Lessons from Prophet Suddenly

Started by Mosunmola, Tuesday, 06 June 2023, 12:02 AM

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Hi guys,

My name is Mosunmola, but you can call me Mo. On this forum, I will be reviewing Christian movies and also recommending them to you, I look forward to reading your opinions.

Movie Title: Prophet Suddenly
Location: Benin City and Makurdi.
Producers: The Winlos.
Link to watch/ Download: https://youtu.be/QIoUmnSkOXE
You can watch the video below

My thoughts:
I think this movie was worth every hype and even the wait. It includes many lessons for every young Christian. From the acknowledgment to seek God with the right motive, to the lessons on fleeing sexual immorality. It is packed with many messages subtly, now let's address those lessons one after the other.

Seeking God: what's the driving force behind you seeing God? Are you seeking Him to gratify your flesh or to prove a point to others? Please, above all else check the state of your heart.

Check your Company: The Bible was right when it said evil communication corrupts good mannerisms. You are a product of the kind of friends you move with. The seed CK planted in Micheal's heart was what made him decide to sleep with that lady that night.
This is also to warn the married folks, some things are best kept private. Micheal was telling CK about all that was happening in their house and we all know how that ended.

Flee every appearance of evil: Bible says a man should be content and drink water only from his own cistern. if she is not your wife or he is not your husband, you have no business doing the do. You get what I mean right? And also, don't be like CK, sleeping with literally everything in skirts. STDs are real o - Spiritually Transmitted Demons. Miokukusheshe and her siblings are still on the rampage, don't say I did not warn you oh.

Be Vigilant: See ehn, on this particular one, as Christians we need to be very sensitive, it is not every church that you attend, if you find a Bible-believing church where God's word is preached unadulterated lease stay there, stop seeking prophetic words everywhere.
Now, I'm not saying all prophecies are false, I am an ardent believer in the prophetic, but the Bible says we should test all Spirits. We must be discerning and God's spirit in us must bear witness to those utterances.

We must also be prayerful: Imagine if Joy had continuously covered her husband in the place of prayer. Of course, his life would have turned out better.

Well, these are the lessons I picked from it, let me know in the comment section the things you learned.
If you have not watched it, tell me what exactly are you waiting for?
Until next time, stay blessed.