The Pastor's Wife

Started by StoryTeller, Saturday, 29 April 2023, 09:39 AM

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Episode 1

Craig drove crazily into his new magnificent house. He was at the ministers meeting when he received a text from his wife that their house was on fire, she had called and called but he didn't want to pick because he felt picking a call while God's word was being preached is tantamount to not regarding God but when he saw her text, he had to run home to calm the situation. Surprisingly, he got home and saw that there was no fire anywhere, at that minute, all he felt was anger.

He walked into the house to confront his wife for telling lies only to meet her in transparent lingerie and a seducing position.

Pamela: (embraced her husband) ohh you are back, thank you so much

Craig: and what is there to be thankful about?. You lied about the house burning just to make me come home when you are fully aware that I am at a minister's meeting. Who does that?

Pamela: don't be like that na, babe, I miss you so much, I need you

Craig: excuse me? So, you tricked me home because you miss me right?

Pamela: yes na, I miss your touch, I need you ooooo

Craig: Pam, is this you? This is unbelievable

Pamela: what is unbelievable? Is that your wife needs you or what?

Craig: all is unbelievable. First, you lied that the house was burning. Second, you knew I was at the ministers meeting yet, you chose pleasure over the word of God I was listening to

Pamela: enough Craig, I am your wife, I came into your life before your ministry and I need you right now.

Craig: now, I can see that you are becoming crazy

Pamela: (remove the lingerie from her body revealing her nakedness) fine, I am sorry for the trick but babe, I need you. Let's just do it once then, you can go back to the program, please

Craig: get thee behind me satan. I won't fall for your temptation

With that, Craig left the house and drove back to the minister's meeting leaving his wife in the house. Pamela sat on the floor weeping uncontrollably, she regretted ever advising her husband to pick up the call of God upon his life. They got married a year ago and their marriage has been so blissful not until God called her husband into full-time ministry. At first, Craig refused to obey God because he felt resigning from his work would make his family suffer but Pamela encouraged him to trust God and obey Him.

Craig heed to her advice and went into full-time ministry and God never stop taking good care of them. One problem Pamela has been facing since her husband went into the full-time ministry is that he is hardly available. Today, he is in Abuja, tomorrow, he is in Ghana on a ministerial assignment forgetting that his wife has needs that needed to be attended to. Several times, Pamela has called his attention to that new habit of his but he would always tell her that the harvest is plenteous but the laborers are few.

Pamela was tired of everything, she was sex and love-starved. She wished she could confide in someone but there was no one, her friends were far away as she was married from Lagos to Imo state. Her parent was late and she wasn't that close to the inlaws. Done with crying, she wiped her face and consoled herself with the fact that her husband would surely come back home to her.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 2

Queen: how was the operation, Lady Kim?

Lady Kim: terrible, that man is fire, his eyes spit fire. Everything about him is fire

Lady Flora: Queen mother, things are getting out of hand, we can't allow this man to ruin all we have suffered to build. Imagine, he keeps delivering our captives, is this how we would allow him to destroy our kingdom?

Queen mother: you are right lady Flora, this man is dangerous to our kingdom but we find it difficult to pull him down. What do you think we can do?

Lady Lait: Why can't we quench his fire, Queen mother?

Queen mother: quench his fire? That is not possible because he has no sin in him

Lady Kim: let's make him sin??

Queen mother: that is not an easy thing to do because the third person in Godhead keeps watching out for him

Lady lait: can't we pass through his wife??

Queen mother: impossible!!! Her fire is more than that of her husband, her tears are another great weapon. She is the main person shielding her husband, no harm can come his way except she walks out of his life

Lady flora: but we can make them enemies then strike

Queen mother: you don't understand a lot of things but I am willing to explain. In her university days, she went into a covenant with the Holy One to serve Him all her days in the university and that the Holy One would give her a great home and also protect her home from every evil work, that is why her marriage is highly shielded including her husband because the Holy One never breaks covenant

Lady Kim: hmm, this is deep but we can't let this man ruin our kingdom

Lady Flora: sure we can't, he has been wreaking havoc in our kingdom since the day he was ordained a minister.

Queen mother: we can't allow him to destroy all we have planted for years but the issue is how do we destroy him?

Lady lait: can't we send one of our agents to seduce him?

Lady Kim: seduce?? That's out of the way, none of our agents can come near him as everything about him emits fire

Lady flora: then, what can be done? We can't allow this man to hinder us from receiving our rewards from Lord Lucifer during this year's award day

Queen mother: let's do this, everyone should go home and think of what we can do so that by the next meeting, we would tangible solutions.

In Craig and Pamela's residence, Craig was home sleeping after a week's ministers conference, Pamela was overjoyed to see that her husband was at home with her. That morning before he wake from sleep, she packed every f his clothes both dirty and clean, and put them in the washing machine to wash, this was to restrict him from going out when he wake up from sleep.

Surprisingly, Craig woke up and after breakfast, he went to the wardrobe to get a cloth to put on to go out only for to see no clothes in his wardrobe. He inquire from his wife who told him that she needed to wash them all. Instead of staying at home since there were no clothes for him to wear, Craig brought out his phone and ordered some wears. When the clothes were brought to his house, Pamela was speechless.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 3

Pamela had a disturbing revelation and went into a session of prayer after which the Holy Spirit begin to talk to her.

Holy Spirit: Dear daughter, your prayer has been answered but don't accommodate anyone in your house except I give you a go-ahead

Pamela: alright Father, give me the grace to obey Your instruction

That day, Pamela went to the church her husband was pastoring to oversee things for their upcoming convention. As she was going into her husband's office, a strange-looking lady walked up to her and began to cry. A surprised Pamela moved closer to her to know what was wrong.

Pamela: Hello, young lady, what is the matter with you?

Lady: (weeping profusely) I need your help ma

Pamela: how??

Lady: my uncle sent me out of the house because I refused to sleep with him. I slept outside last night and almost got raped, I am scared of sleeping outside tonight again.

Pamela: eya, what do you want me to do for you?

Lady: I just need a shelter

Pamela: hmm, can you stay in the church? You will be well cared for

Lady: can't I stay at your house ma? I am very scared

Pamela: (suddenly remembered the instruction of the Holy Spirit) I am sorry, you can't stay in my house. You can only stay in the church and we would take good care of you

Lady: it's alright ma, I can't stay in the church, I would look for somewhere else to stay.

Before Pamela could say jack, the lady was nowhere to be found. Pamela ran outside to check on her but didn't see her. Then, the Holy Spirit warned her to be careful of those who pretend to be the children of light.

The lady who pretended to need shelter was one of the ladies in the coven. Since she didn't succeed in convincing Pamela to accommodate her, she went back to under the waters where their coven lay. She was furious when she got to the coven but the Queen told her to be calm.

Lady feri: calm down you say? Are we going to watch this man ruin our kingdom and to think there is nothing we can do about it

Queen mother: calm down lady feri, there is something we can and would do about it.

Lady Kim: enlighten us Queen mother

Queen mother: I sent you to her to derail her from our real plan. The reason she didn't accommodate you is because she has been instructed by the Holy one not to accommodate anyone without His approval

Lady feri: hmmm, no wonder but what is our real plan? We need to bring this man down as soon as possible

Lady flora: exactly because if we don't bring him down now, it would incur the wrath of Lord Lucifer and that would hinder us from receiving our yearly rewards

Queen mother: we would bring him down through his wife, she would bring stain into his life.

Lady lait: but how, Queen mother?

Queen mother: this is not the time to reveal it. I will let you know when the time comes.

When she didn't see the lady, Pamela went back to the church and after overseeing the preparation for the upcoming convention, she went into her husband's office. As she sat down, her eyes caught a frame hung on the wall, it contains a picture of her and her husband at the early stage of their marriage. She glanced at the picture again and sighed deeply, she missed her husband so much, she miss the days they play together, talk together, and discuss their future together. After his ordination, she now became a married-single woman, she hardly gets to see his face twice a week as he was always traveling for ministrations.

While she was lost in thought, Pamela's cell phone rang. Surprisingly, it was her husband's call, she picked it up only to hear that he was at home. She went home and met him surfing the net, she greeted him casually and went into the kitchen to prepare his meals, Craig was shocked when he saw that his wife was not even happy to see him, on a normal day, she would have screamed and jumped on him. Knowing that something was wrong, he went to the kitchen to ask what the problem was but she refused to speak up. He let her be but not without helping her out with the meals.

As they lay in bed that night, Craig had to ask his wife what the problem was as he couldn't endure her silence again.

Pamela: you really wanna know what is wrong right??

Craig: yes, please

Pamela: if you don't create time for me, you will wake up one day to find me gone

Craig: gone?? To where?? But you are my wife and it is for better for worse

Pamela: wife indeed, it is obvious I am a maid, because if I am your wife, you would treat me as one.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 4

Craig felt pained to hear his wife speak to him in such a manner, he felt she should understand him better because she was the main person that encouraged him to go into full-time ministry. In anger, he took his Bible, jotter, and cell phone and went into his prayer room to sleep. Pamela felt pained to see the outcome of her words, she thought he would realize his mistake and make amends that night.

Determined to have her husband copulate with her that night, she went to look for the spare keys to the praying room but didn't find them. Unable to find her way to the prayer room, she made up her mind that her husband will not step out of the house till he put things right, she got a big bucket and soak her husband's clothes in water. She broke her husband's ATM so that he won't be able to pay for any dress he decided to buy online because she knew that would be his next action when he discovered that all his clothes have been soaked in water. As Pamela lay in bed that night, the Holy Spirit began to correct her. He made her understand that she can't right a wrong with another wrong. Hearing that, Pamela wept and ask God to forgive her.

Craig woke up that morning and began to prepare for a 10 am ministration when he saw that his dresses were not in the wardrobe. He went to the washing machine and saw all his clothes soaked in water, he saw one or two hung on the hanger but they were extremely wet. He knew it was his wife's way of getting back at him, he became suddenly angry and went into the room to wake her up.

Pamela: good morning dear

Craig: what is the meaning of what you did?

Pamela: I was angry but...

Craig: angry??? I have begun to think that the devil is trying to use you against you, I just hope you haven't joined witchcraft

Pamela: how dare you label me a witch??

Craig: because your actions prove so

Pamela: (crying) all I just want is to be loved and cared for, I just want you to treat me as your woman. Imagine! We have not copulated for the past three months, how do you expect me to feel?

Craig: (suddenly saw the pieces of his broken ATM) Jesus! Did you do this??

Pamela: eerm eerm

Before Pamela knew what was happening, Craig advanced towards her and beat her blue-black, something he had never done before. It was as if he was being controlled by a spirit, he ignored her pleas and kept on punching her till he saw blood oozing from her nose. When he saw the blood, he suddenly left her, used the iron to dry a shirt and trousers, and left the house for the ministration. As he was driving, the Holy Spirit told him that if he climb the pulpit without apologizing to God and his wife, he would return home as a dead man. Fear gripped him and immediately, he made a U-turn. He canceled the ministration and went back home.

In the coven, there was so much jubilation. The Queen's mother and her ladies felt elated to see Craig beat up his wife.

Queen: can you see what I am seeing?

Lady lait: of course queen mother, this is a great news

Lady flora: what is the next step queen mother?

Queen mother: we would sow a seed of bitterness in her, she would suddenly hate her husband and stop praying for him. You know she is his spiritual support, once she stops praying for him, he will be open to attacks and arrows then, we can easily bring him down

Lady feri: wow! This is good news. I can now go to the man to seduce him

Queen: you are not going to the man, we would use his wife against him to the end.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 5

Pamela lay on the floor weeping profusely, if anyone had told her that Craig would ever lay his hands on her, she would never have believed. Her parent were business people who were hardly at home hence, she lived and grew up with her aunt. Her mother's sister was a very nice person who loved Pamela so much and decided to train her since her mother was never available. Veronica, Pamela's aunt was married without a child, she tried everything possible to have a child but to no avail.

Veronica's husband became tired of waiting, he began to take solace in drinking, smoking, and womanizing. At first, Veronica became depressed but later had to put her trust in God that all would be well someday. God indeed visited her but it didn't last as the devil used her husband to destroy God's blessing. Veronica suddenly became sick, she took malaria drugs thinking she was down with malaria. That evening, her sickness became worse which made her weak, she couldn't do the house chores or even prepare dinner.

Veronica's husband came home that day and became furious when he discovered that his wife didn't prepare dinner and without listening to her side of the story, be launched at her and beat her. The next thing they noticed was blood running out of Veronica's thighs, a scared Veronica's husband drove her to the hospital only to be told that his wife just had a miscarriage.

Veronica was so pained to hear that she had a miscarriage which was caused by her husband, a pregnancy she had waited for a long period to have. Veronica divorced her husband and moved on with her life. When Pamela got wind of all that happened, she felt so pained. By that time, she was already in a relationship with Craig, she invited him over to her apartment that day and made him swear to her that he would never lay his hands on her which he did.

Unfortunately, He broke his promise by laying his hands on her. Where she sat on the floor, she kept asking God if this was what being a minister's wife is all about, she wanted to know if ministers usually beat their wives. While she kept asking God questions, she saw the door of her room open and there stood her husband with a bunch of flowers, when his eyes met with hers, he went on his knees to apologize for laying hands on her.

Pamela stood up and walked away not minding the fact that her husband was kneeling or not. Craig ran after her and knelt before her asking for her forgiveness.

Pamela: Can you please let me be, wife-beater?

Craig: sweet, I am so sorry. I didn't know what came over me, please, forgive me

Pamela: you have done your worst so please let me.

Craig: no dear, I am deeply sorry

Craig tried everything possible to make his wife forgive him but it was in vain and God warned him not to go for any ministration till it was certain that his wife has forgiven him. Pamela on the other made up not to make forgiveness easier for her husband, Craig would clean the house, bring food for her on the bed, and all other things yet, she refused to let go. It was until God spoke to Pamela to let go before she forgave him. Craig was in the kitchen that evening when Pamela decided to assist him.

Craig: sweet???

Pamela: came to help you

Craig: you don't need to bother yourself, I am almost rounding up

Pamela: why did you do it?

Craig: seriously dear, I am very sorry. I didn't know what came over me, I wished I could undo what I did. Baby, I wish you could see how sorry I am

Pamela: hmmm, it is well. I am sorry for breaking your ATM and soaking your clothes in water

Craig: no dear, I should be the one apologizing to you. On no account should I have raised my hands on you, you are my queen, my heart rob, the one who stole heart, you are meant to be treated like a Queen

Pamela: hmmm

Craig: give me another chance to make you happy

Pamela: if you ever lay hands on me, I would walk out of your life and never come back

Craig: it would never happen again, I promise you.

Craig continued to sweet talk his wife and the next thing they knew was that they were under the sheets making love.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 6

The ladies in the coven became furious when they saw that the couple had reconciled, they were at loss at what else to do and the Queen's mother wasn't ready to reveal what their next line of action would be. The year was running to an end and they couldn't afford to lose the year's reward from master Lucifer as they did the previous year for being unable to bring a strong man of God down.

Lady feri: Queen mother, can you see what is happening? What are we going to do now?

Lady lait: yes Queen mother, it looks like our effort is yielding no result, are we going to lose this year's reward again?

Lady flora: exactly! We can't afford to lose this year's reward Queen mother, we must do everything possible to bring this man down. As for me, I am willing to go any length to bring him down

Queen: I appreciate your loyalty, I am Queen Enas, the great Queen of the northwest, I am on level 567. This year's reward would take me to level 616 and I would do everything possible to get that reward from our lord Lucifer even it requires me to bring down all the believers in this country

Ladies: yes ooooh

Queen mother: keep watching, this reconciliation won't last, something big will soon hit them, something which its consequence they won't be able to bear

Ladies: (scream excitedly) yippee

Craig became better, whenever he goes for ministration, he made sure he returns home early to be with his wife, he ensure he buys her gifts and also pray for her. Being at home created time for the couple to pray and study the Word of God together, it was as if their love was awakened.

Craig was to travel out of the state for a six months ministers conference, the elders of the church chose him to represent their denomination, be tried everything possible to dodge it, and let his assistant go but it didn't work. The elders of the Church maintained that he is the one fit to be at the minister's conference. He was at loss at what to do, he couldn't take his wife along as the Church was only going to take care of the expenses of one person. Pamela was downcasted when she heard that her husband would be gone away for six months, she wished she could face the Elders and poured out her heart to them but she couldn't because she would be termed as a woman who doesn't want her husband to do God's work, she would have loved to go with her husband but she can't be absent from work for six months.

Since there was nothing to do to prevent the situation, Pamela had to console herself and let her husband go to the conference. A month after her husband left, the assistant pastor had an accommodation problem, he lost his job and since his office was the one that gave him accommodation, he had to leave the staff quarters. Kelvin, the assistant pastor pleaded with Craig to accommodate him till he gets a new job, Craig accepted to accommodate him without thinking twice. When Pamela tried to go against it, Craig made her realize that they had to assist a brother in the Lord.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 7

Craig was gone for one, two, three months with his wife living all alone in their big house. To make the matter worst, communication wasn't easy as either there was a bad network or Craig was too busy to call. After three months of his departure, Pastor Kelvin moved into the house at Craig's instruction. He made his wife understand that he would keep her company before he comes back.

Things were going on smoothly, Pamela never hesitate to take good care of Kelvin, Kelvin also reciprocated by helping out with house chores, going to market with Pamela. Gradually, they begin to get closer and begin to exchange very personal information. At a point, Kelvin discovered that he was falling deeply in love with Pamela while Pamela on the other hand couldn't do without being with Kelvin. All of a sudden, her husband's call and presence made no sense to her again as Kelvin was already filling her husband's vacuum.

Pamela became seriously ill one day and Kelvin had to drive her to the hospital when it became worse. Several tests were carried out on her and it was discovered that she had severe typhoid, Kelvin tried his best to inform Craig but his number never went through then, he decided to take good care of her till his number becomes reachable. Pamela was discharged after spending two days in the hospital, Kelvin would make breakfast, lunch, and dinner for Pamela and also get her fruits. With this, Kelvin had free access to the couple's bedroom.

Kelvin brought breakfast to Pamela one morning, he forgot to knock on the door before entering, he went in only to see Pamela unclad, the feelings he has for her which he was trying to suppress surfaced and he lost control of himself. He suddenly became driven by emotions which he couldn't handle, Pamela on her path was shocked that Kelvin saw her naked self. All of a sudden, it was as if she was being controlled by emotion she couldn't understand, she found herself in Kelvin's arms as they engaged in a fierce romance that led them to her matrimonial bed. Reality dawned on Pamela when the whole show was over, she screamed when she realized what just happened, she had just desecrated her matrimonial bed, she had just broken her promise to God that no man would see her nakedness except her husband.

In anger, she threw Kelvin and his belongings out of her house with a warning that she must never set her eyes on him after which she went into the house to cry, she cried and cried but her tears couldn't reverse the deed.

The six months ministers conference came to an end and Craig traveled home, he couldn't wait to see his wife after being away for six months, he bought a lot of things which he planned to use to appease her because he knew she was already angry with him.

On getting home, Craig noticed a kind of coldness in his wife, at first, he thought she was angry with him because he had been away for months, he did everything possible to appease her but the coldness didn't go away. To worsen the situation, she won't let him touch her and whenever he tried to insist, she would leave the room for him. He tried to know what the matter was but she refused to speak up, on two occasions, he caught her weeping in the bathroom and when he asked what the matter was, she said she was fine.

It was a Sunday morning one month after Craig's arrival, Pamela suddenly slumped in the Church during the praise and worship session. The Ushers rally around her and drove her to the nearest hospital, after a series of tests were conducted on her, it was revealed that she was two months pregnant. Craig almost went crazy when he received the news, he didn't understand how his wife would be two months pregnant when they had not been intimate for almost seven months.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 8

Pamela was discharged three days later and was driven home by a bitter Craig. As soon as they got into the house, Craig began to speak harshly to her wanting to know who the owner of the pregnancy is.

Craig: you know, I still can't believe that you jumped into the arms of another man just because I was away for six months, is it that I no longer know the woman I got married to?

Pamela: (chuckle)

Craig: am I laughing here?

Pamela: what do you want me from me, Mr. Adeyemi Craig. Are you not satisfied after destroying my life?

Craig: destroyed your life you say? You are the one that destroyed my life, you have dragged my name in the mud with this act of yours, what will people say? What will the church say? What will our families say?

Pamela: let them say what they wish too, I will stand anywhere and tell them that you destroyed me. I regret the day I got married to you

Craig: (gave her a deafening slap) how dare you?? You got pregnant for another man, instead of being sober, you stand here to tell me trash.

Pamela: (tears dripping from her face) beating me isn't a new thing, you can go ahead and beat me more, that won't change the fact that you destroyed my life

Craig: (suddenly became fierce) tell me right now, who is responsible for the pregnancy in you

Pamela: it is none of your business

Craig: I ask again and if you don't answer, I will do something you won't like, who is responsible for your pregnancy?

Pamela: go ahead and beat me, I am prepared for it

Craig finally lost it when she refused to tell him who was responsible for the pregnancy, he removed his belt from his trouser and used it on her. When Pamela couldn't take the beating again, she screamed that Kelvin was responsible. Craig stopped the beating and asked her to tell him how it happened which she did in tears. After listening to her tale, Craig went into the room, took every one of her belongings, and threw them out of the house with a stern warning that he must not see her around the house again. With bruises all over her body, Pamela wheeled her luggage out of the compound. As she got out of the compound, she board a taxi to her parent's house.

Luckily for her, her parent was around, they were so surprised to see bruises all over her. When they asked what the matter was, she told them she needed to rest, they let her in with the thought that she would speak to them the following day. As she got into her room, she fell on the bed weeping, she felt dirty, and used, she wished she could end her life right there but she just couldn't do it. At a point, she began to blame God for allowing evil to befall her but the Holy Spirit reminded her that he once warned her never to accommodate anyone in her house till God gives her the go-ahead, it was then it dawned on her that she forgot God's warning.

That night, Pamela's Dad placed a call across to Craig and asked him to come over the following morning which he did. He was offered breakfast which he rejected, an act that surprised his in-laws greatly. Without wasting time, they asked what transpired between him and his wife, Craig didn't waste time in narrating how he traveled only for him to come back and meet his wife pregnant for another man, he told them that he is no longer interested in their daughter and that she would hear from his lawyer very soon. Pamela's parents were greatly disappointed in their daughter, they tried to plead with Craig but his mind was made up.

Pamela's father who was angry and disappointed also threw her out of their house. Pamela who knew what her parent's reaction would be when they hear what she did, stylishly got her aunt's contact and new address from her mother. She knew her aunt would take in no matter what her offense is. True to her thoughts, her aunt took her in and listened to her, instead of judging her, her aunt encouraged her to pick up the pieces of life and move on with life.

Craig invited Kelvin into his office one afternoon and beat the hell out of him, he would have strangled him if the security hadn't run to his office and stopped him. The act of fighting led him to stand before the church where he informed them that Kelvin impregnated his wife while he was away. The board of committee was so surprised, they stopped Kelvin from being a worker and gave Craig a month's suspension for fighting.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 9

Craig became disorganized and lonely. He felt God was unfair to him, he had been faithful to God's work since he accepted the call of God but God allowed the greatest thing he cherished a lot to be taken away from him. Craig decided to travel to a faraway state, get a new job and start his life, he was done with working for God. He spoke to his friend who is based in Abuja and has a big firm to help him get a well-paid job and the friend asked him to submit his credentials.

Craig used the money on him to get accommodation and then moved to Abuja, his friend truly helped him secure a job with mouth-watering pay. With that, Craig began to move on with his life, he no longer goes to church nor wants to have anything to do with Christianity. His friend advised him to get married to another woman so that he would be able to forget about Pamela but he couldn't. He loved Pamela so much that he couldn't just look at another woman, they were each other's first love hence, their attachment to each other was very strong. Even when his friend set him up with a naked girl, he wasn't moved.

When Kelvin heard that Pamela was pregnant with his child, he became restless, he felt bad for destroying a happy home with his lustful desire. He did everything possible to see Pamela including calling her line but she refused to pick, he sent her numerous messages which she didn't give a reply to. While working one day, he received a text from Pamela which indicated that she was ready to see him, she sent him the address and time which they are to meet. Kelvin got to the location before Pamela, few minutes after he was sitted, she walked in. She was no longer the happy and bubbling Pamela he use to know, she had become a shadow of herself, her baby bump was visible enough for people to see and he felt bad for being responsible for it. Pamela sighted him without difficulty and sat opposite him.

Kelvin: welcome ma, it's been a while

Pamela: you requested to see me

Kelvin:, thank you for granting me an audience. (Went on his knees) I want you to know that I am very sorry for putting you in this condition, I don't know what came over me

Pamela: will you please get up and stop embarrassing me?

Kelvin: (stood up) ma, I just wanted you to know that I am regret everything I did. I am sorry for being the reason why your marriage is in chaos today, I am ready to help you bring your husband back

Pamela: you don't need to be sorry plus that's not necessary, is that all you want to say to me?

Kelvin: the baby

Pamela: what about the baby?

Kelvin: I am ready to take full responsibility

Pamela: that's is not necessary either. I think I should take my leave now

Kelvin: Pamela please, I know I am not in the position to tell you this because I am the architect of all that is happening to you and your husband but I want you to understand that I went back to God after what we did, he forgave me and made me realize that we were all manipulated. My sudden loss of job, my coming to your house, your husband's absence were all manipulation just to pull us down. I want you to come back to God, give Him first place in your life again and watch Him decorate you. He will surely bring your husband back, I have sworn to pray and fast till I see that you and your husband are together

Pamela: I think it's time to go

Kelvin: I have your account details, I will be sending you and the baby weekly upkeep.

There was so much jubilation in the coven, the queen mother and her girls were celebrating the downfall of Craig and his wife, they were happy that at last, they won't lose Lucifer end of the year's reward.

Queen: didn't I vow to bring him down? Alas! It happened with ease, Ha! Ha!! Ha!!! This calls for celebration

Lady flora: indeed, it calls for celebration. At first, I thought we are going to lose this year's reward again

Lady feri: exactly! I was skeptical too, I can't wait to see the smile on Master Lucifer's face

Lady lait: and to think he is no longer interested in the ministry

Lady feri: he thought he could destroy our works and go scotfree


Ladies: Ha! Ha!! Haa!!!

Queen: now, we can relax and wait for Master Lucifer's reward

Ladies: Yeeee!!!

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 10

Things were going well for Craig, he was becoming a rich man gradually and was even planning on buying one of the biggest houses in Abuja. Suddenly, something big hit him that sent him off balance. A huge sum of money which belonged to the company was kept in his office, the money got missing and he informed his friend with the mind that his friend would help him out in searching for it. Surprisingly, his friend turned against him with the claim that Craig stole the money. Craig tried everything possible to prove his innocence but it proved abortive, he was sacked and given two weeks to produce the money or be sent to jail.

Craig was devastated, there was no one he could turn to, no one that could console him. He tried to pay the money with what he had in his account but it wasn't enough, the two weeks he was given expired and he was sent to the police cell. He was not tried or taken to court but was just kept in the police net, he was tortured for a crime he knew nothing about.

Right in the police cell, Jesus appeared to him and told him to come back to Him because that is the only way he could enjoy life and experience true fulfillment. Jesus made him realize that He still loves and needs him in His vineyard. Craig was so broken after the encounter he had, he wept and asked God for mercy and grace, he promised to go back to God and the ministry if God would bring him out of the police custody.

Miraculously, Craig was released two weeks after his encounter with Jesus, he received the news that the person who stole the money had been caught, the person happened to be his friend's girlfriend who asked his friend for some money but didn't get it. She went to visit Craig in his office during one of her numerous visits and then saw the bag of money in his office. Since her boyfriend refused to give her the money she needed, she decided to steal the one in Craig's custody.

Craig was apologized to and asked to come back to work but he refused the offer, his saving grace was that the money in his account was untouched. Just as Jesus instructed during His encounter with Craig, he went to the mountain to spend some time with God. On the mountain, he cried and prayed to the point where Jesus had to come down to him again, he kept asking Jesus some questions.

He asked Jesus why the devil had to have access into his home when he was doing God's work and Jesus made him realize that he was at fault, he neglected his family which was his first ministry, he was meant to carry his wife along in all his ministerial activities but he didn't.

Jesus told him to come back to the ministry and take back his wife, Craig refused at first saying he can't be with a woman who has been touched by another man. Jesus smiled and then told him that she was bought down because of him, she was manipulated just to pull him down. Before Jesus left, He touched Craig and suddenly, there was this feeling of love for Pamela once again. Right where he lay, he began to cry as he remembered the days they were so much in love, he remembered how they do things together and serve God together, he remembered how Pamela would encourage and care for him when he is emotionally down, he remembered how she turns rich guys down and kept herself for him then, he promised to give their love another chance.

Craig descended from the mountain and after spending a week in Abuja, he traveled to Lagos to see his wife, he missed her so much especially her delicious delicacy. Getting to her parent's house, he met their absence, the gateman told him that Pamela was thrown out of the house, he pleaded with the gateman to give him her new address which he did, it was the address of her aunt.

Craig was very lucky to meet Pamela's aunt at home but she became disgusted the moment she set her eyes on him.

Aunt: hey, what do you want? Who are you looking for?

Craig: good evening ma

Aunt: that isn't the answer to my question

Craig: ma, I came to see my wife

Aunt: (scoff) wife? The last time I checked, my niece was expecting a divorce letter.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 11

Craig quickly lay flat and apologized to her, he made her understand that he was pissed that another man had carnal knowledge of his wife. He further asked her how would she feel if she discovered that her partner cheated on her. Pamela's Aunt became sober after listening to Craig, she knew Craig wasn't at fault, she was just pissed with him because of the emotional trauma her niece went through all alone.

Aunt Mercy invited Craig into her house and then went to get Pamela. On getting to Pamela's room, she met the door locked.

Aunt Mercy: Pamela dear, please open the door

Pamela: I want to be alone, please

Aunt Mercy: you have a visitor

Pamela: please tell the person to go away, I am not in the mood to see anyone

Aunt Mercy: you would be delighted to see the person

Pamela: even if the person is the president of this country, I am still not interested in seeing him

When Aunt Mercy became tired of persuading Pamela to open up, she went to inform Craig about the situation of things.

Aunt Mercy: she refused to open the door, she said she isn't interested in seeing anyone

Craig: is she alright?

Aunt Mercy: after you sent her away, she became heartbroken for some months but later decided to come out of her shell and live life. Just a month after coming out of her shell, she lost the baby and became depressed after

Craig: Oh my! How have you been coping with her?

Aunt Mercy: it hasn't been easy for me but God's grace has been what has been helping me

Craig: when did this happen ma? I mean the death of the baby?

Aunt Mercy: last month, she woke up one night and started bleeding. By the time we got to the hospital, the doctor said the baby had died in the womb.

Craig: jeez! It is well ma. Can I go see her ma?

Aunt Mercy: well, you can try, maybe she would open the door when she sees you

Craig: thank you ma

Aunt Mercy directed Craig to Pamela's room. As he was going to her room, he kept praying to God to touch her heart. He felt sorry for the pain she went through, right there, he was ready to let go of the past and love his wife unconditionally again.

Craig: Sweet?

Pamela: Craig??

Craig: yes my queen

Pamela: what are you doing here?

Craig: I came to see my beautiful wife

Pamela: please go away, I am not in the mood to see anyone

Craig: (went on his knees) sweetheart, I am sorry for everything that happened in the past, I have come back for us to give our love another chance

Pamela: you don't need to come back to me, I am not ready for another moment of emotional torture

Craig: That won't happen again, I have realized my mistake and I am ready to make things better. I would love, care and always be there for you

Hearing that, Pamela opened the door for her husband. She couldn't believe that she would see him again as she thought it was over between them, she flung herself on him and began to cry. Craig also couldn't help but shed tears, this wasn't the Pamela he used to know, she looked lean and unkempt. Craig drew her closer to himself and kissed her as his life depended on it.

Craig: I miss you, babe

Pamela: I miss you more, I am sorry for everything

Craig: I am sorry for being insensitive. Things will take a new turn from today

Pamela: thank you, Jesus, looks like you haven't been eating well

Craig: hmmm, my dear, there is a lot of stories to tell you

Pamela: should I prepare something for you

Craig: no, let's go to the nearest restaurant to have lunch, I need to spoil you

Pamela: awwn

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 12.

Craig and Pamela both went to a restaurant where they ate to their fill after which they went to a suya spot and bought two cups of ice cream and suya then, they sat down to eat it. While munching the suya, Craig couldn't stop looking at Pamela.

Pamela: you have been staring at me

Craig: you don't look like the Pamela I knew, you look so lean

Pamela: hmmm, are you going back into the ministry?

Craig: yes but this time with my wife. You would go with me to every ministration and prayer retreat, I won't leave you alone again but you would have to resign from your work

Pamela: hmm work! I was sacked

Craig: why??

Pamela: I could no longer meet the demands of the company due to the psychological trauma I was going through

Craig: it is well dear. We missed it in the first place because we felt the ministry was only for me. When God calls a man, He calls his wife too. We are both to serve God together and I believe He would take good care of us.

Pamela: hmmm, I believe so too

Craig: God told me to come spend another seven days on the mountain but I must come with you, will you go with me?

Pamela: of course, I will

Craig: (kissed the back of her hand) thanks to my darling

Pamela: (blushing) you are welcome dear

The couple went to the mountain to pray as instructed by God and in the course of prayer, God kept empowering them especially Pamela, God kept working on her because so much lies in her hands. While they were praying, there was so much anger and rage in the coven, the queen mother and her girls were so angry, they never believed things could go the way it went.

Queen: never! Impossible!! This mustn't happen. Fine, at this point, we would finish them once and for all. Lady Flora, throw them an arrow of death.

As Lady Flora shot them an arrow of death, a fire from nowhere came and consume her. The Queen's mother who was not ready to give up asked Lady lait to send another arrow to them but was consumed by the same fire that consumed the previous lady. Seeing what was done, the queen joined hands with the remaining ladies to fight the couple but they were all consumed by fire.

After completing their prayers on the mountain, Craig received an invitation to come and minister in South Africa, he went with his wife. While he was on the pulpit, his wife was backing him up with prayers and God moved like never before. The couple traveled home after the program and kept appreciating God for making them a vessel of honor. Two weeks after the program, the couple was discussing when Craig suddenly remembered that his wife wanted to tell him something.

Craig: sweet, I remembered you said you wanted to tell me something

Pamela: I thought you won't remember

Craig: no na but you should have reminded me. Oya, tell me

Pamela: guess

Craig: you know I am not good at guessing

Pamela: you shall like to spoil surprises, (hand him an envelope) sha read this

Craig: (opened the envelope and read the letter) all that is written here looks like Latin to me but one thing I can see is "four weeks pregnant". Wait, are you pregnant?

Pamela: (scream excitedly) yes, I am carrying our first child

Craig:(fell on his knees) thank you, Jesus. And to think I am beginning to feel I am the reason we have no child yet judging from what happened in the past

Pamela: do you have to remind me of what happened between Kelvin and i?

Craig: no ooo, I am sorry dear. Babe, I am so happy. You know, we need the pregnancy that of twins (wink at her)

Pamela: what do you mean?

Craig: (undressing himself) we need to add another baby

Pamela: come on, now I understand you, another baby? (Ran into the room)

Craig: don't think you can run anywhere, I am coming after you. You! Yes, you reading this, do you want to follow us into room ni, thanks for following our story to the end but you can't follow us into the Oza room. Don't worry, I will give you the full gist later but I need to do something important right now as in right now. See you later, don't forget that I love you all.


For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.