Life will get better

Started by EniOlaNimi, Monday, 11 December 2023, 10:00 PM

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Life Will Get Better and we'll live comfortably well 

In the tapestry of uncertainties, where shadows dance,
I cling to a mantra, a whispered reassurance, a chance.

"If there's anything I'm certain about in life," I declare,
"It's the promise that life will get better, beyond compare."

Through the symphony of challenges, a resilient melody,
I weave this sentence into the fabric of my destiny.

"Life will get better," a beacon in the darkest night,
A mantra that echoes, igniting hope's eternal light.

In the rhythm of hardships, a dance of resilience,
I hold on to these words, a source of brilliance.

Comfortably well, a vision painted on life's canvas,
Brushstrokes of perseverance, a masterpiece so wondrous.

Each trial faced, a stroke in the portrait of my tale,
A testament to endurance, a ship that will sail.

The storms may rage, and the winds may swell,
Yet, in this sentence, I find solace, a magic spell.

"Life will get better and we'll live comfortably well,"
Whispered to the soul, like a secret, it'll dwell.

So, let's dance to the rhythm of this steadfast decree,
Embracing the future, where our hearts roam free.

In the garden of hope, where dreams gently bloom,
I'll anchor my faith, for life's sweet perfume.

With unwavering belief, in every ebb and swell,
I'll stand firm, for I know, life will get better and oh, so well.

EniOlaNimi ✍️