Ajike is her name

Started by EniOlaNimi, Tuesday, 14 November 2023, 03:57 PM

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Ajike is her name.

Oh Ajike, my heart's desire,
How beautiful you are, my soul's fire.
Your eyes sparkle with the stars above,
Your smile, like the sun, warms my heart with love.

Your beauty radiates from deep within,
Your spirit pure, free from any sin.
Your grace and charm, like a soothing balm,
Calms my restless soul, and makes me calm.

Your hair, like a cascade of lustrous silk,
Frames your face, so radiant and milky.
Your voice, like music, soft and sweet,
Carries me away, to a world so complete.

Ajike, the joy of my life,
Your beauty, like a soothing knife,
Cuts through the darkness, and lights the way,
For my heart to follow, day after day.

Your love, like a fountain, never runs dry,
It refreshes my soul, and makes me high.
I am mesmerized by your beauty and grace,
Ajike, my love, the joy of my heart's space.

So let me stand by you, and hold your hand,
And together, we'll climb life's steps, to the promised land.
I love you more than words can say,
My only Ajike  forever and a day.

Your beauty is more than skin-deep,
It touches my heart, so that I weep.
Tears of joy, for the blessing of your love,
Sent to me from heaven, like a dove.

Your kindness and compassion, so true,
Makes me love and cherish you anew.
You shine like a diamond, so rare,
Bathed in the love, that we both share.

Ajike, my heart's delight,
You fill my world, with so much light.
I am forever grateful, for your love so pure,
And I thank God every day, for making me sure.

Sure that you are the one, who completes me,
Sure that you are the one, who frees me.
From my fears and doubts, that once held me back,
With your love, I am strong, and never lack.

Ajike my love, my life,
My soulmate, my friend, my wife.
Your beauty, like a flower, in full bloom,
Fills my world, with its wondrous perfume.

So let me love you, now and forevermore,
And never let my love, for you, ever go.
You are my sunshine, in a world so dark,
And I will always love, and hold you in my heart.

Your laughter, like music, fills the air,
With its melody, so sweet and rare.
It lifts my spirits, and makes my heart sing,
With its joy, like a never-ending spring.

Ajike, my partner in life,
You are my rock, in times of strife.
Through thick and thin, we will stand together,
In all kinds of weather, now and forever.

Your faith, like a beacon, leads the way,
To a brighter tomorrow, and a better day.
You inspire me, with your courage and grace,
And I am blessed, to share this life with your embrace.

So let us cherish, and hold on to this love,
A gift from above, sent from heaven above.
It is a treasure, that shines so bright,
And it will guide us, through every dark night.

Ajike my love, my friend,
May our love, never come to an end.
Let it grow, and flourish, endlessly,
As we journey, through life, together, you and me.

And when this life on Earth is done,
And our time together has run,
May we journey, hand in hand,
To the portals of glory, to a promised land.

May our love, like a flame, burn bright,
As we bask in the eternal light.
And in those endless days, we'll find,
Our love, forever entwined.

Together, we will gaze upon,
The wonders of an eternal dawn,
And in each other's arms, we'll find,
The peace, and joy, of a love divine.

So Ajike, my heart's true home,
Let us journey through life, never alone,
For in your love, I have found,
A love that will last, eternity bound.

EniOlaNimi ✍️