My Name Is Aka Episode 38

Started by Mojoyin, Friday, 15 December 2023, 05:57 PM

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Episode 38

He was chuckling so hard after I was done narrating my wørst moment of cooking to him
He told me of his own which was pasta and he never tried again.
He also mentioned watching his Mom make a waffle and he also try making one but it turned out all burnt.

I began to tell him of mine, Which was back when I was living with my aunty.

".. that was my first time, my aunty was so måd at me, she said at my age I can't make a common pancake. I actually thought it was going to go so well but it was a disaster.. sincerely.."

"I could just imagine the look on your face after you realize it was a real méss.."

"I was shøck, because I took so much time, I thought it was very simple, I made them think I can actually do it.."

He laughed a little more, took a sip from his drink

"... but I got it right the third time, yes I did and I never made another mess.."

"Wow, that's great! He replied, he took a deep breath and relaxed.

"This was a beautiful day and I had my fill of, eating, visiting the parks and having drink with you. Hope you had a nice time..?

"I'm having a great moment of my life and wish today never ends. Sincerely, this is my first time going out.. this kind of outing. Never went on rich people kind of shopping.."

He chuckled and I was grinning from ear to ear.

"Rich people kind of shopping? Does that supposed to be a thing because everyone shop the same my understanding.."

"Yes Mr Law, you know what I mean. I haven't been to any of this places you took me to today. It's a whole new world to me and is like a dream.."

"It's not a dream Aka, this is no big deal at all. You deserve even more and I want to make this day count for you.."

"Thank you sir, God bless you. You really made my day. So many shopping for only me, my new room will be filed with boxes of clothes..."
Mr Law had said earlier that I should move into the main building, I can take one of the three rooms down stairs all to myself. 

Venus can stay in the quarter.
I will be moving into the new room immediately I get home.

"You picked some for Nneka and Venus, I was surprised that you will get something for your supposed enémy.."

"Venus is not my enémy, she's thinks I'm in competition with her but I'm not. She gives her self too much headache and I won't lie, I feel bothered when she tries to get me upset. The gift I got her is not for friendship because we may never be one but to let her understand that she's fighting the wrøng person. I don't håte her Mr Law but I detest her behavior so much.."

"I can dismiss her if you want, replacing her with another person immediately will be far better and peaceful too for everyone. I don't like any of my worker giving me headache or messing with my sanity. I kick them out and get a good replacement without thinking twice. She obviously doesn't seem to like you much, what I don't understand is why you still want her pestering your life.."

"... well, your wish is my command my queen, anytime you want her gone, you just have to ask and it will be granted.."

I nodded quietly, I drank deeply from my cocktail fruit drink but I realized that there was no content, It was empty, I have finished all the full cup without knowing. Since I couldn't sip anything, I began to eat the fruits attached to it.."

"...Do you want extra cup? I can get it ready in no time.."

I told him I was good, my stomach was already filled with food, fun and drink.

"Can we go now..? He finally asked
I nodded and stood.

He paid the waitress and asked her to keep the change
 I watched him tipped the two waiters and security by the exit door.

That was a kind gesture which I deeply admire.

My shopping bags were all packed in the car.
He opened the car door as usual and I went in and sat down with my seat belt properly on.

He came in and we drove off.

There was silent at first, it was already getting dark and the time shows 7:34pm.

"Do you have a boyfriend..? He suddenly asked. I was taken aback by the question.

"No sir, I don't.."

"Oh.. okay. Why..? 

The question took me off guard
"I.. well, .. I'm..I don't think I'm ready for that, It's not on my priority list right now. I'm still young and have lots of things on my to-do list which I'm yet to tick.."

"Things like what..? He asked why concentrating on his driving

"School, I really want to go to school, finish well with good grades, get a good job and become somebody important in life and in the society.."

"I see. What of your parents.. you hardly mention them.."

"They're in the village.." that's all I could say.

There was another silent

"Your teacher..I mean your lesson teacher that came looking for you, is he in anyway interested in dating you.."

I thought of my reply first, I didn't want to lie to him, I have gained his confidence and trust and do not want to tamper with it.

"Yes, he was. I took my time to think it through and it was indeed a huge distraction and i told him being my lesson Teacher and also my won't help me in concentrating in my studies. I let him know that I can't and we're good.."

",Ooh! That's very thoughtful... you are a smart lady. How old are you again..?

"Eighteen, last two months was my birthday. I became eighteen sir.."

"Interesting. Thought you're still seventeen, so you've been Workin for me for almost two years now, because I know you were employed when you're still... around 16. Time fly so fast.."

I nodded quietly

"..Why didn't you mention your birth day, we could've celebrated with you. Even if I wasn't present I will drop money for the celebration.."

"Uhmm, I have never celebrated my birthday before sir. I always mark it in silent, all by myself. There's nothing speacial about it to celebrate. I haven't even achieve anything or arrive at any important stage of life. It's just another year to remind me that I need to focus more and put more effort in my hard works.."

"Celebrating your birthday isn't about what you've achieved in the previous years, is just being thankful for arriving at another new year of life, there are so many people who couldn't make it but you did, you accept good wishes and believe that the year will turn out better than the last. That's the way I perceive it anyway. I also mark my birthday in silent but I welcome good wishes and gifts from family and friends who remembers.."

"Thanks for educating me on that sir. When is your birthday so that I can prepare my own good wishes for you?

"It's a month before yours. Mine was three months ago. No celebration though, I silently marked it and as usual got family and friends wishes. I will celebrate when I clock thirty, that's in three years time..not far because time fly real fast.."

He turned to my side and looked at me, curved a smile before looking ahead.

"I don't want you to go back to that lesson.. especially having a teacher who's interested in dating his student. That's a big turn off for me. I will make some enquiry tonight on the internet, I will check out high institution around the state, how you can get in and all that's required. I will take it up and take care of you and the bill. You've become my responsibility and you don't need to wish anymore because your desires are all achievable and with the seriousness I see in you, you will definitely make good grades.."

"Are you serious sir, are you for real..? I asked unbelievably

",Yes. I don't make empty promises or throw irrelevant jokes. You will provide me with your personal data, the course you want to study and anything you think is necessary. I will start processing it from tomorrow.."

I chuckled as emotions choke at my throat. I wiped out tëars as it quickly settled in my eyes.
"I don't know how to thank you sir, I don't know where to start from. I'm speechless right now.." I wiped off another tears.

"Just don't make me regret this. Focus and become somebody life and the society as you wished. Knowing that your to-do list is perfectly ticked at the end is happiness enough for me.."

He speed down the road in silent, car lights shown at every corner.
I stared at the night sky and wondered how good God is.

I muttered a silent thank you to the heavens, wipe off another tear drop before focusing on the night sky that's filled with shinny stars.

I never wish upon a shooting star yet God has granted my heart desires

I lack words to express how exactly I feel. This is too good to be true

God indeed answers prayer, I have been asking for so long, I thought I wasn't qualify for his blessings, I thought I have to keep working hard no matter how old is get untill I'm able to go to school.

God was actually listening and in a platter of gold gave me another new begining.

he heard my secret prayers and is about to make it a reality. 
"Thank you father for having my interest at heart, help me not to disappoint Mr Law or make him regret this great help he's about to render.." I prayed quietly and did not stop praying until we got home.

(Do NOT take credit or plagiarize AMAH'S HEART STORIES)

Episode 39

Friday 9:42am

That was the day and time I have ever been so late 

I had so many activities scheduled down for me and never intended to go late.

In my second year, first semester I can categorically state that it was first in history.

Maybe it will be a good idea to get a room mate. 
If I had one, I'm sure I won't be this late because she will definitely wake me up by 7pm because lecture starts 8-8:30am.

Mr Law wanted me to be serious with my school without any form of distraction.
 After getting me into school, he rented a room with kitchen and bathroom attached, very close to the school and he furnished it for me.

That's why I have been skeptical getting a roommate. I have so many ladies asking to be my roomie and we will be splitting the bills but I told them my guardian wanted me alone and I can't go against his orders.

If I go back during my school break, I will ask him if I can get somebody, is not something I can discuss over the phone with him. And if he says no then that's how it will be.

I understand the reason I overslept was genuine but no lecturer will understand that especially on the very day we will be having an important test.

This week have been hectic, I must confess. 
I joined the school fellowship, I'm also one of the prayer group leader.

There always a three days Virgil first week of every month, I don't miss it.

The night Virgil started on Tuesday and I have been keeping up, i have not been able to get quality sleep this period.

The prayer Virgil ended yesterday, we prayed till this morning and I decided to sleep by 5:30am
I set alarm to wake me up by 7pm since lecture is by 8:30am
I was hearing the alarm in my sleep but my body was too tired to respond.

I screamed as I woke up and checked the time.
I hurried to the bathroom, it was a quick bath.

I quickly brushed my mouth and hair.

I wore one of my green, knee length skirt that's a flay, with a white chiffon blouse one of the clothes I picked when Mr Law took me for shopping during my first year in school.

 I wore my sandals before dashing out in a hurry with my bag.

I ran breathlessly until I was at the lecture hall.

Class was almost over and no one was allowed out or in

I pleaded with the security by the door to let me in, I thought I will be able to write down something before the time is over.

He refused, saying that he was acting based on instruction

The lecturer is very strict and I know no matter how I plead I won't be allowed in

After the class was over which was just in five minutes.
I wouldn't even meet up even if I was allowed in.
As students were leaving the hall, I try to go meet the lecturer and to plead with him
I was hoping to get another chance to take the test but the lecturer said i was probably with my boyfriend and forget to come for the test and I'm an unserious student.
He asked me to give him genuine reason Why I was absent

I try to explain but he said it wasn't good enough and kept saying some guy must be enjoying from my honey pot.

He asked me to see him in his office later in the day 

That felt like positive response, I had other lecture which I attended.

I had time to talk with Mirabel and Tifo my course mates and friends

After the whole day lectures was over, they followed me to go see the lecturer.

He said others should stay out, he wanted to see only me.

Mirabel said to me earlier that I should hold some money, that the man may start demanding for money before he can allow me to take the test.

I had to withdraw some money from the school ATM machine.
Although I didn't plan for this unnecessary setback but i don't want it to escalate to something serious because I know some lecturers can be dramatic

I sat in his office, waiting for him to be done with what he was doing on his table.

He asked if my friends were gone and I said yes, Mirabel and Tifo went to wait at a close by cafeteria.

He said I should call them to go home because the meeting between us will take a little while.

I know writing the test won't take more than twenty five minutes because I have read and prepared for it but if he didn't want my friends close then is fine by me.

I called Mirabel and Tifo to go home, I will see them tomorrow
Mirabel asked to know what happened, I informed her that I was about writing the test and didn't want to keep them waiting because I don't know how long that will take.

Mirabel said over the phone that I should be careful with that lecturer.
He has a thing for pretty, young girls.

That's not even my worry because I don't fall into such category.

I have seen pretty ladies and how they display their body assets to the public.

I don't judge but I can't help but condemn their dress sense.

I'm always all covered, I dress properly. There's nothing in my body that will draw attention to me.

"Well, I love them big and large.." he break the silent as I sat waiting for the test

"Excuse me sir, are you talking to me..?

"Offcourse, who else is in this office with me. You're a pretty girl and I can't deny that this was my second time to notice you. Do you know what you carry..?

I don't know how to answer such questions
He repeated it while crossing over to where I sat.

"No sir.."

"I know that you don't because if you do, you won't be covering up so much and suffocating those outstanding creatures that are meant to be displayed. Don't you see the way some other girls used to dress, even if we don't get to touch but atleast we will enjoy with our eyes.."

" not meant for your boyfriend alone. Lectures like us are also humans too.."

He laughed sarcastically.
He asked to know who my boyfriend is but I told him that I don't have any. He began to laugh even harder after calling me a liâr.

I wondered what he was getting at.

"Stand up and give me 360.."

"I don't understand sir, 360 what..?

", Turn around, you're so backwarded, you don't know all this simple slangs yet you're a student here. Turn around I want to check something.."

I try to argue

" you want to write this test or not? I'm assuming you want to fail and get a carryover..."

"No.. God forbids. Please sir, I don't want to fail.."

"Then stop wasting my time and give me 360, do it slowly..."

I heaved as I began turning round to his shameless pleasure as he began to hail my backside and bøøbs.

"You really got what I'm looking for, you're so endowed. the day i saw you, you were walking out of the hall with your friends. I quietly admired the way your buttøcks was dancing makosa as you take every step. I never knew we will be meeting so soon, this can only be fate. Don't you agree.."

I know I got a visible backside right from when I was a teenager but I have seen so many others ladies with bigger back and front yet nobody notice or disturbs them

I wear cloths that covers me properly, yet I still get called out by guys with lustful nature.

"Sir, can I take the test? It's it money.. please tell me so that I can know what I'm supposed to do.."

"Are you trying to brïbe me miss Aka?

"Nooo! I'm only asking.. don't take offense to that please.."

"No offense taking because you got exactly what my body needs. If you're willing to do what I really want then you're going to be on a flying color. You may choose not to attend my class again but I assure you that you will pass. All I need from you is to respond whenever I call..."

"What do you want from me sir.."

I asked and watched him smile and licked his lips dïsgüstingly

He reminds me of Mr Lambert.

A man in his early fifties who supposedly have grown up kids, is displaying such irrïtating behavior.

I was really worried and my heart beat was racing.

I wanted for him to be done with his dirty acts before he can tell me what exactly he wants

Maybe, Mirabel was right after all but I'm patiently waiting for him to speak first.

(Do NOT take credit or plagiarize AMAH'S HEART STORIES)