Sister Lara (A Story)

Started by StoryTeller, Saturday, 29 April 2023, 10:14 AM

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Episode 1

Daniel sat on his bed lost in thought, he was so sad and also lost at what to do. As he lay his head on his study table, tears began to fall from his eyes. One of his eldest sisters who had come home for Christmas came to inform him that breakfast was ready only to meet him shedding tears.

Vera: (touched him bringing him back to consciousness) Dan?

Dan: (quickly wiped away his tears) hey! Big sis

Vera: What is wrong?

Dan: I am fine, just thinking about somethings

Vera: is it about Lara?

Dan: never mind

Vera: then, you want me to tell mom that I met her precious son in tears

Dan: come on, you don't have to tell her. You know how dramatic she could be, she can also begin to cry and I don't want that

Vera: then, tell me what the matter is

Dan: fine! It's about Lara, I don't know what else to do to convince her that she is the one meant for me. I have fasted and prayed, I have talked and talked to her. The last time I spoke to her, I got a deafening slap and an insult

Vera: see, you are the one disturbing yourself. Haven't I told you to forget about her and get married to someone else? You would be thirty-five in a couple of months and yet, you are still without a relationship. Look at Jasmine, my school daughter, she is beautiful, hardworking, well behaved and has a good job. Why not forget this so-called Lara and go for Jasmine, I assure you that she will make a great wife.

Dan: hmmm, I have thought of going for other ladies but God is saying no, and to think God has put her love in my heart. I love her with every fiber in me and yet, she doesn't want me and to think her reason isn't genuine. I don't know what to do, I am fed up

Vera: you know, I still find it hard to understand you. God says this, God says that, I got married out of love and I am experiencing marital bliss, must you marry who God says you should? Abeg, find one beautiful lady and settle down with jare, your mates are already married with kids, you are here crying over one ugly girl. Take a look at yourself, you are handsome, wealthy, and well behaved, ladies should be the ones crying and dying for you, not the other way round

Dan: it's okay sis, you don't have to call her names, I believe God would work out something better for me

Vera: Tor, I hear you. Ehn ehn, I came to inform you that breakfast is ready

Dan: I am not eating, I am fasting

Vera: better come and eat so that your mother won't start crying.

After service one Monday evening, Pastor Yinka called Sister Lara into his office to discuss with her. He was worried as to why she kept on turning down the proposals of all the brothers coming to ask her hand in marriage. Sister Lara as she was popularly called is a beautiful ebony young lady with a slim body, she was so dedicated to the things of God and always care for everyone around her which made virtually everyone fall in love with her.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.


Episode 2

Lara: Good Afternoon Pastor, I was told you want to see me urgently

Pastor: Afternoon Sister Lara, please do have your seat.

Lara: thank you, sir

Pastor: I am just so concerned about something and I deem it fit to call your attention to it

Lara: ehn ehn, what is that sir?

Pastor: Why do you keep turning down the proposal of all the brothers in this denomination? Is it that all the brothers offended you or you don't want to settle down with someone here?

Lara: (sighed deeply) not so Pastor, I am not ready for marriage

Pastor: not ready for marriage? How old are you?

Lara: I would be thirty next month. Sir, I don't want anything to distract me from serving God, and marriage would be a big distraction for me

Pastor: hmmm, don't get it wrong my sister. Only marriage to a wrong man would distract your service to the Lord, if you get married to the right man, your ministry would blossom. So, please, give marriage a thought

Lara: alright, thank you, sir

Pastor: lest I forget, please, pray about brother Dan's proposal. He is a child of God and if God gives you the go-ahead to be his better half, please don't hesitate.

Lara: thank you, sir.

After service that day, Lara picked her bag and begin to walk home, she was angry in her spirit. She detests marriage so much and has sworn never to have anything to do with it but, people around her won't let her be. The old women have been asking when they would eat her wedding rice, the young ladies couldn't wait to be her bridesmaids while the young men won't just let her be, they all want to make her their wife. A young man who hadn't let her be despite her refusal to go into a relationship with him is Daniel, he is the desire of all the ladies in the church but she was just not interested in him. She just wants to serve God and die as a single.

After the service, Dan walked to the choir seat and heard some ladies talking about giving someone a surprise birthday. At first, he didn't want to interfere because of how some of the ladies would start acting once he join them but curiosity got the better of him.

Dan: good evening ladies, whose birthday are you talking about?

Laide: ohh, here comes our dearest brother Dan

Kiki: Awwn, you look good tonight sir

Dan: thanks a lot ladies, so, whose birthday are you talking about?

Felicia: (looks at him lustfully) it's Sister Lara's birthday and we want to plan a surprise birthday party to appreciate her labor of love

Dan: wow! That's awesome! So, what's the date?

Kiki: 12th of March

Dan: nice one, kudos to you ladies.

Felicia: thank you, sir

With that, Dan went his way thinking if he could do something special for her, peradventure that would make her give his proposal a thought.

Getting home, Lara couldn't make dinner because she had lost appetite for food. She dropped her bag on the chair in her one-room apartment and lay on her mattress thinking about what the Pastor told her some minutes ago. Lost in thought, the Holy Spirit began to speak to her.

Holy Spirit: Your Pastor is right, you need marriage to experience another dimension of God

Lara: but, I am not interested in it

Holy Spirit: why are you holding on to the past? I have seen your troubles of the past and have decided to give my son, Daniel to give you marital happiness and help you fulfill destiny but you keep hurting him

Lara: can't I just experience happiness on my own?

Holy Spirit: let go of the past daughter. Daniel is the man for you, love and sticks to him no matter the circumstances.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 3

Lara's birthday came and Daniel decided to surprise her. The youths also decided to give her a surprise birthday party. Even though she isn't wealthy and earns very little, she was always ready to help whoever comes her way. She prefers to go hungry and pay the tuition fee of the youths in her church. There was a time, a girl in her final year had no money for her project and her parent couldn't afford it at that time. When Lara got wind of it, she didn't hesitate to take a loan from her place of work and give it to the girl without asking her to pay it back.

Lara woke up that morning with so much joy and gladness in her, she went on her knees and began to worship God for the gift of another year. She spent over one hour praising God then, she committed the new year into God's hand. After the prayer, she prepared for work. Getting to her place of work, she received a lot of gifts, something she didn't expect. At a point, she became emotional at the show of love she received.

As Lara was entering the house in the evening, she received a call from a youth in the church that her attention was needed in the church immediately as there was an emergency and things might likely go wrong if she didn't come on time. Scared that something bad was about to happen, Lara dropped her bag and the gifts she received on the chair and ran to the church. As she walked into the church, the shout of the happy birthday was all she heard, she was so shocked.

The youths sang and pray for her, they appreciated her and made her realize that they didn't take all her good deeds for granted. One of them told her that Bro Daniel was the one that help them actualize their plan of a surprise birthday party for her. On hearing Daniel's name, her countenance changed but she didn't make it evident. After cutting the cake, she was asked to be in the middle while they shower prayers on her and present the gifts they had for her.

At the end of the celebration, Daniel walked up to Lara and proposed to her in the presence of everyone, the youths were so surprised and happy. They urged her to say yes because they were so sure that the union would produce great things. Surprisingly, all they saw was Lara dashing Daniel a resounding slap. Daniel heard his face, began to scream, and suddenly fell to the ground.

Lara became scared and began to cry, she knelt beside Daniel's unconscious body and began to plead with him to come back to life that she is sorry for the slap. When the youths couldn't revive him, they had no choice but to inform the pastor who ordered them to drive him to the hospital while he inform Daniel's people.

Daniel was driven to a nearby hospital at the Pastor's order, Lara was with him weeping and pleading with God to have mercy and revive Daniel. A furious sister to Daniel walked into the hospital and after listening to what happened gave Lara two deafening slaps and ordered her out of the hospital, she would have loved to get Lara arrested but she knew Daniel would be against it.

Lara went home weeping bitterly, she wished she had never gone to the church in the first place. For the first time in her life, the pastor spoke harshly to her. To make matters worse, some elderly women begin to call to insult her, so many bad things were posted in the Church WhatsApp group about her. She knelt to pray to God and what she heard from God made her shed more tears. She first had to cry to God for mercy before telling Him to help revive Daniel, she promised to get married to him peradventure something goes wrong with his health.

The following day, she went to the hospital to see how Daniel was doing only to be disallowed to go close to his ward. Getting to the hospital two weeks later, she was told that Daniel had been flown out of the country for treatment. She was so shocked to hear that, all she did was slap him.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook

Episode 4

Lara prayed for God's mercy and got it but she couldn't reach Daniel to apologize to him as he wasn't active on all his social media platforms plus his lines were unreachable. The church also became unbearable for her, she lost all the love and respect she once enjoyed, when she couldn't take it again, she had to leave for another church where no one knows her. In her new church, she was just a member and refused to disclose her identity despite the church's plea.

Lara became withdrawn, she kept living life and serving God but one thing she kept asking God was when her life would take a better shape financially, and the reply she got was that would happen the day she got married. She ignored the reply thinking it wasn't from God.

A year after the incident with Daniel, Lara was walking home one day after closing from church when a beautiful jeep flashed mud all over her beautiful dress. It was a painful experience but she didn't say anything, the driver stopped the jeep and apologize to her. Surprisingly, Daniel was the one being driven in the jeep, he had wanted to come down to apologize to the person whose dress was ruined by the mud but decided not to when he discovered she was Lara, he let his driver do the job while he watched from the car. Lara accepted the apology and walked away leaving Daniel with memories of the past.

On getting home, he lay on his bed and began to make reflections. He remembered how he fell in love and is still in love with her, he remembered how he tried to win her love, he remembered how she slapped him which almost made him a blind man. He wiped the tears that were already forming in his eyes and decided to put the past behind him but what he couldn't understand is why he couldn't stop loving her after all that happened.

The school where Lara works needed a loan to help them build their new annex, the principal took Lara along with her to the bank to have a meeting with the board of directors as decided by the bank since the loan was a huge one. Getting to the meeting, Lara was so surprised to see Daniel sitting among the board of directors, she was so shocked and became afraid that the loan would be canceled because of her past actions. The meeting came to an end and the bank promised to release the loan to the school on the basis that they would not fail as regards the payment.

As Lara and the principal were about to leave the board room, Daniel called Lara back demanding to have a word with her, he advised the principal not to bother about waiting for her as their discussion might end up being a long one. Once the principal was out of sight, Daniel took Lara to his office. On their way to the office, Lara's heart was beating fast, she was expecting the worst from him. At a point, she was thinking of going on her knees to apologize for her past misdeed after she gets to his office.

Daniel offered her a seat immediately they got to his office while he sat opposite her.

Dan: (looking straight into her eyes) why did you do it?

Lara: eerm you mean the slap?

Dan: yes, why did you choose to give me a slap which sent me into unconsciousness?

Lara: (went on her knees) I am so sorry, I don't know what came over me. I guess it's the feeling of not wanting to get married

Dan: seriously? You know what?

Lara: what??

Dan: here is the address of my new house, come there and let's discuss it better. If you play a smart one and refuse to come, forget about the loan your school is processing because I am the richest stakeholder in this company

Lara: huh?

Dan: yes, that's all for now. You can be on your way.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook

Episode 5

Lara prayed and prayed to ask God if she was to go to Daniel's house or not, she didn't hear the Holy Spirit tell her yes or no but she felt this peace in her spirit. As the D-Day approached, she couldn't stop contemplating on going or not but in the end, she had no choice but to go as she didn't want to be the reason why her school would be denied the needed and desired loan. On a set day, she covered her spirit, soul, and body with the blood of Jesus and then went to see Daniel.

Daniel was watching a movie when he heard the sound of his gate, he went to the window to see who was walking into his compound only to be struck by the beauty of Lara who was walking majestically into his building, he couldn't stop admiring her. For once, he forgot what she did to him and prayed to God to work on her so that she won't have any reason to keep saying no to him.

Dan was brought back to consciousness when he heard the doorbell ring, he opened the door for her to come in but refused to reply to her greeting. He offered her a seat and a glass of fruit juice before going into the business of the day.

Dan: I thought you won't come

Lara: hmmm, I don't want you to cancel the loan my school is processing

Dan: so, it's all about the loan

Lara: (went on her knees) brother Daniel, please forgive me for all I did in the past, I am very sorry

Dan: (smiled inwardly but pretended to be angry) I don't get you, which of your offense are you apologizing for?

Lara: the slap, I regret ever laying a hand on you

Dan: hmmm, so you are apologizing for the slap that nearly made me blind right?

Lara: I am sorry but, it was just a slap. I don't understand how it made you unconscious and now, you wear glasses

Dan: hmmm, just a slap indeed. Well, I had been battling with a severe eyes problem but I had been managing it not until you slapped me. I became unconscious and when the doctor examined me, I had to be flown abroad for immediate treatment or I lose my sight

Lara: Jesus! What have I done?

Dan: God took over and I was given the best of treatment but I will keep wearing glasses

Lara: please, find a place in your heart to forgive me

Dan: well, that's bygone. To the business of the day, I guess you have a story to tell, so what's it about?

Lara: I am not in the mood to say anything

Dan: wow! Nice one, be prepared to sleep here then

Lara: what???

Dan: you heard me well

Lara: fine!

Lara's story

I was born into a happy of four, my sister and I were just the only children of my parent. Mother had always wanted to have a son but the doctor warned her against getting pregnant because of her health condition hence, she had to put a stop to childbearing after the birth of my younger sister.

My sister and I grew rapidly and things were going well for my family. Everyone was happy and living fine. After my primary education, I was enrolled in a boarding school for my secondary education. Three years later, my younger sister joined me. My sister and I were the most beautiful girls in the whole school, my mom was a very beautiful woman hence, we took her beauty.

I was in a chemistry class one day when I received the news that my younger sister fainted and had been rushed to the school clinic. On getting there, I was told the school clinic couldn't handle her case hence, she was taken to a bigger hospital. A few minutes after getting to the hospital, my parent came in and we all received the news that my younger sister was gang-raped.

My mom broke down in tears immediately, my dad was very sad but was trying to be a man while I was trying to comprehend what the doctor said and how that could happen to my younger sister when I was in the same school with her. Some hours later, we were allowed to see my sister as she was already out of the coma, we asked how it happened and who were the boys responsible. She mentioned the names of the three notorious boys in the school. She went on to explain how they had been disturbing her to date them but she kept refusing them, one night, they stormed her hostel and raped her.

My Dad exploded after hearing that, all my mom and I could do was to shed tears. Suddenly, my sister began to jerk and before we could say anything, she gave up the ghost.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 6

Lara's story continues

My Dad took the hospital's result and my sister's voice record to the police station and after the police officers listened to it, they became interested in the case. They followed my Dad to the school and arrested the boys and the principal. The boys happened to be the sons of top politicians hence, their fathers began to see how to bail them from the police custody but my Dad made sure he frustrated the bail as all he wanted was to get justice for his daughter.

The boy's father spoke to my Dad and promised him the sum of three million naira for him to let go but my Dad rejected it. He told them three million naira could not equate the life of his daughter. One evening while we were in the house mourning my sister's death, I suddenly felt the urge to use the toilet. I was about to come out of the toilet when I heard a gunshot, I tiptoed to the stairs and watched two men shoot my parent while a man who looked like their boss sat on our cushion. After killing my parent, they went away, I ran to where my parent lay on the ground and wept sore. I lost all my family members in just a week.

To make matters worst, my Dad's family took everything away from me leaving me in the street with no means of survival. I had vowed to avenge my parent and sister's death but Christ took that away from me but, I still have this belief that God would avenge their death.

I slept on the street, went hungry for days until an aged woman saw me roaming on the road and took me in, she fed me, clothe me, and enrolled me in a public school while I helped sell her wares after closing from school. Life was going smoothly for me not until death took Mama away from me, she was loving, caring, and motherly, she never for once treated me like an outsider. Her children were all living outside the country so, I was the only one living with her. I was well-loved and cared for, at a point, I thought she happens to be my missing relative.

Yes, Mama died and left me in this lonely and wicked world but she didn't go without leaving anything for me to lean on, she left me with Jesus. She made sure I was deeply rooted in Christ before going to the great beyond, she made me throw away the thought of avenging the death of my loved ones with the claim that God would fight for me. After her death, I was able to scale through secondary school, I got a job with little pay and was able to have my OND. All I have today is my OND, I would have become a bigger personality in society if not for the death of my parent but I still thank God for the gift of life.

Dan: wow! What a touching story! Do you mean you went through all this? What a wicked world we live in? And to think your sister wasn't given the right Justice

Lara: we live in a world that is controlled by the high and mighty

Dan: hmmm but is that why you have refused to get married?

Lara: I don't just want to have anything to do with any man. They are set of wicked and heartless being

Dan: come on, calm down. You don't have to say that, not all men are wicked and heartless

Lara: bro Dan, forget that issue, men are wicked and heartless

Dan: Lara SW... I mean Sister Lara, you need to let go and move forward. You have a bright future, please, don't let the event of the past hinder you from getting to the top

Lara: will that bring back my parent and sister?

Dan: you know......

Lara: It's high time I left. Thanks for the drink, have a great day.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 7

Daniel sat on the chair looking confused after Lara left his house. He could still see her living her in the pain of the past, he wished he could help remove the pain but it was obvious she wouldn't let me know if. She only told him the story because she wanted him to know that her act of slapping him had a reason. As he sat on the chair, he began to ask the Holy Spirit what his next line of action would be and the reply He got was to move closer to her and be a friend.

The first thing Daniel did was to get her contact and address through her principal then, he called to inform her that he had forgiven her for the event of the past but if she wants him to forget, she should allow him to be a friend to her, something Lara agreed to without thinking twice. They became friends and gradually, feelings for one another began to develop. Often Holy Spirit would tease her about falling in love with Daniel but she would always claim he was just a friend and nothing more plus, her heart is like stone hence, she couldn't fall in love with anyone.

But in the long run, it became clear that she was already in love with him, she tried everything possible to take the feeling out of her but it wasn't possible again. Anytime she decided not to pick his calls again, she would find herself calling him. Daniel proposed to her again and she accepted without thinking twice.

Daniel was overjoyed the day she said yes to him, it was as if he was in a trance, he had to pinch himself twice before he was certain that he wasn't in a trance. Daniel tried his best to persuade Lara to come back to the church but she refused, she promised to return after their wedding and will only be a member. Dan accepted her terms and conditions with the hope that God would work more on her.

Since he wasn't very young again, Daniel thought it well that he should not delay their wedding, he introduced Lara to his mom and sisters who at first refused to accept her because of the previous accident but when Dan made them realize he won't get married to anyone but Lara, they had no choice but to accept her. His Dad was out of the country the day Lara was introduced to his family so, he had to schedule another day for introducing his fiancee to his Dad.

On that day, Dan went to pick Lara from her place of work and then drove to his parent's place. His plans were for them to pass the night at his parents' to help Lara bond well with his people. Getting to the house, his mom was preparing dinner with their maid, he offered Lara a seat and then went to get his Dad. As Lara set her eyes on Daniel's Dad, she had this feeling that she had seen him before, she tried to remember where she had seen the face and after a moment of racking the brain, she remembered that he was the one that accompanied those who killed her parent, he was the one that sat on the cushion when her parent was being gunned down.

Lara: (suddenly screamed and began to shake) yes, I know you

Daniel: stop dear, this is my Dad and I am so sure that you haven't seen him before

Lara: I have seen him before and that was at my parent's house. He was the one who brought those that killed my parent, he was the one who sat on our cushion while my parent was being killed, he killed my parent. Wait! I need to get things straight here, Daniel, I hope you are not one of the boys that raped my sister to death?

Dan: come on, what are you talking about? I didn't even attend your school, I think there is a misconception here

Lara: misconception you say? Isn't he called Ajakaye the lion?

Mrs. Ajakaye: shut up there, it's obvious you are running mad

Lara: fine! Daniel, I guess our relationship is over because I can never get married into a family whose relatives murdered my family

Daniel; OMG! Please, don't say that my dear, we didn't murder your family. Our family is a peace-loving one

Lara: ask your dad, there are things you need to know and hear from him. Goodbye Daniel, never cross my path lest you see the demon in me.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 8

Dan: tell me the truth Dad, tell me all I need to know, tell me what you did to the family of that girl. If you don't speak to me, I will make sure I report you to the cops

That was Daniel speaking angrily to his father after weeks of being quiet. He had thought his Dad would invite him over and tell him all he needs to know but after three weeks of being quiet, it was like his father was never going to talk. After walking out of their house that day, Lara's lines have been unreachable even her neighbors had not set their eyes on her, her principal said she took a month's leave with the claim that she needed to rest. He tried to reach her on social media but it was obvious she had blocked him.

His mom tried to make him understand that his father could never have killed Lara's family, his sisters called him names for believing all that Lara said but something kept telling him that his father wasn't innocent and to think the man never made an attempt to defend himself.

Mr. Ajakaye: calm down son, it hasn't gotten to that

Dan: it has and I won't calm down until I hear the side of your story

Mr. Ajakaye: (sighed deeply) I knew a day of reckoning will come but I didn't know-how. Yes, I am the one that killed her parent, I am also the one that poisoned her sister's drip so that she would die with the secret of who raped her.

Dan: Jesus! This is horrible Dad. How could you have done that? How could you have ruined a family just to conceal an evil done?

Mr. Ajakaye: calm down son, I know what I did was evil but I couldn't let my first son get killed. The girl's father had a close relationship with the president and the president was ready to kill the boys involved in the rape, I did all I did to protect your elder brother but karma came on time

Dan: hmmm, so big brother's death was as a result of karma's action

Mr. Ajakaye: no one knows the real cause of your brother's death, not even your mother. I sent him out of the country to avoid him being killed but on getting there, he raped a white girl and was killed in his apartment. You all taught he died a natural death but he didn't.

Dan: (weeping already) Jesus!

Mr. Ajakaye: a few years later, I met Christ but I had to live with the guilt of my past actions

Dan: Jesus! I can't believe this

Mr. Ajakaye: I am very sorry, I am ready to go apologize to their only surviving daughter and make things right.

Dan: no wonder God did not allow me to marry other ladies. My family had offended Lara greatly and I have to make amends

Mr. Ajakaye: (weeping) please, take me to her, I want to be free from this guilt

Mrs. Ajakaye who have been eavesdropping on their conversation walked into the room in tears.

Mrs. Ajakaye: (weeping) how could you?? So, you have been guilty all along. If you had allowed Chris to pay for his sins, he might still be alive today. You were the reason he wasn't properly trained. OMG! What has this man brought on us?

Mr. Ajakaye: I am sorry my wife, please forgive me

Dan: we need to locate Lara as soon as possible to apologize to her, I just hope she gives our relationship another chance.

The Ajakayes' combed everywhere for Lara but didn't see her. Daniel kept on crying to God for mercy on his family, he saw the offense as if it was committed by him. As he lay down on the floor weeping, he received a call from Lara's neighbor that she was back home. Quickly, he put a call across to his parent, and altogether, they went to her house.

Lara was surprised to hear a bang on her door as she wasn't expecting anyone that morning. She had just descended from the mountain where she had gone to cry out her heart to God and all she wanted was to rest well before resuming work the following day. She opened the door and all the members of the Ajakayes walked in, being shocked was an understatement of what she felt at that moment.

To further surprise her, all the members of the Ajakayes' began to ask her for forgiveness, the men prostrated while the women knelt. She was confused at that moment, she turned her back at them and begin to weep. Some minutes later, she turned her face to them and asked them to stand up but they refused to.

Lara: after I left your house that day, I was ready to report the issue to the cops but God told me in a dream to come meet Him on the mountain and on the mountain, He asked me to let go, He said all that happened was in the past. It was a hard decision but He touched me and rolled away every heaviness in my heart. I have forgiven you all but my advice is for you all to come to Christ so that you won't have to bear the consequences of what has happened in the past.

Daniel was stunned where he lay, he couldn't believe all that was coming out of Lara's mouth. He had taught she would invite the cops over and hand his father to them.

Mrs. Ajakaye: thank you, my daughter, God bless and keep you

Lara: amen ma

Mr. Ajakaye: thank you, my daughter, I am sorry once again

Lara: bygone is bygone sir

Lara hugged every one of them except a stunned Daniel. After the embrace, they were all moving out when Lara suddenly called Daniel and run into his arms.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 9

Lara: I miss you so much

Daniel: Awwn, I miss you more, I thought our relationship has come to an end

Lara: I thought so too but God has worked on me. Now, I am ready to be your wife

Dan: like seriously?

Lara: I am seriously serious

Dan: wow! Thank you, Jesus, this is a dream come true. Oh, I can't wait to be a married ma

Lara: same here dear

Daniel broke the good news to his family and they were all happy for him. A meeting was held where they chose a date for both the traditional and Church wedding of Daniel and his lover. The whole Church was thrown into jubilation when they received the news of Daniel and Lara's wedding, the ladies that had been eyeing Daniel felt defeated but there was nothing they could do again.

The wedding ceremony was conducted in her new church, it was a glorious and happy day for the couple. Daniel who was dressed beautifully became lost the moment his bride walked slowly into the church, for a moment, he thought the lady in the white gown wasn't Lara but the when her eyes met with his, she gave him her usual dazzling smile which almost turned him on. At that moment, he wanted the pastor to just pronounce them man and wife without going through the usual long process.

As she got closer to him, something was telling him to draw her closer to himself and engaged her beautifully painted lips in a business of kissing but he refrained himself saying, after all, she would become his that day.

It was indeed a blessed day, there was a lot to eat and drink. There was so much joy in the atmosphere that Daniel couldn't stop appreciating God who helped him to wait.

Done with the wedding ceremony, the couple was driven to their house. As Lara stepped into her husband's house, a feeling of love and satisfaction enveloped her, it was obvious that she made the right decision by getting married to Daniel.

Dan: What are you staring at dear?

Lara: ohh husband! Just thinking about something

Daniel: about how handsome I look right??

Lara: come on joor

Daniel: Welcome to your new home, my lovely wife

Lara: awwn, that's so sweet

Daniel: come, let me show you how beautiful our bedroom looks like

Lara: you ehn, I know what you are up to. You are not just going to show me how beautiful our room looks like, I know how mischievous
you can be

Daniel: come on, I am just trying to be romantic na. Well, since you know what I want, come to the room fast na, I can't wait again

Lara: wait to do what??

Dan: are you kidding me? Fine, I can't wait to do that thing

Lara: (pretending to be confused) which thing?

Dan: oh! Okay, do the do

Lara: (laughing so hard) I love you, Daniel

Dan: you know, I love you more

Daniel carried his wife into the bedroom and the rest was history.

A year later, Lara gave birth to an adorable baby girl, she now lives a happy and fulfilled life all thanks to her loving and caring husband, Daniel. He loves her so much that he would not let any harm comes her way. Her in-laws were set of sweet people, they spoil her with so much love and care that one would think she is their child. Looking back, Lara couldn't help but thank God for the mercy that saw her through. Of a true, forgiveness does much good to the offended.


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