Trouble Sleeping?

Started by Moses joel Adetokunbo, Thursday, 17 August 2023, 05:19 PM

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Feeling tired? Here are some signs that you may need more sleep:

- Zoning out or dozing off during the day
- Losing focus during lectures, readings, or videos
- Excessive blinking or yawning
- Tripping or stumbling more often than usual
- Feeling sluggish

The Benefits of Sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial for college students and can greatly impact academic success. Here's how sleep can help:

1. Improves memory formation and learning: While you snooze, your brain works hard to solidify memories, saving you study time.
2. Regulates mental and emotional health: Adequate sleep enhances resilience in facing challenges.
3. Strengthens the immune system: Lack of sleep increases the likelihood of getting sick, leading to missed social activities and important events.
4. Supports physical well-being: Sleep helps regulate metabolism and other bodily functions.
5. Boosts productivity: Quality sleep improves productivity, freeing up time for friends, hobbies, or even more rest!
6. Enhances alertness and safety: Falling asleep at work or while driving can be as dangerous as drunk driving.

Don't underestimate the power of a good night's rest!