The Pilgrims Journey

Started by owojorisegun, Friday, 07 July 2023, 06:53 PM

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The Pilgrim's Journey (Pilgrimage/Sojourner)

The First cry of Sonda ushers him into a realm of a journey. It  unveiled before him a new page of a journey.

A journey which God fully ordained, even before he is born. A trip that lasts only for a little while. A journey which is like a cinema, sooner or later it surely has to end. A journey in which he appears like a vapour for a little while and then he vanishes away. A journey that MUST surely be accounted for.

Well, maybe that's where Sonda missed it. He totally forgot that He will be accounted to HIM who sent him on the journey.

In a little while, Sonda grew up. Sonda began to distinguish between right and wrong. The weight of his mission in the voyage began to rise upon him. Then the divine calendar of God for him on the way began to unfold. As January through December has its course to run. And we all have our planned schedules set out for that period. Thus exactly, God has a divine agenda for Sonda, from the moment the breath comes down his nostrils until he blows his last.

As time goes on, Life begins to unwrap its own plan for Sonda. Life divine plan for Sonda begins to contend with that of God. Life began to fight a battle that might have been easily won by Sonda if only he had been wise enough to see the provision that God made for him on his journey.

Here is life, (Entirely backed and supported by the Devil/Adversary), fighting tooth and nail, leaving no escapes for Sonda, trying its possible best to make sure its own  divine  purpose precedes or overcome.

Sonda, now faced with both realities. Now being left to choose. God, despite how great  the plans he has for Sonda is, still gave him the power of choice, the power to decide his own destiny. Life makes Sonda's challenges seem like a double-edged sword. Well, if only Sonda knew how battle free he would have been if only he could surrender to the Will of Him that sent him on the journey. The challenges rapidly turn into a sweet pleasure. Life makes sure the challenges cause him to submit to the gentle pleasure of its offer.

Now, Sonda in his own naivety surrendered to the pleasure of Life, making God's divine purpose to suffer. Giving God the choice to replace him. Then, God is saddened that Sonda whom he sent on a journey did not remember HIM who sojourned him, nor his purpose in life.

But when HE asked Sonda why he turned his back on God who sent him on the journey. He only gave excuses about how Life faced him with a buck of challenges. But he forgot that the ONE who sent him on a trip NEVER promised him a trip free from stress and challenges. In fact the bible says " in the world you will have tribulations and trials and distress and frustration; But be confident and undaunted for I have overcome and conquered the world" (John 16vs33). He also forgot that "Only those who endure to the end will be saved".

Well, to cut the long story short. This is the sign of termination of his journey. Its either the ONE who sent him on the journey comes and announces that the journey is over, or death announces it. "For it has been appointed for man to die once, after this is judgement". In either case, his journey must surely come to and end. And it's time to account for the way his trip went.

Sonda has forgotten that 2+2 in the world =4, but 2+2 in Christ is not actually 4, but it is whatever God wants it to be. Sonda has forgotten that his beauty and relevance only appear and comes to light when He knows HIM who sent him on the journey and the purpose of his embarkation on the trip.

Sonda misuse God's mercy and he took the grace provided for him for granted. He turned a deaf ear to the warning of the ALMIGHTY, but rather gave enthusiastic attention to the sweet pleasure of Life.

Its not actually as if Sonda does not know that God has a divine agenda for his life, but rather he was blindfolded with the pleasure that Life is offering. Am also sure he must have heard or read that "And that servant who knew his master's will but did not get ready or act as he would wish him to act shall be beaten with many [lashes]" Luke 12vs47.

My dearest sisters and brothers, we are all in a journey in the present life. And sooner or later it will surely end. What have you lived your life for?. The pleasure of life like Sonda? Or God's divine purpose?. You will surely give account of how you spent your life.
We all have a divine purpose to accomplish, but we can only actualize that IN GOD who sent us. Discover your purpose in Jesus Christ now that you have yet another chance. Make hay while the sun shines, for "there cometh the night time when no one can work"