. He was the student body president and the valedictorian at graduation. He went to UCLA on a National Merit scholarship. I always thought Mark was a great guy, but Jason expressed a kind of petty bitterness towards him. My assessment was that Jason had grown up in the shadow of his high-achieving older brother and so never felt adequate. Mark was smarter, more athletic, better-looking, and more popular—seemingly superior in every way.

In my opinion, Jason brought a lot of his problems on himself. While Mark was an Eagle Scout, Jason started a forest fire playing with matches. He was caught shoplifting. He wrecked the family car. And the day before graduation, he slammed a hammer into one wall locker after another as he walked down the hall for the last time. It seemed to me that he was angry because he received a lot of criticism and censure, not the approval he craved. And of course his actions damaged his low self-esteem even more, creating a vicious cycle.

The year I entered West Point, Jason enlisted in the Navy. When I was a cadet, the plebes (freshmen) weren't allowed to go home for Christmas—a silly tradition that's since been corrected. But I remember how cheered I was to have a phone call from Jason during the holidays. When I asked him what he was doing, he said he was on leave from duty in Vietnam. He said he had been in combat and had been awarded a Bronze Star. I subsequently found out that he was stationed in Korea – not Vietnam – and he had received no such decoration. I also found out that he received a Dishonorable Discharge from the Navy because of alcoholism problems.

Years later I happened to see him during a visit to my hometown. He seemed hyperactive and overly talkative, bragging about things I no longer remember. It occurred to me that Jason would lie about anything, even the weather. Ordinary life just wasn't good enough; he had to embellish everything. Then he asked me if I'd sponsor him on the PGA Tour. I kept my thoughts to myself, but when I told him that I wasn't financially able to help him out, he accused me of being a disloyal friend.

I never saw him again after that. I heard through my mother that he had seduced the wife of his younger brother and was now an outcast in his own family. The last I heard he was gunned down in front of a convenience store in Miami, presumably a drive-by revenge shooting. The case was never solved, and there was no funeral.

It's a tragic story, and at bottom, it's about the importance of strong self-esteem. The mistakes we make can cause us to think poorly of ourselves, which makes it hard to give ourselves credit for the good and worthy things we do. But a life can hang in the balance.
