When My Spouse Isn't The Praying Type...

Started by Iyanuoluwa, Tuesday, 28 November 2023, 09:53 AM

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When my spouse isn't the praying type...


Having a prayer life is first a default setting of a believer. Whether he or she is in a relationship or not. How do you survive the issues of this life without having a deep connection with your heavenly father.

It is in the place of prayer you know the mind of God and to be in his will. Personally to me, prayerlessness is an act of pride. It means you can do without God. This can be likened to you saying you can do without "The Air" that we breathe everyday. How do you intend to survive without it?

A godly relationship with God as the anchor needs prayer. Prayer and the word are indispensable if truly such a relationship wants to grow and fulfil God's mandate for them. It is in the place of prayer you know what God will have you do, the activities of the flesh are put under God, you wage war with principalities and powers that may want to affect the present and future of your marriage.

As a matter of fact, you make the crooked paths straight, and make declarations not to repeat family or generational patterns when you pray together as partners. You see the way God sees, you behave the way God wants you to behave and most importantly, partners who pray together walk in unity at all times. Hardly will you see them find it difficult to align themselves to what God will have them do.

Therefore, prayer is your core course if you are going to build a home for Christ. A prayerless partner is a risk!!!