Why You Must Read Continuously

Started by Ennieglobal, Tuesday, 06 February 2024, 09:02 AM

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As I journey through life, there's one thing I realized recently as I spend more time reading books for my self development. It has really helped me realize what I've been doing wrong and how to improve.

Before I started being intentional about my self development, I usually feel extremely bad when I'm corrected about something. But as I got intentional, that part of me began to fade, to a certain point that I even want to be corrected so that I can grow.

Here's that one thing I've realized, allow the tables to shatter for a new one to be constructed. There's this common slang in Nigeria, "you are breaking tables" which means, you are demolishing mindsets in my own perspective. I've realized that shattering or breaking tables doesn't really hurt you, but it helps you. 

When you read and got an information that tells you the truth, allow those truths that is being imputed into you demolish all those wrong things you've built up in your mind.

This is why we should read books that can help us everyday, they contain things that can help us. But here's the drill, don't just read but meditate and soak them in. It'll help you.