Never Too Late

Started by Moses joel Adetokunbo, Tuesday, 08 August 2023, 07:35 PM

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In the depths of despair, when hope seems lost,
When dreams have faded and lines have been crossed,
Remember these words, let them resonate,
For in life's journey, it is never too late.

Never too late to chase that elusive dream,
To mend broken hearts and find self-esteem,
To rise above the ashes, chart a new course,
And embrace whatever comes with unwavering force.

Never too late to learn, grow, and heal,
To forgive, feel second chances reveal.
Gather fragments of yourself piece by piece,
Emerging from darkness with inner peace.

Mend bridges once burned without hesitation,
Sow seeds of love where hatred caused devastation.
Hand in hand we walk to create unity's gate;
In love's embrace, it is never too late.

Rise from shadows gray; leave regrets behind.
Choose a brand-new way; purpose you will find.
Write your own story with strength and might
Illuminate the world with your radiant light.

Let this be our anthem for all to proclaim:
No struggle or sorrow should bring us shame.
Listen closely to destiny's whispering call;
Knock on fate's gate; it is never too late at all.

Never too late to learn. Never too late to be who you want to be