In My Deformity (Based on a true-life story)

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IN MY DEFORMITY(Based on a true-life story)
Episode 1
It was a glorious Saturday as Bimpe was joined to her soulmate in holy matrimony. Bimpe and Collins dated for a year and a half before they decided to make their relationship official.
Bimpe had a feeling of excitement and fulfillment hovering over her as her dream of getting married as a virgin was finally brought to realization.
She was the last child in the family of twelve. She came from a poor family and all her eight sisters survived by prostituting themselves. All her sisters had one or two children before they finally settled down. This way of life infuriated her so much and she decided not to go along with the trend.
She met Christ in secondary school and began to live a life that pleases God. After finishing a public secondary school, her parent couldn't sponsor her to the tertiary institution. She kept gaining admission but couldn't go because of financial constraints.
She joined her mother in her vegetable business but still couldn't get money to go to school. In her desperation to go to school, she started working as a salesgirl in a supermarket and was able to save money for school.
By the time she got money for school, admission wasn't forthcoming. After writing JAMB for five years, she opted to go to the Teachers Institute. Since she was the one financing herself, she opted for a part-time course.
Working and studying Wasnt easy but she sailed through. She came out with a wonderful result and hope to get a better job. Six months after graduating from the institute, she was still without a job. She quitted the supermarket job with the hope of going into teaching but the salary schools offered her wasn't encouraging at all as some schools offered her five thousand naira per month.
Tired of sitting at home, she decided to start selling snacks since she had little knowledge about catering. She would wake up very early to mix and fry then take it to the junction leading to her house to sell. God helped her and she was making sales.
Collins had a heated argument with his mother one morning and left the house to cool down. He actually decided to spend his two weeks leave with his mother but she wouldn't let him be as she kept on pestering him to get married and give her grandchildren.
That morning, he was tired of ranting and was forced to leave the house to calm down so that he won't say something nasty to his mother. While walking down the street, he came in contact with Bimpe where she was selling. What attracted her to him was her jovial attitude to her customers.
Her smile melted the anger in him. With the hope of talking to her, he decided to buy some snacks. While selling, Bimpe noticed that a young man was staring at her and when he started coming close to her, her heart started beating fast. She didn't understand why she was acting that way.
Collins got to where she was, introduced himself, and bought some snacks. He complimented her after taking a bite and promise to be her regular customer. True to his word, he became her regular customer, and sometimes, he did sit with her to gist. He noticed she was a very free person.
His leave ended and he came back to Lagos but his mind was always on Bimpe. He would smile whenever he thought of her and always see her in his dreams. His friend noticed this and asked to know the secret of his sudden happiness. When he confided in his friend, he was told that he had fallen in love.
When he couldn't take it again, he had to travel down to Akure one weekend to tell Bimpe how he feels about her. Bimpe told him to give her time to pray and think about his proposal. After a month of praying and thinking, she gave him a yes.
Mrs. Amos was overjoyed when Collins brought Bimpe home to her. At first, she wasn't happy that he brought a Yoruba lady home but after interacting with Bimpe, she saw that she was a sweet girl.
Both families advised that their wedding ceremony shouldn't be delayed since both families are okay with the union. Collins's father who was married to another woman came down to attend the wedding. Collins sisters who were outside the country also came to Nigeria to rejoice with their little brother.
To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 2

Mrs. Amos gave the couple a new car as their wedding gift while Mr. Amos gave them a duplex. Bimpe was surprised by the loved showered on her.

After all the merriment at the reception, the couples were driven to their new house in Lagos. Collins was beaming with smiles, he was happy to be a married man. Bimpe on her part was also happy to be married but she silently prayed she have a blissful marriage.

After a three hours journey, they arrived at their residence. Collins carried his wife in a bridal style into the house while the driver and the gateman helped offload Bimpe's luggage and took it into the house.

After praying, Bimpe brought out the cooler of food they brought from the reception and served she and her husband. Done with the food, Collins helped do the dishes while Bimpe went into the bathroomm to freshen up.

Upon returning back to the bedroom, Collins was awed at what he saw. For the first time, he was seeing Bimpe's bare body as she was only putting on a bikini. While they were dating, he had invited her over to his former apartment and requested for sex but she bluntly refused, she even ended the relationship after he made such request.

It took months of pleading and pleading before she let go, her parent even had to intervene before she continued the relationship. Collins walked slowly to where she sat and drew her into his arms.

He cupped her face in his arms and engaged her in a deep kiss, Bimpe who was a novice in this aspect just followed his leading. After some moment of heated romance, Collins went to the main action and was surprised she was untouched.

His love for her increased, he promised to be a loving and caring husband. The following day, he called his mom and told her about his discovery. Mrs. Amos was proud of Bimpe, she loved her more and treated her with respect.

Life went on fine with the couples as they lived in peace and harmony. Collins was always eager to come home to his wife and Bimpe was always eager to welcome her husband home.

Collins got Bimpe a teaching job with a pay of fifty thousand naira. Bimpe was so excited, she was able to contribute to the house expenses and send some money to her parent.

Life was good to the couple and Bimpe couldn't help but appreciate God for rewarding her. Six months after their wedding, Bimpe discovered she was pregnant. Collins joy knew no bound as he looked forward to being a father. Bimpe went for scan and it was revealed that she was carrying two beautiful girls.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 3

After a stressful pregnancy that lasted for eleven months, Bimpe eventually brought forth two beautiful baby girls. The labor wasn't a funny experience for Bimpe, she actually thought she won't survive it. Collins actually pee on himself while his wife was in the labor room. He vowed never to impregnate her again.

After spending two days at the hospital, Bimpe was discharged. She and her husband were the proud parents of two beautiful girls, Collins doted so much on his two babies.

What serves as a source of joy turned sour when the younger of the twins died after spending a month at the hospital. It started with a little cough and later graduated to something serious. The little baby was admitted and later died.

Bimpe was inconsolable, she cried for days for the loss of her daughter. Collins also felt pained but he had to take heart and console his wife, he encouraged her to take heart and be there for Treasure the eldest of the twins.

Life continued and the couple turned their attention to Treasure. The couple became happy but their happiness was cut short when they discover that Treasure was not like every normal child.

Collins and his wife took Treasure for some tests and discovered that she was a special child. The doctor advised that they should take good care of her and not neglect her because of her condition. He went to give an example of people with special condition that still made it in life.

At first, Bimpe was pained but she took solace in the fact that God is able to change her daughter. Collins on his part became withdrawn, he stopped helping out with house chores, he starts coming home late. In fact, he stops touching Treasure.

Bimpe got fed up with his character one day and flare-up. Collins came home late as usual and was wearing a lady's perfume which infuriated Bimpe.

Bimpe: (blocked him from entering into the house) where are you coming from?

Collins: and what is the meaning of this nonsense? So, you now monitor when I am meant to come into my house right?

Bimpe: When did you become like this Collins? Where is the love we shared? What have I done to deserve the kind of treatment you now give me? You now cheat on me.

Collins: you made me become like this, I told you to go and dispose that thing you call child but you refused so what did you expect from me?

Bimpe: you now called our child a thing? Your flesh and blood have now become a thing, right?

Collins: whose flesh and blood? We have no imbecile in my family. It's better you take that thing to its father if you don't want more problems in this house.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 4

With that Collins walk into the room. Bimpe went after him and met him packing his things out of the master's bedroom into the guest room.

Bimpe: (went on her knees) My husband, please forgive me if I have offended you but I want you to know that this is a cross for both of us to carry. I can't dispose a child I carried in my womb for eleven months, please try to understand me.

Collins: that isn't my own cross but yours. Why can't you dispose a child that will drag our name in the mud? What do you want my friends and family members to say? I should have listened to my mom when she said Yoruba girls are evil

Bimpe: (became angry) so, it's now that you know that Yoruba girls are evil. You are a wicked man and God will judge you, you keep punishing me for what isn't my fault, or is it my fault that we have a special child?

Collins: yes, it is your fault because the spirit of imbecile runs in your blood. Please, don't just come close to me because I don't want to be infected

Bimpe: so, this is who you really are? A heartbreaker

Collins: thank God you know now

When Treasure clock two years, her condition became revealed to people as her drooling increased and she couldn't wal. The school where Bimpe works stopped her with the claim that her daughter's condition was affecting the students.

With deep sadness, she took the sack letter and walked home slowly. Getting home, she was greeted by the sight of a letter placed on the center table in the sitting room.

She picked up the letter which goes thus:

Dear Bimpe,
I am so sorry things turned out this way between us. Thank you for coming into my life. I am sorry to tell you that I now have a lady who is pregnant with my child and I deem it fit to relocate to the States with her.
I will advise you to take that child to the orphanage home and begin life afresh. I have willed the house to you, it worth five million. You can sell it and use the money to begin your life afresh.
Once again, I am sorry for everything. I wish you the best in life.

Bimpe broke down in tears after reading the letter, she felt jilted, used, and dumped. She kept asking God what she did wrong to deserve all the evil occurrences that have been coming her way.

For days, she was bitter with herself, with God, and with her daughter. For days, she was indoor crying to God for mercy. After three days of crying and praying, she decided to see her mother-in-law and explain things to her.

Instead of receiving words of consolation from her mother-in-law, she received blames.

Mrs. Amos: you are the cause of everything, you should have listened to him and take the child to the orphanage home. Now that he has traveled out of the country with Prisca who is carrying his child, what do you want me to do? You can't expect me to forsake a normal child and accept an imbecile. If you can't do the needful then you have to care for her alone as there is no trace of abnormality in my family

Bimpe was pained to the bone marrow after listening to the words of her mother-in-law. She appreciated her and left for her parent's place but instead of her parent to console her, they chided her too and ask her to leave their house.

Bimpe felt worse, she didn't believe that her own parent could turn her back on her and sent her out of the house which she used her salary to complete the building. She took heart and traveled back to Lagos with the mind of starting life afresh.

Things were becoming so tough that she thought of taking Treasure to the orphanage home but God spoke to her never to try that. He further told her that she would be a mighty instrument in His vineyard.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 5

After two months, Bimpe's saving was exhausted as she spent a lot on Treasure's drugs and their feeding. There was no one she could turn to for help as no one want to be identified with the mother of an imbecile.

Her parent and siblings stopped picking her calls while her mother-in-law blocked her number. She thought of speaking to father-in-law but she didn't have means of contacting him.

She decided not to disturb people for help and carry her cross alone. She sought for job but found none, some refused to give her a job because of her daughter's condition. Since she couldn't get a decent job, she resulted to sweeping people's compound.

She received a meagre amount at the end of the month and even get insulted whenever she make any slight mistake. When she discovered that people refuse her because of her daughter, she would leave Treasure at home and hurry to sweep then come back home to attend to her daughter.

With the little money she was receiving, she was able to keep body and soul together. She had to dismiss the gateman and driver since there was no means of paying their salary. Bimpe located a local church and started attending, the pastor of the church and his family were the only people who accepted and kept encouraging her not to give up on life.

Treasure took her first step at age five and it was like a miracle for Bimpe. When Treasure started walking, Bimpe thought it well to enroll her in a school but no school wants to accept a special child.

At some point, she pleaded with one of the school owners but he bluntly refused to accept Treasure. That day was a very sad one for Bimpe as she cried all night. She looked at her wedding frame and smash it to pieces, she took all the pictures she and Collins took and set them on fire.

Since she read education, she decided to start teaching Treasure herself. It wasn't easy but God was helping. Treasure uttered her first word at the age seven seven and what she said was 'MUMMY, THANK YOU FOR LOVING ME'

Hearing those words from her daughter brought tears to her face, she drew Treasure into an embrace and wept hard. After Treasure started speaking, it was easier for her learn. She grabbed things faster but her speaking wasn't clear.

Bimpe went to sweep as usual one evening and while entering the house, she had a song being sang beautifully. The voice of the singer was so sweet, she actually thought the TV was on but getting into the sitting room, she met it off.

Curiosity got a better part of her and she followed the voice only to discover that the singing voice was from Treasure's room. She went into the room quietly and was so surprised to see Treasure singing all alone. She stood there wondering how a seven year old special child would be singing like she went through some singing class.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 6

Treasure suddenly noticed her mother's presence in the room and stopped singing.

Treasure: (sputtering)

Bimpe: (moved closer to her daughter) who taught you how to sing?

Treasure: man

Bimpe: a man? Who is he?? Where did he come from?? Hope he didn't do any harm to you??

Treasure: (wiped the saliva dripping from her mouth with her handkerchief) no, he...he tau..ght me h..ow to sing

Bimpe: how did he look like?

Treasure: he is ol....d b..ut he uses cloth

Bimpe: use to? Meaning he has been coming to teach you how to sing for a while now??

Treasure: ye.....sssss

Bimpe: Oya sing one of the songs he taught you

Treasure wiped the saliva at the side of her mouth and started singing. Her voice came out well while she was singing.

Everybody has a story...
Everybody has a song...
Everyone a little difference...
We've all gone wrong...
When the Savior came and He took the blame, changed everything.
When the Savior came and He took the blame, changed everything.

I can sing about His forgiveness.
I can praise Him till the sun goes down.
I can say...
I am a witness, I was there when His love came down...
His love came down on me...

Bimpe: wow! So, my daughter isn't useless after all. Baby, Oya sing another one for me

Treasure: ok...ay mu...mmy

Champions don't cry...
They celebrate...
When God has made them what they wanted to be...
In the battle you face.....
In the struggles you make.....
Thus saith the Lord 'I will make you a Champion'.

Bimpe: wow! Pastor Amos must listen to this. In fact, I am getting a recorder to record all the songs. Congratulations my daughter, you are not useless as the world termed you to be

Treasure: th...ank y...ou I you

Bimpe: I love you too beautiful

Treasure: am I beau.....ti..ful?

Bimpe: of course you are, you are God's Priceless Diadem

Hearing her mother call her beautiful gladden Treasure's heart, she decided to always make her mother happy.

The following Sunday, Bimpe informed Pastor Amos that Treasure had a special number. When Bimpe took her to the altar, people started grumbling and blaming the Pastor for allowing an imbecile climb the Church's altar but immediately she started singing, everyone listened with surprises on their faces.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 7

After listening to Treasure's rendition, people were in tears. The pastor was also in tears, he led the congregation in praying for Treasure, he urged Bimpe to help nurture Treasure's gift of singing as it would take her places and make her stand before kings.

Since no school wanted to admit Treasure, Bimpe deems it fit to employ a music home teacher for her daughter. At first, the young lady refused to teach Treasure because of her condition but after much pleas from Bimpe, Miss Jane decided to give it a try with the mind that if she finds it stressful, she would quit.

Miss Jane started teaching Treasure the ethics of music and was surprised to see how fast Treasure was in learning. She began to feel pity for Treasure because of her condition and that made her love Treasure more.

Miss Jane saw a music competition advert and decided to ensure Treasure participated. It was a competition meant for female children between the age of ten and fifteen and since Treasure was ten then, she was fit to participate.

Miss Jane took care of Treasure's dress and other needed things since Bimpe couldn't afford that and was already paying her heavily for the music classes. Prior to this, Miss Jane had asked Bimpe about Treasure's father, something which Bimpe wasted no time in narrating to Miss Jane since she has become like their family member.

The competition started with ten children as it was in three stages. At the first stage, five children were to be eliminated, two others will be eliminated at the second stage then the first, second, and third position would be determined at the final stage.

Getting to the competition venue, when Bimpe saw the other children participating in the competition, she believes that her daughter would be eliminated at the first stage but Miss Jane was optimistic. Two days before the scheduled date for the first stage, Treasure had informed her that the old man who usually come to teach her how to sing came and taught her a new song.

Being a spiritual person, Miss Jane was able to help Treasure perfect the song. The competition began and the children started singing, they sang so well winning their way into people's hearts. When it was Treasure's turn, the judges were surprised to see an imbecile coming to participate.

Some saw it as a waste of time but the judges gave her an opportunity. Miss Jane made sure Treasure was the last contestant so that her song will have a lasting impact on the audience.

Treasure collected the microphone and started singing without bothering to introduce herself because of the way she speaks. Treasure spent almost thirty minutes singing with her eyes closed, her song caught through people's hearts as some were in tears.

Miss Jane and Bimpe were also in tears. Miss Jane wished a miracle could just occur and Treasure become like every normal child. Treasure ended the song and the judges were wowed. The competition ended and everyone went home awaiting the results from the viewers' vote.

A week after the first stage, Miss Jane received an SMS that Treasure passed the first stage and should prepare for the second stage. Preparation was made and Treasure went for the second stage, she passed the second stage and proceeded to the last stage. It was really tough as the other children performed excellently but since Treasure was being taught by a heavenly teacher, she took the first position and won the sum of five hundred thousand naira.

When her mother was called upon to give a speech, she was just crying while narrating her ordeals while training Treasure, she spoke about the rejection and humiliation she received. She asked the viewers to help her appreciate Miss Jane.

It was really a joyful period for both mother and daughter. Bimpe offered Miss Jane some money but she refused saying she did everything for God. She asked Bimpe to invest the money wisely so that she would be able to give Treasure all the needed things.

Collins: Mom, I am tired of living with Prisca, she doesn't give me rest at all. Is it my fault that she had an ectopic pregnancy?

Mrs. Amos: it's been almost a year after she lost pregnancy and she has refused to get pregnant. Maybe you should come back to Nigeria and begin life afresh with your wife and daughter

Collins: daughter? That imbecile?? No mom, it can't work

Mrs. Amos: look here boy, that girl just won the sum of five hundred thousand naira after engaging in a singing competition

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 8

With the money from the competition, Bimpe was able to convert the gateman's house into a shop and started selling cooked food. Treasure will wake very early with her and help her with washing plates and arranging the chairs but once its day break, she goes back inside to continue practising her songs.

At first, Bimpe made little or no sales but after a month, a change occurred. At the end of three months, she already had two sales girls. Miss Jane got married and relocated to another state, it was painful to Bimpe and her daughter but they had to let her go since it was a progress on her path. Miss Jane advised that an iPad be gotten for Treasure so that they would be able to have online classes.

Miss Jane assisted Treasure to open an instagram account and Youtube channel with the name Deformed but not Destroyed. Treasure would sing and upload her songs on both her Instagram and Youtube page. In no time, she had numerous followers. One important thing Bimpe taught her daughter was humility so that she won't be forsaken by God.

Time flew, Treasure celebrated her fifteen years birthday. Bimpe ensured it was a memorable experience for her. Prior to this, Churches and events have been inviting Treasure to come sing for them but Bimpe didn't let her go as God never gave her permission to allow Treasure honour those invitation.

After her fifteenth birthday, the permission was granted. Since Bimpe was aware that her daughter would be used by God, she taught her prayer and the prayer brought Treasure's gift of prophecy to manifestation.

Bimpe and her daughter were watching TV one evening when Treasure suddenly asked a question.

Treasure: mo....mmy?

Bimpe: yes dear

Treasure: do you st..ill yo.ur

Bimpe: (surprised) why do you ask?

Treasure: I w..aaant to kno...w

Bimpe: I don't know

Treasure: will yo..u ac..cep..t him if he

Bimpe: no

Treasure: why???.

Bimpe: someone that can't stand with me during tough times isn't meant to be my husband but why are you asking these questions, do you see anything?

Treasure: he is co...ming back

Bimpe: I will never let him into this house, what about you?

Treasure: I do...nt kn...ow. I do...nt kn..ow him

Bimpe:(draw her daughter to herself) it's okay dear, just calm down. God will help us, we don't have people to help us but we have God.

Collins woke up one morning only to see that the police were in his house to escort him to the airport...

 To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 9

Mrs. Amos stopped what she was doing when she heard her cell phone ringing. She picked it up and was surprised to hear her son speaking, she checked the number again and was more surprised that it was a Nigerian number.

Collins narrated how he was deported to her, he explained that he was stranded and needed money to travel down to Akure. Mrs. Amos asked him to get a taxi, after he got it, she transferred some money into the account of the taxi driver.

Mrs. Amos was surprised that her son was not allowed to pick anything not even his ATM card, she called Prisca to rain insult on her but Prisca ended up insulting her. It was a sad moment for both mother and son. Mrs. Amos encouraged her son but the encouragement couldn't take away the unhappiness in him.

Collins had no option but to stay with his mother, he couldn't come out of the compound for fear of being seen by Bimpe's parent. Tired of staying idle at home, he decided to come to Lagos and start job hunting.

He came to Lagos but got no job after weeks of job hunting, his friends who were managers who promised to fix him stopped picking his calls. One of his friend was bold enough to tell him that karma was responsible for all he was going through, he further advised him to go in search of his wife and daughter and make amend.

After deliberating on the advice for weeks, he decided to go in search of his wife, he hoped Bimpe hasn't sold the house and move on with her life as he advised. One afternoon, he traced his way to his house and was surprised to see the house still the way he left it, the only difference was that the gateman's quarters was now a food joint.

He moved closer to the food joint and his eyes came in contact with Bimpe. Bimpe suddenly lifted her eyes and saw Collins standing at the entrance of her shop. The anger she had manage to bury for many years resurfaced and she started screaming thief alerting everyone in the neighborhood.

The youth in the neighborhood ran out at the mention of thief and asked Bimpe who the thief was. Bimpe wasted no time in pointing Collins to them and they started beating him.

Treasure who was listening to her new song in the compound heard some noise in front of their gate and came out to see what the matter was, she actually thought some people were fighting her mother.

Getting outside, she was surprised to see her mother engineering the youth to beat a man while the man kept pleading for mercy. She was disappointed in her mother because she felt the man bought food from her mother and refused to pay. She went to her mother to stop the boys from beating him but Bimpe refused.

When she saw that the man would die if the beating didn't stop, Treasure fell on the Collins and started receiving the beating. When Bimpe saw what Treasure did, she screamed to the boys to stop the beating.

When the boys stopped, she dragged Treasure away from Collins but Treasure bite her hands showing that she was angry, Treasure helped Collins up and took him into the house to give him a first aid treatment.

Bimpe was pissed at the turn out of event, she kept telling Treasure not to take the man into her house but the latter refused. Treasure was oblivious of the fact that the man she brought into their house was her father, she actually thought he was one of her mother's customers who refused to pay for food.

Bimpe was pacing the living room while Treasure was treating Collin's wound. She kept giving him a bad eye, when she couldn't keep calm again, she let the cat out of the bag.

Bimpe: only God knows what you want from my daughter and I. The same daughter whom you rejected and call an imbecile is the same person who is tending your wound.

Treasure: (shocked) is he my da...d...dy, ?

Bimpe: yes my daughter, he is the foolish man that abandoned us because of your condition, you should have allowed those boys beat him to death

Treasure let the towel in hand fall, she stood up from where she sat and walk slowly to her room.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 10

The old man came to teach Treasure a new song but met her in a bad mood as she was weeping profusely.

Baba: My daughter, why are you crying?

Treasure: my father is back, I never knew he hated me that much that he had to leave my mom because of me. Why can't I be like every normal person

Baba: hmmm, there are a lot of things that you don't understand my daughter. You see, your mother is the cause of everything that happened

Treasure: my mother?? How Baba?

Baba: as I said earlier, there are a lot of secrets to reveal to you and your parent and that can only be done when the three of you come together as one family then fast and pray for three days. On the third day, the secret behind everything would be unveiled

Treasure: how will that work out? My mother wants nothing to do with him

Baba: if you want to live a better and fulfilled life, you need to bring your parent together and let the prayer and fasting be done because that secret will give way to your success

Treasure: alright Baba, I will work on it

Baba: we would learn a new song some other time

Treasure: alright baba

Treasure narrated her encounter with the old man to her mother and that made Bimpe worried. She was worried because she termed the cause of everything that ever happened. Treasure went to Collins and informed him that the three of them would be having three days fasting and prayers, something which Collins readily agree to.

Though Bimpe doesn't want Collins to be part of it she had no choice but to allow him so that the secret can be revealed. The program started and ok the third day, Holy Spirit spoke to them through Treasure. As Treasure was leading praise and worship, she suddenly started to prophesy.

Prophecy: Bimpe! Bimpe!! Bimpe!!! My daughter, I love you. Right from your youthful age, you decide to separate yourself for me and I was also ready to make you an instrument of change in your father's house but you deviated from our plan.

Remember, in your first year in school, I appeared unto you and told you not to give up despite the challenges surrounding you. I told you about Luis my son, I told you that he is the man I have prepared for you and I asked you to keep praying for him but you didn't.

Luis was destined to be a great minister and he alone has what it takes to fight the battle of your family. You allowed life challenges to derail you, I asked you to pray for him because then, the enemy dug a pit for him.

Well, Luis fell into the pit by being raped by one of the ladies he counseled. That act taints his spiritual life and he had to start his ministry from the scratch after months of crying for God's mercy.

You never prayed about Collin's proposal, you only weighed what you stand to gain by getting married to him. When he asked you for sex before marriage, I was trying to make you stop the relationship but you didn't listen.

Collins came from a family where their marriages don't last and you also come from a family that must have one or two children out of wedlock. Do you now expect your own marriage to work without you fighting that battle?

Luis came to Akure two days after your wedding to establish his church behind your house. That was how you should have met him if you hadn't married Collins.

I am a God that doesn't forget my covenant. Since you derailed, I decided to transfer the love I had for you to your children. I wanted your daughters to touch lives through singing, I decided to use your first daughters to deliver your lineage.

The Powers in your household saw how great your daughters would be so they killed one of the twins and made Treasure abnormal. I am the all-wise God and nothing is too difficult for me, I will prove to those powers that I am God and I remaineth God.

I love Treasure dearly and I am ready to use her, she wants to be normal but that will only happen when the meet the flesh of her flesh. Luis had a baby boy named. IfeOluwa from the intercourse of that day, the lady dropped the baby with him and went away.

Luis is bringing him up in the way of the Lord and he is the one meant for Treasure. Their union would bring Treasure to normal and take her ministry to a greater height.

There is a warning for Treasure, she must not defile herself nor marry wrongly.

Bimpe: (fell down on the floor and was weeping) forgive me, Jesus!!!

Holy Spirit: I have forgiven you and heard your cry of almost sixteen years. Bimpe, work with Me and be perfect

Bimpe: I will Lord

Holy Spirit: Collins! Collins!! Collins!!!

Collins: yes Lord

Holy Spirit: don't call me Lord because I am not your Lord. I don't know you. Collins, you married my daughter and treated her unjustly, you didn't just offend her, you offend me also.

For you to become financially okay again, you have to come into a closer relationship with Me, walk with Me in truth, and in Spirit then you have to go naked and prostrate before your wife seven times for seven days.

Plead with her to forgive you and remove the curse she placed upon you. If she decided to remove it then you are lucky, make her happy because your success lies in her happiness.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 11

After that night, Bimpe locked herself in the room for three days crying to God for mercy. She remembered how things were tough for her during her first semester and she had cried to God for mercy. He told her not to give up that he would reward her with a good marriage, he further told her about Luis and commanded her to always pray for him.

She prayed for him for few days and stopped praying, she truly allowed the challenges surrounding her to sway her from God's plan. On the other hand, Treasure was also unconscious for two days.

Collins was worried about his wife and daughter, he was always checking on them to be sure they were okay. Treasure finally came around, Collins assisted her to the bathroom and went to make something to eat while she was freshening up.

Collins: uhmmm Treasure, can I please speak to you?

Treasure: (nod her head)

Collins: (went on his knees) I am sorry for everything. I mean, I love your mother from the onset and I don't know how it happened but I found myself hating both of you. I have realised my mistake and I am here to make amend, please forgive me

Treasure who was surprised quickly lifted him up and said it was okay.

Collins: one more thing, can you tell me about Jesus?

Treasure was happy to hear his request, she grabbed her Bible and taught him what he needed to know. Though she wasn't speaking well, Collins was patient enough to hear everything she had to say. After preaching to him, she led him to Christ.

It was a happy moment for both father and daughter. Treasure was happy that her father was now a changed man while Collins on his part had an unexplainable happiness in him.

When Bimpe felt God has fully forgiven her, she washed herself and came out of the room. The first thing she did was to check on Treasure and was surprised to see her laughing heartily with Collins. She greeted Treasure alone and went to the shop to see how her sales girls handled her business.

Just as instructed by the Holy Spirit, Collins went to Bimpe's room one evening to apologize but she didn't give him a listening ear instead, she sent him out of her room.

Bimpe: what do you want?

Collins: I....i am here to ask for your forgiveness

Bimpe: hehehe, see this one. Ohhh you want me to forgive you because you heard that the curse I gave you is the reason why you are broke abi? It can never work, Mark my words

Collins: sweetheart, it's not like that, I am truly sorry. I know I offended you greatly but please forgive me

Bimpe: I said it can't work, please leave my room

Collins: please, forgive me

Bimpe: ohhh you are still waiting abi? Wait till I pour a bucket of water on you.

Collins actually thought she was joking till he saw her bringing a bucket of water from the bathroom. He ran out of the room to avoid the water being poured on him.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 12

For more than two weeks, Collins kept on going to Bimpe for forgiveness but ended up not gaining access to her. Treasure tried speaking to her mom but was shunned.

While Bimpe was saying her night prayers one evening, God spoke to her.

Holy Spirit: why do you call what I have made clean unclean?

Bimpe: I don't understand Father. What have you made clean that I am calling unclean?

Holy Spirit: My son Collins.

Bimpe: your son? When did he become your son? The Collins I know is a great sinner

Holy Spirit: there you go again. The Collins you believed to be a sinner is now my son and he is undergoing mentorship. If you want me to continue fellowshipping with you then you have to forgive him and join your daughter to teach him My word

Bimpe: but it is not easy Lord

Holy Spirit: my grace is sufficient for you, ask for it. You need to cooperate with him to take care of Treasure. I sent him back home to come to assist you with her upbringing

That night, Bimpe fell flat on the floor and cried to God for grace to let go of the hurt in her heart. After praying that night, she felt lighter and happier.

Collins was surprised to hear Bimpe respond to his greetings the following day, at first, he thought his ears were deceiving him and greeted her again to be very sure. He also noticed she was no longer uncomfortable in his presence.

After being rejected by her, Collins stopped going to Bimpe for forgiveness but when he noticed a difference in her, he decided to try his luck again.

That first night, she forgave him from the bottom of her heart and prayed for him. It continued like that till it completes seven days. On the seventh day, she erases the curse and poured anointing oil on his head symbolizing anointing for progress.

Treasure was so happy at the turn out of things. For the few weeks she spent with him, she discovered that he was a nice man who would not have misbehaved if he had met Christ earlier. She remembered how he cared for her when she heard menstrual cramps. She was happy that her family is now happy and complete.

Things began to normalize between Collins and Bimpe, the love they once shared was restored. At first, it wasn't easy for Bimpe to love and trust Collins again but she took it one step at a time. Collins joined Bimpe in the running of the food canteen whenever they were less busy, Bimpe would teach Collins about the word of God.

One noon, Collins went to the grocery store to help his wife get some soft drinks for the canteen. While leaving the store, he collided with another man only to realize that the person he collided with was one of his friends who promised to help him with the job.

Femi: Collins, is this you? Where have you been? I have been searching for you

Collins: I have been around, why looking for me when you refused to pick my calls

Femi: come on, don't be like this. I have been calling you but it never went through, more so, I didn't see your calls. Why won't I pick your call? Well, that's by the way, here is my card, I need you to come over to my company and take the post of an assistant manager

Collins: like seriously??

To be continued...
 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 13

Collins didn't believe he had gotten a job till his first day at work as it was like a dream to him. He was more surprised when he received his first salary as it was double of what he was promised.

Prior to that, he had asked Treasure which school she wished to attend, and the response he got was that she wishes to attend a music school.

After working for six months, Collins and his wife spoke to Miss Jane and asked her to give them the list of best music schools in Lagos. Miss Jane gave them the list and advised they pray before enrolling in her into any school.

Bimpe took to the advice and they asked God to choose a school for them. God in His infinite mercy told them to take her to Emerald Music Foundation.

Collins went to the school, made necessary inquiries, and paid the fees after he was satisfied with their facilities and way of conduct.

Before Treasure resumed, Bimpe sat her down and gave her instructions she had to adhere to, she further warned her daughter to be careful in her choice of friends. That night, she prayed for her and covered her with the blood of Jesus.

Treasure started school. Everything looks strange to her as that was her first time interacting with people. She felt pained that everyone avoided her as they saw her as an abnormal child. At first, some of the teachers neglected her and focused on other normal children.

At a point, she wanted to stop schooling but her mother's advice was what kept her going. Out of ten teachers, only two saw her as one of the students.

The first term examination came and Treasure partook in it. Most of her teachers believe that she would be at the bottom of the class but surprisingly she came top. The teachers had to mark and remark while others who felt she cheated, conducted another examination for her. Despite all they did, she still emerged as the best student in her class.

Her success made all the teachers fall in love with her. Some pitied her condition while others were always ready to give her a helping hand. She was made the lead singer in her group. Whenever her school participates in any competition, they always emerged the winner. In no time, she became famous for her beautiful voice and great songs.

Time flew and Treasure graduated from the music school as a better music student. She aced her final exams and received lots of rewards. After being showered with lots of gifts and prizes by the school management, Treasure was asked to give a speech but instead of giving out a speech, she gave them a song.

It was a song that brought tears to the eyes of everyone present at the prize-giving day.

Sam: (making a call) so, this is how you would my graduation party of my kid sister abi?

Ife: calm down joor, I am already in the school. In fact, I am in the graduation hall. Who is that young lady singing? Her voice is so sweet plus her song his heart-piercing

Sam: yes, she has a nice voice and a wonderful song. She is my sister's classmate, they are both graduating today. I learned she is the best graduating student

Ife: wow! She has a nice physique too

Sam: come on buddy, hope you aren't crushing already?

Ife: of course not, I just kind of like her, that's just it

Sam: better let it stop there

Ife: why do you say that?

Sam: Yera told me she is an imbecile

Ife: come off it, that's not possible. How will a young lady as beautiful as this be an imbecile, it's not possible joor

Sam: let's try to locate each other so that we would be able to talk better

Ife: alright na

To be continued...

  For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 14

The prize giving party came to an end and everyone went home. On their way home, Ife, Yera and Sam couldn't stop talking about Treasure.

Sam: Yera, you won't believe that Ife is crushing on your classmate, the best graduating student

Yera: ohh that one? Please, don't even go there at all

Ife: and why??

Yera: she is a witch

Ife: witch?? How??

Yera: how can an imbecile sing so well and even be the best graduating student? She is using witchcraft power joor

Ife: come on, don't be like that Yera. That she is doing so well doesn't mean you should call her a witch, I advise you get close to her before calling her names

Sam: Ife is in love o

Ife: don't be like this dude, I only admired her

Yera: I have said my own sha

Yera and Sam were Ife's cousin whom he came to spend the hols with. Ife is Luis first son whom he had as a result of the mistake he made.

Ife and Sam were accounting and law students respectively and they had two years left to spend in the university.

Treasure was walking in a street in Akure when a young man stopped her. Prior to this, her father had decided that they spend that year's Christmas with his mother. At first, Bimpe refused to go but later consented.

Ife: hello

Treasure: hi

Ife: I have seen you before

Treasure: (surprised) me??

Ife: yes, you recently graduated from Emerald music school as the best student

Treasure: wow! You are

Ife: so, what are you doing here in Akure?

Treasure: came to my gr..a..nny

Ife: ohh, my dad lives here. I actually came to Lagos to spend part of my holiday with my cousins

Treasure: ohh

Ife: you have a nice voice and you are beautiful

Treasure: thank you

Ife: can you please sing a song for me while we sit over there?

Treasure: okay

Ife: wow! Thanks a lot.

That was how Treasure and Ife became friends. They then decided to meet every day at a particular spot where they would gist and laugh so hard. Ife could not explain what attracted him to her, he just always wanted to sit and hear her sing. Despite her inaudible speech, he was always patient to listen to her.

Treasure on her part was happy to eventually have a friend who accepted her with her deformity. She love talking to him and even singing for him. In no time, they got to know themselves better.

Bimpe noticed her daughter was always wearing a happy smile and was always smiling whenever she was alone. She tried to know what was the reason for her sudden happiness but Treasure refuse to tell her.

Luis came back from a pastor's meeting one day and was surprised to meet the work he gave his son untouched. As he was trying to relax himself, he saw Ife tiptoeing into the house.

Luis: and where are you coming from?

Ife: (shocked) sir....sir?

Luis: I asked you a question, young man

Ife: I went to see my friend sir

Luis: friend? What's the friend's name?

Ife: Treasure

Luis: a female? Haven't I warned you about close association with female friends after what happened between you and Jadesola

Ife: I am sorry father but I just like this girl in question

Luis: and when did you start hiding secret from me?

Ife: I am sorry sir but I felt you may not want me to be close to her because she is a special child

Luis: hmmm, what makes you like her and where do you meet her?

Ife: I saw her at Yera's school, despite being a disabled, she emerged the best student in Yera's class and she sings so well. She is beautiful too. That night after Yera's graduation, I had a dream.

Luis: hmmm, tell me about it

Ife: I was weeding a land, after weeding for a long time, I became tired and sat down on a rock. Suddenly, Treasure came into the farmland singing. When she got to me, she sat beside me and continued singing. I received strength instantly and continue weeding then she joined me in weeding the garden. After that dream, I have been having a longing to set my eyes on her again.

Luis: this is very deep my son. As a child of God, do you ask God what the dream meant?

Ife: no sir

Luis: let's do this. For this next three days, you will remain in the house praying and asking God for the meaning of the dream. Mind you, you must not go to see her during this three days.

To be continued...

  For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 15

Treasure was surprised that Ife did not come to their meeting point for three days, she felt disappointed and unhappy. She thought he has decided not to be her friend again. After going there for three days and didn't see him, she decided not to go there again so that she would be able to forget him but that didnt help matters instead she craved for him.

Collins noticed that his lively daughter suddenly became dull and won't participate in any conversation. He kept asking her what the matter was but she would always say she is fine. One evening, he went into the room she was and made up his mind to get the answers to his question.

Getting to her room, he was surprised to see her crying.

Collins: (called with surprise written all over his face) Treasure? What is the matter with you? Why are you crying?

Treasure: (wipe her face) Da.d..dy am I ugly?

Collins: of course not, you are a very beautiful young lady with a beautiful future but why did you ask such question?

Treasure: my ne.w frie...nd left me

Collins: new friend? Who is the person?

Treasure: he is ife...he has be...en to me but he has no..t be..en to see me again it's I am ugly

Collin: oh no baby, you are not ugly. So, tell me the truth, do you love him?

Treasure: Dad??

Collins: come on, tell me the truth because for you to be crying because a male friend has been coming to see you again means a lot. Probably you have fallen in love with him, had it been he was just a casual friend, you would have gotten over him. So sweetheart, tell me the truth

Treasure: I like him, I am alw...ays ha...ppy wh..en I am with him.

Collins: seems my daughter is in love. So, have inform baba about him?

Treasure: yes, baba said he is a go..od b...oy

Collins: and you didn't ask baba what role ife has come to play in your life

Treasure: no

Collins: when next you have an encounter with baba, ask him. And you don't have to conclude that Ife stop coming to see you because you are ugly, he might have been sick or tied up with something. So, you don't have to stop trying to see him

Treasure: okay da...ddy, tha...nk you

Collins: anything for my precious daughter, I need to check on your mom, she isn't feeling well

Treasure: alr..ight sir

At the end of the three days prayer and fasting, Ife got the confirmation that Treasure is his wife. He was at loss at what to do, he was a very important personality in his campus church and people were expecting him to get married to one of the beautiful fire brand sisters in the campus church.

Instead he was being told by God to marry a special person. On one part, he was willing to do God's will and make Treasure his wife but on the other part, he thought of what people will say. He knew people would be so surprised that the assistant campus coordinator had no one to marry but a special young lady.

To worsen the situation, he was mandated to marry her before she clock twenty. When he couldn't take it again, he had to confide in his father.

Ife: I have always thought God would allow me to marry Sis Peace

Luis: and who is Sis peace?

Ife: she is the assistant sister welfare, she is a very fervent and humble sister and she is beautiful too

Luis: my son, don't be deceived. Have a seat, let me tell you a story.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 16

Luis: while in school, God gave me the name of the lady meant to be my wife, He further told me that I am meant to deliver her from foundational battles but I found myself in love with Sister Laura, the sister welfare in my campus church.

For weeks, I asked God to allow me marry Sis Laura instead of the lady whose name was given to me. Sis Laura was a fervent and dedicated beautiful young lady. It was the same Sister Laura that made me fall.

Ife: made you fall? How?

Luis: I was about retiring to bed one night when she called me and was crying on the phone. She explained amidst tears that some boys were trying to break into her room. I ended the call without thinking and ran to her apartment.

Getting to her room, there were no boys, in fact, I met her tying only towel around her body. Before I knew what was happening, the towel dropped from her body and we had a copulation which led to you.

Ife: what??? Where is she? I mean, how come you guys aren't together?

Luis: after the act, the reality of what had happened dawned on me. I lost the anionting and presence of God, in fact, God left me. I reported myself to the campus pastor and was placed on discipline. I spent most days praying and crying to God for forgiveness and restoration.

Laura became pregnant and I had to take her to my parent, they were disappointed in me but they had accepted her. I was restored two months to the end of my youth service. Getting home after my youth service, I was informed that Laura left you and went away. I searched and searched for her but no one knew her whereabout. It was later I saw the letter she left behind, she said she can't be with a man without future.

Ife: wow! So she didn't bother about me, it's twenty four years now

Luis: yes son. By the time I was ready to settle down, the lady meant for me was already married. She also married wrongly, you see, just a little mistake on my path destroyed God plan for the lady and I

Ife: hmmm, this is serious

Luis: you remembered what happened between you and Deacon Sola's daughter five years ago?

Flash back

Luis was at a convention but he was restless, suddenly, Holy Spirit asked him to hurry home. Getting home, he met his wife and little daughter's absence. He proceeded to Ife's room and was so shocked to see him in a heated romance with one of his deacons daughter.

He was angry and heartbroken, after the girl was able to escape, he flogged Ife to a pulp. He ensured that he sustained serious injuries. In the middle of the night, he then preach to him and led him to Christ.

End of flashback

Luis: after beating you that day, I went to my prayer room and fell flat on the floor weeping profusely. I told God that I don't want you to fall the way I fell, it was that day, God revealed everything about your future to me. God told me about Treasure.

Ife: wow! Like seriously??

Luis: yes son, you have a role to play in her restoration but she has a bigger role to play in the manifestation of your ministry. So son, I won't force you to marry her but I will only advice you to do everything possible to make her yours

Ife: hmmmmm

Luis: forget what people will say, they will be no where to be found when you start experiencing issues in your home. Son, we don't marry because of the present, we marry because of the future

Ife: it may not be easy but I know God's grace is sufficient for me

Luis: sure, it is. Do fast and bring her to me

Ife: Dad???

Luis: just kidding son

Ife: thank you for being both a mother and father to me. I will never let you down sir

Luis: this gladden my heart. God will help you son

Ife: do you suggest I ask her out? She will be going back to Lagos next week

Luis: why not be a friend to the family then you can make your intention known to her family afterward.

Ife took to his father's advice and tried becoming a friend to Treasure's family. One evening, he went to her grandmother's house to look for her.

Treasure was surprised when her granny came to inform her that she had a visitor, she went into the living room and was surprised to see Ife sitting on the couch. He smiled the moment he set his eyes on her.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 17

Treasure and IfeOluwa were engrossed in listening to a new album Treasure just dropped that they didn't notice when Bimpe and Collins walk into the house. Bimpe was furious at how close her daughter was sitting to the opposite gender.

She screamed furiously at her daughter ordering her to get inside but Collins who understands who Ife was quickly intervened. He told his wife to calm down while he takes Ife to the verandah to speak to him.

Collins and Ife had a long conversation on what Ife wants from his daughter. Ife wasted no time in telling Collins that he received a message from God that Treasure was his wife. Collins had to explain to him that Treasure is someone that can't marry anyhow man because of her condition.

He went on to explain the challenges that he put Treasure and Bimpe through and all he wants for them both is comfort. Ife promised Collins that with God by his side, he would take good care of Treasure. Collins then collected Ife's contact and told him to give them time to seek God's face concerning his proposal.

Bimpe was furious when she heard about Ife's intention towards her daughter, she tried to explain to Collins that Treasure was too young to go into a relationship but Collins kept to the fact that they should hear what God has to say about the issue.

After days of praying, they got a confirmation that Treasure is Ife's missing rib. Despite the confirmation they got, Bimpe refused to give her consent until God said He would strike her if she tried to hinder His work.

Bimpe had no choice but to give her consent. Collins had to meet with Luis before they allowed the relationship to kick off. The relationship between Ife and Treasure kick off two months after Treasure's eighteenth birthday. Both families were involved in their relationship to guide them.

After the commencement of the relationship, Ife noticed a change in every area of his life. His academic took a new shape, his a prayer life changed as he and Treasure were always holding vigils via phone calls.

Through God's help, Ife graduated from the University with a beautiful result and after his youth service, he got a well-paid job. Six months after he started work, he received instruction from God to begin his wedding preparation.

The wedding preparation commenced, while the wedding was drawing near, Treasure and Ife engaged in prayers and fasting. When some of life's family members as the lady he was getting married to, they questioned him. Some of his uncles and aunties threatened not to be in attendance if he won't get married to a normal lady. Sam and Yera were not left out as they also tried to dissuade him from getting married to Treasure.

God stood with Ife and he was able to go through with the wedding despite the threat and pressure he kept receiving from different angles. The wedding day came and it was a glorious one. After the couple was joined in holy matrimony, Ife was asked to kiss his bride.

Ife unveiled his wife and planted a kiss on her lips. Immediately his lips touch hers, she fell to the ground and became unconscious.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 18

The Church was in chaos immediately the bride fell down and became unconscious. Luis siblings who had advised Ife not to get married to Treasure didn't hesitate to mock Luis and his son. Bimpe couldnt stop wailing, she regretted ever allowing her daughter to get married at a tender age. Collins on his part was trying to be a man.

Luis who understood everything ordered Ife to carry her into the car and drive her body to his house. Luis told the Pastor to dismiss everyone as the wedding ceremony had been brought to an end.

Luis had to do the driving because Ife was not stable to drive as he was weeping like a child. Getting to Luis apartment, he ordered his son to carry her body to his praying room. In the praying room, Luis fell down flat and was worshipping God while Ife also fell down flat but was weeping.

Luis left Ife in the room but not without telling him that he needed to interceed for her because her period of deliverance was near but the powers behind her case were ready to kill her than let her become delivered because her deliverance would terrorize their kingdom.

Ife was in the room with Treasure's body for three days. He was crying and praying to God for divine intervention so that he won't be mocked and tagged a murderer, he reminded God that he did His will by getting married to Treasure.

On the third night, Ife laid on the floor weeping silently as he had no strength in him to pray again. Suddenly, he saw Treasure move her hand then her legs and finally, she opened her eyes and started singing.

Ife who was weak suddenly received strength and stood up. He noticed that her face changed, the tongue became normal. The deformity was gone, the joy in him made him scream for joy, he went closer to her and drew her into his embrace.

Treasure: I am free, thank You, Jesus

Ife: Hallelujah!! You are free, we are free

Treasure: I can now speak well

Ife: how did it happen?

Treasure: I was released from a cage, a white cloth which was used to tie me was removed from my body and I was given the mandate to go and touch lives. Ife mi, I am free

Ife: (hold her hands) yes baby, you are free. It pays to do God's will

Luis, Bimpe, and Collins who were outside heard Treasure and Ife's joyful scream then ran into the prayer room to see what was happening. They were surprised to see Treasure awake and looking like every normal human being. In fact, she was looking more beautiful.

Bimpe: (fell on her knees) thank you, Jesus! At last, you rolled my reproach away

It was a moment of jubilation for both families, as they spent an hour praising and worshipping God. After the worship was brought to an end, Luis asked his wife to prepare food for everyone.

To be continued...

  For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 19

When Bimpe's pastor heard about the miracle that took place in the life of Treasure, he invited her over to share her testimony. The media were invited making the testimony go viral, people were eager to read and listen to the story of the deformed young lady who became normal. People were touched and had their faith lifted by just reading Treasure's story.

Luis siblings who mocked Ife apologised to him and also appreciated God. Luis church grew numerically as a lot of people wanted to be associated with the church where a huge miracle took place.

Ife and Treasure started living as a couple and it was a very wonderful experience. Treasure saw a friend, best friend and confidant in Ife, their marriage was envied by both young and old. The singles wished and prayed to have a marriage like theirs.

Luis helped Ife go into his ministry by always asking him to go for ministrations in his stead. Before, Ife would mount the pulpit, Treasure would render a song which will help bring the power of God down.

The couple became renowned as countless miracles were wrought through them. Churches were always inviting them for ministrations.

People were being delivered just by listening to the couple. One day, God spoke to them that their families needs to be a partaker of God's miracle.

Three days to their one year anniversary, they invited all their extended family over for a three days fasting and prayer. After the program, every of their family members experienced a change in every areas of their life.

Collins sisters who were single mothers had restoration in their marriages as their husbands came back to them. Collins father's eyes became opened and he came back to his first wife, everyone realized that other woman charmed him.

Bimpe's siblings had encounter with Gid and also received their miracles. God fulfilled His word by using Treasure and her husband to destroy foundational battle in her lineage.

Few months after their one year anniversary, Treasure was confirmed pregnant and when the duration of the pregnancy was completed, she was delivered of two cute boys.

The couple continue to serve God in love. Treasure wrote a book about herself and a lot of people were blessed. She began a foundation which cater for deformed children. With her husband by her side, she was able to touch people's life and put smiles on faces.


Thanks for reading to the end, don't forget to drop the lesson(s) you learned.

This story is a mixture of fiction and non-fiction. The aspect of having a deformed child with the father no where to be found and no help coming forth from his family members is non-fiction while the other side is the work of fiction.

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook. 

Someone once told me that marriage is not a reward but an assignment. This story points to that too