Unseen Efforts: A Symphony of Trying

Started by EniOlaNimi, Tuesday, 28 November 2023, 11:22 PM

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In the quiet echoes of effort, does she perceive,
When a man's heart endeavors, does she believe?
Through subtle gestures and unspoken lines,
In the realm of trying, do women find the signs?

In the cadence of his words, in the silence of his gaze,
Does she sense the sincerity, in the intricate maze?
When he shapes his world to match her dreams,
Does she notice the threads, the subtle seams?

Through the whispers of actions, both big and small,
Does she grasp the intentions, hear the silent call?
In the canvas of his efforts, painted in hues so fine,
Do women truly notice when a man's trying?

For every step forward, every bridge he builds,
In the silence of his efforts, do her senses get thrilled?
When he molds his days to meet her desires,
Does she acknowledge the sparks, the love that transpires?

In the dance of his intentions, does she catch the sway,
When he tries to understand, to brighten her day?
In the symphony of his efforts, a melodious song,
Do women perceive when a man tries to belong?

So, let the unspoken efforts not be in vain,
In the realm of trying, let there be no disdain.
For in every endeavor, a silent love may reside,
A love that whispers softly, a love that won't hide.

EniOlaNimi ✍️