Tears of Julie

Started by StoryTeller, Saturday, 06 May 2023, 05:24 PM

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Kola: Mentor, I can't do this again, I can't go on with this marriage. How on earth will she keep losing pregnancy? Ten pregnancies in three years, who does that? And to think she keeps claiming she has no past, is that a joke?

Mentor: hmmm, so what do you want now?

Kola: Good question Mentor, it's high time we went separate ways, she is just wasting my efforts.

Mentor: your sexual effort you mean to say??

Kola: Exactly Mentor

Mentor: Grace, what do you have to say???

Grace: Well, I love him but if that's what he wants.........


Imagine losing ten pregnancies!

Like seriously??

What's the cause?

Did Grace have a past but just pretending?

What could be wrong?

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 1

Kola: I just can't do without you, you are the sun that lights my dark world, your smile brightens my heart and your ebony dark skin always make me desire to see you. You complete my world and for this, I can't trade you for anything. Grace, my love, you are the only one my heart beats for.

Grace: Kolawole the son of Abeni, you are just so sweet mouthed

Kola: my sweet mouth is for the woman who has stolen my heart.

Grace: So, you have made me forgive you with your sweet words ba?

Kola: My dazzling angel, I am sorry

Grace: here he goes again. Please, where do you get these sweet lines from? I hope you didn't deceive ladies with these sweet talks before you met me.

Kola: come on sweet, my sweet words are for you. I am going to learn more because I want to always wake you with my them.

Grace: hmmm, I have heard you

Kola: So, am I forgiven? Will you go out on a date with me today to show you have forgiven me?

Grace: Deal

Kola: wow! Thanks my love, the apple of my eyes, the one whose thought has clouded my sense of reasoning. Baby, I will forever cherish you.

A twenty-six years old Grace met and fell in love with A thirty-year-old Kolawole during her internship at the hospital where Kola works as a Gynecologist. Their love wasn't love at first sight but one that bud over time. Kola had mistakenly collided with Grace making all the documents in her hand fall, Kola being a gentleman apologized and helped picked them up. They helped introduce one another and from then became great friends.

After some months of friendship, Kola saw that Grace was a prospective wife and then popped the question, Grace took time to pray before giving him a reply. They met each other's parents and from then, their wedding preparation began.

Their wedding ceremony was one in town as the parent of both parties spent and spent just to make sure the wedding ceremony of their children was a success and it truly was. There was so much splendor in the reception that even the guest didn't want to leave for their respective homes. There was so much to eat and drinks that everyone present ate to their fill and still took some home.

The couple was driven to their home to begin a new life after a wonderful time at the reception venue. Kola looked at the face of his beautiful wife and couldn't stop appreciating God for making such a beautiful and godly lady his wife, he placed a light kiss on her lips and drew her to himself praying that God will give them a happy home.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 2

Kola woke up and pecked the forehead of his wife, he remembered the event of the previous day and most especially the previous night. He smiled sheepishly then muttered a prayer of thanks to God for giving him not just a beautiful and godly woman but a decent one at that.

Kola: Good Morning, my queen, hope you slept well.

Grace: (yawn) Good Morning my husband, I need more sleep

Kola: lolzzzz but why???

Grace: don't ask me, please

Kola: (laugh out loud) I understand she is still acting shy, don't worry, you will have all the evening to sleep. Let's go prepare for our thanksgiving service

The couple began a new life and there was so much love in their home. Kola was a loving and caring husband while Grace was a loving and submissive wife. Despite being a career woman, she took good care of her husband and his family, she doted on her husband so much that it made his friends and colleagues wish they had gone before Kola to ask Grace out.

Being chaste till she got married, Grace didn't expect to have a delay in childbearing but a delay came. As calculated by her, Grace thought she would be pregnant exactly two months after her wedding but nothing came forth. A year later, there was still no sign of pregnancy which made Grace so worried but Kolawole kept assuring her that God will give them their child at the right time.

Just as Kolawole assured, Grace got pregnant two months after they celebrated their first wedding anniversary. It was a time of jubilation for the duo as they couldn't stop celebrating and appreciating God for answering them. Kola who was a lover of children was the happiest man on earth. He ensured his wife was not stressed at work and even at home.

Amid their happiness and jubilation, something happened. Grace retired early to bed that particular night and while asleep, she had a terrifying dream. A particular lady sat down under a tree and was weeping profusely, she tried to know what caused the lady's tears but she couldn't and by the time she woke up, she discovered she was bleeding. Alas! She had a miscarriage.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 3

Kola who was watching a football match heard the screaming of his wife and ran into the bedroom to see what was happening. Getting to the room, he was so shocked to see her bleeding and wailing in pain, it was obvious she just had a miscarriage. With tears running down his face, Kola grabbed his car keys, carried a bleeding Grace, and drove to their family hospital.

Grace was admitted and treatment began immediately, the doctor help free Grace's womb of the dead fetus. It was a tough period for the couple considering how long they waited to have that pregnancy. Grace was discharged days later with a word of comfort that God will give them another pregnancy which would be born.

Two months after the miscarriage, Grace became pregnant again, she decided to resign to avoid any sort of stress which could lead to a miscarriage but just like before, she had a dream one night and saw the crying lady again. By the time, she would woke up, a miscarriage had occurred. It happened five times that particular year like five miscarriages in a year that Grace got tired of getting pregnant.

This became a thing of concern to the couple that they began to attend prayer meetings, health seminars, and many more but all these didn't bring an end to the problem. A few months after their third wedding anniversary, ten miscarriages happened.

There was nothing the couple didn't do, was it prayer? Sowing of seeds? Paying the school fees of people's children? Helping the needy? Yet, the situation remained the same.

As time went on, Kola began to feel his wife was the one with the problem since he had no issues with getting her pregnant, the main issue was nursing the pregnancy to full term. He then decided to see his mentor and speak his mind.

Kola: Mentor, I can't do this again, I can't go on with this marriage. How on earth will she keep losing pregnancy? Ten pregnancies in three years, who does that? And to think she keeps claiming she has no past, is that a joke?

Mentor: hmmm, so what do you want now?

Kola: Good question Mentor, it's high time we went separate ways, she is just wasting my efforts.

Mentor: your sexual effort you mean to say??

Kola: Exactly Mentor

Mentor: Grace, what do you have to say???

Grace: Well, I love him but if that's what he wants.........

Mentor: speak up Grace

Grace: Mentor, whenever the miscarriage is to happen, I always see a crying lady in my dream and by the time I wake up, I would be bleeding.

Kola: can you see, Mentor? She has offended someone in the past and didn't even open up to me

Mentor: Keep quiet my friend, what do you know about revelation?

Kola: I am sorry, Mentor.

Mentor: You should have spoken up Grace, that dream deals with the past of one of you. I want you to go back home and think, one of you has hurt someone whose tears are the cause of what you are going through. You don't need to shift blame, ask God to open your eyes.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 4

Mama: Never! Over my dead body will that barren witch continue to live with you. You have no choice but to marry Simisola who I brought to your house and give me grandchildren

Kola: calm down Mama, your voice is high and my wife may hear you

Mama: I am raising my voice so that she can hear me. Do you know how much we spent to marry her and yet she can't give us a child? Have you forgotten how much her bride price cost?

Kola: stop all this Mama, I married her because she is the woman for me and I don't regret the amount I spend because she made me a happy man

Mama: a happy man you say? Who is a happy man without a child? See, Simisola has come to stay. She is a virgin who will give you as many children as you want. Mind you, I am not leaving here till you take her to bed. Don't worry, I have paid her bride price for you.

Kola: Mama, did you realize I am happily married?

Mama: no, you are not. You are not happily married and I am here to help you. I can't watch my only son remain childless and as I said, I won't leave here till you have taken Simisola to bed

Kola: oh God! What kind of situation is this?

Mama: a situation that requires you to use your brain.

Grace who overhead both mother and son went into the bedroom looking gloomy. She held onto her wedding frame which house a picture of her and began to speak to herself.

Life! Life!!! Life!!! Isn't life so funny? I remember the happiness on my face the day I was getting married. You know, I was getting married to the love of my life and I was ready to spend forever with him. Money wasn't a problem so I felt we would have little problems which could probably arise from the difference in our personalities, little did I know that I would have a lot on my plate.

I could have messed up but I chose to keep my dignity till I finally get married, I chose to bear the name mummy G.O because I wanted to be sexually pure till marriage, I lost so many friends and even my best friend because I refused to be caught in the web of immorality. It wasn't an easy journey but God saw me through, I tell you, my husband was so proud of me but what is now the cause of my childlessness? My husband is beginning to think I am the cause and even his mother thinks I can't bear children, she even brought a wife for her son.

From my revelations these few days, I can boldly tell that our childlessness isn't physical but who would believe me? My relationship with my husband these days has gone sour, who will help me out? Oh Lord, have mercy on me. Don't let my home hit the rock, I am not ready to share my husband with another woman.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 5

Grace was having dysentery hence, she went to the toilet four times in the office and when she couldn't take it again, she had to take a cab home as she had no strength in her again. On getting home? she was surprised to see that her things are no longer in the bedroom. In her weak state, she called her husband to know if he was the one that moved her things and probably decided to change their bedroom but he told her he didn't.

As she was about to end the call, her mother-in-law walked in and told her that since she refused to give her son a child then she no longer has a place in her son's life. Mama went on to tell Grace that Simisola is now the legitimate person to share a room with her son. At that instant, Grace lost it and spoke harshly at Mama.

Grace: what the hell, you wicked mother-in-law? You keep saying I am the reason your son has no child, is it that I didn't pregnant? Do you know what the pain of losing ten pregnancies is? You should sit your son down and ask him whose daughter's life he destroyed.

Mama: Jesu! Seeing this mannerless Igbo girl insulting me, I warned Kola never to marry an Igbo girl, I told him to pick from his tribe but he didn't listen.

Grace: whatever Mama, go ahead and marry your son. Get pregnant for him and give him as many children as well as possible. My brothers are all married and my mother will never trouble any of them.

Upon hearing that, Mama got angry and then bounced on Grace and gave her the beating of her life. Simisola who wants to remain in Mama's good books joined Mama to beat her after which they throw her and her things out of the house. Grace who was already fed up with everything happening didn't bother to plead with her mother-in-law, she was lucky to a see cab which she flagged down and then took her to her sister's place. She would have preferred to go to her parent's place but she couldn't afford to travel to the East because of her well-paying job.

Oliver was so mad when she heard what her little sister had been going through, she blamed Grace for enduring the bullshit and went on to advise Grace to give Kola a divorce if he ever lay with Simisola.

Kola got back home that evening and was surprised to see his mother's face looking swollen, at first, he thought she had a fall but then, he remembered that his mother was one of the most careful people he ever know. He moved closer to her and tried to know what happened to her only for Mama to burst into tears with the claim that Grace beat her up because she helped them clear the room and in the process took some of their things to the guest room. Mama went on to tell Kola that after beating and insulting her, Grace took her things and left.

Kola lost it at that instant, he took his phone and called Grace to know where she was. Grace who thought her husband already knew what his mother did and wanted to make things right gave him the address of her elder sister.

On getting to Oliver's apartment, Kola met only Grace and before anyone could say anything, Kola bounced on her and beat her blue-black then, he warned her never to step foot in his house since she decided to disrespect his mother by beating her blue-black. With that, he left for his house not caring to listen to Grace's side of the story.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 6

Oliver was so shocked to meet her sister in a bad state, there were fresh bruises all over her face which surprised her, she barely stepped out of the house for one hour to get some things at the supermarket to restock her kitchen since her sister was around only for her to come back to see her sister in tears.

Oliver: who did this to you?

Grace: it's nothing big sis, I will be fine

Oliver: open your mouth before I dash you hot slap

Grace: (bursts into tears) Kola

Oliver: shuu! Did you invite him over?

Grace: I thought he wanted to apologize for his mother's attitude toward me that was why I gave him your address

Oliver: Grace, you dey mad. This Jesus thing don turn you mumu. Shey na my sister be dis sha? Grace wey go join me beat man for the village, Grace wey go join me plan for the person for village. Well, no wahala, Kola go hear am today, shey im dey craze ni? Dem nor tell am say anyhow person no dey enter my Kabba?

Grace: Oliver, please don't do anything to Kola, he is my husband and I love him. His mother is poisoning his mind

Oliver: shut up your mouth. So, you think I know nothing about love right? Which man in his right sense will beat up his wife?

Grace: please, don't go and beat him. I leave everything in God's hands, this is a trying period in my marriage and I will overcome it.

Oliver: good riddance to bad rubbish. God save your husband today because I planned to remove one tooth to teach him a lesson.

Grace decided not to go back to Kola till he realized what he had done, she changed church so that she doesn't have to see him every day but deep down, she wished everything could go back to normal.


Grace was still living in her elder sister's apartment. Fortunately, the hard to get Oliver finally fell in love and got married. Grace was the happiest person because Oliver had vowed never to get married after being raped by some corpers in the village but in the long run, she met a man who showed her true love.

Grace got used to living alone and one afternoon, she decided to do some shopping. While picking up things in her favorite supermarket, she heard a familiar voice and upon looking back, she saw Kola holding a heavily pregnant Simisola, and together, they were also picking some goods.

Grace kept looking at Kola and suddenly, their eyes met. Kola was shocked to see her so was Grace. Seeing that he was happy with Simisola made tears fall from her face, she dropped the basket in her hands and walked out of the supermarket in tears.

On getting home, Grace fell on the floor weeping and calling God to a challenge. For days, all she was doing was weeping and asking God to show Himself to her.

Three days later, a call came through to her phone, it was Kola's mentor asking her to meet her in his office immediately. Grace dressed up lazily and went to see him, she was so surprised to see Kola in the office already.

Mentor: the last time you two came here, I asked you to go and pray and then get back to me but you didn't and two years later, I am hearing the news that you two are no longer living together. Kola, who is the woman living with you?

Kola: sir...sir..s.

Mentor: hmmm, you are a disappointment to me. Is this how I raised you? I asked you two to go and seek God's face to know the source of your problem and then come back to me but you chose another route. Grace, why didn't you come to me? Why did you decide to leave your matrimonial home?

Grace: (wipe the tears falling from her face) I am sorry sir

Mentor: I already knew the cause of the problem but I wanted you God to open your eyes. Kola, who is Julie, and what is your relationship with her???

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 7

Right where he sat, tears cover him up and he became uneasy. Hearing the name "Julie" brought goosebumps to his body, he thought the past will always remain in the past.

Mentor: You are not talking, have you suddenly become tongue-tied?

Kola: Sir, it was a mistake I wished I could undo

Mentor: that isn't the answer to my question, Kola

Kola: She was a naive village girl who I forcefully took he virginity by drugging her during my service year.....

Grace: Jesus!!! And you kept this away from me

Mentor: sshhhh, go on

Kola: I made a record of that incident and keep using it to make her sleep with me.

Mentor: and?

Kola: I made her commit three abortions........


Collins: just look at fine boy like you, you no fit sample girls as you like and dem dey always bring food to you as per their teacher

Timi: im matter tire me, as I will not be a teacher gansef, I don sleep with four village girls. Kai! These village girls sweet pass, you see that fifteen years Sikira ehn, she dey always sweet my body

Kola: Guys, this isn't fair. You are simply destroying their future. Imagine a twenty-eight years old Timi sleeping with a fifteen years old girl and you are proud of it. What if she is your sister?

Time: Kai! Wetin be your own? Leave me ooooh abi I rape dem? Dem dey enjoy being too na

Kola: God will have mercy on you

Collins: no mind am, na impotent im be, if not, he go dey sample girls too

Kola: Let me be impotent.

Kola was a sexual puritan, at the age of twenty-eight, he had not seen the nakedness of a woman and he was determined to make it so till he get married. After graduating from the University, he was posted to the Western part of Nigeria to serve. Being a Yoruba young man, he was loved by the market woman who trusted him with their daughters.

He joyfully began to tutor the girls even without being paid a dime. There was this girl who he loved the most, she was the brightest and most respectful and she was a great cook. Julie's mother ensure she brought dinner for her teacher every evening in a bid to appreciate him since they were very poor to pay him back.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 8

Kola had retired for the day, he had a very stressful day and decided to sleep without eating as he was too tired to cook. A few hours later, a knock at the door woke him up, he reluctantly went to open the door only to see Julie at the door. Since she wasn't a stranger to his home, he let her in without thinking twice.

Julie made him understand that her mother ordered her to bring him dinner. While Julie was talking, his eyes suddenly fell on her chest region, it was then he discovered that she wasn't wearing anything under her cloth. He suddenly found himself staring at her chest and realized that her nipple was calling his attention.

He appreciated her kind gesture and dismissed her but the picture of her standing breast never left his head. He prayed and bind every spirit causing him to lust after Julie's chest region but that didn't deliver him, it was as if the devil was ready to destroy him. The urge to have her became so urgent that he was forced to tell her to come to cook for him in his house.

Knowing that Julie was a decent girl and would not give in to him easily, he bought a sleeping pill and added it to the drink he served her with the day she came to cook for her and after some minutes, she slept off. Immediately she slept off, and Kola undressed her and had his way with her, he went on to make a video of her which he wanted to use to threaten her so that she won't be able to report him.

Julie woke up and screamed the moment she met herself on Kola's bed, she checked herself and saw blood stains on her thighs. Her scream woke Kola up, he pleaded with her that it was the work of the devil and then promised to make her his wife immediately after his youth service. He promised to take her along with him to Lagos if she would keep her mouth shut. After promising to shut her mouth, Julie gave her body to him over and over again that night few
A few weeks later, Julie got pregnant and ran to Kola in fear, Kola calmed her and gave her some pills which help kill the growing fetus. Julie got pregnant twice and the pregnancy was aborted. Kola rounded up his service and left the village without Julie's knowledge.

When Julie got to his apartment with the mind of celebrating his success, she met his room empty, Kola left without her, he didn't keep his side of the promise while she kept hers. It was a painful moment for her, he took her virginity and made her a broken woman, she believed him because she felt he was a good man.

After crying for a month, Julie decided to leave Kola for God and move on with her life when she discovered that she was pregnant again and in a bid to conceal it, she took some pills that made her bleed. When her mother heard that her daughter committed an abortion, she almost ran mad. She had pleaded with Julie never to ever have sex with any man till she get married as she didn't want a repetition of what happened to her. Mama Julie was deceived by a police officer and ended up being pregnant with Julie.

By the time she got to the hospital where Julie was rushed to, Julie was already departing from the world but she was able to tell her mother all that corper Kola did to her then, she gave up the ghost. Upon seeing what had happened to her daughter, Mama Julie ran mad immediately.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 9


Grace: (weeping) Yeeee!!! How could you?? Kola has finished me and to think I have been fighting a battle I know nothing about

Mentor: calm down, Grace, everything will be sorted out. God has heard your cries and has decided to fight your battle.

Grace: (weeping) Mentor, I am no longer interested in this marriage

Mentor: Remember you signed for better for worse

Grace: another woman is pregnant for him, Mentor

Mentor: (chuckle) What you did to that girl was inhumane, Kola. Can you allow a man to do that to your sister?

Kola: (crying) Mentor, I didn't know what came over me.

Mentor: fine, you made a mistake but running away was bad. You could have married her and gotten her educated so that she can fit your status

Kola: I met Christ after my service, it was then the reality of what I had done hit me hard. I wish I never did all that.

Mentor: The death of that girl and the madness of her mother is the reason you can't have a child. If you ever want to have a child of your own, you must go in search of her mad mother, take her to a psychiatric hospital and let her be treated then start praying for her healing

Kola: but a lady is pregnant for me

Mentor: really??? Go home and come back immediately. No matter what you discover, don't start a fight

Kola did as his mentor commanded, he drove hastily to his house praying nothing bad happened to Simisola and his unborn son. As he was about to step into the living room, he heard her making a call and laughing mockingly.

Simi: The fool isn't at home jare, he thought the child I am carrying is his own, he is dreaming. His mother is the biggest fool, God gave her son a good wife but she threw her out. Well, once my son is born, I will get more money from him then, we would both travel out of the country or, should I tell him to send me to the U.S to have the baby???

Kola: Jesus!!!! Simi!!!

Simi: eerm, I....i....i... What...what...

Kola wanted to strangle her to death but his Mentor's warning won't let him. He drove angrily to his Mentor's place and broke down in tears immediately after he got there. He explained everything to his Mentor in tears.

Grace: hmmm, serves you right

Mentor: Grace!!!

Grace: I am sorry sir

Mentor: I think it's time you guys come together

Grace: I am sorry, Mentor, I am not interested. If he had opened up to me, helping him clean up the mess won't be an issue. When he is done cleaning up the mess, he can come looking for me, I am not ready to lose another pregnancy.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 10

Mama: Yee, Kola ti pa mi, How could you Kola? You should have at least confided in me.

Kola: I thought everything was now in the past since I became a follower of Jesus

Mama: Haa, so Simisola could betray the love I have for her. Hmmm, have you been able to reach Grace? Haaa, I have offended that innocent girl. Kola, please forgive me, I was the one that beat her and even threw her things out, she never lifted a finger at me

Kola: I know that already. Mama, I am a broken man, can God still forgive me?

Mama: Yes, He will forgive us. We will cry to God for mercy and then go to Grace to ask for her forgiveness

Kola: she doesn't want to have anything to do with me

Mama: I will go with you to her, I will go on my knees and I know that she won't reject us this time around

Kola: I hope so. Hmmm, one has to live life carefully because there are consequences for every action of ma, this is a lesson I will always tell my children

Mama: you will surely have children in Jesus' name. What's your next move?

Kola: I would travel to where I serve and see if I could see Julie's mother and then get her admitted to a psychiatric hospital, I am ready to right my wrongs

Mama: God will help you, my child.

Grace was having her afternoon devotion when the Holy Spirit begin to speak to her about forgiveness

Holy Spirit: what is the greatest gift God gave to you?

Grace: Wow! Wow! Wow! That's the gift of salvation, the forgiveness of all my sins

Holy Spirit: What are you to do to the offenses of your fellow men towards you?

Grace: forgive and ask for the grace to forget

Holy Spirit: But why is Kola exempted? Why are you not letting go?

Grace: Jeez! That guy hurt me, beat me up, and had the nerve to sleep with another woman, he simply threw our marital vows to the ground.

Holy Spirit: You did worse to God and He forgave you. Remember when you and Oliver beat up a man of God, God still forgave you. You still love your husband and you think of him every day, just ask for the grace to let go.

Right where she sat in the living room, Grace begin to weep, asking God for the grace to let go.

At that moment, Kola walked into the living room with gifts and a flower in his hands while his mom was behind him. Seeing Grace on the floor and in tears broke his heart, he rushed to where she sat and scoop her into his arms pleading with her to stop crying. Mama came closer and knelt before Grace asking for her forgiveness.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 11

Mama left Kola and Grace to give them time to talk. She went to the veranda where she sat praying that God will unite them.

Back in the living room, Kola went on his knees pleading with Grace to forgive him and give them another chance. Grace who would have ushered him out of her house found herself listening to him.

Grace: what step have you taken so far as regards the issue of the dead girl?

Kola: haaa, my love, I have seen her mother and she has been admitted into a psychiatric hospital and the good news is that she is currently responding to treatment.

Grace: hmmm, nice move. What will you do with her when she finally becomes stable?

Kola: I will tell her everything and then ask for her forgiveness

Grace: and you think getting her forgiveness is that easy?

Kola: it won't be easy but I am ready to do anything to get it.

Grace: hmmmmm.......

Kola: Give us another chance, please

Grace: it's how you threw our marriage vows to the ground without thinking twice

Kola: I am so sorry, please.....

Grace: what's the assurance that you don't go back to your vomit?

Kola: Grace, give me a benefit of the doubt

Grace: a benefit of the doubt, you say?

Kola: yes, my love

Grace: if you ever hurt me, you won't like the outcome.

Kola: thank you, my love. When are you coming back to the house?

Grace: I can't come there, get a new apartment, please

Kola: anything for my woman

Grace: (eye him) I hear you.

Kola: babe, I missed you so much, I miss everything about you

Grace: I made jollof rice

Kola: like you know I am very hungry, I have been fasting

Grace: where is your mom? I thought I saw her some minutes ago.

Kola: yes, she came with me.

Julie's mother responded to treatment in less than two months and after being certified to go home, her younger sister came for her. Two weeks after her discharge, Kola went with Grace to seek her forgiveness. Mama Julie was so furious, she got Kola arrested with an order that he should be tortured. Grace pleaded and pleaded with her but she refused to listen, Mama Julie claimed that her daughter would have been a doctor if Kola hadn't deceived her. It was a tough moment for Grace.

When it was obvious Julie's mother won't listen to her, she had to run to Kola's mentor to explain the situation to her. The mentor and his wife held hands with her and prayed for Kola. In the course of the prayer, Grace ran to throw up in the visitor's toilet.

Mentor: Grace???? Are you fine?

Grace: yes, I am. I guess it's the stress I have been subjected to.

Mentor's wife: are you sure it's not pregnancy?

Grace: (chuckle) oh not at all, I am not pregnant.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 12

Grace continued the prayer with the Mentor and his wife and all of a sudden, she fainted. Mentor Afolabi was perplexed, his wife got a bowl of water which they sprinkle on Grace. After much sprinkling of water, Grace became conscious but very weak. The couple had to rush her to the hospital to avoid her case becoming worse.

On getting to their family hospital, after a series of tests, Grace was confirmed six weeks pregnant. Mentor Afolabi and his wife were so happy for Grace. Surprisingly, when the news was broken to Grace, she was indifferent about it. She simply said she would rejoice when the pregnancy exceed four months. Mentor Afolabi admonished her to trust God for a change in the situation since the secret of their affliction has been revealed.

Meanwhile, Kola was still in police custody where he was given the beating of his life based on Mama Julie's order. Kola patiently served his punishment while pleading for God's mercy but one thing that surprised him was Grace's absence. She had promised to do everything within her power to get him out of the police net but nothing was working. He felt useless but he never stopped asking for mercy. His mother came to see him at the station but she was sent away after being called horrible names by the police who claimed if she had trained her son well, he won't have killed someone's daughter.

When Grace became strong, she joined hands with Mentor Afolabi his wife to ask God to take over Mama Julie's heart before she went to plead with her again. Fortunately, by the time she got there, God had worked on Mama Julie's heart. Immediately Grace got there, she knelt before Mama Julie and began to cry for her forgiveness.

Mama: Haaa Julie my daughter. Hmm, I had great plans for her, I was ready to send her to the university so that she can be a great woman and liberate us from poverty. She was the reason I never remarried because I didn't want her to suffer, I wanted to prove to my family that a girl child can make it in life. And I was the one that push her into Corper Kola's life, see what came out of it. At first, she didn't want to get close to him but my constant plea made her too.

Grace: we are very sorry ma, please, forgive us ma

Mama Julie: who will take of me now that I am old? Who will be a child to me?

Grace: Mama, I have decided to open a big supermarket for you. I will do my best for you ma.

Mama Julie: Kola hurt me greatly but I am letting go because of the good woman you are. God loves Kola and despite the wickedness he did, he still got a great wife. I will call officer Teni to release him.

Grace: (fell on her knees) haaa, God bless and keep you ma. You will never lack any good thing in Jesus' name.

Mama Julie: amen, thank you, my daughter. From today, you will never lose any pregnancy again in Jesus' name.

Grace: (surprised) amen, thank you ma.

Grace took a cab and ran to the hospital and on getting there, her husband had been released. She ran into his arms not minding the bruises on his body weeping for joy. She was happy things were falling into place for them after the storm.

Not minding the bruises on his body, Kola pleaded with his wife to take him to Mama Julie to ask for her forgiveness. Mama Julie's heart was touched when she saw him. She forgave him wholeheartedly and prayed for the couple.

A week later, Grace and her husband established Mama Julie with a big supermarket so that she would be able to take care of herself.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 13

Kola: why on earth do you hide this from me? Didn't I have the right to know or is the baby not mine because I don't understand why you have to hide it from me?

Grace: See, I don't have the strength for your ranting this evening

Kola: you will have strength for it okay???

Grace: Can you please leave me alone?

Kola: this is not becoming funny again. Give my questions an answer

Grace: fine!!! You want an answer, right?

Kola: yes, I want to know why you the fact that you are carrying my child from me

Grace: (tears falling from her face) why won't I hide it??? I hid it because I am afraid of losing another pregnancy, this is the eleventh pregnancy I would be having. Don't you get it???

Kola: (sober) Babe??? Don't you trust God to help us?? I am and will remain sorry for the pains of losing pregnancies but I want you to know that we have been forgiven hence, there would be no loss of pregnancy again.

Grace: (weeping) I am so scared, I don't want to lose my baby

Kola: you won't, my love. This child has come to stay.

Even after the issue of Julie was dealt with, Grace didn't tell her husband that she was pregnant and when he found out by himself, he was angry. When he realized her reasons, he was humbled and took it upon himself to pray to God for mercy so that Grace would deliver safely.

Mercy took over their case and when nine months were completed, Grace went into labor after a moment of crying and pushing, A bouncing baby boy was born. Kola who was in the delivery ward couldn't hold back tears. Finally, he was now a father, he looked at Grace who looked so exhausted and could not stop plastering her face with kisses. Indeed, she is a woman every man needs in his life. Right in the delivery room, he knelt beside her bed appreciating her and prayed for her.

Two days after the naming ceremony of their baby on the eighth day, Grace walked into the room and met her husband staring into space with their ten-day-old baby in his arms. With a closer look at him, Grace discovered he was weeping silently.

Grace: Sweet???

Kola: ye..yesss

Grace: what's wrong?? Why are you crying???

Kola: Just thinking of everything I put us through and I realized that our actions today can cost us our tomorrow if care isn't taken. Imagine Julie lost her life just because of me. This is a story I will tell my children and ensure they abstain from pre-marital sex

Grace: it's okay dear, you need to forgive yourself since you have been forgiven by God and her family

Kola: what would I have done without you, my Queen? Truly, you are the woman meant for me and I am proud of you.

Grace: Awwn

Kola: thank you for loving me and for this beautiful baby you gave me, I will forever cherish you.

Grace: my love!!! I love you too. I will forever be your queen.


For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.