In My Dreams [Story]

Started by StoryTeller, Saturday, 15 April 2023, 04:39 PM

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Episode 1

It was a bright Saturday morning, Jael was awoken by the chirping sound of birds. She lay awake on her big comfy bed thinking about the dream she had, it was more like an answer to her long-time prayer. She rose from her bed, muttered some words of appreciation to God for the marital victory she got in the dream then she freshen up before going to the kitchen to meet her best friend of ten years who would be tying the knot in two weeks.

Lucia: and she finally decided to come down

Jael: (smiled) good morning best, how was your night?

Lucia: it was great just that someone decided to leave all the house chores for me

Jael: not that joor, am nowhere to assist na

Lucia: when I am almost through ba? Why is she even smiling unnecessarily this morning? No, I think she is blushing, any gist for me?

Jael: Lucia and gist sha, what do you want to know?

Lucia: I want to know the reason behind my best friend's unending smile

Jael: (took a deep breath) hmmmmm, I had a dream and it's more like an answer to my long time prayer

Lucia: wow! That's good news, do you mind sharing it with me?

Jael: I was walking on a lonely path looking very tired and unhappy then a young man from nowhere came to me and gave me a cup of chilled drink. I gulped the content of the cup immediately then he held my hand and we began to tread the path together

Lucia: hmmm! What a dream! So, what do you think is the interpretation of the dream?

Jael: oh best! Can't you decode?

Lucia: no, I can't and that's why I am asking you

Jael: that is marriage, the man that gave me drink and tread that path with me is my husband, my life partner

Lucia: (disturbed) hmmm! So, who is the young man, is he someone you know?

Jael: yes, he is brother Gideon, the youth coordinator

Lucia: what?? Bro Gideon? Are you sure your mind isn't playing games on you?

Jael: what kind of statement is that? Are you trying to say that I am a carnal believer who God can't speak to again? Or, is it that you are against my marital success?

Lucia: Jael! Why will you say that? I didn't say you are carnal and I can never be against your marital success. I didn't just want you to be with Bro Gideon, I don't think he is a child of God. Have you forgotten the rumor we heard about him impregnating two secondary school girls in his neighborhood?

Jael: have you forgotten that he faced the church and said he was framed. Lucia, you would be getting married to Caleb in two weeks, do you want me to remain single forever?

Lucia: you can not remain single forever because God's plan for us is of good and not of evil to give us an expected end. Calm down best, please don't be in a hurry to get married

Jael: I am not in a hurry, God revealed Gideon to me and going to see the marriage committee next week Sunday

Lucia: haa! Jael, please pray more

Jael: why would I pray more when God has given me my needed answer?

Lucia: what about Bro Peter, I thought you said you have feelings for him?

Jael: I feel that is carnal because God speaks mainly to me through dreams so, I am going to follow God's leading which is Bro Gideon

Lucia: hmm

With that, Jael walked into her room leaving Lucia in the kitchen.

Lucia: God, why will you reveal Gideon to Jeal? She is a dedicated Christian who brought so many souls to your kingdom, she was the instrument You used for my salvation. Why have you decided to give her a pretender?

Holy Spirit: tell her to pray more to get clarity as regards the dream

Lucia: haa! Thank you, Jesus. But please, touch her heart and lead her to the right fellow

Holy Spirit: I only lead those who want me to lead them.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly followDeborah Olowojesikuon Facebook.

Episode 2

Jael went to the marriage committee despite Lucia suggestion that she should pray harder to hear more from God. When ever Lucia bring the matter up, Jael would claim that God's plan for her life is getting married to Bro Gideon. Lucia on her part was skeptical about her best friend's so-called will of God, Jael was a God-sent to her hence, that explain the reason she was worried about her getting entangled with the wrong man.

Lucia's parent had died while she was in her second year in the university. Her father's family came up with the accusation that she killed her parent, they disowned her and warned her never to step foot in any of her parent's properties or she would be made to go mad. Gripped with fear, she went far away from everything pertaining to her parent just to save her head.

With no one to help with her fees and other necessary things, Lucia became very sad and then fell into depression. It was while she was weeping in the department one day that Jael saw her and asked what was wrong with her. She narrated her ordeal to Jael who promised to be of help to her, Jael took her in, fed her, clothe her and even convince her parent to help with her tuition. Jael who was a strong Christian led Lucia to Christ and mentored her till she became a strong Christian too.

Because of Jael, she is a graduate with a well paid job and a nice car. Looking back at all Jael has done for her, Lucia decided to intercede for Jael so that she doesn't miss it in marriage. Lucia continued interceding for Jael and also never stop telling her to speak to God once again but Jael was adamant, her anthem was that God was the one who chose Gideon for her.

On a normal day, Lucia would have back off but a scenario she once witnessed was why she kept on telling her best friend to go to God in prayer again. The person meant to take the Sunday school one particular Sunday was sick then pastor asked her to take it. Though Lucia was scared of standing before a large congregation, she committed the teaching into God's hands and He took control.

At the end of the service, the pastor invited her into his office, commended her and prayed for her. After leaving the pastor's office, she felt the urge to pee and then went to the ladies only to meet a shocking scene- Bro Gideon (the youth coordinator) was having sex with Sis Susan (the choir mistress) right in the ladies. The sudden urge to pee disappeared and she ran back into the auditorium unable to say a word to anyone.

She had wanted to inform her best friend about what she witnessed but she didn't just find the courage to do so. When Lucia saw that Jael was bent on going ahead with having an intimate relationship with Bro Gideon, she decided to let the cat out of the bag.

Before they went to bed one night, Lucia reveal the secret to Jael but she got the shock of her life, Jael became furious, gave her a deafening slap and sent her out of the house. Lucia pleaded and pleaded with Jael but she didn't let her into the house, Jael threw her things at her and warned her never to step her foot in her house again or she would get arrested.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 3

Caleb was trying to get some sleep after a stressful day at work when a call came into cellphone, his wedding ceremony was in less than two weeks and he had a lot to put in place at his workplace before going on leave. He wanted to ignore the call due to his tired state but later changed his mind. He glanced at his phone and smiled when he saw that his heartrob was the one calling, the tiredness in him disappeared.

Caleb: my queenie

Lucia: (crying) sweetheart, please I need your help

Caleb: (alarmed) what is wrong baby? Why are you crying? Who hurt you?

Lucia: I had a disagreement with Jael and she threw me out of the house, it's late here and I have no where to go

Caleb: oh my God! You are protected in Jesus name. Just stay where you are, I am coming to get you now. Be fine sweetheart.

Lucia: thank you

Caleb hurriedly wore his clothes and drove down to Jael's residence, he picked Lucia and her luggages then took her to his parent's house. He had wanted to take her to his house but in order to avoid temptation, he changed his mind.

Mrs Weston was so surprised to see her daughter-in-law to be in her house with her luggages, Caleb wasted not time in explaining what the issues was. Mrs. Weston drew Lucia into a warm embrace and told her everything would be fine. Despite the wrong done to Lucia by Jael, Lucia still cried and prayed for God intervention in Jael's relationship and marriage.

That night, Lucia had a terrible dream. In the dream, she saw Jael carrying a beautiful vase of flower and was walking on a path. Unknown to her, the enemy had gone ahead of her and dug a pit for her to fall into. As Jael was about to get to the point where the pit was dug, Bro. Peter came out of no where to prevent her from falling into the pit but Jael stubbornly refused to head to his warning. All of a sudden, Bro. Gideon also appeared from no where and pulled her into the pit and their ruin was disastrous.

Lucia woke up with tears flowing down her face, she understood the dream perfectly. Bro. Peter was the right man for her friend but her friend has been blindfolded and carried away by her so called dream. She fell on her knees and began to cry to God for mercy on behalf of her best friend. She rounded up her prayers for Jael when she felt peace within her.

While she was contemplating whether to call Jael or not, she received a text message from her which broke her heart. "Find someone else to act as your best lady because I am not interested in being the best Lady to a wicked and pretentious fellow". Jael forwarded the text message to Caleb who comforted her and promised to get a female cousin of his to act as Lucia's best lady.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 4

Lucia's wedding ceremony came and all through the ceremony, she wasn't as cheerful as she ought to be, Caleb noticed this and tried to cheer her up reminding her that it was their day of joy. Lucia tried her best to wear a smile on her face but was always looking at the door post hoping to see Jael walk in.

Few days to her wedding day, Lucia had sent Jael an apology message pleading with her to come rejoice with her as she walk down the aisle. She thought Jael had forgiven her and would attend the wedding ceremony since she got no angry message in reply to the one she sent.

Both the church solemnization and the reception came to an end without Jael showing up, Lucia was pained to the bone marrow but there was nothing she could do about it, she had to discard Jael's thought from her mind and enjoy her new status.

Marriage was sweet and fun for Lucia but despite the bliss she was experiencing, she was constantly thinking of Jael. Six months into her marriage, she received a Whatsapp message from an unknown number. She opened the message and saw that it was Jael's wedding invitation card and it came with a shocking message that goes thus "God has successfully put my enemies to shame and settle me maritally"

Being an emotional person, she didn't know when tears begin to drop from her eyes. Caleb who was working on his laptop suddenly lifted up his face and was surprised to see tears on his wife's face. He went to her, drew her into his arms and started speaking to her.

Caleb: why are you crying? Is it Jael again?

Lucia: yes. In fact she is getting married to that evil man in two weeks time. What I don't understand is why God can't stop His children to fall into wrong relationships and marriages

Caleb: God only lead those who would allow Him to lead them, can't you see that He has been sending warning to her through you but she isn't ready to sit down, have a rethink and pray. Who knows? God might have been sending other people to warn her or might have been even giving her signs but she may not discen

Lucia: hmmm! But, she is a devoted child of God

Caleb: vouch for yourself dear, some people may claim to know God but are pretending. So my dear, I will advise that you keep praying for her, we hope it doesn't become too late for her.

Lucia: Hmmm! Amen ooooh, thank you so much for the words of encouragement dear, you are the best husband ever

Caleb: awwn! And I am proud to be married a the sweetest woman on earth

Jael tied the knot two weeks later and Lucia ensured she was in attendance, she also went along with a wonderful wedding gift for her friend. All through the wedding ceremony, she kept having a feeling that things were not right. It got a point that she felt like leaving for home but she just had to stay till the end of the program.

Jael and her newly wedded husband were driven to their new home. Jael who was looking forward to a great wedding night was disappointed as her marital crisis began on her wedding night.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 5

After saying a word of appreciation to God when they got to their home, Gideon informed his new wife that he needed to see a friend down the street, Jael wanted to remind him that it was their wedding day and they were supposed to be together but she changed her mind because she didn't want to begin her marital life with argument. She let him go with the mind that he would be back soon.

Jael warmed the food her mother gave her and ate a little portion before falling asleep. A loud bang on the door was what woke Jael, at first, she thought thieves had come to rob them but she canceled the thought and went to see who was at the door. Surprisingly, her husband was sitting at the door post reeking of alcohol. Being shocked was an understatement, she begin to question herself if the man she got married to wasn't a child of God. She let him in the house and continued asking herself questions. She went into the room and met her darling husband sleeping and snoring.

The next morning, Jael tried questioning her husband as to why he was drunk the previous night, instead of giving her a meaningful answer, he simply burst into laughter which made her cringe in fear. When Jeal thought she had seen it all, another shocking scene emerged. Gideon informed his wife to prepare a delicious meal as they were expecting someone special. Jael who thought the person was probably a family member put extra effort in ensuring that the food was tantalizing.

At exactly 4pm, the door bell rang and Gideon ushered in a tall and handsome looking young man, they exchange pleasantries in a way that was strange to Jael then Gideon muttered some words to his ear before asking Jael to serve him the food she prepared. As she was serving the stranger, his eyes was travelling all over her body which was somehow to her. Done with serving him, she went into the room to freshen up and have a change of cloth as she was having kitchen smell all over her. As she came out of the bathroom with only a towel tied around her chest, she met her husband and the stranger wearing only boxers and sitting on her matrimonial bed.

She screamed so loud which made Gideon and the stranger burst into laughter. Jael started crying and asking why the stranger was in their bedroom and was without clothes.

Gideon: (taunting Jael) easy dear wife, we are not here to hurt you okay? We are just going to have a threesome just to make tonight awesome

Jael: Jesus! Threesome? You mean, you, I and him?

Gideon: exactly, you will surely enjoy every bit of it. Even though it's your first time, we would be gentle so you have nothing to fear

Jael: (crying) haaa! Jesus! But, I thought you are a Christian, I mean a child of God

Gideon: (burst into laughter) Well, I was on my own when you took my name to the marriage committee that God reveal me to you as your husband and I decided to play along since you are beautiful, curvy, well behaved and rich

Jael: no! no! no! This can't be, there is probably a mistake somewhere. God can never reveal a sinner to me as in, I am a devoted child of God

Gideon: a child of God who fail to seek the face of God for the choice of a partner. See, this is what people who don't pray or are hasty to get married get. Madam, you are wasting our time, come and let's get this done

Jael: haaa! I am doomed! Please, let me pack my things and leave. I promise to go far away and live my life quietly

Stranger: such an expensive joke. Giddy, this babe dey waste my time ooooo

Gideon: no vess jare, na virgin church girl she be

Stranger: make she cooperate na

Gideon: it's better you cooperate with us so that we won't use force. As you can see, my friend is getting angry

Jael: (still crying and wishing a miracle can happen) but I thought, this is supposed to happen between just you and I, why is he in the picture?

Gideon: well, we are members of a big cult in the society and one of our rules is that a co-cult member would join any member who get married to copulate with his or her partner, failure to do this will result to death. Do you want your darling husband to die?

Jael: (fall on her knees weeping) Jesus!!!

The stranger whose name is Ted, carried Jael to the bed and began to fumble with her virgin body then invited Gideon to join them. After some minutes of fumbling with her body, Ted went forcefully into her ignoring her plea and when he was done, Gideon took over. After the act, Ted used a white handkerchief to wipe the blood stains on the bed sheet and went away with it.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 6

Lucia woke up with a scream which startled and woke Caleb up, he opened his eyes and was surprised to see his wife weeping silently.

Caleb: Sweetheart, what is the problem?

Lucia: (still weeping) My dear, it is Jael again ooooh

Caleb: Jael?? How? What happened to her??

Jael: I saw them burying her alive, I pleaded with them to stop but they ignored me, I pleaded with the Old man in white to rescue her from the wicked men trying to bury her alive but He refused

Caleb: Jesus! This is serious!

Lucia: Dear, please let's pray for her, I don't want to lose my helper

Caleb: it's okay dear. Stop crying, we would begin to pray for her starting from today and I believe that our prayer will give her deliverance from whatever problem she may be.

Lucia: (wiped her tears) thank you, my husband

Starting from that day, Lucia and her husband dedicated a day in the week to pray and fast for Lucia.

Lucia woke up the following morning with a splitting headache, she discovered she was naked and tried remembering the incident that took place the previous evening. Tears keep dropping from her eyes as reality dawned on her, she had missed it maritally but she was still confused as to why and how she missed it, she had seen Gideon and her get married in her dreams three times and had decided to follow God's leading since through dreams was how God speaks mainly to her.

She wiped her tears and dragged herself into the bathroom to wash off the blood stains from her body. As she was scrubbing herself, an idea crossed her mind and she decided to follow it. She rushed out of the bathroom, picked few of her clothes, her documents, ATM and other needed things and decided to escape from the house before Gideon comes back from God knows where. She was about to walk out of the building when Gideon drove into the building, he rushed out of his car and dragged her back into the house amidst beating.

Gideon: (panting) and where do you think you are going to? Ohh to go and reveal my secrets to the world right?

Jael: (weeping) please, let me go

Gideon: I have paid your bride price so you are mine, you are my slave and I can do whatever I like and want to you. In fact, from today, you won't be stepping out of this house. Any day you try to escape again, I will make you my next item of sacrifice.

With that, Gideon walked into the room leaving Jael to weep and nurse the bruises she got from the beating. That night, Gideon raped her over and over ignoring her plea. All Jael could do is to keep asking God for mercy. She wept till there was no more tears in her eyes, she cried till she lost her voice.

She bled for three weeks and a day to the end of the three weeks, the head of Gideon's occultic group also canme to sleep with her. The most terrifying thing was that Gideon informed her that the head of the occutic group would always come to have sexual intercourse with her every last day of the month.

That horrible experience went on for three weeks and for that three weeks both Gideon and Jael remained indoor. After the three weeks was completed, they went to church. When people asked why they had not been coming to church, Gideon told them he and his wife travelled to US for their honeymoon and it was like they shouldn't return home. Young ladies who heard wished they had gotten married to Gideon instead of Jael.

Lucia's eyes met with that of Jael and she could see sadness in them. She went closer to where she was with her husband and embraced her telling her that she missed her so much.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 7

While embracing her friend, Jael squeezed a paper into the palm of Lucia without Gideon's knowledge as he was carried away with appreciating those that came to congratulate him. Lucia whispered a prayer into Jael's ear before going to meet her husband who was waiting for her in the car.

While in the car, Lucia opened the paper Jael squeezed into her palm and began to read the content in it to the hearing of her husband.

Dear Lucia,

I hope you can find a place in your heart to forgive me because I know I have hurt you beyond comprehension. Hmmm! Just as you were saying back then, can you believe I missed it maritally? You know, I still don't understand why God revealed him to me when He knows his lifestyle, is it that I never served God well?

Can you believe that Gideon belong to an occult group and it's as if I have been made a sacrificial lamb? Time would fail me to narrate my ordeal this past weeks but all I need is deliverance from this bondage. I promise to serve God with the rest of my days if He would show me mercy and get me delivered.

Below is my new contact as Gideon destroyed my former sim card so that my people won't be able to reach me. Please, don't call me, let's be communicating through SMS and don't forget to keep praying for me as I don't want to die in this dilemma.

Lucia: (weeping) I said it! I said that man is evil, I tried to warn Jael several times but she turned deaf ears to me. Now, see what has become of her

Caleb: this is terrible! We really need to start interceeding for her in order not to lose her

Lucia: haa! I must not lose my friend oooooo

Caleb: calm down! You won't lose her and mind you crying won't do anything or do you want to cry till you have a miscarriage?

Lucia: haba! Which kind of talk is that one na?

Caleb: then remember what the doctor said and abide by it

Lucia and Jael began to communicate through text messages. Lucia informed her spiritual father who was always sending prayer points to Jael to pray. For the first eight months, Jael was made to keep asking God for mercy because that was what her life needed. God began to listen to her plea and things began to go wrong for Gideon.

Occult head: Gideon, what is happening to your drum of blood, it is leaking. Are you sure you haven't committed a sacrilege?

Gideon: no great one, I don't understand what is happening. I have been abiding by the rules and I pay my dues as at when due

Occult head: something is wrong somewhere then because you are one of the most dedicated members we have here.

The occult head consulted their occult screen and begin to see the cause of problem. They saw Lucia and her husband interceeding for Jael which was the cause of the leakage.

Occult head: what do you think we should do to these intruders?

Gideon: Your highness, I think we should kill their unborn child and add the blood to our blood bank

Occult head: nice one, we would send an arrow of death to her womb and the baby would die.

Lucia suddenly scream from sleep and began to have severe stomach pain, her scream woke Caleb up and he was so surprised to see blood dripping out of her body. Instead of holding his wife, he picked up his Bible and begin to blast in tongues quoting God's promises for his family.

After praying for sometime, he laid his hands in Lucia's protruded stomach and began to command life and health into both the mother and unborn baby. Lucia became calm and the pain ceased.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 8

After Caleb brought his prayer to an end, the arrow was sent back to the occult head but he was able to dodge it. With anger in him, he ordered Gideon to go and kill Jael. Gideon took the spiritual dagger which they use for killing people and drove to his house to finish Jael.

Fortunately for Jael, she was placed on fasting and prayer that particular day, Lucia's spiritual father had earlier had a terrifying dream about Jael and asked her to fast and use psalm 91 to pray. Gideon parked his car, took the dagger and marched angrily into the house to carry out the leader's order. As he stepped into the room, he met her kneeling down beside the bed with her head bent.

He raised the dagger to stab her on the head but Jael suddenly looked up and it pierced her shoulder. As the dagger pierced her shoulder, a lightning from Heaven struck Gideon which made him fall flat on the floor shaking. Despite the pain that was ravaging her body, Jael was to send a text which contain her address to Lucia pleading with her to me deliver her from the jaws of death.

Lucia didn't spend an extra moment at home after she received Jael's text message. She went with her gatekeeper since her husband was at work and she might be in need of help.

With the help of Google map, they were able to locate the house. Surprisingly, after interrogating Gideon's gateman, he had no wind of what was happening inside the house.

He ran to check if all was fine but met the unconscious body of his boss and the wife. They carried the two unconscious body into Lucia's car and sped to the nearest hospital. Gideon and Jael were both admitted and treatment commenced immediately.

After weeks of treatment, the doctor saw that there was nothing medically wrong with Gideon while poison from the dagger had poisoned the tissue in Jael's left hand and the only solution was for the arm to be amputated in order for her to be alive else, she would lose her life once the poison spread to the other part of her body.

Lucia was confused at this point and had to invite Jael's parent because she couldn't make any decision as to if Jael's arm should be amputated or not. When Jael was told, she refused to let her arm be amputated as she claim to believe in God's healing miracle.

Few days after the doctor said there was nothing medically wrong with Gideon, he kicked the bucket but not without making a confession. He invited everyone into his ward and told them about how he suffered from poverty and lack of job for ten years till he met one of his secondary school classmate who took him to an occultic group where he was initiated and made wealthy within few weeks. He sacrificed his mother, father and siblings in order to renew his contract with the occult group. He claimed to be hesitant but the fear of being killed pushed him into using his family members for rituals.

He said he never wanted marry Jael but the occult head saw it from the spirit realm and told him to get married to her as she would be very useful to them. The occult head told him that Jael was a glorious lady and that glory of hers would be snatched from her and shared among all the members of the occult and at the end, she would be killed and sacrificed to their god but things couldn't go as planned because of the prayer of the children of God for Jael.

Jael was weeping as she listened to Gideon's confession, she was so heartbroken and kept asking herself how she missed it. After the confession, Gideon suddenly began to jerk and all effort to make him accept Christ went in vain as he died before he could mutter the words of salvation.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 9

Few weeks after Gideon's death, Jael was flown out of the country for treatment. Despite the treatment she received outside the country, the hand was no longer useful, it was there for decoration as there was nothing she could use it to do. As if that wasn't enough, it was discovered that she no longer have a womb.

Upon her return to Nigeria, she received the news that every of her late husband's property got destroyed by a fire whose origin was unknown, she had to go back to her parent's house to begin her life afresh.

Lucia's spiritual father was in town for a revival, Lucia decided to accommodate him in order to get answers to her unanswered questions. On the day preceding his departure, she invited Jael to her house so that they could both get answers to the questions that had plagued their mind.

Lucia: but sir, is it that God no longer speak through dreams?

Pastor Nile: of course, He does but it now left for us to discern what the dream meant through the Word of God and the help of the Holy Spirit

Jael: what I don't understand is that, I saw Gideon and I get married in the dream, why does the marriage now have to end in shamble?

Pastor Nile: You need to understand that dreams come from God, the devil and our flesh. That you see yourself get married to Gideon in the dream might have actually been a warning from God to you or it might be that the devil actually manipulated your dream or your thought that day was what played out in your dream

Lucia: hmmm

Pastor Nile: the devil and one's foundation is very good at matchmaking a person with the enemy of his or her destiny just to ensure that the beautiful future God has for that person didn't come to manifestation because a good marriage has a way of bringing one's ambition to realization

Jael: hmmmmm

Pastor Nile: that's why you need to go into serious prayers and even possible add fasting to it once you see yourself get married to anyone in the dream. It can even be the presence of spirit spouse in your life

Jael: hmmm! This is deep

Pastor Nile: those that receive revelations from God through dreams must be very careful, they should weigh the dreams with God's word before concluding that it's from God

Jael: hmmm, now I have realized my mistake but isn't it too late for me?

Pastor Nile: not at all daughter, God is able to give you beauty for ashes if you are only ready to surrender all to Him and give Him first place in your life

Jael: sure, I am ready

Jael went back to God in full surrenderedness and decided to live her life for God and teach the young ones the danger of missing it maritally. Even when people tell her to consider marriage again, she tell them she isn't interested. All she wants is to keep living to please God in order to make Heaven.

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Lessons learnt
1. Reconfirm dreams from the Word of God.
2. Listen to Godly advice
3. Don't be desperate. Patience is a virtue
4. Have Godly friends that are burden bearers.
5. Be kind always. Do all in your power to render help.